St. Francis Episcopal Church Palos Verdes Estates, California D February 2015 id you know that we are on a pilgrimage together? Yes, because a pilgrimage is a sacred journey. As a parish family we are on a journey of mission and ministry, a pilgrimage, not settling, but open to the road ahead. At this point in our journey, we are pausing to take a deep breath, to look around and see where we are and embrace a shift as we discern together our season of transition and clergy leadership change. From Mo. Paula The Very Rev. Paula Vukmanic, paula.vukmanic@ 310 375 4617 ext 225 We are a pilgrim people. We are going forward with questions and expectations, wondering where our next steps will take us. There have been many points along the journey, in the history of our parish, where we have taken stock of where we are and made shifts along the way. We are in that place right now, pausing to see where we have been, where we stand and how to go forward. We are on a transformative journey. That’s what makes being a pilgrim different from being a tourist. For a tourist, travel is an end in itself. For a pilgrim, travel is a means to an end. Pilgrims travel with a clear intention, to draw closer to God. Pilgrims make their journey with a heightened expectation. I have a nervous energy and excitement precisely because the journey invites us to go forward in trust that God is leading the way, doing a new thing. We shall soon begin a parish profile, assessing where we have come from, who we are and listening for God’s new invitations, for God to lead us ever more deeply as we live out our mission, “love God, love others, serve the world.” We are on a pilgrimage of mission and ministry, of growing together as a community of faith, hope and love. Pilgrimage is a sacred journey, journey as a sacrament. You may know the definition of a sacrament: “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.” Therefore, we can expect to be transformed or changed in this new season of our journey together. How is God calling us now? We shall listen together in a variety of ways and have many opportunities to share the vision. This year we would like to use our Lenten Super Series format as a reflective tool to start the parish profile process of discernment, transition and clarifying our mission and ministries. At the Annual Meeting on February 8, I will invite sign-ups for “Potlucks with Paula”, small dinner gathering at my house to listen to you. The formal parish profile process will be launched by the Vestry in the very near future. Let us go forward confidently in our pilgrimage, our sacred journey of transformation. With love and care for each of you, M o. Paula+ Page 1 ebruary2015 2015 FFebruary Worship! Sundays 8 a.m. Rite I in the Chapel 9:55am Children’s Christian formation programs 10 a.m. Rite II in the Church Private Prayer The Baptistry of the Chapel, and the Nason Prayer Chapel in the Main Church are always available for private prayer between services. Wednesdays 12:10p.m. Holy Eucharist Bring your lunch, if you’d like. Following a brief informal Eucharist in the Chapel, you are invited to eat and enjoy informal conversation with St. Francis’ clergy and staff. Find out what’s on... Go to stfrancispalosverdes. org Calendar. This online calendar serves as our master calendar for the parish. Printed copies of the current and upcoming week are available in our weekly worship bulletin. Full Calendar See inside final page(s). Sunday Sermons Online Missed a Sunday, or want to hear the sermon again? Find them at: stfrancispalosverdes. org Sermons online. Bellringer Submissions The deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month. Episcopal Church Women (ECW) All St Francis Women are Automatically Members of the ECW Among other events, the ECW sponsors the Annual St Francis Antique Show. As in any Episcopal church, all women of the parish are automatically a member. In addition, many of us are members of one or more of the Guilds, which are smaller groups who meet for social fellowship and also to support various outreach or charitable causes. How Do I Join? We would love to see you at any of our events or meetings - just come along!Check out our Website Guilds page, and if any one or more appeals to you, contact the Chair for more information. If you ever want to learn more about any of the guilds of the ECW, details and meeting times can be found on the parish website or feel free to ask me. Anna Eakins, ECW co-President Contact via the church office on - 310 375 4617. Listening to God Book Club March Next meeting - March 9th 12:30pm in the Library. We will be reading “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand for our January book. Looking forward to seeing you. Please email to [email protected] or deliver to the Publications box in the Parish Like us on Facebook - St Francis Palos Verdes, and Twitter: @stfrancispalosverdes Mailing List Photography We are always looking for photographs of the people and places of St Francis church. If you have photos you would be happy for us to use in our published materials, please feel free to send them to Susan Marshall at: publications@ Note - if you would prefer that photos of yourself (other than unidentified in large group shots), and/or photos of your minor children, not be used, please contact the church office - [email protected]. Page 2 February 2015 Ashes To Go Annual Meeting of the Parish Do you want to be a part of ministering to those outside of the parish??? On Ash Wednesday, February 18, join me on the street, in that little parking lot by our church sign on PV Drive, to distribute ashes (or just to be there)! Let me know if you want to be a part of this “ashes to go” ministry and mark ashes for people in their cars on Ash Wednesday. We will do it in the morning and for a little while in the afternoon. May God bless us as we reach out, Mo. Paula+ Sunday, February 8th, following the service ONE service only - 10am The Annual Meeting will begin with a potluck lunch and includes our annual "look back" at the year past, and a "look ahead" to 2015. New Vestry Members and delegates for our Annual Diocesan Convention will be elected, and the budget for 2015 will be presented. Also - sign up for ‘potlucks with Paula’ - small dinner gatherings at Mo. Paula’s house to listen to you. Ash Wednesday Services Two services - Wednesday, February 18th 12:10 and 7pm Lenten Super Series A Lenten Journey in a Season of Transition A special focus on the path ahead for St Francis You will want to be part of this reflection series March 4, 11, 18, 25 6pm dinner served by the Fabulous Friars of St Francis - $5 per person Lenten program begins at 7 followed by Compline at 8:15 This year, we are going to have an in house series related to our transition and discernment as a parish. After dinner, the evening will continue with an opening prayer then a brief presentation on a passage of scripture as it relates to that evening’s theme. The small group interaction that follows the presentation will be recorded and shared in the large group and the feedback received and given to the parish profile committee as a beginning step for the gathering of parishioner input for the clergy leadership choice that lies ahead. The themes: • March 4 Beginning the journey/ pilgrimage • 11 Where we have come from • 18 Where we are now • 25 Where we are going/ Discerning God’s will in our midst The above topics will be developed in the small groups by: Sharing a word or phrase that touches you from the biblical passage presented A question will be posed related to the biblical context A question will be posed related to the current day context, namely transition and discernment We look forward to listening to one another’s thoughts as the Spirit leads us in this coming year. Page 3 February 2015 Families and Kids Pre-K thru 5th Grade Sunday School: Where and When We begin at 9:55am. Please sign-in your child(ren) at the age appropriate room. We have two Godly Play rooms. Children ages 3 to 5 ½ will meet in “level 1” to the left of the Parish Hall stage. Children ages 6 to 11* will meet in “level 2” on the Parish Hall stage. Kate Buchen Minister for Children and Families [email protected] *On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, 4th and 5th grade students will meet in the Youth Corner or Boardroom for “pre-CRASH” group. Nursery Care is provided in the Library for babies and toddlers, ages 0-3. Sunday School News What Stories were told in December and January? In Level 1: Epiphany, Holy Baptism, The Parable of the Good Shepherd, Eucharist Symbols In Level 2: Epiphany, Holy Baptism, The Parable of the Good Shepherd, The Parable of the Leaven Everyone can see the details of what is being taught, and how, by checking out the Parent Pages for the Stories on our website - under Families and Kids/pre-K thru 5th grade/Parent Pages. Having fun at the Christmas Party with Mama Hill’s Help - for many, many more fabulous photos see the Photo Album pages on our website. Page 4 February 2015 Middle and High School Youth Groups CRASH! And eMERGE! CRASH! is 6th-8th grade fellowship; eMERGE! AM - designed for 11th and 12th grades, but anyone in High School is welcome. eMERGE! PM - designed for 9th and 10th grades, but anyone in high school is welcome. Students in Middle School (CRASH!) and High School (eMERGE!)—connecting with the teen Body of Christ can be a very important anchor in lives that sometimes seem crazy. We invite you to come have fun, learn, hang out, and serve with other teens here at St Francis. Pancake Day! Save the Date Tuesday, February 17 we will once again host the parish Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We are the cooks and servers! Yummy food and silly games. We arrive at 5:00, and the hungry parishioners arrive at 6:00. Fellowship, Bible study, fun, and service projects need to be at the center of our time together. We also explore ways to be more involved in worship, whether by being readers, offering scripture through drama, singing, ushering, serving as Oblation bearers and Chalice bearers—wherever the Spirit is calling us! Contact: Dr Jeannie Cobb, (310) 375-4617, [email protected] Tell Us What You Think About Possible Future Plans In order to plan well for the coming months, read about these ideas, and then let Jeannie know what you think: Contact: Dr Jeannie Cobb, (310) 375-4617, [email protected]. Maundy Thursday Drama How many kids will be in town and willing to be part of a Maundy Thursday drama? Maundy Thursday is on April 2 this year, and that's in the middle of the PV Schools spring break. But I know some of us are from other schools, and not everyone leaves town. We would love to do an encore performance of our Upper Room dramas from last year (which everyone loved!!), but we need 13 people to pull it off. Please let me know whether you would be available for this awesome evening. There is one large speaking part (Jesus) and several other fairly small ones, plus a bunch of characters that don't have any lines. A part for all kinds of folks! Musical in July - 13-25th Last year we tried to do a musical in August and not enough people came to make it go. I have reserved rooms at St Francis for July 13-25 this year. This would be every night M-F from 5-9, plus a Saturday work day from 9-3, with performances on Friday the 24th and Saturday the 25th. I am happy to advertise to students outside St Francis, but we need a core of "our" kids. So, how many of you will be here in July and would like to help put on a musical? I'm waiting to see who is interested before I make a final decision about what musical we do. I have done many musicals with Middle School and High School students and they are always a really fun, wonderful experience! It doesn't matter if you've been in one before, and while it certainly helps if you can sing, we can teach you if you're willing. This model of an intense two-week project can really work, but you have to be committed. We would audition leads earlier (possibly in May) and get them started with coachings and learning their parts, and then we all come together for an amazing two weeks! I hope we can do this. Please let me know if you'd like to join! Page 5 February 2015 Connor Henebry Earns Prestigious Eagle Scout Award Congratulations to Connor! Connor received his Eagle Scout designation at a Court of Honor at Rolling Hills United Methodist Church (his troop base). Friends, family, troop leaders, California State Assembly Member David Hadley, RPV City Councilman Brian Campbell and Superior Court Judge Ramona attended the celebration, along with Connor’s proud parents John and Holly Henebry. Connor, 17, a senior at Palos Verdes High School, is a member of Troop 783 of the Los Angeles Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, led by Scoutmaster Bob Harris. During his Scouting career, Connor has earned 25 merit badges, backpacked over 300 miles and spent over 80 nights camping with his troop and served as the Senior Patrol Leader for the 90 boy strong troop. His Eagle Scout project was conducted at Mama Hill’s Help, Inc. in Los Angeles’ inner city. Mama Hill’s Help provides a safe place for kids from her inner city neighborhood to study, play, and to choose to become scholars instead of joining street gangs. Connor brought together a group of scouts, church members, program kids and families, LAPD leadership, and formerly incarcerated men who are giving back to their community through service for his project. The project, which took over 380 man hours, built a new concrete basketball court where the kids once played in a dirt patch, installed concrete pathways to allow Millicent Hill, the founder of the program, necessary access to emergency exits, and planted a water-wise garden including installing drip irrigation. Connor brought together a lively and dedicated coalition to make these improvements for Mama Hill, who is respected and loved in her community and to bring the message to the kids of the program that they are valued. Connor will be attending Purdue University in the fall majoring in Professional Flight; he aspires to be a commercial airline pilot. Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program. Fewer than four percent of Boy Scouts nationwide attain this illustrious rank. Christmas fun not just for the tinies - at the Youth Party (left), and the Christmas Party with Mama Hill’s Help (right) Page 6 February 2015 Outreach at St. Francis – “ Love God, Love Others, Serve the World” Our St. Francis family is very active in supporting several programs in our area, around the diocese and the world. To see details and pictures of each area, please visit us on the web at www. Below are details of a couple of programs we support and their immediate needs. Please consider how you might be able to make a difference. Labeled bins are located in the Parish Hall for your donations. Additional information is available by contacting our Shepherd for Outreach Jayne Bray at 424-477-4349 or [email protected]. A Few Things to Remember for Physical Donations (clothes, toys, school supplies for Mama Hill's Help, clothes, towels, foods, etc.), Please use the following guidelines to assist you, and us, in getting things to the proper place and in the proper condition: • Please don't put dirty or stained items in any of the bins; clean, unstained, and whole (not needing mending) items are best; • Please check expiration dates on canned and boxed foods; we don't want to run the risk of making anyone ill; • Please think about the weight of your donations; one large, heavy bag should be converted to two smaller (or less full) bags so that we can transport it not only to our cars, but to the donee's location; in gentlest terms, we are a small (but mighty) mostly older group doing the lugging (except when we call on some burly men/boys to help us); we will be truly grateful if we don't lose time to recovering from a back sprain! • Please let me know if you have plans to donate computers and/or accessories; there is only limited storage and limited need at Mama Hill's Help, so it is best if I know what's coming so we can decide who might need it. Absent any need, we take them to the Salvation Army, which also acts as a recycling center. • Recyclable toner cartridges are still being accepted, as we do have a vendor who sends a check to Mama Hill's Help when we ship (at no charge to us) the cartridges to them. Just put them in one of the bins in the Parish Hall/ Board Room. Last, but certainly not least, please accept the heartfelt gratitude of the folks at St. Luke's who work with the homeless population, and Mama Hill and her small volunteer staff, as well as the homeless and the Cookies of Mama Hill's themselves, who are the end recipients of your generosity. Both organizations have other area charities to which they donate overflows, so there is a small circle of folks who will see that your donations are utilized by someone in need. Thank you! Blessings and peace, Jayne, Marcia Schoettle, Richard and Sue Egan, Darryl Tillman & Gerry Gill. Christmas Party with Mama Hill’s Help Page 7 February 2015 Outreach at St. Francis – “ Love God, Love Others, Serve the World” Mama Hill’s Help, Inc. Mama Hill’s Help Inc. is an after-school program based in Watts, and run out of the home of a retired LAUSD teacher - the wonderful Mama Hill. Mama Hill has changed the lives of thousands of youngsters through her innovative teaching style. Today she and her small staff cover an array of issues from anger management to teen pregnancy, with special attention to keeping the kids in school, improving their grades, and helping them to graduate from high school. Wondering how you can help? Birthday Cake Ministry - provides homemade cakes for the children and volunteer staff. In many cases, these folks have never had a birthday cake of their very own. There is nothing like the smile on a child’s (or an adult’s) face when presented with their very own cake! Contact Marcia Schoettle at 310-541-6374 or [email protected]. The “Swaddling Project” - provides diapers and wipes for needy children. there are currently no babies or toddlers in need of diapers, so this project is on hold. The Angel Fund - a cash fund used to provide bus passes, automobile fuel, utility payments, doctor’s visits, food, school uniforms, and other emergency relief for the families of Mama Hill’s Help, Inc. Please consider making a donation to this fund which supports the ongoing mission of Mama Hill’s Help. Your check can be made payable to St. Francis Episcopal Church, with the notation in the Memo Line of “Mama Hill’s Angel Fund,” and dropped off at the office or in the collection plates at any service. Cash funds are also always welcome. Tutoring or Mentoring Help - always needed because the schools in the area are so overcrowded and underfunded. Additionally, behavioral issues can take much of the teachers’ time, leaving little for actual teaching and motivation. Working one-on-one with a child is a great way to get involved without requiring a great deal of your time. The commitment is only one to two hours per week, but the rewards are great as you begin to see improvement, little by little, over time. Math tutors needed! We are in desperate need of math tutors for the early grades on up through high school. If this is your area of exper- tise and you can share a bit of time, please contact Jayne Bray ([email protected] or 424-477-4349) or Darryl Tillman ([email protected] or 424-634-2342). Listed below are items which are always appreciated: Please place your donations in the bins in the Parish Hall. • non-perishables – peanut butter, jelly, tuna fish, spaghetti and sauce, Cup o’Noodles, rice, Capri Sun, canned vegetables & fruits, chips, granola bars, cereal, plastic spoons. • personal hygiene items - toothbrushes, toothpastes, deodorants, soaps, body washes, combs, hair brushes, sanitary napkins, nail polish & remover, Qtips, toilet paper, paper towels – no diapers are currently needed. • school supplies – lined paper, composition books, disposable pens & pencils. • clothes & shoes: children’s gently used clothes and shoes are always welcomed. • cash for bus passes (to help the children get around safely in their gang-infested neighborhoods) - $27 per child per month; make checks payable to Mama Hill’s Help Angel Fund and drop off at the church office. • have a party and lots of leftovers? Consider donating your leftovers to these children and families – call Jayne Bray (424-477-4349) for last minute pickup & delivery. • recyclables in the form of user printer toner cartridges and cellphones can be sent off for a small rebate; please bag them separately and leave in the bins. Please contact Jayne Bray at [email protected] or 424-477-4349 if you have questions, donations, or just want to learn more about the Mama Hill’s Help program. And be sure to check out the website to view videos of the program in action, and to read the latest newsletter from Mama Hill’s Help. Page 8 February 2015 Page 9 February 2015 Outreach at St. Francis – “ Love God, Love Others, Serve the World” St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund News What Happens at Designs for Dining? A picture is worth 1,000 words - see our 30 second video clip on the St. Francis website. A brief description would be—a fun day, that includes delicious refreshments, viewing 25 different table design themes in the Parish Hall, Silent Auction, Opportunity Drawings, St. Francis Boutique, as well as items sold by local artisans. Also, an array of speakers is featured each of the days. Here is a preview of our speakers: 2015 Designs for Dining Friday Events, February 27 10:45 a.m. “An introduction to Decorating with Succulents” - Kristen Hoffman, French Farmhouse, Riviera Village & Mimi Hong, I Dream of Succulents. 12:00 p.m. “Cooking with Flavor” (with tasting) - Catherine Pepe, Owner, Temecula Olive Oil. 1:45 p.m. “How to Throw a Dinner Party & Be Part of It, Part III” - Chef Robert Bell, Chez Melange, Riviera Village. 3:00 p.m. “Entertaining in a Foreign Country Can Present Challenges--Especially on a 38-Foot Yacht - Carroll Reuben. Saturday Events, February 28 11:00 a.m. “Live Longer Better” - Lauren Nakano, Blue Zones Project Manager, Blue Zones Project, Beach Cities Health District. 1:00 p.m. “Becoming a Connoisseur of Daily Life” - Jennifer L. Scott, “At Home with Madame Chic” & “Lessons from Madame Chic”, pages: a Bookstore. Book signing to follow lecture. 2:30 p.m. Tea & Coffee Songs for Your Enjoyment - LA South Towns Chorus, “After Five” Quartet. 3:00 p.m. “Romantic Tea Fables” - Theresa Ford, Restful Steep, Torrance. Page 10 February 2015 Outreach at St. Francis – “ Love God, Love Others, Serve the World” St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund News Top 10 Ways to Help with Designs for Dining-our fundraiser for the St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund: Remember you are participating in helping send a needy student through college. Thank you!!! 1. Attend the event and bring a friend, or take invitations to a group where you are a member. Invitation has a reply card. 2. Buy a ticket for Chef Robert Bell’s Dinner for 12 in Your Home or at Chez Melange (included in your invitation). 3. If you can’t attend, make a donation that will help defray the costs of our event. 4. Bring your labelled tea-time donations into the church kitchen during the show. We would love to have tea sandwiches, cookies, dessert bars etc. 5. Donate an item for the silent auction-donation, or our St. Francis Boutique. Bring items to office marked “Silent Auction” or “Boutique” (box behind Mary). 6. Sign up to help: Staffing schedule will be available in the church office, together with volunteer name tags. 7. Very important, if you are working a shift, please park north of the church on one Parking of the streets off Paseo de la Playa—just north of upper parking lot. We need the spaces for our guests. If you have things to unload, do that, and then move your car. 8. Shopping bags - please bring some for us to use in our boutique, put in kitchen pantry, please. 9. Bring in lemons - for our beverages—put in box in kitchen labeled, “Lemons for D4D” 10. Last call! We have 25 table designers and would have room for one more if you would like to design a table with your treasures . Call joni if you want more information - 310-378-1606. •During the show and/or • Set up on Feb. 22 after 10:00 a.m. service, or any day through Feb. 28 Call or email: Joni (310) 378-1606, [email protected], or Cheryl (310) 791-7038, [email protected] Why do we have Designs for Dining each year? It’s our main annual fundraiser—this is our 15th annual. All net proceeds benefit the St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund--Our Help to Students. We have graduated 4 students through 4 years of college (and in some cases, it might take more than 4 years)! Lorena—Pepperdine University, Angelina—University of California Santa Barbara, Chris—Cal State Monterey Bay, Clauzette Smith—Cal State Northridge. We have helped 5 students with a one-time $1,000 scholarship and we currently have the following students in school that we are assisting, according to their needs, which includes financial help,, as well as mentoring. Adriana Chavez Freshman, Cal State Long Beach Katherine Cotzajay Sophomore, Cal State Bakersfield Jocelyn Cuevas Sophomore, UCLA Jackeline Hernandez Freshman, El Camino College Elishebah Tate-Pulliam Junior, Cal State Long Beach, Richard Tucker Junior, UCLA Page 11 February 2015 Outreach at St. Francis – “ Love God, Love Others, Serve the World” St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund News - Contd. Designs for Dining-Silent Auction Besides all the great things to bid on in our silent auction, there are a few very special items. Please read below: Chef Robert Bell-Cooking Class For the past 7 years, Chef Robert Bell of Chez Melange has donated a catered dinner for 12 (including appropriate wines) in your home, as a raffle item for Designs for Dining This generous donation of his has garnered the St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund over $15,736. This year for our 15th Annual Designs for Dining he is again donating the dinner but as well will be donating a 3 hour cooking class in your home or another venue. The minimum bid for this very special item in our silent auction will be $500. You may invite your friends and Chef Robert will prepare the meal (with wines) and then you will partake of the foods prepared. Think of a very special occasion that you may have coming up this year where this would be the perfect celebratory solution to ...."what shall I do for my 50th birthday, anniversary" etc. Or, think about getting together with a group of friends, guild members, or a giving a gift to a special person. South African Photo Safari for Two at Zulu Nyala Wildlife Reserve. We will again be offering the safari package on our silent auction. The package includes 6 days and 6 nights lodging, 3 meals a daily, and 2 guided wildlife viewing activities daily with an experienced guide on the Zulu Nyala Wildlife reserve. The movie, “I Dreamed of Africa” was filmed on this private game reserve. This package does not include airfare and incidentals. The opening bid for this package will be $1,500. The value of the package is $5,950. More information is available at, and also search “Zulu Nyala” on Youtube, Facebook, and Think about crossing a safari off of your bucket list. Bloomingdales Century City Glam Get-Together Be the first to win this brand new, luxury item addition to our silent auction! Gather 5 of your friends together and come to Bloomingdales for a private, cosmetic makeover. Their expert makeup artist will give you a new look while you enjoy some sips and sweets! The value of this package is $500. Minimum bid starts at $300. If you would like to bid on any of these items before the event, please send an email to Mary Deley at [email protected]. Include your name, phone number, item you are bidding on and bid amount. Thank you for supporting the St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund! Thanks again - to all who attended the first ever restaurant fundraiser on November 18, 2014 at Hof's Hut in Torrance. Our proceeds from the restaurant, from the 15% of all diners checks, was $406.83! To put this amount into context, with that amount we were able to purchase the following items for Jackeline at the beginning of the school year: Graphing Calculator for her math class and desk pad$85.98, a 3-Year Warranty for her Mac laptop- $183, Microsoft Office for Mac -$139.99 for a grand total of $408.97--very close to our proceeds from the restaurant. The St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund attempts to purchase specific items tailored to the student's needs. We thank you again for helping us with this mission. Page 12 February 2015 Outreach at St. Francis – “ Love God, Love Others, Serve the World” St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund News - Contd. Spotlight On Noelle Funtanilla Noelle Funtanilla is a remarkable young lady who is one of the new candidates selected for a scholarship last summer. We have told you about Jackeline and Adriana and we’d like to share with you information about Noelle. She came to our attention from her teachers and counsellor at Narbonne High School, where she graduated with an overall grade point average of 4.2. Her teachers described her as “determined, resilient, strong work ethic, creative” and they say her Christian faith has given her the strength to overcome many emotional obstacles and a very difficult personal background. Her priest describes her work remarkable as a Youth Minister and Catechist at her church. She chose Loyola Marymount University because that is where she felt offered her the best opportunities to fulfill her passion (since the age of 7) to make movies and also her aspirations to become a television producer. She received a very good financial package from LMU, but as in all cases, it doesn’t pay all expenses. FSOSF is helping her out in the first year with books and some supplies. In her first letter to us after starting she said, “I love LMU for it not only offers a great education academically, but I am surrounded by amazing highly educated students who offer inspiration, their brilliant minds and are good influences.” Her grades in the 1st semester were astounding. Her GPA was 3.7 !! Excerpts from her letters sent during the Christmas holidays: “I’m pretty much paying for college without my parents’ help because they can’t afford to pitch in, so I relied on my savings bonds, scholarships and a student loan on my own. I also started working on campus. I’ve been hired as a comedy content producer for our school’s TV network called Roar Network. If you look that up on You Tube, you can see our work. I’ve been able to be on set almost every weekend and have learned so much about the industry hands on. I like my schedule for the coming semester because my classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I can work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I’m taking the maximum of 17 credits because I plan to graduate fall of 17, have an internship by sophomore year, and be working at studio by junior year. If I graduate early, the less I have to pay.” This young lady knows where she is going and will overcome all obstacles in her path to achieve her goals. Military Outreach - Operation Girl Scout cookies Box Packing Sunday, March 8th, 12noon-2:45 PM at St. Lawrence Martyr Church, in the St. Lawrence Parish Hall in the St. Francis room. Imagine being far from home, and receiving a box of those cookies? It is as if we send a little piece of home…. As well as Girl Scout cookies, please see the Military Outreach page on our website for a full list of other items the militiary would love to receive.. Questions? Susie Zimmerman, 310-316-5941, or JulieMcGovern, [email protected]. Please pray for our troops, as they continue to work to keep us safe. You are invited to bring items to St Francis, and put them in the Military Outreach basket in the Board Room. Feel free to sponsor a box, at $15.95 a box. But, the best part is packing boxes together! Bring your children and friends,and those beautiful homemade cards of encouragement.Those are the best to bring hope and love to our brave Military now serving far away from home. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Love, Julie and Susie. This was our thank you for the Girl Scout packing done for our Navy Seal in March ,2014 Page 13 February 2015 Finance Thank You We would like to Thank everyone who helped make it a reality that we ended the year in a positive position. Giving exceeded expenses by $13,886.19 which we have carried over to the 2015 Fund for Youth and Creative Arts Gift to help extend the length of that fund. We look forward to continuing ours and God’s generosity through 2015. Generosity Team Parish Calendar— Recurring Events Day Time/Location Day Time/Location Mondays Sundays Holy Eucharist Rite I 8am Chapel Education for Ministry (EfM) 6pm Board Room Sunday School 9:55am / Follow Sign information Connecting with God - co-ed group 7pm Library Holy Eucharist Rite II CRASH! & eMERGE 10am Church 4pm Thursdays AA meeting 7pm Board Room Wednesdays Upper Room Prayer Group 10am Chapel Baptistery Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm - 9pm Choir Room Alcoholic Anon-Al-Anon 7:30pm/Board Room/Library Page 14 February 2015 Parish Calendar — February 2015 Event Sunday School Crash & eMerge PM Meeting AA Meeting Altar Guild Meeting Ministry Council La Leche Meeting AA & Al-Anon Meeting Azure Verde Beaders Setup St. Teresa's Chinese New Year Event St. Teresa's Chinese New Year Event Sunday School ONE SERVICE ONLY --Holy Eucharist - Rite II ANNUAL MEETING - ALL PARISH Crash & eMerge PM Meeting AA Meeting ECW Meeting Alison Houghton Kral Class "Embracing Franciscan Spirituality" Vestry Meeting AA & Al-Anon Meeting CANCELED --Sunday School -- TODAY ONLY No Meeting Today - Crash & eMerge PM AA Meeting President's Day - Office Closed Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Supper Alison Houghton Kral Class "Embracing Franciscan Spirituality" Generosity Meeting ASH WEDNESDAY - 12:15 Service Finance Meeting ASH Wednesday - 7:00 PM - Service Canterbury Service - Wayfarer Room AA & Al-Anon Meeting Sunday School Crash & eMerge PM Meeting AA Meeting Alison Houghton Kral Class "Embracing Franciscan Spirituality" Taizé - Service of Healing and Wholeness Azure Verde AA & Al-Anon Meeting Setup Designs for Dining Fundraiser Designs for Dining Fundraiser Designs for Dining Fundraiser Date 2/1/2015 2/1/2015 2/1/2015 2/4/2015 2/4/2015 2/5/2015 2/5/2015 2/6/2015 2/6/2015 2/7/2015 2/8/2015 2/8/2015 2/8/2015 2/8/2015 2/8/2015 2/10/2015 2/10/2015 Time 9:55 AM 4:00 PM 7:30 PM 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:55 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 4:00 PM 7:30 PM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Location 2/11/2015 2/12/2015 2/15/2015 2/15/2015 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:55 AM 4:00 PM 2/15/2015 2/16/2015 2/17/2015 2/17/2015 7:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Parish Hall 2/17/2015 2/18/2015 2/18/2015 2/18/2015 2/19/2015 2/19/2015 2/22/2015 2/22/2015 2/22/2015 2/24/2015 7:00 PM 12:15 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:30 PM 7:00 PM 9:55 AM 4:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM Board Room Chapel Sarah's Office Chapel Canterbury Parish Hall , Board Room & Library 2/24/2015 2/26/2015 2/26/2015 2/22 - 2/25 2/27/2015 2/28/2015 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 12:00 PM Parish Hall and Library Board Room Board Room Board Room Library Parish Hall , Board Room & Library Board Room Parish Hall, Board Room and Kitchen Parish Hall, Kitchen & Board Room Church Parish Hall, Board Room and Kitchen Parish Hall and Library Board Room Board Room Board Room Parish Hall , Board Room & Library Youth Corner - Parish Hall - Library Board Room Board Room Parish Hall and Library Board Room Chapel & Board Room Board Room Parish Hall , Board Room & Library Parish Hall & Church Parish Hall & Church Parish Hall & Church Page 15 February 2015 TaizÉ Wholeness and Healing Tuesday, February 24th 7pm Chapel Next TaizÉ Service of Healing and Wholeness March 24th ST. FRANCIS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2200 VIA ROSA (at Palos Verdes Blvd) PALOS VERDES ESTATES, CA 90274 310-375-4617/ FAX 310-791-2740 The Very Rev. Paula Vukmanic, Priest-in-Charge, and Dean of Deanery 8 Dr. Jeannie Cobb, Director of Music, Youth and the Arts Kate Buchen, Minister for Children and Families Dr. Curt Sather, Organist/Accompanist Elaine Mistele, Finance and Facilities Manager Mary Sanchez, Office Manager Dr. Susan Marshall, Communications Specialist Joel Miranda, Sexton Articles and comments are welcome. Submit to [email protected], or to the church office By the 15th of each month Change service requested Time dated material NO LONGER ATTENDING ST FRANCIS? If you would like to stop receiving the Bellringer, please help us save costs by contacting the Parish Office — Phone: 310-375-4617, Email: [email protected] or FAX 310-791-2740. THANK YOU! Page 16
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