Enoggera Parish Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Everton Park St John the Baptist, Enoggera joined in joyfully praising and worshipping God 5th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME— 8TH FEBRUARY — Year B THE PATIENT CROSS OF SALVATION Dear child of God, we have a lesson of life to learn/be reminded of today. The book of Job is a didactic book – a story with a moral. It is a book with a lesson to teach. It tells the story of a good-living, upright man, who was blessed by God with the possessions of this world as well as a large family. But ill-fortune struck him and he not MASS TIMES MONDAY 9.00am Mass Immaculate Conception 5.00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by 5.30pm Mass St John the Baptist only lost his possessions and family but was himself struck with bodily sores. Earlier, Satan had told God that Job’s fidelity and uprightness would last only as long as the temporal blessings he had remained. But, this was not the case, Job remained faithful. After a long period of mental and bodily suffering and Job did not change his mind, he was finally given back his family, and twice the possessions he had lost. The lesson for us to learn is that the belief prevalent among the Jews/some people today that God rewards the good in this life and punishes the wicked was not and is still not well-founded. We have seen that Job was not a sinner and yet he suffered much in this life. The story of Job was proof that this commonly held belief was wrong. It is interesting to note the author did not solve the problem – of human pain. But, with the example of Christ’s sufferings and cruel death before us, we can now see the value of suffering in this life, and the full meaning of the didactic story of Job. Therefore, with our new knowledge and certainty that this life is only a preparation, and apprenticeship, for the eternal life that awaits us after death, we are able to see our earthly sufferings in their proper perspective. Someone may suffer for past sins, yes – God’s loving way of giving the opportunity of making atonement for one’s offences. The other is that it could be laid on one’s shoulders to atone for fellow human beings who are incapable of bearing their saving cross. Granted that very often and that many, if not most of the pains and hardships people have to suffer are caused by wicked people, yet all these happens with God’s knowledge. Hence, we Christians should with example of Christ before us, be able to accept them with goodwill and bear them patiently because we know God could prevent it but if he allows it, he intends to produce good out of it. If we carry our cross patiently, it will be turned into our crown of glory when we meet Christ at the moment of our death. Fr Michael Grace Administrator Fr Patrick Chukwu Associate Pastor Paul Eloagu Deacon Fr Terry Madden Pastor Emeritus Gordon Park WEDNESDAY 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist 5.30pm Mass Immaculate Conception 6.00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Immaculate Conception 6.30pm Mass St Carthage’s Filipino Community THURSDAY 9.00am Mass St Columba’s FRIDAY 6.30am Mass St Columba’s 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist 9.00am Mass St Carthage’s Followed by the Rosary [1st Friday-Healing Mass] 5.30pm Mass Immaculate Conception [followed by Benediction on 1st Friday of the month] 1st Friday—6.30pm St Carthage’s Mass & All Night Vigil Filipino Community SATURDAY 12noon Rosary St John the Baptist 5.00pm Confession St Columba’s Fr Patrick Pastors TUESDAY 9.00am Mass St Columba’s 5.00pm Confession Immaculate Conception Parish Office PARISH OFFICE 23 Lovedale St PO Box 278 Wilston QLD 4051 Ph: 07 3352 1730 Fx: 07 3356 2014 ST CARTHAGE’S OFFICE 115 Beaconsfield Tce Gordon Park QLD 4031 Ph: 07 3109 0650 Fx: 07 3357 3072 Mon—Thur 9am—12 noon OFFICE STAFF Finance: Cherylann Baxter Finance Assistant: Majella Adams Administration: Heather Smith Administration Assistant: Sally Mollo 6.00pm Vigil St Columba’s 6.00pm Vigil Immaculate Conception SUNDAY 7.30am Mass Immaculate Conception 8.00am Mass St Carthage’s 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist Volunteer Assistant: Parry Colborne [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/kbcc 9.30am Mass St Columba’s 5.00pm Confession St John the Baptist 5.30pm Mass St John the Baptist St Carthage’s — Confession By Appointment Immaculate Conception — Rosary before weekday Masses Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Everton Park We are a people of the Eucharist LENTEN PROGRAM:DISCUSSION GROUPS:URGENT NOTICE: if you would like the opportunity to join a group of parishioners to reflect more deeply on the Lenten Sunday Mass gospels, there is a list on notice boards in the Everton Park church to include your name and contact details. You may indicate a day and time of the week that best suits you as we will endeavour to accommodate the majority of participants in this regard. Any queries, contact Annie Brady or Bernice Anning (PH 35057800). Enoggera parishioners welcomed to join! Commences between Ash Wed 18 Feb and 1st Sunday in Lent. Knights of the Southern Cross: Members are reminded that the next monthly meeting of Branch 56 of the Knights of the Southern Cross will be held at Our Lady’s Church Centre Everton Park on Thursday 12 February 2015 commencing 7.30pm. Visitors are always welcome. ENVELOPES: There are still some new Planned Giving Envelopes for the next six months, available on the table in the foyer. ON SALE: The Catholic Leader; AD2000; Rosary beads The Little King's Movement once a year conducts a Door Knock and a Parish Appeal. The movement caters for people with disabilities in social and spiritual activities. There is no government funding and the Movement is staffed by volunteers. Each year the calls for their services are increasing. The Movement, though based on Catholic beliefs is truly ecumenical, and all members are welcomed and respected for their own beliefs. There is no charge for any of the services provided by the Movement. The collection will be held on the weekend of 14th and 15th of February, in the form of a Retiring Collection. * * * NOTICE BOARD * * * St Vincent de Paul Meeting, THIS MONDAY 9th February at 7.30pm, Our Lady’s Church Hall, Halle St, Everton Park. Contact: Parish Office 3352 1730 “I would like to embrace the whole world in a network of charity”! Blessed Frederick Ozanam NEXT WEEKEND: The Little King’s Movement once a year conducts a Door Knock and Parish Appeal to support people with disabilities in social and spiritual activities. There is no Government funding and the movement is staffed by volunteers. Each year the calls for their services are increasing so your support is greatly appreciated. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. Your gift can placed inside the specially marked envelopes on the weekend of 14th & 15th February. Thank you for your support. Pancakes on sale after the 9am Mass on Sunday 15th February. Come and join the youth team for pancakes in honour of Shrove Tuesday and to raise money for Project Compassion. Pancakes: $2 SICK / VISITATION LIST Deacon Paul is compiling a list of parishioners who would like a visit and/or communion so that these parishioners can be visited regularly or as requested. So names, addresses and phone numbers are required. This information will be kept absolutely confidential. Please contact the Parish Office 3352 1730 or email [email protected] LENTEN PROGRAM:DISCUSSION GROUPS:URGENT NOTICE: if you would like the opportunity to join a group of parishioners to reflect more deeply on the Lenten Sunday Mass gospels, there is a list on notice boards in the Everton Park church to include your name and contact details. You may indicate a day and time of the week that best suits you as we will endeavour to accommodate the majority of participants in this regard. Any queries, contact Annie Brady or Bernice Anning (PH 35057800). Enoggera parishioners welcomed to join! Commences between Ash Wed 18 Feb and 1st Sunday in Lent. PASTORAL NOTES: “It’s already getting to look like Ordinary time.” “Ordinary time” has no melody in it. Nobody sends cards for “ordinary time.” Nobody sings, “I’ll be home for ordinary time.” Nobody hums. Yet, ordinary time is where life is lived. People are born in ordinary time and grow up in ordinary time, marry in ordinary time, and have families in ordinary time. People age in ordinary time and experience new turns in their life in ordinary time. And people die in ordinary time. In every person’s life, there comes a time when the glow of marriage, a new job, a new school, of conversation, of a new baby, start to wear out and then we get down to business, living out the substance of our commitments. That is our “ordinary time” where we live and grow. “Ordinary time” is not filled with decorations, sentiment, charming songs, lights decorating houses; but it is filled with reality --- the reality of sin and grace. Lent begins on the 18th day of February with Ash Wednesday; a day of fasting and abstinence... St John the Baptist, Enoggera We are a people of the Eucharist LENTEN NEWS - ASH WEDNESDAY, ON THE 18TH FEBRUARY HERALDS THE SEASON OF LENT. On Ash Wednesday 2014 in Rome, Pope Francis stressed that “Lent comes to awaken us. It is meant to wake up Christians & help them see that God can give them the strength to change their lives & their surroundings. During Lent”, he said “Christians are called to use the three elements the Gospel recommends for spiritual growth – prayer, fasting & almsgiving”. “With more regular & intense prayer during Lent, Christians are called to think of the needs of others, interceding before God for the many situations of poverty & suffering in the world”. “Fasting should ‘exercise the heart’ to recognise what is absolutely essential & to teach one how to share with others. It is a sign of becoming aware & taking responsibility for injustice & oppression, especially of the poor & the least, & is a sign of the trust we place in God & His providence”. “Almsgiving is a practice that should be common among all Christians, but especially during Lent. Christians give concrete help & attention to all those in need – asking nothing in return – because they recognise how much God has given them even though they were not deserving”. “Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy”. A LENTEN PROGRAM WILL BE CONDUCTED IN THE ENOGGERA PARISH FOR 2015. All Parishioners are urged to take time out to attend the weekly sessions in spiritual preparation for the Easter Triduum. DAYTIME & EVENING SESSIONS ARE BEING CONSIDERED TO ALLOW FOR ATTENDANCE BY PARISHIONERS WHO WORK DURING THE DAY. (Program Books are provided at an ‘at cost’ price of $7 ea.) A SIGN ON SHEET has been placed at the entrances to the church which you are asked to fill in asap, marking which Session suits your requirements - OR - you can email or ‘phone in your intention to attend – Parish Office Ph.: 3352 1730 E: [email protected] The KBCC YOUTH MINISTRY GROUP is holding a separate Young Adults/Youth Lenten Program Wednesday nights commencing Ash Wednesday. Time for first session will be advised in next week’s bulletin. This first session will be in the St. John the Baptist Church. Subsequent venues may be shared amongst the youth team members’ houses as we go along. These sessions will commence at 7pm. RSVP essential—please contact Bradley: 0409 721 577 or Jacinta: 0429 000 571 FLOWER POWER AT FRIENDSHIP GROUP. Thanks to the ingenuity & organisation of Louisa Coleman a most enjoyable morning of floral fun was had by some 20 enthusiastic attendees at the last Friendship Group gathering. Mitchelton & Districts Garden Club Secretary, Bernie, demonstrated the fine art of floral arranging & everyone then settled down to create their own unique displays. Some of the grand designs have been placed in the Church for general appreciation so look around & admire! All in all it was a very happy & highly productive gathering lending positive weight to the apt words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The earth laughs in flowers”. NEXT MONTH will be a “Bring your favourite book & share the reason why it is” occasion. More about that in the next Bulletin. And remember – the Friendship Group meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month, 9.30am, St John the Baptist Parish Hall, Enoggera. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in the camaraderie over a good chat & cuppa. Contact: Louisa 3355 6735 “MOTHERS’ PRAYERS” MEETINGS have been discontinued after four fruitful years. A sincere ‘Thank You’ to Louisa Coleman who initiated this spiritual initiative & to all parishioners who loyally participated each week. Although no longer a formal meeting process, let us continue to join with mothers all over the world in praying for the protection & guidance of our precious children, especially in those areas where safety is at a very sad & disturbing premium. “Let the children come unto Me & do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven”. Matthew 19:14 “LOAVES & FISHES” is once again in need of a top up! If you are able to assist in this vital, ongoing Ministry would you please take a pack of containers from the basket at the church entrance (instructions enclosed), provide the meal/s of your choice & return for placement in the Parish Hall freezer? Thank you to all who consistently support “Loaves & Fishes”. May God bless you for your invaluable generosity. Contact: Annette 3354 2603 February: Month dedicated to the Holy Family. “Holy Family of Nazareth, reawaken in our society the consciousness of the sacred & inviolable character of the family, an inestimable & irreplaceable good”. Looking to read the parish bulletin from our other churches ? You will find a copy at the entrance of the church. Baptism Preparation this Tuesday night 7pm at St John the Baptist Parish Hall. DID YOU KNOW? This newsletter and more information is available from the Parish website at http://www.parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/kbcc/ Or just Google “kbcc catholic”. Why not receive the newsletter via email? Just let us know your email address and we will send you a link to the latest newsletter in an email each week. Thank you. St John the Baptist - 15th February - 9.00am 1st: Nerida Detti Ps: J. Kavanagh Altar Servers: Music: Ministers of Communion: 2nd: C. Burgin Emily Kunst Paul Benfield Cecilia Formby, David Formby, Michael Crilly St John the Baptist - 15th February - 5.30pm 1st: Bradley Davies Ps: M.Board Altar Servers: Music: Ministers of Communion: 2nd: Debbie Young Georgia Coman Anita Hendrie C.McCreery-Rye, A. Lally, P Lally St John the Baptist - 15th February Children’s Liturgy: Volunteer Morning Tea: Volunteer Cleaning: S. Maina, D. Williams, L. Hoffman Collections: Envelopes: $ Loose: $ OUR LADY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION EVERTON PARK ROSTERS FOR WEEKEND OF February 14-15, 2015 WEEKEND MASSES SAT 6pm SUN 7.30am Ministers of the Word: J Connors P Kennedy Eucharistic Ministers: A Brady V Granahan J Maloney P O’Rourke Ministers to the Sick: I Turner Organists: C Connors J Feltoe Servers L Granahan C Martin L Martin Counters Bulletin J. Gorringe A Horsten THOSE WHO ARE SICK Julia Blewer Barbara Bowers Antoinette Brennan Jacqueline Burgin Betty Burgoyne Wilma Burton Clare Cameron Betty Carden Cara Connolley June Crimmen Bernard Grob Kay Curran Irene Daniels St Patricia Davis, OLN Louise Dudaniec Mary Endicott Mick Farrell Lyn Groessler Gary Hanson Gerard Hickey John Keating Aranka Kennedy Kyrle Kennedy Donna Kelly Fr Terry Madden Pat Maloney Paul Maloney Terry Maloney Colin Manton Terry Mansfield Danny McCarthy Mary McCarthy Tony McCarthy Barbara McClelland Pat McKay Maree McPaul Katherine Omdahl Bill Pappin Gloria Pattel Angela Reilly Paul Sherman Galina Svalbe Aileen Taylor Brian Taylor Annette Thrum Pat Wells VOCATION VIEW 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekdays - Cycle 1 Job: 7:1-4, 6-7 I am filled with sorrow all day long. Psalm Praise the Lord who heals the broken hearted Corinthians: 9:16-19, 22-23 Punishment will come to me if I do not preach the Gospel. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! He bore our sickness And endured our suffering. Alleluia! Mark: 1:29-39 He cured many who suffered from diseases of one kind or another. The afflicted Job in the Old Testament thinks that his life is like dust in the wind, his restlessness depicting the sorrow and sadness afflicting society today. Are we prepared for the task ahead? To heal the broken-hearted, to bind up all their wounds. How do you choose to respond? OUR LADY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after 5.30 pm Mass on Wednesdays. Come for a quiet visit with our Eucharistic Lord ASH WEDNESDAY MASS TIMES—WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN NEXT WEEK’S BULLETIN ANNIVERSARIES Liturgical Calendar Monday 9 Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11 Thursday 12 Friday 13 Saturday 14 Sunday 15 Our Lady of Lourdes 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Hugh Banney Frank Brosnan Maurice O’Shea Majella Titmarsh Mona Carroll Mavis Brosnan Maureen Bourke RECENTLY DECEASED Bill Carter
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