February 1, 2015 –Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Roman Catholic Community of St. John the Baptist Parish Administered by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart 4050 Durham Road, Ottsville, PA 18942 Rectory: (610) 847-5521Religious Education: (610) 847-5521 School: (610) 847-5523 www.sjbottsville.org Fax: (610) 847-5522www.stjohnsottsville.org / STAFF Pastor: Rev. SimioneVolavola, MSC Parochial Vicar:Rev. Tony Ripp, MSC Deacon: Ernest D’Angelo School Headmaster:Mr. Michael Patterson Coordinator ofReligious Education:Donna Sciacca Dir. ofInstitutional Advancement: Geoff Meyer ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the rectory at any time for the Sacramentof the Sick. Also the Holy Eucharist will be broughtto the sick andshut-ins upon requestto the Parish Office.We celebrate a Communal Anointing of the Sickin June,near the Feast ofSt. John the Baptist. PARISH SPIRITUALITY Saturday:Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sunday8:00am & 10:30am Weekdays8:35am (in chapel) Holy Days9:00am & 7:30pm TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Sundays, Channel 6at 5:30am CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:15 -4:45pm or anytime by appointment. REGISTER Please register when you move into the parish.This is anopportunity to becomeacquainted with ourfaith community and to experience the joy of being part of the Church. Only registered parishioners in good standing can receive Certificatesof Eligibility to act as Godparent or sponsor. BAPTISMAL The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the fourth Sunday of every month at 11:30 a.m. Parents are encouraged to invite family members to the 10:30 Mass as the Sacrament of Baptism takes place immediately following the Mass. Parents and Godparents meet for an enrichment class prior to the Baptism. You will need to call the Parish Office to register for this class. A Godparent must be a committed, practicing Catholic, and if from another parish, must have a certificate of eligibility from his/her pastor. This certificate should be brought to the enrichmentclass. A Christian of other denominations may serve as a Godparent along with a practicing Catholic. MARRIAGE Couples planning marriage are expected to attend PreCanaconferences and to meetwith the parish priest several times. Page 1 | 232 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church FEBRUARY 1, 2015 – FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME “And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.” Mark 1: 22 Masses for the week of Feb. 2 – Feb. 8, 2015 Morning Prayer in St. Joseph Chapel, 8:15am Mon to Fri. Monday, Feb. 2 8:35am (chapel) Charlotte Lear (Joan Beebe) Tuesday, Feb. 3 8:35am (chapel) David Hudson (Lisa Simkanin) Wednesday, Feb. 4 8:35am (chapel) Marlene McKenna (Jim & Joan Black) Thursday, Feb. 5 8:35am (chapel)Lillian Hvorency (Sue Rogers) Friday, Feb. 6 – FIRST FRIDAY MASS & BENEDICTION 9:00am (church)Holly Brown (Carolyn Pyatt) Saturday, Feb. 7 10am (Fatima House) – First Saturday Mass 5:00pm (church)Mary Fleck (Koch Family) Sunday, Feb. 8 8:00am (church)Paul Rick (Doug & Delores Warmkessel) 10:30am (church)Parishioners Intentions’ Meetings for the week of Feb. 2 – Feb. 8, 2015 Mon. Feb. 2: Conquest, 6:45pm – School Knights of Columbus, 7:30pm – Marian Room Wed. Feb 4: Bible Study with Fr. Simi, 7pm – Chapel Thurs. Feb. 5: SACRAMENT OF FIRST RECONCILIATION, 6:30pm Renew Group, 2:30pm – Marian Room Light Weigh , 7pm – Parish Office Fri. Feb. 6: Rep. M. Quinn’s Senior Citizen Mtg., 1pm - School Sat. Feb. 7: Men of Faith, 8am –Marian Room Sun. Feb. 8: Teen RCIA, 11:45am – Marian Room The Church Cleaning Team for the week of February 2nd is Team #4: Karen Parash, Dot Cegielski, Jean Keller, Joyce Vinceguerra, Diane Watson, Chris Zdanowicz Your parish thanks you! Mass Collection Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015: $ 6,750.00 Thank you for your generosity! May the Lord grant eternal rest to William H. Dayton, Sr. and grant comfort and consolation to his loving family. And may his soul, through the mercy of God, rest in eternal peace. Amen Please remember in your prayers our parishioners who are sick, homebound, in the hospital, under hospice or residential care. Susan Ackerman, Rose Marie Alex, Lillian Appleman, Roger Bahnck,Mary Balbirer, Elizabeth Bartolillo, John & Loretta Bodisch, Ann Burns, Libby Chapman, Anne Colyer, Charlene Cornell, Matthew Crance,Jim Crawford,Chrissy Davis, Glen DeKutosli,Larry & Joanne Diehl, Terry Dunn, Arlene Eichlin, Josephine Fasano, Bernice Fees, Charles Fees, Jr.,Kathryn Ferris, Patricia Fite,Sara Fleck, Nancy Fratrik,Mary Gallo, Kathleen Gaughan,Dylan Geroni, Kathy Geroni,Marie & Rosalyn Giardullo, Anna Giebler, Judy Green, Susan Gross, Mary Halwski, Florence Hancharik, Steve Hancharik,Bill Hejnor, Joyceann Heley, Eli Hinkie, Charles Houston,Doris Johnson, Martha Juchnowicz, Kathleen Kershaw, Kimberly Koch,Georgine Kocher,Martha Kocsis,Jack Kocsis, Anthony Kondracki Deanna Kovner,Barbara Kuehnle,Ryan Leven,Kathy Donahue Lewis,Kathy Lightkep, George Lovett,Charles Lutcavage, Julia Maher, Eileen McCarty, Adelaide McElderry,Bridget Julia McHugh, Michelle McNevin,Anne McNichol,Florence Middleton, Joseph Moore,Jennie Moreno, Nancy Moreno, Wanda Muth, Frances Nowicki, Dorothy Odor, Helen Patzek-Charlton, Ryan Phillips, Nicholas Powell, Gladys Proca,Marianne Przyuski,Don Raman, Mike Ramos, Rachael Rice, Gregory Rickert,Joseph Ripp,Valerie Roberts, Sandy Romaszewski, SimRothman,Frederick R. Rude, Dolly Rutherford, ZinaSauerwine, Jean Scattergood,Lana Schell, Herbert Scheuermann, Mario Sciacca, Joe Shuman,Gail Silveira, Carolyn Stahley, Shane Stroup,Michael Suder, Sean Thatcher, BabyWilliam Patrick Thomas,MaddieTomaszewski, Douglas & Frank Toner,Barbara Vogan, TamaraWidmer, Ed Wismer, Baby Logan Yoder. Edward Armstrong, Jr., Fionna M. Boyle, Derek Brosius, Christopher Brune, Kyle Crossland, Casey de Lauretis, Steehly de Lauretis, Michael Froeder, A.J. Giovino, Aaron Given, Bob Hankinson,VictorHormilla, James Kidd, Stephen Lindmeier, Jason Litschauer, Cory Litzenberger,Dan O’Connor, Jonathan Pucci, Dusty Rhodes, Craig Russell, Nicholas Spangler-Loch, Don Valdez, Justin Walsh. Thank you for serving &protecting our freedoms! Page 1 | 232 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church FEBRUARY 1, 2015 – FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME “May I see your photo Sometimes we forget how counterfeit they are because they ID?” That’s a question appear so real. That’s when we have to face facts and re- expected from the examine our daily decisions. passport inspector at any The great season of Lent is now less than a month away. In car given airport. But it was talk, that’s “tune-up time.” Right now we can prepare for that quite a surprise to hear it coming from my doctor’s secretary. I Lenten project. I suspect that there’s a stalwart Seraphim at the thought this was a sad sign of the times we live in, when gate of heaven staffing the final checkpoint before we enter. His duplicity is the main tool of petty thieves and terrorists in our “job”, if you will, is to ask us for our “photo ID.” If that’s so, then newly suspicious atmosphere. Lent is a good time to update those Christian credentials. In His time, Our Lord Jesus Christ had an ID problem of sorts, There’s an old slogan once used by my late Dad’s insurance but in His case, the questioners always asked to know His company that was valid then and still is today if placed in the identity after He did a good deed, even a miraculous one. In spiritual realm. It proclaimed that “the future belongs to those today’s Gospel instance, Jesus frees a man from the ugly throes who prepare for it.” Amen! of demonic possession. But the townsfolk of Capernaum are quick to ask “What is this? A new teaching backed up with with Fr. Simi authentic authority? It’s as close as they came for a demand to see some ID of Jesus. No surprise that in a gossip-ridden world, Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 7pm in the Chapel Our Lord’s fame spreads all over the place, which is a particular theme in the early part of Mark’s story. The pairing of fame with fortune that dominates the wishes of many people today is a clear contradiction of the Christian life goals. Fame has already been famously pared down by the artist Andy Warhol into a mere fifteen minutes. But that doesn’t deter those ambitious for it. Monthly 24-hr. ADORATION of THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Join us in Prayer…”For the Healing of All Families.” As for fortune, that pursuit remains ever popular. Lottery tickets are scooped up daily, with little or no thought on the buyer’s part that their deed “benefits senior citizens.” They want it to benefit them. Jesus, of course, seeks neither fame nor fortune. In fact, He tries His best to discourage the one, and has no interest in the other. But He is vitally interested in people having the correct spiritual ID, including us. Oh yes, we have such an ID. We got it at our Baptism. On that day, our good parents thought enough of us to pass on to us the greatest gift they could think of: the Catholic faith that they themselves received. A faith that so guided their lives that they knew they had to pass it on. And so they did. The end result is that we know who we are without even looking at any card. We are Christ’s. And hopefully proud of it. Theoretically at least we reject the twin goals of fame and fortune as the reasons for living. Practically speaking, we 3rd Week of each Month Starting at 10am on Friday (immediately after 9am Mass) concluding with Benediction at the end of the 9am Mass on Saturday acknowledge the pull of those two items on our hearts. Page 2 | 232 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church FEBRUARY 1, 2015 – FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The Regina Academy at St. John the Baptist "Jesus Taught Them As One Who Had Authority" Do you believe that God’s word has power to set you free and to transform your life? When Jesus taught he spoke with authority. He spoke the word of God as no one had spoken it before. When the Rabbis taught they supported their statements with quotes from other authorities. The prophets spoke with delegated authority – “Thus says the Lord.” When Jesus spoke he needed no authorities to back his statements. He was authority incarnate – the Word of God made flesh. When he spoke, God spoke. When he commanded even the demons obeyed. Hope anchors our faith in the promises of God and purifies our desires for the things which will last for eternity. That is why the word of Christ has power to set us free from all that would keep us bound in sin, deception, and despair. Faith is both a free gift of God and the free assent of our will to the whole truth that God has revealed. To live, grow, and persevere in the faith to the end, we must nourish it with the word of God. The Lord gives us his Holy Spirit to enlighten our minds that we may grow in his truth and in the knowledge of his great love for each of us. If we approach God’s word submissively, with an eagerness to do everything the Lord desires, we are in a much better position to learn what God wants to teach us through his word. Are you eager to be taught by the Lord and to conform your life according to his word? Let us pray…"Lord Jesus, your word is power and life. May I never doubt your saving love and mercy, and the power of your word to bring healing and deliverance to those in need." Amen SACRAMENT of FIRST RECONCILLIATION Thursday, Feb. 5th 6:30pm in the church. (Snow date is Feb. 12th) An opportunity for you to get to know us better: Tuesday, February 3rd @ 8:15AM Your Child is invited to Spend a Day at the Academy On February 3rd, you and your children can spend the day at the Academy with our students. The students will be able to experience the many exciting things going on in our school. “Shadow Day” is for students in PreK3 through 4th Grade. Spaghetti Dinner & Open House Rescheduled The Spaghetti Dinner and Open house which was scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 24th, has been rescheduled due to the inclement weather forecast. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, 2/28 at 4pm. See you there! Please keep in mind that we will still be having our Shadow Day on February 3rd for all that have an interest in your child/children spending the day with us at the Academy. Please call the Academy Office at 610-8475523 to Register. Faith in Action RA@SJB, Faith in Action. Thank you to Mrs. Lauer, Mr. Cheung and the Knights of Columbus for planning and making the "March for Life" a huge success. What a wonderful way for our students to practice their faith. For Information and to Register please call the School Office at 610-847-5523 KNOWING ~ LOVING ~ SERVING ~ LEADING Please pray for our parish 2nd graders as they make their Sacrament of First Reconciliation later this week. Page 3 | 232 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Visit us at www.sjbottsville.org FEBRUARY 1, 2015 – FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME FATIMA HOUSE RETREAT CENTER, Bedminster, PA Honoring Our Mother Mary Join us for our First Saturday Mass Feb. 7 at 10am Please join us in…Prayer for Vocations and World Peace. Weekly Prayers Mondays at 7pm in Our Lady’s Chapel: Adoration, Liturgy of the Hour, Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet Wednesday at 9:30 -10:30am in Our Lady’s Chapel: Liturgy of the Hour, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet For additional information or directions, please call Joan Black at 215-795-2947. THE EASTERN UPPER BUCKS SENIORS invite you to join us for…. “The World's Greatest Musical Impersonator Show!” starring The Mahoney Brothers Wednesday February 18, 2015 (Carpool arrives at 11am) Tickets are $61.50 per person for less than 20 people; $55.00 per person for more than 20 people. Returns to SJB Light Weigh One King is a 12-week Bible study-DVD program that seeks to help people lose weight and achieve peace with food, through freedom in Christ. The program is recommended by parish nurses and doctors for weight-loss & health, and chosen by Prevention Magazine as a safe and healthy faith based diet. Hope to see you at our next meeting! (Watch for the date/time our next meeting on inside front cover of our weekly bulletin) 2015 Bridgeton Athletic Association’s Baseball, Softball, & T-ball Sign-ups T-Ball (Ages 4-6) $50 pp, Softball & Baseball $65 pp, Sibling Discount $50 Registration forms can be found on our website at: www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e45a9ab2aabfd0bridgeton/22925807 Email completed registration forms to: [email protected] or contact: Kerri Scheetz at 484.325.1816 Work Bond Check $50 (non-deposited) per family Mandatory Raffle Ticket Participation $50pp All players must live in Bridgeton Township. *A copy of player birth certificate is required for new Players. Are you Separated, Divorced? Join us for…. Call Jim at 610-847-2305 for info and reservations. Tuesdays, Feb 3, Mar 3, Apr 7, May 5, June 2, Aug4, Sept 1, Oct 6, Nov 3 and Dec 1 2015 7-8:30pm The Guardians: Discussion Group for Fathers Named in honor of St. Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer; small group discussion on marriage and family life, work, faith and the unique role of husbands and fathers. Religious Education Room, Corpus Christi Parish, 900 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale Contact: Deacon Frank Langsdorf, [email protected] An Evening of Reflection for the Separated and Divorced Friday, February 6, 2015 – 6:30pm An evening of support and friendship, including dinner, prayer service and presentation by Mary Dyer Hubband. Nativity of Our Lord Parish Conference Center, 625 W. Street Road, Warminister, PA Contact: Ann Marie, [email protected], 215-675-1925 Page 4 | 232 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church FEBRUARY 1, 2015 – FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 7 Months & Counting.... VISIT http://www.phillyevang.org/wmof World Meeting of Families 2015 FOR A SCHEDULE OF LOCAL MARRIAGE AND FAMILY EVENTS. Have you registered yet???? Visit www.worldmeeting.organd REGISTER today! MINISTRY SCHEDULE February 7th & 8th, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Extraordinary Minister Lector Altar Server Music Saturday, 5pm Peg Glancey Kathellen Halasz Cathy Leidtke Anne Slifer Marie Louzon Luke Grindrod Gavin Reshetar Maya Reshetar Ordinary Time Sunday, 8:00am Marianne McEvoy Richard McEvoy Joel Roney Weez Roney Helene Bell Danny Froman Samantha Froman Maria Middleton Choir Sue Rogers Sunday, 10:30am Jim Black Joan Black MaryAnn Huber Dan Huber Laura Fleck Anthony Fleck Mackenzie Kenderdine Olivia Kenderdine Grace DeVenuto Jim Roney Route 611 & Island Road • Kintnersville, PA 18930 Open Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat.9-5 • Closed Sundays 610-847-5702 or Fax 610-847-2726 Page 5 | 232 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church www.pixiedustandwishes.net JOHN P. 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Contact Donna Sciacca • Cell 610-203-7848 or 610-847-5521 John Patrick Publishing Co. 232 St. John the Baptist • Ottsville, PA (INSIDE) John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net DR. JON’S 12&.$0,;21 TO YOUR '5<&/($1,1* 25*$1,&'5<&/($1,1* HEALTH $OWHUDWLRQV +RXVHKROG,WHPV Natural Foods :HGGLQJ*RZQV Free Nutritional Counseling )UHH3LFN8S'HOLYHU\ Jon A. Holznagel 212 NORTH WEST END BLVD. QUAKERTOWN, PA 18951 (DVWRQ5G%OGJ%6WH 2WWVYLOOH3$ 2:1(56$5(3$5,6+,21(56 215-538-3480 HAULING SERVICES FLATBED & LOWBOY TRAILERS DUMP TRAILER SERVICE • SNOW PLOWING SERVICE Complete line of services for the monument industry ALL TYPES OF GRANITE & BRONZE Robert C. Moll MONUMENTAL CRAFTS DR. MARC W. BLOOM Engraving, custom etchings, cemetery lettering & granite cleaning. 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