Albion Antioch Bannertown Blues Grove Calvary Cedar Lane Central View Christian Community Community Copeland Cornerstone Cross Roads Dobson, First Dover Fairview Faith Fancy Gap Fellowship Flippin Memorial Fuente de Vida Gum Orchard Haymore Memorial Highland Park Hills Grove Holly Springs Indian Grove Ivy Green Jessup Grove Ladonia Little Richmond Mount Carmel Mount Zion Mountain Park Mountain View New Bethel New Hope New Life New Venture Oak Grove Oak Ridge Pauls Creek Pinnacle View Pleasant View Rock Hill Rockford Salem Salem Fork Shoals Siloam Simmons Grove Slate Mountain Sparta, First Sulphur Springs Turkey Ford Union Cross Victory Welcome Westfield Westview Woodland Woodville The Surry Baptist Newsletter “Sixty-one Churches, Partners In Ministry” Surry Baptist Association 364 Welch Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 Volume No. 55 336-789-5701 Office 336-789-4342 Fax email: [email protected] web site: Surry Christian Counseling Center 789-7405 FEBRUARY 2015 WMU Directors, Pastors & Wife Breakfast February 7 9:00 - 11:00 am SBA Resource Center Theme: “The Love of God.” Delicious breakfast prepared by the WMU Council. Time of fun and fellowship before the program. Inspirational program presented by “The Journeys” (Donna & Ben) from Fairview Baptist Church. Call the SBA Office (7895701) by Feb. 4 to register. Snow date: February 21. Sponsored by the WMU Council. Billy Blakley, DMin, Dir. of Missions Sylvia M. Chilton, Adm. Asst. No. 2 Youth Workers Appreciation Dinner for anyone who works with youth (Youth Pastors, Youth Leaders, Sunday School Teachers, etc.) Saturday, February 7 6:00 pm SBA Resource Center Deadline to sign up: Feb. 4 (789-5701) Learn about Youth events for the coming year. We will have some great resources to help equip you in your ministry to teens! Join us for good food and good fellowship! Sponsored by SBA Youth Council. “The Mission of Surry Baptist Association is to glorify God through Jesus Christ by assisting and encouraging Congregations in a partnership of cooperative ministries of reaching people and developing believers.” The Surry Baptist Newsletter February 2015 Page 2 From Your Director of Missions — Billy Blakley While I was serving as pastor at a local church, it always amazed me how God led both the Worship Leader and me in the same direction. Many times it seemed I did not have time to discuss with the Worship Leader my sermon texts or titles and yet when the order of service was printed, the songs chosen by the Worship Leader and the sermon topic God had led me to preach went hand-in-hand. I saw this happen again and again. It continues to occur this way whenever I’m asked to preach either as a scheduled speaker for a special service or as a substitute supply preacher due to illness of the pastor or some other unforeseen absence. I don’t have to supply for a sick pastor very often because we all know we don’t expect or allow our pastors to be sick. But when I do preach, God is ahead of me. Just about every time, the song service and the sermon complement one another. God is truly amazing! But it doesn’t stop with the Sunday morning worship service. I have been invited to travel to Ecuador this summer in order to teach pastors and youth leaders along with their youth in a training conference beginning in early July. I will be teaching about various religions of the world, particularly Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. I will also be at talking to youth about how to live a Christian life in our postmodern world, a world in which it seems that anything is allowed and everything is of equal worth. I have brushed up on my world religions and my world-view philosophies. I am really excited about this opportunity. Now, what’s so amazing about this is that two pastors and I have recently returned from a preliminary trip to the island of Trinidad. We have planned a mission trip to Trinidad this summer through our associational Partnership Missions Committee. We will be holding VBS for the children and youth during the day and will be holding evangelistic crusades, hopefully at several locations simultaneously on the island at night. And the communities where we will be preaching are comprised of Hindus and Muslims. Hindus and Muslims – just the religions I am preparing to teach about in Ecuador – and will teach to our mission team in preparation for our Trinidad trip. God is truly amazing! But God’s amazing presence and work doesn’t stop in the preparation. Even before we go as a mission team from Surry Baptist, there are already four Hindu converts who accepted Christ while we were visiting homes on the preliminary trip. And we already have a Hindu man named Bali who has agreed to allow us to use his front yard and carport to hold a week-long evangelistic crusade. Please be praying for Bali as well as all his neighbors who are lost, asking God to prepare their hearts so that they’ll come to know our Lord as their personal Savior when we return in August. God is so good! I wish we saw as great an openness and reception to the gospel message here in our community as we see in distant lands. We must never grow complacent to the wonders of our own salvation so that we can share with excitement the joy we know in the Lord. When people see something in us that they don’t have, by virtue of human nature they will desire it. When they do, let’s offer them the greatest gift they’ll ever receive – Jesus! The Surry Baptist Newsletter Page 3 February 2015 WMU News Medical Ministries Clinic: Bring food anytime to be given out on February 24. Thanks to Antioch for helping give out food in February; Flippin Memorial in March; Woodville in April; Fellowship in May; Turkey Ford in June; Dover in July; Hills Grove in August; Salem in September; Salem Fork in October; Pinnacle View in December. The Shepherd’s House Urgent Needs: Trash bags, dish liquid, glass cleaner, powder laundry detergent. Take to The Shepherd’s House in Mount Airy. Feb. 6: Feb. 7: Feb. 7: Feb.12: Feb.14: Feb.15: Feb.19: Feb.21: Feb.26: Next Baptist Men Meeting: February 3, 2015 ► 6:30 pm SBA Resource Center Senior Adults Fellowship February 10 ► 11:30am Fancy Gap Baptist Church Guest Speaker: Austin Caviness Bring a covered dish to share. Bring a $5.00 door prize. Bring a can of food for the Medical Ministries Clinic. Bring your Sweetheart! Rev. Jimmy Slate (Woodland) Rev. Joey Jessup (Victory) Mrs. Adele Bledsoe (Oak Grove) Rev. Dwight Sechrist (Fancy Gap) Rev. Scott Schuyler (Mount Carmel) Rev. Jeff Wall (Cross Roads) Mrs. Sandy McCray (Sparta, First) Rev. Ronnie Chamblin (Pinnacle View) Mrs. Joy Wall (Cross Roads) VBS Early Bird Clinic Feb. 16 ♦ 7:00pm SBA Resource Center A Preview of the LifeWay 2015 VBS Theme Led by SBA VBS Team. Enlisting & recruiting helps. Craft samples and theme ideas for all age groups. A sample of various VBS materials will be available for viewing. VBS Directors will be able to order their materials that night to be shipped to the SBA Office. (Bring your church account number.) If Pastor & VBS Director attend, your church will be entered for a drawing for a special VBS item! Must be present to win! Our own SBA Vacation Bible School Director, Renee Hauser, was unexpectedly honored by LifeWay’s Jerry Wooley, the VBS Ministry Specialist, at the Ridgecrest 2015 VBS Conference for her outstanding service and sacrificial giving as she always goes the extra mile to serve and make Jesus known, not only within her own Surry Baptist Association, but with the North Carolina state VBS Team. Congratulations, Renee! The Surry Baptist Newsletter Page 4 February 2015 Upcoming Missions Opportunities in 2015 The following have shared their mission trip opportunities with the SBA Office. If you are interested in participating on one of these trips, contact the SBA Office or church sponsoring the trip. More details are on the SBA website: Cornerstone: Chinese Family Camp in Brooklyn, NY (May 23-30) Haymore Memorial: Portugal (July 3-12). Westfield: Dobrony, Ukraine (Aug. 24 - Sept. 2). Jessup Grove: Hazleton, PA (June 14-20). Fairview: Casper, WY (July 4-12). SBA: Bluefield, WV (July dates tba). SBA: Trinidad (Aug. 1-8). Surry Christian Counseling Center Statistics for December 2014 Total Sessions Conducted = 72 Total Clients Served = 35 Client Assistance Fund Sessions = 44 Client Assistance Fund Clients Served = 29 To make an appointment with John Shuler, Counselor, call 789-7405. Volunteer receptionists needed. Call the SBA Office (789-5701) if interested. 2015 Calendars Copies of the 2015 Calendar of Associational events are ready to be picked up at the SBA Office. Enough have been published for each church to have 10 copies. This year, the calendars are hole-punched for you to place in a notebook. Have someone from your church come by and pick up your church’s copies. 2014 Printed Minutes Books Printed Minutes books that the churches ordered are ready. Have someone from your church come by the SBA Office to pick up your church’s copies. The Surry Baptist Newsletter February 2015 News From The Churches Antioch Youth went on outing to Airbound Trampoline Park. Sisterhood continuing Davis Lunch project. Church is looking for a full-time Music Director; call Cathy Hull @ 789-2609 if interested. Bannertown Youth attended youth conference in Pigeon Forge. Youth workers underwent training and background checks related to new Child Protection Policies. Began Sunday night study on difference in Christianity and world religions. Cedar Lane had children and adult Christmas plays with refreshments afterwards. Collected Lottie Moon Offering and received donations for Toy Store. Had New Year’s Eve service with preaching by Israel Gwyn and Dale Pack and singing by “The Church Sisters,” with refreshments afterwards. Celebrated Pastor Ed Bowman’s birthday with meal and bowling. Baptist Women collected Sunshine basket items for members out sick. Central View had Rev. Greg Anderson as guest preacher in Jan. Made Sunshine baskets for shut-ins. Collecting items for shoeboxes for next fall. Will host “The Marshall Brothers” on Feb. 15. Copeland finished study on “I’m A Church Member” by Thom S. Rainer. Purchased new Baptist hymnals. Brotherhood met. Observed the Lord’s Supper. WOF will sponsor Valentine Bash for church on Feb. 14 with catered meal. Church is looking for volunteer organist for Sun. worship services. Cross Roads had Christmas Play with good attendance. Soup Bowl scheduled for Feb. 1. Dobson, First welcomed five new members: one by baptism, four by letter. Surpassed Lottie Moon Offering goal. Children’s Choir resumed on Wed. after school. Youth sponsoring “Fifth Quarter” at Surry Central High School. WMU made and delivered 26 Valentine bags to shut-ins. WMU collecting special offering in Feb. for Daniel Mahr and wife serving in Alaska; Daniel is a bush pilot who takes the gospel into remote areas of Alaska. Winter Adult Bible Study topic is “How to Study the Bible.” Dover collected $750 for Lottie Moon Offering. Delivered fruit baskets at Christmas. Took food to Rockford School for backpack program. Will host “The Country Plow Boys” on Mar. 29, 11:00am. Revival services scheduled for March 29-April 1, 7:30pm, with Rev. Kenneth Jessup from Community Baptist bringing the message; everyone invited. Fairview BYW is sponsoring Annual Ladies Conference on Feb.7 with catered meal and guest speaker, Siv Ashley; cost is $10. Baptist Men had pancake breakfast and guest speaker, Odell Fowler. Began Women’s Bible Study, “Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free.” Fancy Gap had baptismal service. Did Nursing Home Page 5 Ministry. Youth went to Gatlinburg to see Resurrection. Fellowship baptized one new member. Had Watch Night Service with guest speaker, Rev. Donald Corn, and refreshments. Received Lottie Moon donation from Circle of Friends Class in memory of Lovelene Semones and Golden Agers Class gave donation to Lottie Moon Offering. Baptist Men had breakfast; planning Men’s Day with guest speaker, Gregg Swaim. Youth visited and helped needy family. Couples Class ministered to needy family at Christmas. Surpassed Lottie Moon Offering goal. Flippin Memorial held church anointing service. Chose names for 2015 prayer partners. Exceeded Lottie Moon Offering goal by collecting $3,872. Had Baptist Men’s Day with breakfast at Golden Corral and then all men’s choir during worship service. Haymore Memorial began Sunday night study, “Creation Restored: The Gospel According to Genesis.” Had Chili Cook-Off. Had Baptist Men’s Day with guest speaker, Eric Southern; RA’s were also recognized. Highland Park received two new members. Transplant recipient Johnnie Ray Belton gave his testimony and guest speaker, Gloria Hairston, Data Manager for Abdominal Transplant Program, spoke about the importance of being a donor. Youth will sponsor Souperbowl Luncheon on Feb. 1 with donations going to summer camp. Youth going snow tubing at Winterplace in Feb. Members attended celebration in High Point hosted by NC Baptist Men and WMU NC featuring work of volunteers in construction of Children’s Home in Guatemala. Jessup Grove had Baptist Men’s Day with all men’s choir. WMU provided lunch for shut-ins. Had church-wide movie night, viewing “What If” and enjoying popcorn, candy, and sodas. Mount Carmel expressed sympathy to Pastor Scott Schuyler’s wife’s during her grandmother’s passing. Had guest preacher, Dr. Billy Blakley. Prayers for oldest member, Velma Simmons, as she struggles with back and hip pain. WMU collected greeting cards for St. Jude’s in Jan. Received $2,859 for Lottie Moon Offering. Mountain View welcomed three new members. Had “walk to the manger” for Lottie Moon Offering. Collected food and funds for Yokefellow and Cedar Ridge backpack programs. Had Baptist Men’s Day with guest speaker, Gregg Swaim, and all men’s choir. Had family night meal. Pauls Creek held Christmas Play to packed house. Received Lottie Moon Offering. Had Christmas Eve Service with several helping with service. Had Watch Night Service with guest speakers, Jerry King, Rev. Tim Combs, Ashley Horton, Denny Hawks, and Rev. Kenny King; had special singing and refreshments during break. Observed Sanctity of Life Sunday. Youth Continued on back The Surry Baptist Newsletter February 2015 Surry Baptist Association Financial Contributions December 2014 2014 Budget ReceiptsTo Date Albion Antioch Bannertown Blues Grove Calvary Cedar Lane Central View Christian Community Community Copeland Cornerstone Cross Roads Dobson, First Dover Fairview Faith Fancy Gap Fellowship Flippin Memorial Fuente de Vida Gum Orchard Haymore Memorial Highland Park Hills Grove Holly Springs Indian Grove Ivy Green Jessup Grove Ladonia Little Richmond Mount Carmel Mount Zion Mountain Park Mountain View New Bethel New Hope New Life New Venture Oak Grove Oak Ridge Pauls Creek Pinnacle View Pleasant View Rock Hill Rockford Salem Salem Fork Shoals Siloam Simmons Grove Slate Mountain Sparta, First Sulphur Springs Turkey Ford Union Cross Victory Welcome Westfield Westview Woodland Woodville Other TOTALS Designated & Other Receipts $500.00 $5,076.96 $8,523.54 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,254.84 $2,443.38 $4,350.00 $1,746.53 $2,798.77 $1,000.00 $4,500.00 $1,000.00 $6,150.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $9,367.24 $1,600.00 $0.00 $500.00 $1,000.03 $8,000.00 $600.00 $3,444.04 $1,280.39 $1,801.25 $3,000.00 $960.00 $1,770.08 $3,600.00 $750.00 $2,000.00 $1,482.09 $100.00 $800.00 $1,089.68 $0.00 $1,000.00 $3,160.90 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $300.00 $2,866.00 $1,100.00 $16,500.00 $5,452.89 $2,785.00 $4,025.00 $3,000.00 $1,664.00 $3,750.00 $1,200.00 $2,000.00 $2,200.00 $900.00 $0.00 $11,527.17 $600.00 $1,200.00 $2,400.00 $160,619.78 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 $1,037.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,544.00 $700.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,300.00 $1,565.00 $0.00 $0.00 $360.00 $300.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 $550.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120.00 $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 $0.00 $600.00 $5,000.00 $200.00 $0.00 $1,650.00 $500.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100,847.79 $125,474.29 *Designated & Other Receipts are additional monies given for specific SBA ministries (such as Surry Christian Counseling Center, Handyman Ministry, etc.) as well as General Funds. SBA Office Hours Monday-Thursday.....................8:30am-4:30pm Friday.........................................8:30am-1:00pm Page 6 Church News continued from inside went to Gatlinburg to see Resurrection. Siloam received $2,361 for Lottie Moon Offering. Observed Baptist Men’s Day with all men’s choir and speakers from the church, followed by spaghetti lunch. Gave certificates to 13 adults who read the Bible through in 2014 and 4 youth who read daily devotional in 2014. Gave certificates to 14 children and youth who went through New Converts Class. Slate Mountain had joint New Year’s Eve Service with four sister churches. Had Gideon speaker, Bill Wall, and received love offering. Brotherhood met for breakfast. Baptist Women met. Youth meeting each Sat. for games and activities. Blood Drive scheduled for March 1. Sparta, First Youth had New Year’s Lock-In. Youth sponsored Soup & Salad Dinner fundraiser. Women’s Ministry is raising funds for missions and outreach ministries by selling tickets for a quilt to be given away in March. Sulphur Springs Youth sponsored a home at Baptist Children’s Home for Christmas. Youth held Christmas Program. Gave food to Pilot Mountain Outreach. Union Cross collected Lottie Moon Offering. Planning Baptist Men’s Day. Poinsettias were placed in church in memory of loved ones. Youth were in charge of Christmas Card Ministry. Guest speakers at church have been Don Ball, Leon Holyfield, Josh Sechrist, and Greg Anderson. Victory received two new members by letter and statement. Had Christmas and New Year’s Eve Services. Celebrated the Lord’s Supper. Westfield Youth went on ski trip. Chili Cook-Off fundraiser scheduled for Feb. 1. Ladies Day scheduled for Feb. 15. Woodville baptized two new converts. Received Lottie Moon Offering. Elected two new deacons: Dean Hunter and Joe Smith. Youth delivered Christmas cards within the church. Surry Baptist Association 364 Welch Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Mount Airy, NC 27030 Permit #229
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