Day 1 : 3rd Feb 2015 (Tuesday) 11:0014:00 Registration at the Lawn of Sundaresan Auditorium 14:30 Inauguration of ASC India Expo at NDRI Play Ground 15:00 12th ASC Inauguration at Sundaresan Auditorium 17:00 Inaugural Tea 18:0018:40: Plenary Lecture by Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram at Sundaresan Auditorium: Emerging Technology options for ensuring food, nutrition and energy security 19:0021:00: Open air Cultural Programme & Dinner at Food Court Day 2: 4thFeb 2015 (Wednesday) 8:009:00 9:009:30: 9:3010:00: 10:00 10:30 Breakfast at Food Court Plenary Lecture by Dr. Juergen Voegele, Senior Director of the World Bank at Sundaresan Auditorium: Plenary lecture by Dr. Jimmy Smith, DG, ILRI at Sundaresan Auditorium: Livestock, livelihoods and the future of smallholder farmers Plenary lecture by Dr. R S Paroda, ExDG, ICAR. at Sundaresan Auditorium Session 1: Livelihood security for small holder farmers at Sundaresan Auditorium Chairman: Dr. S.L. Mehta, Ex DDG, Ex VC (RAU), CoChairmen: Dr. K.S. Khokhar, VC CCS HAU, Mr.M.J.Khan, Editor Agriculture Today, Rapporteur: Dr.N.V. Patil, Director, NRCC, Bikaner 10:30 10:50 Sustainability issues for small farmers in T. Jayaraman, Tata Institute of context of climate change Social Sciences. Mumbai Enhancing Economic viability of small farms: Evidence from horticulture crops 11:10 Rural prosperity through collective action 11:30 Farmers’ distress and indebtedness MIA’s Experience with Community 11:50 Based Microinsurance and Agricultural Insurance 12:1012:30 Dr. Deepak Shah Gokhale Institute Of Politics And Economics, Pune Dr. K.J.S. Satyasai, DEAR, NABARD, Mumbai Dr. R.S. Deshpande, ICSSR, Bengaluru Dr. Nihar Jangale, Micro Insurance Academy, New Delhi Tea Break Breaking Institutional Boundaries through 12:30 systems approaches in Livestock Dr. V. Padmakumar, ILRI, New Delhi Research & Development The Role and Importance of Smallholder Prof. Jerzy Banski, Institute of 12:50 farmers in rural space: An example from Geography and Spatial Org., Poland Warsaw, Poland Session 2: Attracting & retaining youth in Agriculture at N. N. Dastur Auditorium Chairman: Dr. Tej Partap, VC, SKUAST, Srinagar, CoChairmen: Dr. Arvind Kumar, DDG (Edn.), ICAR Rapporteur: Ravipratap Singh, BPD, BHU 10:20 10:40 ICT interventions in Agricultural Extension Secretary (IT & Extension) AgriBusiness education in India – Need Dr. Vikram Singh, Director, for qualitative reforms MANAGE, Hyderabad Sustainable development of small 11:00 Shri Sanjeev Gupta, IAS. Joint farmers – A successful experience of RBRC model Dr. K. Narayan Gowda, Ex.Vice Chancellor, UAS, Bengaluru AgriClinics and AgriBusiness Centres – Dr. P. Chandra Shekara, Director, 11:20 New Dimension in Professionalizing and AgriExtension, MANAGE, Enterprising Agriculture Hyderabad A National Virtual Academy in Indian 11:40 Agriculture to promote massive open online courses for agriculture Dr. Dilip Kumar Guntuku, ICRISAT, Hyderabad professionals 12:00 Group approach in farming and linking small farmers to markets Mr. Gnaneswar Bodke, President, Abhinav Farmers’ Club, Pune 12:2012:40 Tea Break 12:4013:00 Panel Discussion on Session 2 Round table for policy formulation (Animal & Dairy) at Library 10:0013:00 Chairman: Dr.S.Bandopadhyay, ASRB, CoChairmen: Dr.S.S. Honnappagol, AH Commissioner, Dr.B.Patnaik, NRC, FMD, Rapporteur: Dr.S.K.Agarwal, CIRG, Makhdoom 13:00 15:00 Lunch and Posters at Food Court 15:0015:40 Plenary Lecture by Dr. Sherman Garnett, Dean MSU, USA at Sundaresan Auditorium: New Models of Higher Education for Social Empowerment Session 3 at Sundaresan Auditorium: Skill and Human Resource Development for Diversification of Employment and Income Opportunities Chairman: Dr. J. C. Katyal, Ex DDG & VC HAU; CoChairman: Dr. B. S. Dhillon, VC,PAU; CoChairman : Mr. Vijay Singh Thakur, VC,YSPUHF, Solan 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20 Practical goat farming present scenario & problems Mr. Deepak Patidar, Ekta Agronomic and Livestock, MP Business model on ‘Instant Millets Mix for Mr. Abhay Kumar Verma, Breakfast’ New Delhi The success story of Kiwi farming at West Kameng of Arunachal Arunachal Pradesh Empowerment of Farmers & Agriprenures through Agribusiness ? Mr. Bodumba, Dirang, Dr. Satyan Yadav, President, Horticulture Produce Management Institute, New Delhi Mr. SM Karuppanchetty, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, AP 17:4018:00 Tea Break 18:0019:00 Panel Discussion on Session 3 Session 4 at Library: Linking small holder farmers with market Chairman: Dr. S.S. Achyarya CoChairman: Dr. Devakumar, ExADG, ICAR/NAAS, Dr. Ramesh Chand, Director, NCAP Rapporteur: Accessing modern agri markets for small 16:00 producers in India: The role of Producer Companies 16:20 16:40 17:00 Link or sink syndrome of Indian milk producers: a prognostication Ahmedabad Dr. Asitava Sur, General Manager, Metro Dairy, Kolkata Linking Small Holder Farmers with Modern Agrifood Channels/Markets Creating Market For Smallholder Farmers Dr. Vijay Paul Sharma, Professor, IIM, Ahmedabad, Mr. Kaushlendra, Kaushlendra Foundation, Patna, Bihar Harnessing Emerging Market Potential 17:20 Dr. Sukhpal Singh, Professor, IIM, for the benefit of Small Holder Farmers: Research and Policy implications Dr. P. ParthasarathyRao, ICRISAT, Hyderabad 17:4018:00 Tea Time 18:0019:00 Panel Discussion on Session 4 Session 5 at N. N. Dastur Auditorium: Intensification of Livestock Production for Small Holder and Landless Farmers Chairman: Dr. K. Pradhan, Ex VC (HAU) CoChairmen: Dr. K. M. L. Pathak, DDG (AS); Dr. A. K. Mishra, VC, MAFSU Rapporteur: Dr. P. Biswas, VC, WBUAFS, Kolkata Strategies on intensification of breeding 16:00 for livestock production at small holder Dr. S.B. Gokhale, BAIF, Pune and landless farmers’ set up 16:20 Balanced Ration for Sustainable dairy production in developing countries Dr. M.R. Garg, General Manager, NDDB, Anand Modeling Backyard Poultry Farming as 16:40 an Instrument for Sustainable Livelihood Prof. S. Pan, WBUAFS, Kolkata under diverse economy Crossbreeding versus indigenous cattle 17:00 breeds for livelihood security of smallholder farmers 17:20 Veterinary Aid Delivery System in India: Looking at future needs Dr. D.K. Sadana, ExPS, NBAGR, Karnal Dr. R.K. Singh, Director, IVRI, Izatnagar 17:4018:00 Tea Time 18:0019:00 Panel Discussion on Session 5 Special Session at ABTC: Curbing Regional Issues for Profitable Agriculture Chairman: Dr.K.L.Chadha, President HIS CoChairmen: Dr. Ngachan, Director ICAR, NEH, Barapani, Dr.Algusundaram, DDG (Engg.) 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20 Protected Cultivation with special reference to vegetable production Small Farms : Comparative advantage of cultivating diversity Promoting sustainable livelihood through enabling small farmers in NER Strategies for better water utilization in Agriculture Dr. Brahma Singh, President, Indian Society for Protective Cultivation, New Delhi Dr.K.C.Bansal, Director, NBPGR Dr.S.M.Deb, NRCY, Dirang Dr. T B S Rajput, Emeritus Scientist, WTCIR Curbing Salinity in Agriculture Dr. Gurbachan Singh, ASRB 17:4018:10 Tea Break 18:1019:00 Panel Discussion 19:0020:00 20:0021:00 Cultural Programme at Sundaresan Auditorium: Kathak Recital by Padamshree Mrs. Sovna Narayan & Troupe Dinner at Food Court Day 3: 5thFeb 2015 ( Thursday) 8:009:00 : Breakfast at Food Court 9:009:40: Plenary Lecture by Prof. Ashok Gulati, Chair Professor for Agriculture, ICRIER, New Delhi at Sundaresan Auditorium: Who Will Feed India? Session 6 at Sundaresan Auditorium: Group dynamics of small holder farmers, SHG, Producers Companies, Cooperatives and contract farming Chairman: Mr. J. N. L. Srivastava CoChairmen: Dr. A.R. Pathak, VC, JAU, Junagadh, Dr. T. A. More, VC, MPKV, Rahuri Rapporteur: Dr. Shivprasad, ADG (Coord.), ICAR Mr. Sudarshan Suryawanshi, CEO, 10:00 Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals, New Delhi 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 Sh. Shubhendu Dash Marketing of Spices by Sr. Manager (State Technical FPO Advisor), Jaipur ? Mr. Rabindranath Transfer of farm technologies for agricultural sustainability Role of cooperatives in improving livelihood of farmers Sh. S.V. Kaore, IFFCO Dr. V. Kumar 11:4012:10 Tea Break 12:1013:00 Panel Discussion on Session 6 Session 7 at Library: Mechanization & Post Harvest technologies for small farmers Chairman: Prof. Kirti Singh, ExDDG (Horti) & ExChairman ASRB CoChairmen: Dr.P.K.Sharma, VC SKUAST Jammu, Dr.R.R.B.Singh, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, Patna 10:00 10:20 Changing perspective of industry from tractorization to farm mechanization Mr. Gajendra Singh, ExDDG (Engg) in India and ExVC, Doon University technology to the doorsteps of small and marginal farmers, with special reference to horticultural crops Low cost processing and packaging 11:00 technologies for small scale fish producers 11:20 11:40 Chennai Agricultural mechanization development Strategy to bring protected cultivation 10:40 Mr. TR Kesavan, COO, TAFE Ltd, Mr. Sanjeev Chopra, Joint Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, New Delhi Dr C.N. Ravishankar, Director, CIFT, Cochin Mr. Nagarajan Sivaramakrishnan, ? Mother Dairy New Concepts for Preserving Grains, Prof Digvir S. Jayas, University of Oilseeds and Pulses on Small Farms Manitoba, Canada 12:0012:30 Tea Break 12:3013:00 Panel Discussion on Session 7 Student Elocution Contest at N. N. Dastur Auditorium 10:0013:00 Chairman: Dr.M.L.Madan, ExDDG AS, CoChairman: Maj. Gen. Shrikant, VC LLARVASU, Dr. A. Bandhopadhyay, ExNC, NAIP Round Table Meeting (Plant) at ABTC 10:0013:00 Chairman: Dr.Swapan Datta, DDG (CS) CoChairmen: Mr.J.S.Sandhu, AG Commissioner, Dr.R.K.Mittal 13:0015:00 Lunch & poster at Food Court Session 8 at N.N. Dastur Auditorium: Natural resource management & climate change: International Perspective Chairman: Dr. Sharda, Member, ASRB CoChairmen: Dr. A. K. Singh, VC, RVSKVV, Dr. A. K. Sikka, DDG (NRM) Adoption of Conservation practices can 15:00 effectively sustain agricultural production Mr. Raj Gupta, BISACIMMYT, New Delhi on small farms Implication of climate change: lessons 15:20 learnt & way Dr. P. K. Aggarwal Regional Program Leader, CGIAR Research Program on forward Climate Change Dr. B. Venkateswarlu 15:40 Ten steps to be adopted by small farmers to adapt to climate change ViceChancellor, VasantraoNaikMarathwadaKrishiVid yapeeth, Maharashtra Maintenance of soil quality limits crop 16:00 losses due to climate change on small farms 16:20 16:40 Indian Livestock Challenges & Opportunities under climate change Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services Ch SrinivasRao, CRIDA, Hyderabad Dr. R C Upadhaya, NDRI Dr. P. K. Ramachandran Nair, University of Florida, USA 17:0017:30 Tea Break 17:3018:00 Panel Discussion on Session 8 Session 9 at Library: Policy challenges for protecting small holders Chairman: Dr. V.K.Taneja, VC, GADVASU CoChairman: Dr. M.L.Chaudhary, VC, Bihar AU, Bhagalpur; Dr.A.K.Rawat, Director, DBT Rapporteur: Dr.Rameshwar Singh, Project Director (DKMA) Smallholder agriculture: challenges for Dr. P.K. Joshi, International Food 15:00 R&D Policy Research Institute Dr. T. Haque, ExCommission for 15:20 Land Reforms Agriculture Costs and Price Investments priority for accelerating Dr. Seema Batla, Jawaharlal Nehru 15:40 agricultural productivity University, New Delhi Direct cash transfer system for fertilizer: 16:00 Dr. Avinash Kishore, IFPRI Why it might be hard to implement Dr. K. Palanisami, International Enhancing Profitability of Small Farmers 16:20 Water Management Institute (IWMI), Technology and Policy Options Hyderabad Dr. Dinesh K. Marothia, Ex Improving water sharing through 16:40 Commission for agriculture Costs fostering institutional creativity and Price (CACP) 17:0017:30 Tea Break 17:3018:00 Panel Discussion on Session 9 15:0018:00 Young Scientist Award Presentation at Sundaresan Auditorium Chairman: Dr. Gautam Kaloo, ExVC Jabalpur, Cochairmen: Dr.P.N.Bhat, ExDDG AS, Dr. P .K. Srivastava 18.0018.40 Plenary Lecture by Dr. Thomas Lumpkin, Director General of CIMMYT at Sundaresan Auditorium: The Borlaug Institute of South Asia and its Impact on Smallholder Farmers 19:0020.00 Cultural Program by NDRI Students at Sundaresan Auditorium 21:0022.00 Dinner at Food court Day 4: 6th Feb 2015 ( Friday) 8:009:00 9:009:40 Breakfast at Food Court Dr. A.B. Joshi Memorial Lecture by Prof. R.B. Singh at Sundaresan Auditorium Farmers’ Session at Sundaresan Auditorium 10:0013:00 Chairman: Dr. K. K. Katoch, VC, CSKHPKVV CoChairmen: Sh. R.Rajagopal, Secretary ICAR, Dr. C.L. Acharya, Director , IISS , Mr.Cheema Session 10 Library: Empowerment of women in agriculture Chairman: Dr (Mrs). B. Meenakumari, DDG (Fish) ICAR CoChairmen:Dr. Neelam Grewal, Dr.A.K.Singh, DDG (Ext) Rapporteur: Dr.Indu Sharma, DWR 10:00 10:20 10:40 10:4011:20 Science and technology innovations for empowering for women in agriculture Role of social networks in adoption of technology and women empowerment Gender in agricultural assets Dr. Vinita Sharma, Scientist 'G' & Head, SEED Dr.R.Padmaja, ICRISAT, Hyderabad Dr. Govind Kelkar, Landesa, New Delhi Breaking ground: A case study of an Ms. R. Rukmani, Director, MSSRF, initiative towards empowering women Chennai 11:2011:50 Tea Break 11:5012:20 Panel Discussion on Session 10 Session 11 at N.N. Dastur Auditorium: Credit flow and insurance support to smallholder farmers Chairman: Shri. S. A. Ramesh Rangan, MD, SBoP CoChairmen:Dr.Deshpandey, NABARD, Chandigarh, Dr.S.Kochhar, NC, NAIP Rapporteur: Mr.Amit Gupta, VP, HCC 10:00 Agriculture credit is it a case of skewed supply and distorted demand? Mr. N. Srinivasan, Ex. Chief General Manager, NABARD Socio Economic Dimension in supporting 10:20 sustainable livelihood security for small Mr. G. G. Sohani, BAIF, Pune holder farmers 10:40 11:00 Jharkhand Womens’ poultry cooperative society: A case study Manager, DEAR, NABARD, Mumbai Insurance schemes for supporting credit linked agricultural activities Mr. M V Ashok, Chief General Mr. Kumaraswamy Naidu, Regional manager, Oriental Insurance, Hyderabad 11:2011:50 Tea Break 11:5012:20 Panel Discussion on Session 11 13:0014:30 12 ASC Valedictory Function at Sundaresan Auditorium 14:0015:00 Farewell Lunch at Food Court
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