By Sneed PostlFAX I-- Gov!. of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Research & Education Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi -I 10001 Ph. No. 2338899llExtn. 444, FaI No.OI I -23387293 F. No. 7-46/2014-IC II Dated the l-3 January, 2015 To, Director, Central Institute of Post- harvest Engineering and Technology Ludhiana-141004. Subject: Grant of Pennission to Dr. Tanbir Ahmad. Scientist. CIPHET. Ludhiana for pursuing Ph.D. under ICAR International Fellowship 2014-15 at Universiti Putra. Malaysia for 3 years from 05.02.2015 to 04.02.2018 reg. Sir, I am directed to refer to your letter No. dated 26m December, 2014 on the subject cited above, and to convey the approval of the competent authority of this Department to grant pennission to Dr. Tanbir Ahmad, Scientist, CIPHET, Ludhiana for pursuing Ph.D. under ICAR International Fellowship 2014-15 at Universiti Putra, Malaysia for 3 years from 05.02.2015 to 04.02.2018. The entire deputation expenses on account of boarding, lodging, including both ways international air-fare will be borne by the host, i.e. ICAR International Fellowship 2014-15. His period of absence while availing the above Ph.D. in Malaysia may be treated as "On Duty". Further, as per the award guidelines, the tenure of fellowship will not be extended in any case in so far as the Council support is concerned. Approval is also subject to execution of usual Duty Bond of appropriate value by Dr. Tanbir Ahmad, Scientist, CIPHET, Ludhiana. Dr. Tanbir Ahmad, Scientist, CIPHET, Ludhiana may be relieved after completion of the requisite predeparture fonnalities and necessary sanction order of the Institute be issued under intimation to this Department. He may be advised to get in touch with the Embassy of India at Malaysia to present brief of his accomplishment and activities abroad (Malaysia). He may also be advised to submit deputation report (7 Copies) along with prescribed Annexure to AOG(TC), ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi direct within one month of his return from abroad, under intimation to this Department. A copy of Duty Bond executed by the applicant along with amount break-up of Duty Bond may also be supplied to this Department for reference and record. (Irsad Alam) Under Secretary to the Gov!. of India Email: [email protected] Copy forwarded for information to: I. Dr. Tanbir Ahmad, Scientist, CIPHET, Ludhiana. (By Post/Fax). 2. High Commission oflndia, Level 28, Menru:!l I Mon't Kiara, 50480, Kuala Lumpur (By Post/Fax). 3. DOG (Engg), ICAR, & ADG(TC) Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan, New Delhi. (By Post/Fax). 4. Dir.(P), ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. (By Post/Fax). ~ Project Director, DKMA, KAB-I, Pusa, New Delhi with request to kindly upload this penn iss ion letter on ICAR website. (By Post/Fax). 6. Under Secretary(Coord.), DARE, Krishi Bhawan, N. Delhi. 7. Guard file. (Inad Alam) Under Secretary to the Gov!. of India Email: [email protected]
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