harbour forecast Orkney Harbour Scapa Flow Contact details E: [email protected] Wageningen Office T: +31 317 399822 Aberdeen Office T: +44 1224 900285 F: +31 317 424753 W: http://www.meteogroupoffshore.com MGO_REF_3205 Issued on 06 Feb 2015, 1354UTC Building high pressure (1036hPa) is present just west of Scotland, while low pressure (995hPa) can be found towards Greenland. Due to these systems a most WNW-rly airflow is being generated causing moderate winds. In general cloudy weather is to be expected locally with an odd drop of rain. The next coming days the aforementioned high pressure will shift a bit more NW, resulting in a tightening pressure gradient on its eastern flank. Because of this winds will pick up accordingly by Saturday into Sunday. By early next week this system will move to the SSE reaching the southern North Sea by Wednesday. Due to this event winds will gradually abate up until halfway next week. Local conditions next 72 hrs: Wind: W-ly, veering to NW, moderate, increasing to strong breeze on 7 February 12 UTC (risk of near gale). Sea temperature: 6-7C. Gale warning (next 24 hrs): Nil Windshift: Nil Lightning risk: Low Confidence: High Location: Scapa Flow 58° 53'N / 03° 02'W Element Wind 10m (kts) Time Dir. Speed Gusts Fri 18 W 16 21 Sat 00 W 19 25 06 WNW 20 26 12 NW 23 30 18 NW 17 23 Sun 00 WNW 14 19 06 W 23 30 12 W 22 28 18 W 23 30 Mon 00 W 22 28 06 W 21 28 12 W 21 27 18 WSW 19 25 Tue 00 WSW 19 25 06 SW 18 24 12 SW 17 23 18 SW 15 20 Wed 00 SW 13 18 06 SSW 13 17 12 SW 14 19 Risk 22 25 28 22 26 24 25 24 24 24 23 24 24 25 23 23 22 23 Wind 50m (kts) Dir. Speed Gusts W 19 24 W 22 29 WNW 23 30 NW 27 35 NW 20 26 WNW 17 22 W 27 35 W 26 33 W 28 35 W 26 33 W 26 33 W 24 32 WSW 23 30 WSW 22 29 SW 22 28 SW 21 27 SW 17 23 SW 16 21 SSW 15 20 SW 17 22 Weather (*) DZ DZ NSW DZ NSW NSW DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ NSW DZ DZ DZ NSW NSW NSW DZ DZ Temp. 10m 50m 7 7 8 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 Visibility md/gd md/gd good md/gd good good md/gd md/gd md/gd md/gd md/gd good md/gd md/gd md/gd good good good md/gd md/gd * FG = Fog, DZ = Drizzle, RA = Rain, FZRA = Freezing rain, SN = Snow, SHRA = Rainshower, SHSN = Snowshower, GR = Hail, TS = Thunderstorm, NSW = No significant weather Wind 60 18 16 14 Speed (kts) 50 40 12 10 30 8 6 4 20 10 0 18 00 06 Sat 07-02 12 18 00 06 12 Sun 08-02 Direction 10m 18 00 06 Mon 09-02 Speed 10m 12 18 00 06 Tue 10-02 Speed 50m 12 18 00 06 Wed 11-02 Gusts 50m 2 0 12 harbour forecast Orkney Harbour Scapa Flow MGO_REF_3205 Issued on 06 Feb 2015, 1354UTC Contact details E: [email protected] Wageningen Office T: +31 317 399822 Aberdeen Office T: +44 1224 900285 F: +31 317 424753 W: http://www.meteogroupoffshore.com
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