of ggst-teacbers-4 forms are invited for engagement application prescribed on Application of Rs' 25'0001Rr. 10007- per period subjeci to maximum tt e ,ario.rs a"partments. ltvti @ per month. A.F l.DepartmentofAppJiedScignce&Humgr.rities.. nics Programme Two guest positions) t.u"t,. (against vacant Oualifications: Science First Class Master's Degree in Electronics be conducted by UGC Ph.D. degree OR NET/GATE to with B-F 1. @tvacantpositions) Oualification: i.Goodacademicrecordasdefinedbyth.concerneduniversitywithat|eastS1ohmarks grading iystem is followed) at the (or an equivalent gradg in a.point scale wherever t"L:"tt from aninaian-University' or an equivalent Master's Degree levet in u r.l.rr*t university' degree from an accredited foreign ii.Besidesfulfillingtheabovequalifications,thecandidatemusthaveclearedtheNational by the uGC, CSIR or similar test accredited conducted (NET) il;h; test Eligibility UGC like SLET/SET' the a Ph. D. Degree in accordance with iii. Candidates, who are, or have been awarded Ph'D' of Standards and Piocedure for Award University Cr*i, Co**ission fVii"i""* minimum the of il..empted from the requirement Degree) n"grriuiiorr, iooq, rh"[ recruitment and- appointment of Assistant foi NET/SLEilSef of .onaiiio, eligibility ges/Institutions' professor o, .irir"ui."i po S,ions in Universities/Colle programmes in disciplines required for such Masters iv. NET/'LET/sET shall also not beconducted' for which NET/SLET/SET is not Note: A: 2. in the respective the prescribed Application Form Applicants are requested to kindly submit candidates and wilr call for interview ff:"[Trt]i-ent will screen the apprication of the J. 1i'J:lTfJ:;ent orthe guest teachers 1. wnr b,e y 1,l lhij1l",::l?::g":'i:'::.?JJi:Academic on the o. ,iff iu*t'tr orders whicheves is earlier Session Z0l4-15 or tilllacancy exits- UGC approvedrateoft,o*.u,i*qrcoot-p.,p".ioasubjecttomaximumofRs.25,000/.per month. Note: B: l. z. . 4. 3 5. permanent not confer on the appointee any right of selection against vacancy shall criterion for short-listing right to evolve a uniform and reasonable tli"+ilS#,T::13['*'.i: of eligible candidates, if needed'. possess higher qualifications- . .rgt t to give preference to those who (b) Jamia etc' grvrng "h";;;;;" of degrees' diplomas and mark-sheets Candidate *r* .n"fore ihe attJsted";;;itt i shed work with application -form' entertained and is liable to be reference of be "*ptti"nte/publ or applicatio;;i;;'ilper will not application Incomplete rejected- .^ ----. ^L^. r-o nar the rrnUGC guidelines.ancI other regulatory bodies. ^o peJ shall be as 6. nliu*ution, if any, and may vary. . The Numbe. ;;;ri i*s advertized herein are provisional 8.Candidatealreadyinservicemustapplythrough.properchannel. for all teaching posts' and Hindi i. a desirubte qualification g. Knowledge to any previous advertisement(s)' shall "iU.O, who have already apprieo iniesponse 10. The candidates, for anv or all of the hold/not to hold Serection committee to right the 11. +i".t::trlrl'd[:3;", 7 post 12. 13. (s)' , i. ofr1r-^ he o disqualificatiot a disorralification. ^^-ri"r^+a..,itt will be the candidate canvassing, in any form or on behalf positions' above the for niling up the application form There will ,"'f". i- from the detail advertisement may be downloaded Prescribed application form and along with the Application fo.-t .o*plete in all respect University website hitp //j m i' ac'!n' on in ir,. oin." oi th. Head/Director concemed supporting documents should reach "i,.u.a or before 06.02.2015' : (Prof. Shahid Ashraf; Dated: 30.01.2015 * ;;,, "--*Millia; ilIslamia: il;; I;!;;;;; of Uettaf tn" Jamia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Registrar ;;; l; ;;;;*" ;;"*;;;;;; ;;;'xPenditure on Schools' Departments/Institutions/offices/ centers/ All the Deans of the Faculties/Heads of the boards' notice JMI for information and display on their JMI; The Secretary to Vice-Chancellor' JMI; The Finance Officer, The Sr' P.A. to the Registrar' JMI;. Branch-l' (b) Registrar's offrce (c) Establishment Notice Board: d;v.i;; oifice Dated: 30.01.2015 (Owes Ahmed) Registrar (RPS tp-
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