Pastor ………Reverend William S. Murphy Pastor Emeritus………..Rev. Msgr. John Graf Weekend Celebrant...Rev. Francis Caponi, OSA In Residence ……Rev. Msgr. Frank Depman Deacons ….………..Deacon Thomas Hannan Deacon Michael DeGrasse Deacon Jeffrey Hanna Parish Office Staff ……..………..Joyce Malchione Ann Caruso Donna Brumbaugh Ella Havrilak Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 School Principal ….…………….Danielle White All were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee.” Parish Office (Ph) 610-869-2722, (fax) 610-869-3252 - Mark 1:27-28 Director of Religious Education ....Karen Batdorf School Office (Ph) 610-869-9576, (fax) 610-869-4049 Religious Education Office ……...(Ph) 610-869-8575 Parish Facilities Request .… [email protected] Church and Parish Office: 300 State Road • West Grove, PA 19390 Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm Masses Daily Mass Schedule 6:30 am - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:15 am - Tuesday, Friday Eucharistic Adoration Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Sacraments and Devotions Baptism: Sundays at 1:30 pm in Church (bimonthly) Matrimony: Engaged couples are asked to meet with parish priest at least six months prior to wedding and enroll in a marriage-prep program. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 11:00 am-12:15 pm (Church) Rosary: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (Church) Liturgy of the Hours: 7:00 am Monday thru Thursday (Church) Bulletin: Submit articles by 8:00 am on Friday for publication the following week. Submit to the Parish Office or email [email protected] Page 1 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Dear friends, Collection for week of Jan. 24/25, 2015 Weekly Collection Weekly Income Needed $16,373 $16,500 ($127) Weekly Over/(Under) ($5,312) YTD Over/(Under) Includes $3,129 E-Giving, 19% Participation Catholic Relief Services $2,758.00 Total Debt to Archdiocese: $2,339,718 Mortgage and past due assessments Operating expenses for the Parish are predominantly met with income from the Sunday offertory collections, as well as, tuition and other fundraising events. Our weekly collections have been running behind - approximately $5,000 (YTD) - our revised goal of $16,500/week. Over time this deficit will accumulate and hamper our ability to meet our expenses, as well as pay for the recent four major maintenance projects. What do you think of when you hear the word “authority”? Perhaps some people like the word because it brings to mind images of control, order, someone taking charge, someone giving orders. For other people, the whole idea of someone giving orders and others simply obeying is uncomfortable—especially because we have seen how those in authority can and often have abused their power. Yet, what we think of authority is important, because in today’s gospel Mark emphasizes the authority of Jesus: The people were astonished at [Jesus’] teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. . . “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” Scripture scholar N.T. Wright notes that what Mark is saying here is that the people notice that Jesus “is behaving as if he, himself, was in charge.” Even more, they contrast his authority to that of the scribes, the religious professionals. As Wright explains, in Jesus’ day the “people who taught the law did so not on their own authority but by interpreting and applying existing law. ‘This is what soand-so taught,’ they would say, quoting both recent and ancient authorities. But Jesus didn’t do that. As we see in the other gospels (the Sermon on the Mount, for instance), he was quite outspoken. ‘You’ve heard that it was said. . . but I say to you. . . !’ He behaved, and spoke as if he was in charge. And he backed up his speaking with action.” When we keep these words in mind, and remember that at its root authority comes from author which means “to bring to life, to cause to grow,” we get to the heart of the matter: Jesus has come proclaiming the nearness of the Kingdom of God. In his words he claims to know the heart of the law of that Kingdom. In his actions, he shows that his words are not empty; they are real—they bring into effect what they proclaim. Jesus says God’s kingdom power is near at hand, in him and he heals, forgives, restores, recreates, brings order with that very power. In other words, Jesus is completely authentic! What he says and what he does are one. He is in charge! He comes with the very power of God. He causes God’s kingdom to grow. And throughout his life and ministry Jesus reveals that his power, the power of God will defeat all rival powers—everything that harms or demeans or tries to destroy the dignity of every person and the dignity of the entirety of God’s creation. Everything contrary to God, everything contrary to Life, to Love, to Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Oneness will be defeated! Everything that is not a part of the Kingdom of God will be done away with. The Parish Life Center (PLC) and Parish Offices are fully operational. All bills for construction and furnishings are paid. However, to facilitate timely completion of construction, we utilized Parish funds - which are being repaid. The case statement for the Parish Appeal planned $50,000 to ABVM School. We have deferred payment of that commitment until after PLC bills were paid. These obligations will be fulfilled by October 2015. Therefore, it is important that you continue your generous support of the Parish Appeal. To date, we have raised approximately $362,000 from donations of more than 700 parishioners such as you. We need to collect an additional $26,000 by December 2015 to fulfill our obligations for the scope of this Appeal. Thus, the Goal has been modified to reflect these needs. For more details, please contact John Brennan, Secretary of Financial Affairs, at [email protected]. Now that is quite a claim. Some would say it is very hard to believe. After all, looking around at our world, it is easy to be skeptical. There is still so much evil, so much sadness, so much death. Indeed. Yet, the Risen Lord, whom we celebrate every Sunday as present in our midst, is still about the work of defeating darkness with his light, still advancing his Father’s Kingdom. And this is where it becomes very personal, very specific: If Jesus is the One with authority, if Jesus is the one who backs his words with actions, if Jesus is the One who ushers in God’s Kingdom, if Jesus is the one “in charge,” then the question becomes, how much “charge” do I give him over my life? How much of my life do I surrender to him? How much do I entrust myself to Christ? More specifically that means: how much are Jesus’ words the guiding light for the words that come from my mouth? How much is the attitude of Jesus toward others the attitude that I have toward others, all others? How deeply does Jesus command to forgive seventy times seven impact the way I forgive those who offend or harm me? How much is Jesus’ way, my way? Because the point is that Jesus’ authority will take hold person by person. The more we let the truly authentic one, the Son of God, lead and guide us, the more his authority “causes us to grow” to full Christian maturity and the more God’s Kingdom grows and spreads throughout the world. Peace and all good, Fr. Murphy Page 2 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time Scripture Reflection February 1, 2015 "The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes." Jesus was doing something different. His teaching was new, fresh, surprising. And just in case those who heard him doubted his legitimacy, Jesus proved his authority by more than words; he cast out evil spirits. When the people witnessed Jesus commanding "even the unclean spirits" and saw that these spirits obeyed him, they were "amazed" at this "new teaching with authority." What our Jewish ancestors experienced is recorded for us to bolster our own faith. Although we were not there to see these events unfold, if we meditate on the reality of today's Gospel story we will also be astonished and amazed. Jesus is more than a teacher. He is more than a kind man with an attractive philosophy. Jesus has power over the spiritual world! His authority over us is real. And he exercises this authentic authority for our own good. He has the power to do away with evil and to set us free, both through his teachings-passed on to us in the Bible and in the Church--and through his action in our lives. We only need to follow his lead. Mark 1:21-28: Why do you think Mark records an exorcism as Jesus’ first miracle? Deuteronomy 18:15-20: Why do you think Moses’ prophecy ends with such a dire warning? 1 Corinthians 7:32-35: How does your faith life assist you in being “free of anxieties”? Please Pray For Rest in Peace Jim Boyd, Garo Vepremian, Phyllis Robinson, Phyllis Pastorius, Rosemarie Brizek, Ed Vetrone, Debbie Robinson, Philip Caruso, Mary Louise Bove, Devon Bartholf, Davis Family, Jacquie McHale, Gert Lincoln, Jack & Fran Logue, Carol Brown, Msgr. John Graf, Ryan Coyle, Mary Fincher, Clark, Heyburn & Blowe Families, Terry O’Connell, Odrobina, Ludwick, Starr, French, Kosowski, Tyson, Eastlack, Bell, Holt & Cooke Families, Jack Carney, Patricia Bonnett, Nicole Vitale, Joe Matonti, Gregory & Ed Painter, Lisa Erling Vito, Fabiola Matalonis, Rudy Mason, Kelli Marvel, Adrienne, Damien & Andy D’Orazio, Bob Schubert, Bill Chesukavitch, Eleanor & Bill Sauerwine, Mary Twadell, Philip Miller, Cox & McNeil Families, Stephania Price, Face of Christ & Visitation Prayer Intentions Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Military Prayers PFC James T. Mackereth, Petty Officer Daniel Carr, Staff Sgt. John Koss, Jr., LCPL Michelle Smith, R.C. Gosselin, Lt. John Joseph Eife, SrA Ashli McEntee, Staff Sgt. Jon Koss, Jr., Ray Nelson, A1C Lyle Laub, USAF, Cpl. Samuel Ellis, Lnc. Cpl. Michael Guerrera, Cpl. Jonathan Russell Lynch, William Ewers, Sgt. Jared Moran, FS3 Cody Liebeskind, Sgt. Andy Camela Public Prayer Request Name: ___________________________________________ Requester/Phone:__________________________________ Requests will be printed in the bulletin for one month and military prayers for six months. You may renew as often as you wish. Bill Daugherty Caroline Klein Trent Stetler Welcome We would like to welcome the following new members to the Assumption BVM Parish Family: Alison Kieras Family Baptisms On Sunday, January 25, 2015, the following children were welcomed into our Parish Family: Brigit Coll Barnett Caroline Catherine Derbyshire Charlotte Rose McCray Page 3 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time Lent begins February 18th... Adult offerings during Lent: Living the Eucharist Starting in Lent, we will join together for small group discussions on the Gospel using the Paulist Father’s “Living the Eucharist” Adult Faith Formation Program. This program is based on faith sharing groups and the Lectio Divina process. Wednesday Evenings, February 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25 6:15pm in the ABVM Parish Life Center Conference Room, followed by Mass at 7:30 pm Sunday Mornings, February 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 11 am in the ABVM Parish Life Center Conference Room after the 10 am Mass Thursday Mornings, February 26, March 5, 12, 19, and 26 9:30 - 11 am in the ABVM Parish Life Center Conference Room Registration is encouraged. Please e-mail [email protected] to sign up. Eucharistic Adoration Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm ABVM Main Church Jesus, Jesus, My God, I adore you. Jesus, Jesus, receive my prayer. Jesus, I thank thee, in the presence of the angels. Jesus, Jesus, my God, my Lord. For questions, contact Cyndi at [email protected] or Mary at 610-255-0382 or [email protected] or Mary Ellen (610-345-0024). Eucharistic Adoration during Inclement Weather When inclement weather approaches, the Eucharistic Adoration schedule will follow the Avon Grove School District weather closure/ early dismissal policy. Flame of Love Prayer Group On Thursday evenings you are invited to join the Flame of Love Group as they meet and pray from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Assumption BVM Church. Pray the Rosary Join us for the Holy Rosary every Wednesday 6:30 pm Assumption BVM Church We will be offering this rosary for the intentions of our families. Come and experience this beautiful prayer to Jesus and his Blessed Mother. Page 4 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time “Journey Through Lent” “Journey through Lent” bags will be distributed the weekend of February 14/15, 2015. Bags will contain a copy of “Living the Mass”, a Lenten devotional, rice bowl and informational sheet on Lenten parish activities. Be sure to get one of the purple bags for your faith enrichment. Mass instructional book: Due to a gracious donation, the book “Living the Mass” by Father Domini Grassi and Joe Paprocki will be distributed to all interested parishioners the Sunday before Lent. Father Murphy used the book as a resource for the teaching Mass he led this past Fall. Lent Devotional booklets: Little Black Books for Lent and Living the Eucharist daily devotional booklets for Lent called from Exodus to Easter will be available in the vestibule. Feel free to utilize either resource on your Lenten Journey. The Catholic Lighthouse Media display will also have added resources and Lenten topics for a deeper Lenten experience. Rice Bowls: Please join the parish children in their Lenten sacrifices for the Rice bowl program. Rice bowls will be available starting Ash Wednesday. This year’s rice bowl donations will go towards stocking ponds with fish for poor families. Catholic Relief Services has sustainable agricultural programs designed to help lift families out of poverty in many nations. A stocked fish pond means that a high-protein dinner is just a catch away. Catholic Relief Services helps families stock ponds that feed their families—even when crops fail. Fish also provide another source of income for farmers and better nutrition for the entire community. A donation of $25-30 will help provide fish for a family’s pond. Children will bring home rice bowls the second week of February. Rice Bowl offerings will be collected the week of March 22. BE A PART OF THE AVON GROVE PRAYER PROJECT! Ash Wednesday, February 18th 6:30 am Mass and Ashes 8:15 am Prayer Service and Ashes 4:45 pm Prayer Service and Ashes 7:00 pm Evening Mass and Ashes The Avon Grove Ministerium, made up of ministers from all the Christian Churches in the Avon Grove area, is conducting its annual Prayer Project 155. This event takes place during Unity Week 2015—February 22-28. The idea is that all the churches unite in 155 hours of prayer for our churches, our local and community leaders and specific church requests. The churches do this by having individual members sign up to commit to an hour (or a few hours) of prayer for a total of 155 hours. This is a great way for ABVM to join with our brothers and sisters from other churches in a prayerful expression of solidarity and love. For information, or to sign up for an hour of prayer, visit the project link: Page 5 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Education News CYFF News SAFE environment lessons will take place the first week of February (2, 4, 5). Please be sure to review the e-mailed lessons and if you have any questions contact [email protected]. Students will report to the Parish Center (school gym) for the start of classes that day. Assumption BVM School is excited to celebrate the success of our 8th Graders. This talented 8th Grade class has received over $24,000 in high school scholarships to date. The high schools awarding these scholarships are Padua Academy, Salesianum School and St. Mark’s High School. We applaud the efforts and accomplishments of these students. February 2015 3rdAfter school Cantor Club Practice 6th8:15 AM First Friday Mass and Adoration 10thSpring pictures and 8th Grade Gown pictures th 11 After school Student Council Meeting 12th7 PM Home and School Meeting 13th8:15 AM Mass prepared by Grade 4 & PreK CYFF Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 attendance: We have included the Ash Wednesday service as part of our yearly CYFF calendar, however there will be no regular classes on Tuesday and Wednesday (February 17 and 18). We request that your family attend one of the many convenient services offered by our parish that day. While in attendance, please pick up a “business card” from a table in the vestibule. You will need one card per child in attendance at CYFF. Write your child’s name on the cards (space will be provided). Your child(ren) should turn this card in the following class to their Catechist. The cards will be used to take attendance for the week of Ash Wednesday. No card means that your family has opted to use that week as one of the 6 yearly allowed absences. Sunday CYFF classes - this also applies to you. Parents of 1-2 Year Olds Starting Sunday, February 15th, the parish will be offering a babysitting program for 1-2 year olds during the 10 am Mass in the Parish Life Center. Children can be signed in starting at 9:50 am and picked up at the end of Mass. For information, please contact [email protected]. Sacrament News Confirmation preparation for 2015: CYFF Level 6 and ABVM Grade 6 students: Mark your calendars now! The Rite of Enrollment and Workshop for Confirmation will be Saturday, February 7th. Please plan to attend the 4:30 pm Mass and attend the workshop following. Workshop will end at 7 PM and include pizza and drinks. First Reconciliation and First Communion: The Parent’s Workshop on Reconciliation is Tuesday, February 3rd, 7-8:30 PM in the Main Church. At least one parent should plan to attend. First Reconciliation for all students preparing for First Communion will be Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 6:30 PM in the Main Church. Page 6 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Follow us on Facebook ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA Vocation Office for Diocesan Priesthood Heed the Call Please share this announcement with anyone you know who might be discerning the call to the Diocesan Priesthood. Our "spring" semester Come & See weekends are fast approaching. This is a great opportunity to stay on campus and experience the life of a seminarian. You can register for these weekends by calling the Vocation Office at 610-667-5778. High School Weekend February 13th - February 15th Post HS Weekend February 20th - February 22nd Rooms are limited! Call Today! Saturday, February 28, 2015 8:00 am until 3:00 pm Celebrate our Catholic Faith with a day of spiritual renewal and enter the season of Lent as Salesianum School in Wilmington, DE offers SACRED for the 15th time. We expect 250 people to attend this year, so don’t miss out! The price includes coffee, light breakfast items, a hot lunch and over 15 courses in adult religious education. Reconciliation begins at 3:15 PM and Sunday Mass at 4 PM. Cost: $40. Register online at Human Service Announcements Pray the Rosary for Life (2/1-2/7/15) Sun. T. Leszczynski Thu. D. Northrup Mon. H. Dowd Fri. D. Brumbaugh Tue. L. Holmes Sat. M. Mueller Wed. C. Shields The sign-up calendar is located in the Main Church lobby. Post Abortion Healing: Call 215-587-5640. Pregnant? Need Help? Call 1-800-CARE-002. Birthright: 610-436-0773 Consolation Ministry: 7 pm Meeting the 3rd Thursday of each month (ABVM Children’s Chapel). Aid for Friends Cooks: Filled, frozen meal trays can be taken to the freezer in the ABVM Parish Life Center, weekdays from 8 am-7 pm. To help prepare meals or be an AFF driver, contact Ann Barr at 610-869-8559. Annulment Proceeding: Contact the Metropolitan Tribunal, Archdiocese of Philadelphia (215) 587-3750. Al-Anon meeting will be held every Monday night from 89pm in the ABVM Church. Call 484-571-4778. Retrouvaille: This is a process to help troubled marriages. For information, call 1-800-470-2230. Marriage Encounter: Call 1-800-456-8330. Courage—Courage ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones. A weekly peer support group is offered to homosexual men and women who wish to live according to the teaching of the Catholic Church. Call 215-587-4505. Confidentiality assured. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat March 20-22, 2015 Spirituality Center, Frazer, PA Rachel’s Vineyard retreats are for anyone hurting from the spiritual and emotional pain of an abortion. The weekend will help you experience the mercy and compassion of God; grieve your loss; and forgive yourself and others. Call 215-906-6337 or 610-3990890 or visit All contacts are confidential. Are You a Mandated Reporter? As part of our Catholic commitment to safe environment, the Archdiocese recently updated its policies and training curriculum for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. These policies reflect the Church’s commitment to always do more, as well as new Pennsylvania laws that went into effect on December 31, 2014. If you have direct contact with children, you may be a mandated reporter. Volunteers will be contacted by head ministers with updated information on how to properly report child abuse and asked to sign a new form acknowledging the updated training. More information about these important changes can also be found at Page 7 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Junior High Dance Cheerleading News Congratulations to our ABVM Cheerleaders who competed in the CYO Region 17 Cheer Competition this past Sunday at Bishop Shanahan High School. The girls have been working hard all season and did an outstanding job! Both the Junior Varsity and Varsity teams received 2nd place trophies at the competition. We are very proud of you! Also, I would like to thank the assistant coaches and our team parents for their tremendous support this year. Join us on Friday, February 6, 2015 Assumption BVM Parish Center - Christine Gallagher, ABVM Cheerleading Coach 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Open to the community for all 6th, 7th & 8th graders Tickets sold at the door $5.00 first come/first serve Snacks/Beverages sold inside For questions, contact: [email protected] Youth Group News IT’S ALL ABOUT THE …. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! February 1st: No meeting tonight. MOM Heart of the Home Spring Day of Renewal th February 6 : DANCE!!! (6th-8th graders) This dance is open to the community and all are welcome!! February 8th: Regular meeting in the PLC – doors open at 6:30 pm, we end by 8:30 pm. Open to all 6th-12th graders. February 15th: No meeting tonight. February 22nd: Regular meeting in the PLC – doors open at 6:30 pm, we end by 8:30 pm. Open to all 6th-12th graders. February 27th: Movie night at the PLC – “God’s Not Dead” 7:00 – 9:30 pm. This movie is rated PG and is open for ALL who are interested in coming. Join us! March 21, 2015 • 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Sts. Simon and Jude, West Chester Calling all moms, grandmothers, step-mothers, and other women of nurturing nature. Do yourself a favor…Spend the day with us! Give yourself this one day out of 365 to slow down and replenish your spirit. Deepen your relationship with God and Mary, Our Mother, by sharing the day with other women like yourselves! The day includes times of reflection with our amazing, inspirational morning and afternoon speakers, Kathy McCarthy and Sandi Tronoski. Visit our website to print a registration form and read more about this special day. Please call 610-269-6470 or visit at Page 8 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Sunday, February 1, 2015 Assumption B.V.M. Church Registration Form for New Parish Families Please fill out the information below for our Parish records. Please return the form through the mail or in the collection basket. You will receive a formal Census Form in the mail. ABBEY FAITH & MUSIC FEST NIGHT OF PRAISE: Join us for an evening of joy-filled praise and worship in the spirit of the Abbey Faith & Music Fest. Come together to celebrate the beauty of our faith through Spirit-filled praise and worship, Eucharistic adoration, and fellowship in Christ in the beautiful Abbey Church. Friday, February 6 at 7:30pm at Dayelsford Abbey in Paoli. Worship will be led by Firehill, our own AbbeyFest praise team. Join us as we keep the flame of AbbeyFest burning throughout the year. To register please call 610-6472530 ext. 133 or email [email protected] “TAILGATE FOR THE TURF” Beef ‘n Beer Fundraiser will be held at Bishop Shanahan High School on February 7, 2015, 7-10 pm. Cost $30 per person or $50 per couple. Come out and support all of our BSHS current and future students. RSVP at 610-343-6244 or email [email protected]. VALENTINE EVENING OF REFLECTION (Sunday, February 8, 2015 from 5 pm to 9 pm) All couples (married, engaged or dating) are invited to attend Malvern Retreat House’s Valentine Evening of Reflection. Directed by Fr. Matt Guckin, all attendees are treated to a romantic candlelight dinner, followed by an inspirational talk and Mass, and a renewal of vows for those who are married. Cost: $100 per couple. For more information or to register, please visit or call 610-644-0400. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: (February 13-15, 2015) Have you thought about adding more time for each other to your New Year’s Resolutions? Give each other the gift of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and discover how to find the time to make your marriage the best it can be. For information, call Al and Mary Liz Heumann at 610-449-1859. WEEKEND RETREAT (Friday, March 6 at 4 pm to Sunday, March 8, 2015 at Noon) Join retreat directors, Sister Kayjoy Cooper and Fr. John Lyons, on this special retreat held at St. Raphaela Center, 616 Coopertown Road, Haverford, PA. Are you running a race against yourself? Do you crave a more “together” pace, a clearer mind and a truer, more peaceful heart? On this retreat, learn from the Bible and from Pope Francis how to find your inner peace and become a “Missionary Disciple”. Cost: $190 single occupancy or $160 double occupancy. To register, visit or call Terry O’Neill at 610-304-5845. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES: Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones, and the world. Visit to learn more and receive regular updates. Family Name __________________________ Head of Family _________________________ Spouse _______________________________ Street ________________________________ Town ________________________________ Development __________________________ Phone _______________________________ Email ________________________________ TAX CONTRIBUTIONS STATEMENT Parishioners who wish to receive a statement of their contributions for calendar year 2014 should complete the form below and place it in the collection basket or mail it to ABVM Parish Office, 300 State Rd., West Grove, PA 19390. Contribution statements will be sent only if requested. Name _____________________________ Address _____________________________ Town: _______________________ Zip Code: _____________________ Page 9 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2015 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 6:30 am Mass – Robert Kubicki, requested by Barb, Bary and Matthew Hicks 8:00 am Mass Kenneth Wallace, requested by His Wife TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2015 8:15 am Mass (*Time Change) Betty Shannon, requested by Win and Doris Dougherty WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 6:30 am Mass Philip Caruso, requested by Paul and TF Caruso THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 6:30 am Mass Marie Corradetti, requested by The Forlino Family FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 8:15 am Mass Gerald McCusker, requested by Mrs. Vogt and ABVM Grade 4 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 4:30 pm Vigil Mass Gabriel Bolla, requested by David and Dianne Fogarty Reader 1/Reader 2: Anthony Taglione, Bill Yingling Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Tom, Sharon Hannan, Ella Havrilak, Charlie Humkey, Frank Puoci, Lori Yingling, Barry Young Altar Servers: Kira McGurl, Adam Mladenetz, Frank Sorochen, Matthew Young Music: Contemporary Group Sacristan: Lore Phoebe Reader 1/Reader 2: Margaret Ptakowski, Tom Hmiel Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Wharton (A), Christy Cunningham (B), Steve Malloy (C), Joan Patrick (LH), Bob DiMarco, John Eller, James Kirwin Altar Servers: Madelynn & Ryan Cunningham, Caitlin & Erin Hmiel Music: Richard O’Neill, Karen Gentle Sacristan: Ray Bunjo 10:00 am Mass Msgr. Frank Depman, requested by the People of the Parish Reader 1/Reader 2: Tom Harrison, John Colgan Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jeff, Tom Powell (D), Chuck Alvarez (E), Richard & Maureen Petrarca (TP), James Fredericksdorf (JPP), Suzanne Loeffler (JPR), Bruce Michalski (PENN) Altar Servers: Charlotte, Cassandra & Tristan Bruecks, Morgan & Sumner Griffith Music: Folk Group Sacristan: Brian Bruecks 12:00 pm Mass Betty Shannon, requested by Mike and Ella Havrilak Reader 1/Reader 2: Nicole Snyder, Neil Coyne Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Mike, Donna Brumbaugh, Paul Crowley, Rainer Naus, Dennis Shannon, William Sites Altar Servers: Lauren Gempp, Alan Hoffman, Jack Reilly, Gabriel Snyder Music: Paul Hoffman, Phil Pierangeli Sacristan: Steve Gempp Adoration Candles are now available for your special intentions. You can pick up a beautiful Candle Intention Card at the Parish Office weekdays, 8 am to 4 pm. Four Adoration Candles (in red globes) are burned on the Main Church altar each week (Monday-Friday). The cost is $10. Consider giving this special gift to a loved one in need of prayer or for those who have passed away. Page 10 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Commercial & Residential HEATING Please visit our website at Kuzo & Grieco Cleveland & Grieco Foulk & Grieco Matthew J. Grieco, Supv./Owner Timothy M. Campbell, Supv. Curtis S. Greer, Supv. Kennett Square, PA 19348 Avondale, PA 19311 West Grove, PA 19390 610.444.4116 610.268.2166 610.869.2685 Joe Menginie PAINTING Phone 610-869-9477 610-444-2380 302-498-5188 Ken Pitts 1100 Baltimore Pike, Glen Mills, PA 19342 4 Mary Lane Lincoln University, PA 19352 Cell 610.637.7325 484-371-8244 Fax 610.459.9318 • [email protected] CURRY’S CALL (610) 350-6712 FREE ESTIMATES • QUALITY WORK LIC. PA077375 & INSURED • PARISHIONER Member of Parish Family Rich Johnson, Owner Bob Conrad • 610-717-4100 No Job Too Small • Insured Pre-Sales, Tax Challenges, PMI Removal, Estates, Mortgages and Refinancing 484-667-2003 Parishioner Air Conditioning Special Rates for Annual Tune-ups Pager 610-738-5318 Fax 610-869-8674 Residential Mortgage Loan Officer DECKS, BASEMENTS & ADDITIONS HARDWOOD, PERGO & TILE FLOORING TRIM WORK, PAINTING & REMODELING ~ Parishioner ~ [email protected] • Tax Preparation • Entity Structuring • Business Consulting No Surprises... HOME IMPROVEMENTS Johnson’s Electrical Service LLC 484 467-9778 Ed Parker CPA, Inc. COMPLETE SERVICE; PREP IS #1 610-255-5382 Heating and Cooling Heating, Air Conditioning, Hot Water Heaters Installation & Repair • Gas, Oil & Electric Fulton MORTGAGE Company Quality Craftsmanship Since 1978 Power Wash, Decks, Staining Paper/Paint Removal • Plaster/Drywall Repairs Faux & Texture Finishes DEL FERA & SON Bernie Hughes Free Estimates Residential Appraisals including: Klim Vision Care Wayne Klim, O.D. ADULT & CHILD VISION CARE CONTACT LENSES • EYEGLASSES 919 Gap-Newport Pike • Avondale, PA 19311 610-268-3220 [email protected] Michael J. Pushkarewicz, M.D. Member of the Cheryl F. Lowe, M.D., F.A.A.P. Vicky L. Scheid, M.D., F.A.A.P. Linda C. Barkasy, M.D., F.A.A.P. Deborah Drop, M.D., F.A.A.P. Jennifer McDonald, D.O., F.A.A.P. Stacey O. Bachman, CRNP Parish BOARD CERTIFIED ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON JOINT REPLACEMENT • ARTHROSCOPY • FRACTURE CARE CHOP Care Network 900 W. Baltimore Pk., Ste. 101, West Grove, PA 19390 610-869-8088 304 Lantana Dr., Hockessin, DE 19707 302-234-2600 4745 Ogletown-Stanton Rd., Ste. 238, Newark, DE 19713 302-731-2888 24 Hour Coverage West Grove A Pediatric & Adolescent Practice 390 Vineyard Way • Ste. 501 • West Grove Tel (610) 869-4700 Fax (610) 869-4790 Ruffenach Funeral Home 224 Penn Avenue • Oxford, PA 19363 Henry J. (Ted) Ruffenach. Lic. Third Generation 610-932-2277 NEW LONDON AUTO REPAIR, INC. 2051 Newark Rd., New London, PA 19360 610-869-9700 Owner: Randy Green The Same Family Name Your Parents and Grandparents Trusted in Philadelphia and Delaware Counties is Right here in Southern Chester County. Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS Check out our reviews on: LICENSED & INSURED Specialist in Orthodontics for Children & Adults UNIONVILLE / KENNETT SQUARE 610-444-9952 JENNERSVILLE / WEST GROVE 610-869-5850 Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Or go to for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 229 A Assumption ti B.V.M., B V M West W Grove, PA (I) FX John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 • Edward L. Collins Jr. Available 24 Hrs. - 7 Days FUNERAL HOME, INC. Two Generations of Personalized Service 86 Pine St. OXFORD Kevin D. Collins Supervisor 610-932-9584 CHILDREN’S PIANO INSTITUTE 484-467-5000 Yerkes Insurance Inc. Pa r ish Private Piano Instruction (ages 5 and up) 34 years of teaching experience Private lessons, Accompaniment services 1464 W. Baltimore Pike, Toughkenamon, PA NANCY L SMOLINSKI, Instructor [email protected] Louis G. Papa Jr. Managing Director • Financial Advisor Parishioner/ABVM W EALTH ADVISORS a division of Penn Liberty Bank 866-736-6542 • “Securities & advisory services offered through SII Investments, Inc.®, member FINRA/SIPC & a Regisotered Investment Advisor” Leardi ARBONNE Independent Consultant Lisa Dicrecchio 484-667-0262 Family Dentistry io ne 227 East Evergreen Street Tax & Accounting Services 610-268-2900 West Grove, PA 19390 Individual, Partnership, Corporate Tax Prep Kennett Square, PA 610/869-4065 Financial Consulting, Bookkeeping William S. Kolson, Owner Robert K. Leardi, D.M.D., PC r 1464 W. Baltimore Pk., Toughkenamon, PA 19374 JEFFREY A. LYONS CARPENTRY, INC. CARPENTRY & REMODELING Barbara Brainard Cell 610-306-3318 Bus 610-459-5500 Member of Parish Family JEFFREY LYONS, CR / PRESIDENT 610.869.5967 [email protected] WWW.JALCARPINC.COM PA 002168 PREVENTIVE CARE IMPLANTS COSMETIC [email protected] Pure Safe Beneficial Ask me how to earn free skin care and wellness products and amazing discounts! Ira D. Binder Attorney at Law Wills • Trusts • Estates • Real Estate 610-444-8744 Oxford, PA 19363 TEL: 484.643.3325 Campbell Brothers Plumbing 484.643.4567 Guaranteed quality work at a fair price Senior CiƟzen Discounts Serving West Grove & surrounding areas Licensed and Insured PA #079795 Free Estimates! (484) 368-2206 ~ Parishioner ~ (610) 345-0267 195 S. Jennersville Rd West Grove, PA 19390 HEARING AID SERVICE & DISPENSING Now available at Since 1946 Kozik’s Home Clayton Wood, Agent Medical Equipment 1465 Baltimore Pike PLUMBING • HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Carrier Heating & Cooling Systems, Peerless Boilers, Mitsubishi Duct-Less Systems, Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters, Well-Pumps, Heating Oil & Much More. 305 W State St., Kennett Square 610-444-2240 • Free Hearing Exams • Free Trials • Siemens Quality Hearing Aids You won’t believe how well the new Siemens technology works but see for yourself. Call today to schedule your free hearing exam & trial. See just how well you can hear again. (610) 268-8548 P.O. Box 156 • Avondale, PA 19311 Toughkenamon, PA 19374 610-268-3100 Discover big discounts and get to a better State®. PA106856 484.786.0500 Interior/Exterior • Residential/Commercial • Powerwashing Deck Sealing/Staining • Drywall Repair Paul Herb Parishioner [email protected] 112 Railroad Ave. Oxford, PA. 19363 Catering for all Occasions Since 1972 610-869-8616 101 Prospect Ave. West Grove, PA Hours: M-F 8:30am-9pm, Sa 8:30am-8pm 610.932.8521 67 Jenners Village Center • West Grove, PA 19390 610-869-5533 229 Assumption B.V.M., West Grove, PA (B) F 1150 Pocopson Rd. 51 Jenners Village Ctr. West Grove, PA 19390 West Chester, PA 19382 610.345.1145 610.793.3080 The Oxford Grain & Hay Family of Businesses ~ PARISHIONERS ~ John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 •
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