SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES 129-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Belle Harbor, NY 11694 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. John J. Bracken, Administrator Rev. John S. Wtulich, Associate Rev. Patrick Longalong, Associate Deacon Vincent LaGamba Deacon Armand D’Accordo RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mr. Robert Ruggiero PARISH TRUSTEES Mr. William Lavin Mr. Desmond McGowan PARISH FINANCE Mr. Martin Keating Mr. William Lavin Mr. Terence Quinlan Mr. Desmond McGowan MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Jonathan D’Amico – Music Director ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ACADEMY Mr. Christopher Scharbach—Principal Mrs. Rori Martello – Assistant Principal PASTORAL COMMITTEE Mr. Jamie Agoglia Mr. Gregory Bender Mrs. Dorothy Brenna Mrs. Patricia Collins Mrs. Yvette Conroy Mrs. Kristin Franchock Mrs. Patricia Gibson Mrs. Danielle Kelly Mr. Martin McManus Mrs. Joanna Ostrander Mrs. Christine Strehle ST. FRANCIS DE SALES CONVENT Sister Patricia Chelius, CSJ Sister Paul Marita, CSJ Sister Patricia Walsh, CSJ MISSION STATEMENT St. Francis de Sales, a parish steeped in tradition, rich in natural beauty and bountifully blessed with a community devoted in love to serve God and our neighbor. We seek to live actively the Word of God through the example of our patron saint, a life devoted to energetic, generous and constant fidelity to the will of God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we will grow in our faith through continuous education, formation, communication, and out-reach, while passing these values on to our future generations. We endeavor to be a most vibrant community of faith which will effectively utilize the talents, resources, and treasures of our parish for the good of all God’s people. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 6:30am and 9:00am Saturday: 9:00am and 5:30pm (Vigil) SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 7:30am; 9:00am; 10:30am, Noon, 5:30pm and 7:00pm (Polish) HOLY DAY SCHEDULE Vigil of Holy Day at 7:30pm Holy Day at 6:30am; 9:00am and Noon CONFESSION/SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Seasonal Penance Services during Advent and Lent CARE OF THE SICK If there is an elderly, sick or infirm parishioner who wishes to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Communal Celebrations of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will take place in the Fall and in the Spring. OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Evening— by appointment Saturday—by appointment Sunday—No Office hours BAPTISM Parents are asked to contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with a priest or deacon to complete the Baptismal Registration Form. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Instruction at 7:00pm on the First Thursday of the month. Baptisms are celebrated on the Second Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. MARRIAGE Preparations for the Sacrament of Marriage are very important and take time. Couples planning to be married at Saint Francis De Sales are asked to contact the Parish Office no less than eight months prior to the wedding date. Please do not schedule the catering hall prior to making arrangements at the parish. Couples are required to attend the Pre-Cana Program of the Parish at least six months prior to the wedding. PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office/Rectory 718-634-6464 Parish Office/Rectory Fax 718-634-0716 Parish Email [email protected] Parish Religious Education Office 718-634-6464 Saint Francis De Sales School 718-634-2775 Saint Francis De Sales School Fax 718-634-6673 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH Sunday, February 1, 2015 Masses for the week of 2-1- to 8, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM Mary Shea Kane 10:30 AM Four Chaplains Mass 12:00 PM Terrence Flynn 5:30 PM For the Purgatorial Society Monday 6:30 AM Robert Chapey 9:00 AM William Moerler, Hauck and Moerler Families Tuesday 6:30 AM Patrick Joseph Keena Sr. 9:00 AM Jim Martinez Wednesday 6:30 AM Mary Massaria 9:00 AM William Moerler, Mary and Jerry Raimo Thursday 6:30 AM Elizabeth McMahon 9:00 AM Mary A. Bryne (A) Friday 6:30 AM The Maloney Shea and Kane Family 9:00 AM Anthony and Anna Wolanin and Family Saturday 9:00 AM The McGiver and Brannigan Families 5:30 PM Rose Burgio Sunday 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM Regina Somerville 10:30 AM Joseph and Ruth Clark 12:00 PM The Falvey, Boyle and Creegan Families BREAD AND WINE: to be offered at the Masses for this week is donated in memory of Ronald Belpanno. FOUR CHAPLAINS The Dorchester Chaplains, Rabbi George Fox, Rev. Alexander Goode, Rev. Clark Poling and Fr. John Washington, were four United States Army chaplains who gave their lives to save other civilians and military personnel as the USAT Dorchester sank on February 3, 1943 during World War II. They helped other soldiers board lifeboats and gave up their own life jackets when the supply ran out. The chaplains joined arms, and said prayers, and sang hymns as they went down with the ship. Today, February 1st our parish once again welcomes the American Legion and their guest as we remember the heroic sacrifice of these four brave men, at 10:30 AM Mass in our parish. REST IN PEACE In our charity, please remember the parishioners who have died recently. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of Christ rest in peace. Amen James P. Geraghty Jr. and Phil Maguire SICK AND HOMEBOUND Kindly remember in your prayers the members of our Parish Family who are ill. Michael Glynn, Thomas McLeod, Michael Weinstein, Jeanne Briody, Baby Sean Patrick Timony, Nancy Hanson, Theresa Kalman, Sheila Cassidy. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH Sunday, February 1, 2015 WORLD DAY OF CONSECRATED LIFE Next weekend our parish will celebrate the World Day of Consecrated Life at all Masses. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life especially our own Sisters of St. Joseph. Be sure to thank them for their continued commitment to our parish. They are a blessing. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God’s gift of their PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve on your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help others respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of St. Francis de Sales support vocations of sacrifical love in the youth and young adults. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you on the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen VOCATIONS – ARE YOU BEING CALLED? How are you letting God be present to you, and how is God present to others through you? The Church needs dedicated lay and ordained ministers to help make God present to the people. Please pray about it and, if you’d like more information about serving the Church in this way, contact the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Brooklyn at 1718-827-2454 CANDELMAS DAY Candelmas day is a traditional festival that commemorates the ritual of purification of Mary 40 days after the birth of Jesus. We remember the Presentation of the child in the Temple who is revealed as the Christ, the revealing light to the nations. It has traditionally marked the midpoint of winter, halfway between the shortest day of the year and spring equinox. It is on this day when all the candles, which are to be used during the coming year, are blessed. Thus the name Candle-Mass. FEAST OF ST. BLAISE FEBRUARY 3D “Through the intercession of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, May God deliver you from every disease of the throat and every other illness: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit”. On Tuesday, of this week we will celebrate the Feast of St. Blaise. The traditional blessing of the throats will take place at Mass that morning and again at 3:00 PM. Students in the SFDS Academy will receive the blessing during school hours. ARMED FORCES Please keep in your prayers the members of our parish, who are serving in the Armed Forces. Lt. Cmdr. Gerard Casey Sea Breeze Golden Age – will have their meeting and bingo on Wednesday, February 4th at 12:30 pm the small hall. All Senior members of the parish are invited to join us. Please bring food for the needy. For further information call 718-474-1280. SEA BREEZE GOLDEN AGE TRIPS - Monday to Friday, May 11-15 to the Outer Banks in North Carolina – 4 nights – 4 breakfasts - 3 dinners, various sightseeing trips in a deluxe bus. Trip Cost $815 – Insurance $65 Dep. & Ins. due Feb 4th and balance due March 18th. June 18th – West Side Story at Westchester Broadway Theatre lunch and show – Price $85 – Dep. $20 with reservation balance due April 15th. For information call: Mary Ellen at 718-634-6307 and Kate Hanratty 718-634-1941. . Ladies AOH DIV 25 They are sponsoring a Communion Breakfast honoring the Feast Day of St. Brigid of Ireland on Sunday, Feb. 8th at St. Camillus. There will an 11:30 AM Mass and breakfast afterwards in Springman Hall – open to everyone. Admission $15 per person, $ 7 for children and $35 for family. Payable at the door. Reservations suggested. Contact information and reservations by Feb. 4th. Bridget Rush-Henandez at 718-318-3425 and Virginia Minardi at 917-680-1918. Winners for the week are: 500 Club Weekly: Congratulations! Winners are: $100 #062 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey 50 #182 Pat and Tom McVeigh 25 #033 Kate Magee SCHOOL NEWS: Cell Phone Recycling The Sr. Maura Clark National Junior Honor Society of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy is collecting cell phones & smart phones to help raise awareness for the new electronic recycling law that goes into effect for New York City. We are accepting cell phones & smart phones of all types, including I Phones, Samsung Galaxy, and more! Our National Junior Honor Society has partnered with GRC Wireless (, a national leader in cell phone buyback & recycling. Please bring your old phones to the school office. Thank you very much for supporting this important Cell Phone & Smart phone Recycling Program. Thank you for helping us recycle responsibly. School of Evangelization - Faith Formation INFORMATION Upcoming Sacraments FIRST PENANCE & HOLY EUCHARIST SACRAMENTS First Penance - Saturday, February 28th 11:00 A.M. for Classes 2A & 2-1 2:00 P.M. for Classes 2B & 2-2 First Holy Eucharist - Saturday, May 9th 11:00 A.M. for Classes 2A & 2-1 2:00 P.M. for Classes 2B & 2-2 SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Confirmation will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 25th at 1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. Our Confirmation Classes will be divided into alphabetical order. Parents/Guardians will receive notice on Sunday, January 25th at the retreat. His Excellency, Most Reverend Octavio Cisneros will be presiding. Application and Sponsorship Form for the Sacrament of Confirmation have been issued to eligible students in Grade 8 in both the Parish and Academy. The deadline for returning the application is January 30th 2015 either to the Parish or Academy Office. Important Upcoming Dates - Mid-Winter Recess (No Classes) Monday, February 16th to Thursday, February 19th. Classes resume the week of February 23rd. For further information you may contact the Parish Office 718-634-6464. COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD by SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES DO NOT LOOK FORWARD TO THE CHANGES AND CHANCES OF THIS LIFE WITH FEAR, RATHER, LOOK TO THEM WITH FULL CONFIDENT THAT, AS THEY ARISE, GOD TO WHO YOYU BELONG WILL IN HIS LOVE ENABLE YOU TO PROFIT BY THEM. HE GUIDED YOU THUS FAR IN LIFE. DO NOT BUT HOLD FAST TO HIS DEAR HAND, AND HE WILL LEAD YOU SAFELY THROUGH ALL TRIALS. WHENEVER YOU CANNOT STAND, HE WILL CARRY YOU LOVINGLY IN HIS ARMS. DO NOT LOOK FORWARD TO WHAT MAY HAPPEN TOMORROW THE SAME ETERNAL FATHER WHO TAKES CARE OF YOU TODAY WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU TOMORROW, AND EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE. EITHER HE WILL SHIELD YOU FROM SUFFERING OR HE WILL GIVE YOU UNFAILING STRENGTH TO BEAR IT. BE AT PEACE THEN, AND PUT ASIDE ALL USELESS THOUGHTS, ALL VAIN DREADS AND ALL ANXIOUS IMAGINATIONS, AMEN. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, PRAY FOR US. Saint Francis de Sales Parish is a "Welcome Home Community". Don't let anything separate you from the love of God. . COMMUNITY SPORTS… ROCKAWAY LITTLE LEAGUE – Registration is open for the 2015 baseball and softball seasons. The Early Bird registration discount ends on January 31st. Go to for more information or to register. Call Marty Andresen (917-226-9156) if you need to register in person. FEED THE HUNGRY There will be FEED THE HUNGRY bins in the vestibules on the 129th and 130th entrances of the Church. This will be an ongoing, non-perishable food collection to provide local food pantries with much needed supplies. Items of particular need include dry milk, tuna, hot and cold cereal, pasta, tomato sauce, rice, beans, PB&J, soups, canned fruits and vegetables. Please no glass donations. Thank you in advance for your support.
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