Fergus/Petroleum 4-H News and Views February 2015 Valentine Cakes Due by noon, Thursday, February 12 to the Extension Office Each club donates five or more decorated cakes to be sold with profits going to the 4-H Leaders Education Fund. This fund is utilized by 4-H Leaders to attend 4-H related trainings. The cakes are sold for $10 each. They may be ordered by calling the Extension Office at 535-3919. They will be delivered on Friday within Lewistown or may be picked up anytime Friday before 5:00 PM at the Extension Office. Valentine Cake Delivery’s Volunteers will be needed Friday, (the 13th), from 8:30 am to about noon to help deliver cakes. Please call Jennifer, 535-3919, if you are willing and available. Briefs Meeting Dates State Rec Lab—Livingstong Calendar Public Speaking Sr Camp Registration Camp Councilor Application 2015 Senior Camp Tools for Success Please see the enclosed registration form in this newsletter. This year’s camp is going to be packed full of important information and activities pertinent for today’s teen. We will help you understand how to complete both scholarship and job applications and how to compose both cover letters and resumes- so you are a successful candidate. We will practice job interview skills and learn to dress for success. A fun, hands-on, interactive approach will be utilized- to teach and practice all of these skills. We will have the traditional formal dinner on Friday evening. 2015 Tweeny Camp For 4-H members entering the 6th, 7th or 8th grade in the fall of 2016. We are going to the West Glacier Field Camp. Mark your calendars for June 17-19. Watch your May newsletter for registration. Space is limited we will take the first 20 youth that register and will be in the appropriate grades. Denise Seilstad Fergus County Extension Agent Jennifer Saunders 4H Program Assistant Fergus County Extension Darren Crawford Fergus County Extension Agent Livestock Weigh Dates Swine: April 15 Sheep & Goat: May 15 Remember to submit weights, breeder information and a photo of the animal with its tag in the ear to the Extension Office by the deadlines. Tags are available at the Extension office. MSU Extension, Fergus County 712 W Main St Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 535-3919 [email protected] http://www.midrivers.com/ ~fergusco1/index.htm Leaders Council Meeting Meeting Dates to Remember Food Booth Committee PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE Date: Thursday, February 5, 2015 Time: 5:30 PM Place: Extension Office Each club should send at least one representative. On the agenda- Food Booth Manager Position, 2015 Menu and Schedule, cleaning and maintenance day and projects. Small Animal Committee Date: Saturday, February 7, 2015 Time: Noon Place: Farm Bureau We will be planning the spring showmanship clinic and the dog clinics. Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Time: 5:30 PM Place: Extension Office Each club should send at least one representative. On the agenda- 2015 Scholarship Applications. 2015 fair and Saturday events, Chokecherry Jam, review of Council By-laws. FCS Committee Meeting Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Time: 4:00 PM Place: Extension Office This committee is responsible for the indoor projects; Sewing, Foods, Embroidery, Knitting and Crochet, Home Environment, Stamping & Scrapbooking, and Child Development. Agenda items include spring activities and workshop ideas. Date: Saturday, February 7, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM to Noon Place: Farm Bureau P4lease RSVP by Wed. Feb. 4th- call 535-3919 For all members in Dog, Cat, Poultry, Pocket Pet and Rabbit. Please bring your workbooks and record books. We will have a guest speaker and then break into groups to complete your required activities in your workbooks and start your records. Jr. Camp Counselor Applications PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE Training/Planning meetingDate: Sunday, February 22, 2015 Time: 2:00 to 5:00 PM Place: Extension Office If you are interested in being a Counselor for Jr. Camp, please carefully read the enclosed job description and then complete the application- due to the Extension Office Friday, Feb. 13. Miscellaneous Project Committee Meeting Livestock Committee Small Animal Clinic Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM following Council Place: Extension Office This committee supports the following projects; Aerospace, Electricity, robotics, Small Engines, Woodworking, Entomology, Forestry, Outdoor Adventures, Shooting Sports, Sport Fishing, Wildlife, Wind Energy, Crop Science, Gardening, Range Science, Weed Science, Communications, Cowboy Poetry, Leather craft, Photography, theatre Arts, Visual Arts, Citizenship, Leadership, Service Learning, Bicycle and Exploring 4-H. In the past the committee has planned Super Saturday in February or March offering workshops for several of these projects and they have also planned the 4-H Family Campout. Date: March 9, 2015 Time: 5:30 PM Place: Livestock Pavilion. This will be a work meeting to lay out the new potential market livestock arrangement for the 2015 fair. We would like at least on representative from each club to attend. All parents with children in one of these projects are welcome along with teens enrolled in a project, and teens and adults serving as project leaders. 4-H: The Youth Development Program of MSU Extension State Rec Lab Mark your calendars for March 27-28th In Livingston For 4-H teens 13 and older February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 RSVP Small Animal Clinic 6 5 Food Booth Committee, 5:15 PM, Extn Office 8 9 10 Ldrs Council, 5:30, Extn Office Misc. Committee, 7:00 PM Extn Office 11 12 Valentine Cakes due by noon to the Extension Office 15 16 Office Closed Presidents Day 17 22 23 24 Calendar of Events March 9 11 19-21 27-29 April 12 15 15 15 May 1 15 June 1 17-19 22-29 23-26 7-10 14 17 20 21-25 1 July Sept. Livestock Committee Meeting Registration due for Sr. Camp 4-H Sr. Camp State Rec Lab County Public Speaking Day & Gavel Games End of Enrollment Grace Period Project Drop/Add Deadline Market Swine Weigh, Tag, Photo Deadline Fair Entry’s Distributed Mark Lamb & Goat Weigh, Tag, Photo Deadline Fair Entry Deadline Tweeny Trip Exchange Group travels to Maine 4-H Jr. Camp State 4-H Congress Pre-Fair Interview Day 4-H Horse Show 4-H Dog Show Fair Week Record Books due to Leaders Saturday 7 Sm Animal Clinic, 9AM, Farm Bureau Small Animal Committee, Noon, Farm Bureau 13 Deliver Valentine Cakes 14 19 18 FCS Committee Meeting, 4:00 PM Extn Office 20 21 25 27 28 26 PUBLIC SPEAKING/GAVEL GAMES DAY Date: Sunday, April 12, 2015 Place: Boys and Girls Club Registration due: 5:00 P.M., Monday, March 30,2015 Gavel Games Completion If you would like help coaching/preparing a team please be in touch with Jennifer. Junior Livestock Superintendents for 2015 The Livestock Committee is currently looking for Junior Livestock Superintendents. Older members with experience in these projects are encouraged to call the office and express their interest. Junior Superintendents responsibilities include organizing an educational event for other 4-H members and assisting the superintendent at the fair. This is an excellent opportunity to take your projects to the next level and take a leadership role. 4-H: The Youth Development Program of MSU Extension Fergus County Extension Office 712 W Main Lewistown MT 59457 406-535-3919 PRSRT STD POSTAGE & FEES PAID MSU FERGUS COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE PERMIT NO. 81 Return Service Requested Welcome New Families This is your monthly 4-H News Letter. Please read it carefully for 4-H information., deadlines, and upcoming events. You will also find the newsletter on line at http://www.midrivers.com/ ~fergusco1/index.htm click on Youth Development. 4-H: The Youth Development Program of MSU Extension The MSU Extension Service is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and Provider of Educational Outreach. County Public Speaking & Gavel Games Contest, Sunday, April 12, Boys & Girls Club Options for all age groups: Demonstration—uses visual aides, has an end product. Times: Jr. 3-5 min., Int. 5-7 min., Sr. 7-20 min. Illustrated Talk—uses visual aides. Times: same as demonstrations. Prepared Speech—No visual aides. Times: same as demonstrations. Seniors will give a 1 1/2 to 3 minute impromptu after their prepared speech. Additional options for juniors and intermediates: Commercial—fun, fast and catchy. Sell a product or idea. 1-3 minutes long. Broadcast—You will be radio announcer. Prepare a script, which you will read, with a lead in, 4 to 5 news stories (30 seconds each), and a sign off. Interview—You will write a one page resume, bring it to your interview, and be interviewed by two judges. This year’s job will be “house sitting”. Cloverbuds: Cloverbud—“Show and Tell” (maximum 5 minutes, not minimum) Check your correct age group—determined by your age on October 1, 2014 Junior 8-10 yr old; Intermediate 11-13 yr old; Senior 14-18 yr old County Public Speaking Day & Gavel Games Registration Registration Form—Due to the Extension Office by 5:00 PM, April 14, 2014 Name ______________________________________________________ Club _________________________________ Date of Birth _____________ Current Age ______________ Year in 4-H _____ Phone ________________________ Projects your are taking this year ______________________________________________________________________ Check one of the following categories that your presentation falls into (may enter only one area) Juniors & Intermediates Only: Juniors, Intermediates & Seniors: Cloverbuds: ____ Broadcast ____ Commercial ____ Interview ____Video Interview ____ Demonstrations ____ Illustrated Talk ____ Prepared Speech ____ Show and Tell Title of Presentation: _______________________________________________________________________ Special Equipment Needed: _________________________________________________________________ Do you need to be scheduled for a particular time? ______________________________________________ *Gavel Game Team Name ___________________________________ *Contact Person ___________________________ *Contact Person Phone Number: ____________________________ Names of Team Members ____________________________________________________________________________ Junior Team _________ Intermediate Team __________ Senior Team ___________ 4-H: The Youth Development Program of MSU Extension 4-H Senior Camp 2015 ools or uccess March 19-21, 2015 Registration due Wed. March 11 Scholarship/Job Applications Beginning at 6 :00 PM on Thursday and ending at noon on Saturday. Resume’s/Cover Letters Camp Lewtana, south east of Lewistown Interview Skills $25 per person registration fee Etiquette For teens 13 and older from Fergus, Petroleum, Judith Basin &Wheatland Counties. Sr. Camp Registration Form - due Wednesday, March 11 To the Fergus County Extension Office, 712 West Main, Lewistown, MT 59457 Please include $25 registration fee to 4-H Leaders Council Name______________________________________________________ Age__________ Phone ___________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Camp Health Form In case of emergency contact ___________________________________________________Phone__________________________ Existing Medical Conditions__________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medications______________________________________________________________________________________________ Family Doctor___________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Date of last tetanus shot______________________ I give permission for the camp nurse to administer simple medications such as Tylenol, Pepto Bismal or cold medications to my child. ___yes ___no ____ I give permission to the camp nurse, local EMS personal and local hospital personnel to administer emergency care and or surgery if the need arises. Parents signature________________________________________________________________ Date____________________ Home Phone____________________ Work Phone________________________ Cell Phone __________________________ Code of Conduct I will conduct myself in a polite and positive manner at all times, with fellow campers, chaperones and guest speakers. I will be respectful of the facilities that are used to house camp. I will not associate with firearms, tobacco, illegal drugs or alcohol. I will stay with the group at all times and in our designated areas unless I receive special permission from a chaperone. I understand that I am not allowed in the sleeping quarters of the opposite sex. I understand the violation of these rules can result in dismissal from camp and my parents would be responsible for my transportation home. Members signature___________________________________________________________________Date__________________ Parents signature____________________________________________________________________Date__________________ Jr. Camp Counselor Application- due to the Extension Office February 13 Name _________________________ Phone Number _________________Cell Number _________________ e-mail _____________________________________________________ (Please print clearly) Please rank at least three of the following choices (1- 1st choice, 2- 2nd choice, 3- 3rd choice), unless you are 13 and then please check Counselors Assistant. ____ Camp Director (must have served as a 4-H Jr. Camp Counselor for at least 1 year prior & be 16 or older) ____ Counselor Assistant (for 13 year olds) ____ Craft Workshops ____ Dance Workshop ____ Music/Song Leader/Meal time activities ____ Plan Other Workshop ____ Campfire Ceremonies ____ Other Ceremonies (Opening, Closing, Flags) ____ Free time and Recreation Leader ____ Evening Activities (2 nights) Please answer all of the following questions, carefully and completely. Did you attend Jr. Camp as a camper, and what are your favorite memories? ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you attended camp as a counselor? What were your responsibilities? _____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your experience in working with 9 to 11 year old children. ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain your understanding of a camp counselors responsibilities. ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your qualifications to do the jobs you have indicated on this form. ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your ability to work as a member of a team with both teens and adults. _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you attend the training/planning meeting on Sunday, Feb. 22, from 2 PM to 5 PM?_____________ Can you attend camp from 10 AM Monday, June 22 through 4 PM Thursday, June 25? _____________ ***Please note- there will also be monthly planning meetings in April & May and camp clean up in June. PLEASE READ BACK BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM Fergus/Petroleum County Junior 4-H Camp Counselor Job Description Counselor Assistant 1) Must be 13 by October 1 of the current 4-H Year. 2) Must be willing to assist the teen counselor you are assigned to with their camp job, before and during camp. 3) Will attend the counselor training March 8 and the following monthly planning meetings. 4) Interact with the Jr. Campers, insuring their safety and a positive camp experience. 5) Will commit to attending all four days of camp, from 11 AM on Monday through 4 PM on Thursday. ***Assistants will only be selected if we do not have 14 qualified “Counselors” apply Camp Counselor 1) Must be 14 by October 1 of the current 4-H year. 2) Will attend Camp Counselor training March 8 and the following monthly planning meetings. 3) Will be responsible for the planning and implementation of one of the camp “jobs” listed on this form. 4) Will attend all of the camp planning meetings and keep the Camp Director and Jennifer informed on the progress of your planning before camp. Will work with Jennifer to insure all needed supplies are ordered and packed. 5) Will attend clean-up day at Camp Maiden in the spring. 6) During camp, counselors are expected to help and support one another with their individual responsibilities. 7) During camp, counselors are expected to supervise, and support campers at all times. Their behavior at all times in all places is your responsibility. You are expected to set a positive example and insure that all campers are behaving properly and enjoying their camp experience. Campers are your 1st priority. 8) During camp , you will be expected to communicate any problems or concerns to the camp director and Jennifer. 9) During camp, you will work as a member of the team with both teens and adults. 10) Will commit to attending all four days of camp from 11:00 AM Monday through 4:00 PM Thursday. Teen Camp Director 1) Must be 16 years old by October 1 of the current 4-H year and has served as a camp counselor for at least one previous year. 2) Will attend the counselor training March 8 and then facilitate the following monthly planning meetings. Will also meet individually with Jennifer and other counselors as needed. 2) Will act as a liaison between the Camp Counselors and the Extension Office, (Jennifer). 3) Will stay in touch with all of the counselors, monitoring their progress in planning their camp activities. Will contact them prior to each meeting to remind them of the meeting and make sure they are coming prepared. 4) Will prepare: 1- cabin assignments, 2- name tags, 3- camp agenda’s - prior to camp. 5) During camp, will be the “clock watcher” and keep camp activities on schedule. 6) Will give the camp orientation during opening ceremonies. 7) Will make announcements at each meal. 8) Will facilitate the camp counselor meetings during camp. 9) Will commit to attending all four days of camp, from 9:00 AM Monday through 5:00 PM Thursday. 10) Will attend Camp Maiden Clean up day in the spring and remind the other counselors of the date. Time Line for Camp Counselors Feb. 13- Application Deadline Feb. 22 (Sunday)- 2 PM to 5 PM- Training/Planning April- Planning Meeting May -Planning Meeting June- Camp Maiden Clean up day TBA June- 22- Counselor day at camp, 23-25- Jr. Camp
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