1 Detailed Day-to-Day Plan of 12th ASC Day 1 : 3rd Feb 2015 (Tuesday) DAY1 11:00 14:30 15:00 17:00 18:00 Registration at the Lawn of Sundaresan Auditorium Inauguration of ASC India Expo. Venue: NDRI Play Ground 12th ASC Inauguration. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium Inaugural Tea Plenary Lecture by Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram: Emerging Technology options for ensuring food, nutrition and energy security. Chairman: Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG, ICAR & President NAAS Rapporteur: Dr. A. K. Gahlot, VC, RAJUVAS, Bikaner. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium. 19:00 Open air Cultural Programme & Dinner. Venue: Food Court DAY2 Day 2: 4th Feb 2015 (Wednesday) 8:00 Breakfast. Venue: Food Court 9:00 9:00 9:40 10:20 Plenary Lectures. Chairman: Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG, ICAR & President NAAS, Rapporteur: Dr. O. P. Gill, VC, MPUAT, Udaipur. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium. Dr. Juergen Voegele, Senior Director of the World Bank’s, Agriculture Global Practice, Washington DC, USA Dr. R. S. Paroda, Ex DG, ICAR & Chairman, HKA. Reorienting, Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) agenda for sustainable livelihood of smallholder farmers Dr. Jimmy Smith, DG, ILRI: Livestock, livelihoods and the future of smallholder farmers Session 1: Livelihood security for smallholder farmers. Chairpersons: Dr. S. L. Mehta, Ex DDG, Ex VC, RAU, Dr. K. S. Khokhar, VC, CCSHAU, Hisar, Mr. M. J. Khan, Editor, Agriculture Today, New Delhi & Dr. N. V. Patil, Director, NRC, Camel, Bikaner. Session Coordinator: Dr. Vikas Vohra, PS, NBAGR, Karnal. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 Sustainability issues for small farmers T. Jayaraman, Tata Institute in context of climate change of Social Sciences. Mumbai Enhancing Economic viability Dr. Deepak Shah, of small farms: Evidence from Gokhale Institute of Politics horticulture crops and Economics, Pune Rural prosperity through Dr. K. J. S. Satyasai, DEAR, collective action NABARD, Mumbai Tea Break MIA’s Experience with Dr. Nihar Jangale, Micro Community-Based Microinsurance Insurance Academy, and Agricultural Insurance New Delhi The Role and Importance of Prof. Jerzy Banski, IGSO smallholder farmers in rural PAS, Warsaw, Poland space: An example from Poland Session 2: Attracting & retaining youth in Agriculture. Chairpersons: Dr. M. Mahadevappa, Ex. Chairman, ASRB, Dr. Arvind Kumar, DDG. (Edn.), ICAR, Dr. R. S. Antil, Director Ext. CCS HAU, Hisar & Dr. Himanshu Pathak, IARI, New Delhi. Session Coordinator: Dr. S. K. Tomar, PS, DM, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Dastur Auditorium 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 11:00 13:00 15:20 Attracting Youth in Agriculture Dr. Kamal Mathur, Former Director, National Institute of Agriculture Marketing, Jaipur. Sustainable Development of small farmers – A successful experience of RBRC model Dr. K. Narayan Gowda, Ex.Vice Chancellor, UAS, Bengaluru Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres – New Dimension in Professionalizing and Enterprising Agriculture Dr. P. Chandra Shekara, Director, Agri-Extension, MANAGE, Hyderabad Session 3: Skill and Human Resource Development for Diversification of Employment and Income Opportunities. Chairpersons: Dr. J. C. Katyal, Ex DDG, & VC, HAU, Hisar, Dr. B. S. Dhillon, VC, PAU, Ludhiana, Vijay Singh Thakur, VC, YSPUHF, Solan & Dr. J. K. Bhatt, Director, VPKAS, Almora. Session Coordinator: Dr. R. K. Singh, Sr. Sci. CSSRI, Karnal. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium 16:10 Practical goat farming present scenario & problems Mr. Deepak Patidar, Ekta Agronomic and Livestock, MP 16:30 Business model on ‘Instant Millets Mix for Breakfast’ Mr. Abhay Kumar Verma, New Delhi 16:50 The success story of Kiwi farming Mr. Bodumba, Dirang, at West Kameng of Arunachal Arunachal Pradesh 17:10 Empowerment of Farmers & Agriprenures through Agribusiness 17:30 Tea Break A National Virtual Academy in Indian Agriculture to promote massive open online courses for agriculture professionals 2 Dr. Dilip Kumar Guntuku, ICRISAT, Hyderabad Group approach in farming and Mr. Dhyaneswar Bodke, linking small farmers to markets President, Abhinav Farmers’ Club, Pune Dr. Satyan Yadav, President, Horticulture Produce Management Institute, New Delhi Tea Break 17:50 Empowering rural lives through seed business incubation Mr. Nainar Reddy, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, AP 18:10 Panel Discussion on Session 3. To close at 19:00 M. L. Pathak, DDG (Animal Science), ICAR, Dr. A. K. Mishra, VC, MAFSU, Nagpur & Dr. P. Biswas, VC, WBUAFS, Kolkata. Session Coordinator: Dr. P. K. Singh, PS, NBAGR, Karnal. Venue: Dastur Auditorium 16:10 Session Coordinator: Dr. T. K. Mohanty, PS, LPM, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Library Dr. Asitava Sur, General Manager, Metro Dairy, Kolkata 16:50 Creating Market For Smallholder Farmers Mr. Kaushlendra, Kaushlendra Foundation, Patna, Bihar 17:10 17:30 17:50 Dr. P. Parthasarathy Rao, ICRISAT, Hyderabad Panel Discussion on Session 4. To close at 19:00 Cultural Programme: Kathak Recital by Padmashree Mrs. Shovana Narayan & Troupe. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium Breakfast. Venue: Food Court 16:50 Modeling Backyard Poultry Farming as an Instrument for Sustainable Livelihood under diverse economy Prof. S. Pan, WBUAFS, Kolkata 9:00 Plenary Lecture by Prof. Ashok Gulati, Chair Professor for Agriculture, ICRIER, New Delhi: Who Will Feed India?. Chairman: Dr. Anupam Verma, VP, NAAS, Rapporteur: Dr. A. C. Varshney, VC, PDDUPSCVV, Mathura. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium. 17:10 17:30 Tea Break Crossbreeding versus indigenous Dr. D. K. Sadana, Ex-PS, NBAGR, Karnal cattle breeds for livelihood security of smallholder farmers Dr. R. K. Singh, Director, IVRI, Izatnagar 16:10 Protected Cultivation with special reference to vegetable production 16:30 Small Farms : Comparative Dr. K. C. Bansal, Director, advantage of cultivating diversity NBPGR, New Delhi 16:50 Promoting sustainable livelihood Dr. S. M. Deb, NRCY, Dirang through enabling small farmers in NER 17:10 Tea Break 17:30 Strategies for better water utilization in Agriculture Dr. Brahma Singh, President, Indian Society for Protective Cultivation, New Delhi Dr. T. B. S. Rajput, Emeritus Scientist, WTCIR, New Delhi Dinner. Venue: Food Court Day 3: 5th Feb 2015 ( Thursday) DAY3 Session 6: Group dynamics of small holder farmers, SHG, Producers Companies, Cooperatives and contract farming. Chairpersons: Mr. J. N. L. Srivastava, Ex. Sect. MoA, GoI, Dr. A. R. Pathak, VC, JAU, Junagarh, Dr. G. S. Sharma, Executive Dir. RPIIT, Karnal & Dr. Shiv Parsad, ADG, (Coord.), ICAR. Session Coordinator: Dr. (Mrs.) Smita Sirohi, PS, DESM, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium 10:00 Special Session: Curbing Regional Issues for Profitable Agriculture. Tea Break Harnessing Emerging Market Potential for the benefit of Small Holder Farmers: Research and Policy implications Panel Discussion. To close at 19:00 19:00 8:00 16:10 Link or sink syndrome of Indian milk producers: a prognostication 18:10 Dr. M. R. Garg, General Manager, NDDB, Anand Chairpersons: Dr. K. L. Chadha President Horticultural Society of India, New Delhi, Dr. Ngachan, Director, ICAR, NEH, Barapani, Dr. Alagusundaram, DDG (Engineering), ICAR & Dr. W. S. Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. Session Coordinator: Dr. Vivek Sharma, PS, DC, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: ABTC 16:30 Dr. Gurbachan Singh, ASRB Balanced Ration for Sustainable dairy production in developing countries Panel Discussion on Session 5. To close at 19:00 Dr. Sukhpal Singh, Professor, IIM, Ahmedabad Curbing Salinity in Agriculture 16:30 18:10 Accessing modern agri markets for small producers in India: The role of Producer Companies 17:50 20:00 Session 4: Linking smallholder farmers with market. Chairpersons: Dr. S. S. Achyarya, Ex. Director, Inst. Dev. Studies, Dr. U. K. Mishra, VC, CKV, Durg, Dr. Devakumar, Ex ADG ICAR & Dr. Bakshi Ram, Director, SBI, Karnal. Session Coordinator: Dr. B. S. Chandel, Head, DESM, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Library 4 Strategies on intensification of Dr. S. B. Gokhale, BAIF, breeding for livestock production Pune at small holder and landless farmers set up Veterinary Aid Delivery System in India: Looking at future needs Round table for policy formulation (Animal & Dairy). Chairpersons: Plenary Lecture by Dr. Sherman Garnett, Dean MSU, USA: New Models of Higher Education for Social Empowerment. Chairman: Dr. P. L . Gautam, VP, NAAS, Rapporteur: Dr. C. R. Kole, VC, BCKV. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium. Session 5: Intensification of Livestock Production for Smallholder and Landless Farmers. Chairpersons: Dr. K. Pradhan, Ex VC, HAU, Hisar, Dr. K. 17:50 Dr. Suresh. S. Honnappagol, AH Commissioner, GOI, Dr. B. Patnaik, Director, FMD, Mukteshwar, Dr. M. P. Yadav, Ex. Director IVRI & Dr. S. K. Agarwal, Director, CIRG, Makhdoom. Lunch and Posters. Venue: Food Court 3 10:20 10:40 11:00 Linking smallholders to Market: Institutional Innovation and Experiences Mr. Sudarshan Suryawanshi CEO, Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals New Delhi Marketing of Spices by FPO Sh. Shubhendu Dash Sr. Manager (State Technical Advisor), Jaipur Group dynamics of smallholders: Pradan Model Mr. Rabindranath, Pradan NGO 5 Session 7: Mechanization & Post Harvest technologies for small farmers. Chairpersons: Prof. Kirti Singh, Ex Chairman ASRB & Chairperson, WNRF, Chennai. Prof. Anwar Alam Ex VC SKUAST, Sri Nagar, Dr. P K Sharma, VC, SKUAST, Jammu & Dr. R. R. B. Singh, Dean, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, Patna. Session Coordinator: Dr. A. K. Singh, PS, DT, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Library 10:00 Changing perspective of industry Mr. T. R. Kesavan, COO, from tractorization to farm TAFE Ltd, Chennai mechanization 10:20 Agricultural mechanization development in India Mr. Gajendra Singh, ExDDG (Engg) and Ex-VC, Doon University 10:40 Strategy to bring protected cultivation technology to the doorsteps of small and marginal farmers, with special reference to horticultural crops Mr. Sanjeev Chopra, Joint Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, New Delhi 11:00 Low cost processing and packaging technologies for small scale fish producers Dr M. M. Prasad, CIFT, Cochin 11:20 Approaches and advances in milk testing, collection and cooling: with special reference to small farmers Mr. Shiva Nagarajan, Mother Dairy, New Delh 12:00 New Concepts for Preserving Grains, Oilseeds and Pulses on Small Farms Prof. Digvir S. Jayas, University of Manitoba, Canada 12:20 Panel Discussion on Session 7. To close at 13:00 10:00 Student Elocution Contest. Chairpersons: Dr. M. L. Madan, Ex DDG (AS), ICAR & Ex. VC PDKV, Akola, Maj Gen Shri Kant, SM, VSM (Retd), VC, LLRVASU, Hisar, Dr. A. Bandyopadhaya, EX NC, NAIP & Dr. Rajiv Singhal, Vice-Chariman, RPIIT, Karnal. Session Coordinator: Dr. P. N. Raju, Sci. DT, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Dastur Auditorium. 10:00 Round Table Meeting (Plant) Chairpersons: Mr. Jeet Singh Sandhu, Ag Commissioner, GOI, Dr. D. P. Ray, Ex. VC, OUAT, Bhubaneshwar, Dr. R. K. Mittal, VC, Samastipur & Dr. T. A. More, VC, MPKV, Rahuri. Session Coordinator: Dr. Ratan Tiwari, PS, IIWBR, Karnal. Venue: ABTC. 13:00 Lunch & poster. Venue: Food Court Tea Break 11:20 Transfer of farm technologies for agricultural sustainability Sh. S. V. Kaore, IFFCO, New Delhi 11:40 Role of cooperatives in improving livelihood of farmers Dr. V. Kumar 12:00 Panel Discussion on Session 6. To close at 13:00 Tea Break 11:40 6 16:10 8 Tea Break VC, RVSKVV, Gwalior, Dr. A. K. Sikka, DDG (NRM), ICAR, Dr. R. C. Srivastava & Directorate of water mangt. Dehradun. Session Coordinator: Dr. Sohanvir 16:30 Direct cash transfer system for fertilizer: Why it might be hard to implement Dr. Avinash Kishore, IFPRI, New Delhi 15:10 Adoption of Conservation practices can effectively sustain agricultural production on small farms Mr. Raj Gupta, BISACIMMYT, New Delhi 16:50 Enhancing Profitability of Small Farmers-Technology and Policy Options Dr. K. Palanisami, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Hyderabad 15:30 Implication of climate change: lessons learnt & way forward Dr. P. K. Aggarwal, Regional Program Leader, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change 17:10 Improving water sharing through Dr. Dinesh K. Marothia, Exfostering institutional creativity Commission for agriculture Costs and Price (CACP) Ten steps to be adopted by small farmers to adapt to climate change Dr. B. Venkateswarlu, Vice-Chancellor, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Maharashtra Singh, PS, DCP, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Dastur Auditorium 15:50 16:10 Ch Srinivas Rao, CRIDA, Hyderabad 16:50 Indian Livestock- Challenges & Opportunities under climate change Dr. R. C. Upadhaya, NDRI, Karnal 17:10 Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services Dr. P. K. Ramachandran Nair, University of Florida, USA Panel Discussion on Session 8. To close at 18:00 15:10 Young Scientist Award Presentation. Chairpersons: Gautam Kalloo, Ex. DDG, Horticulture, VC JKVV, Jabalpur, Dr. P. N. Bhat, Ex. DDG, Animal Science, ICAR, Dr. P. K. Shrivastava, Ex. Director, NDDB, Bangalore & Dr. K. V. Prabhu, JD (Res.), IARI, New Delhi. Session Coordinator: Dr. Dheer Singh, PS, ABC, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium. 20:30 Dinner. Venue: Food Court 15:10 Smallholder agriculture: challenges for R&D Dr. P. K. Joshi, Director, International Food Policy Research Institute, New Delhi 15:30 Land Reforms Dr. T. Haque, ExCommission for Agriculture Costs and Price 15:50 Investments priority for accelerating agricultural productivity Dr. Seema Batla, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Dr. Neelam Director, Bhubaneswar DAY4 Breakfast. Venue: Food Court 9:00 Dr. A. B. Joshi Memorial Lecture by Prof. R. B. Singh. Chairman: Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Chairman, ASRB, Rapporteur: Dr. S. K. Patil, VC, IGKV, Raipur. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium. Farmers’ Session by Chairpersons: Dr. K. K. Katoch, VC, CSK HPKV, Palampur, Dr. K. K. Vijayan, Director CIBA, Chennai, Dr. C. L. Acharya, Director, IISS, Bhopal & Mr. J. S. Cheema, Cheema Foundation, Chandigarh. Session Coordinator: Dr. D. K. Gosain, Head, KVK, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium Grewal, DRWA, Tea Break 11:10 Breaking ground: A case study of an initiative towards empowering women 11:30 Panel Discussion on Session 10. To close at 12:30 Ms. R. Rukmani, Director, MSSRF, Chennai Session 11: Credit flow and insurance support to smallholder farmers. Chairpersons: Dr. Ramesh Rangan, MD, State Bank of Patiala, Dr. Deshpandey, NABARD, Chandigarh, Dr. S. Kochhar, Ex. NC, NAIP & Mr. Amit Gupta, Vice President, HCC. Session Coordinator: Dr. Ravinder Malhotra, PS, DESM, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Dastur Auditorium 10:10 10:30 8:00 9:50 Gender issues in Agriculture 10:50 11:10 Agriculture credit - is it a case of skewed supply and distorted demand? Mr. N. Srinivasan, Ex. Chief General Manager, NABARD, Mumbai Socio Economic Dimension in supporting sustainable livelihood security for small holder farmers Mr. G. G. Sohani, BAIF, Pune Tea Break Jharkhand Womens’ poultry cooperative society: A case study Mr. M. V. Ashok, Chief General Manager, DEAR, NABARD, Mumbai 11:30 Insurance schemes for supporting credit linked agricultural activities Mr. Kumaraswamy Naidu, Regional manager, Oriental Insurance, Hyderabad 11:50 Panel Discussion on Session 11. To close at 12:30 12:30 12 ASC Valedictory Function. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium 14:30 Farewell Lunch. Venue: Food Court About ICAR-NDRI Standing tall over ninety years as a center of excellence in dairy education and research, NDRI’s inception goes back to the Imperial Institute for Animal Husbandry & Dairying set up at Bangalore in 1923. National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) is situated on the sprawling 560 hectare campus at Karnal. A modern shelter management system maintains a herd of 1800 dairy animals. A commercial dairy plant caters to training students and scaling-up operations of newly developed products & processes in research labs. A multidisciplinary approach drives research at NDRI towards breed improvement, dairy development, extension work for transfer of technology from labs to farmers’ doorstep. Biotechnological innovations towards reproductive augmentation in dairy animal, cloned animal production, molecular-based approaches for development of kits for detection of adulterants in milk, formulation of complete food formulae by fortifying milk with cereals and other probiotics etc., have driven research to newer levels, attracting global attention. The HRD programme at NDRI is comprised of both undergraduate and post graduate courses in all disciplines of Dairy Production, Processing and Management attracting students from all over the country and abroad. For its contribution towards dairy development the ‘Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institute award’ was conferred upon by Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi in July 2014. The two regional stations of NDRI at Bengaluru and Kalyani cater to the research and education wings of NDRI specially addressing the on region specific needs www.ndri.res.in Please Contact: For Accommodation & Travel Registration Catering Posters Abstracts Agri-Expo Reimbursement Medical Help Other issues Who Dr. A.K. Tyagi Dr. Sumit Arora Dr. Bimlesh Mann Dr. S.S. Thakur Dr. Rajan Sharma Dr. Dheer Singh Capt. K.K. Uppal Dr. A.K. Singh Dr. Manoj Kumar Dr. T.K. Datta Dr. M.S. Chauhan Contact 9416950175 9896054444 9896245110 9416484247 9416120181 9416411258 9818133422 9416292406 8901251900 9416483476 9416252455 XII Agricultural Science Congress Sustainable Livelihood Security for Smallholder Farmers rd th 3 (Tuesday) - 6 (Friday), February 2015 ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana ur ity for lholder F Smal ar m er s 5.i n Chakravarty, Head, DCB, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Library Day 4: 6th Feb 2015 ( Friday) 10:30 Established in 1990, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) is among the most recent Science Academies of India. It owes its origin to the vision of late Dr. B. P. Pal, FRS. The Academy focuses on the broad field of agricultural sciences including crop husbandry, animal husbandry, fisheries, agro-forestry and interface between agriculture and agro-industry. Towards policy making on issues of agricultural research, education and extension at various levels, NAAS organizes and supports various national and international congresses, conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops and brainstorming sessions. Fourteen Regional Chapters of the Academy are functioning at Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Karnal, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Mumbai, Nagpur and Patna www.naas.org ongress201 Cultural Program by NDRI Students. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium Session 9: Policy challenges for protecting smallholders. Chairpersons: Dr. V. K. Taneja, VC, GADVASU, Ludhiana, Dr. M. L. Chaudhary, VC, Bihar AU, Bhagalpur, Dr. A. K. Rawat, Director, DBT, New Delhi & Dr. Saurav Gupta, Director RPIIT, Karnal. Session Coordinator: Dr. A. K. Plenary Lecture by Dr. Thomas Lumpkin, Director General of CIMMYT The Borlaug Institute of South Asia and its Impact on Smallholder Farmers. Chairman: Dr. S. N. Puri, Ex. VC, CAU, Rapporteur: Dr. Rameshwar Singh, PD, DKMA. Venue: Sundaresan Auditorium. 19:00 Dr. R. Padmaja, ICRISAT, Hyderabad About NAAS gric w.a ww 17:30 Role of social networks in adoption of technology and women empowerment 10:50 Panel Discussion on Session 9. To close at 18:00 18.00 10:10 9 - Maintenance of soil quality limits crop losses due to climate change on small farms Dr. (Mrs.) B. Meenakumari DDG (Fisheries), ICAR, Dr. A. K. Singh, D D G (Ext), ICAR, Dr. (Ms.) Prem Dureja, Editor NAAS & Dr. Indu Sharma, Director, IIWBR, Karnal. Session Coordinator: Mrs. Ritu Chakravarty, Sr. Sci. D Ext, NDRI, Karnal. Venue: Library 17:30 Tea Break 16:30 Session 10: Empowerment of women in agriculture. Chairpersons: c 7 inable Livelihoo s ta dS Su e Session 8: Natural resource management & climate change: International Perspective. Chairpersons: Dr. V. N. Sharda, Member, ASRB, Dr. A. K. Singh, 3-6 February 2015 Programme Booklet w w w. a g r i c o n g r e s s 2 0 1 5 . i n
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