FeS Grains with Abundant Fe

46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015)
D´ORBIGNY. Hwang S-L1, Shen P2, Chu H-T3, Yui T-F4, Iizuka Y4 and Varela M.E 5. 1Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, ROC ([email protected] );
Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC;
Central Geological Survey, PO Box 968, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; 4Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica,
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 5Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas de la Tierra y del Espacio (ICATE) Avenida España
1512 sur, J5402DSP, San Juan, Argentina
Introduction: The angrites are rocks as old as the
solar system [1] with unusual petrological and geochemical characteristics. Notwithstanding their controversial genesis, they are considered to be igneous rocks
of basaltic composition [e.g., 2 and references therein].
D´Orbigny is by far the largest (16.55 kg) angrite
known and is peculiar in several respects. Its bulk
chemical composition, mineralogical composition,
mineral chemistry, rare gas contents and O isotope
abundances are in line with other members of this meteorite class. However, the shape of D’Orbigny, its
structure with highly porous lithologies alternating
with compact ones and its mineralogical heterogeneity
strongly suggest that the rock was not formed by simple crystallization of a basaltic melt [3, 4]. Although
the source of angritic melts remains unknown, melts
chemically resembling those of bulk angrites were
produced by partial melting of Allende under very high
oxygen fugacity conditions (IW+2) [5]. Albeit none of
the experimentally produced melts match angritic
melts in all parameters, these rocks are believed to
have been formed under oxidizing conditions (e.g., [2
and references therein]). A previous chemical and
petrological study of D'Orbigny suggests formation of
this rock under redox changing conditions, ranging
from reducing to highly oxidizing [3, 4]. Our study of
high Ni-bearing metal and sulfides phases hosted by
anorthite or anorthite and olivine in the groundmass of
this rock strongly indicates that redox conditions in
angrites need to be revised [6]. As another contribution
towards this revision, we report in this abstract the
presence of FeS grains with abundant Fe1-xO-Fe3O4
core shell crystals in the angrite D´Orbginy.
Sample and Results: The polished thin section
D´Orbigny NDHU-1 (National Dong Hwa University,
Taiwan) was studied by optical microscopy and analytical scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). TEM
samples were prepared by the FIB technique for selected area electron diffraction (SAED) using a JEOL
3010 AEM.
The FeS grains hosted by anorthite are small (2040 µm), irregular in shape and host scarce metal
(15%Ni) grains and abundant round oxides (Fig. 1 a),
or host abundant metal (pure Fe) and few oxides (Fig.
1b). An analytical scanning electron microscopy study
reveals that the round oxides are mainly composed by
two phases: an euhedral (cubic-octahedral) FeO core
surrounded by a Fe3O4 shell (Fig. 2).
Figure 1a: BSE image of a FeS grain holding a polycrystalline metal pocket and abundant oxides.
Figure 1b: BSE image of a FeS grain with abundant
inclusions of metal (Fe) and some oxides.
Figure 2, SEM-BSE micrographs showing a detail
view of the round oxides.
46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015)
A TEM study reveals that whereas the larger oxide
particles always possess the FeO-Fe3O4 core-shell
structure (Fig. 3), the smaller oxide particles are exclusively Fe3O4 (Fig. 4).
wards pentlandite, the Fe (10-15% Ni) phase is always
polycrystalline with “weir” domain boundaries.
A TEM image of the FeS phase also reveals the presence of well-developed domains (Fig. 5). Such domain boundaries are possibly due to nucleation from
non-equivalent lattice sites of a more primitive phase
to be identified in the future.
Figure 3, TEM bight field image showing the euhedral
FeO and the Fe3O4 shell.
Figure 5, TEM bight field image showing the structure
of troilite.
The metal-sulfide and the FeS-oxide associations show
the existence of redox changing conditions, which apparently changed in only one direction: the events became increasingly more oxidizing from one to the
other. The presence of FeS with Fe1-xO-Fe3O4 coreshell crystals show that the latest event was highly
oxidizing and possibly lasted only a short time.
Figure 4, TEM bright field image showing the small
Fe3O4 particles.
These observations imply that it was an oxidation
process from Fe (10% Ni) to nearly stoichiometric FeO
as indicated by the absence of side band diffractions
characteristic of paracrystalline distribution of defect
clusters in non-stoichiometric Fe1-xO, and then to
These metal-sulfides-oxide associations are very different from those described by [6]. Whereas the euhedral Fe (50% Ni) phase hosted by pentlandite (see
Fig. 2, [6]) is single crystal (fcc) with sharp edge to-
References: [1] Wasserburg G. J. et al. (1977)
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 161, 684; [2] Keil (2012)
Chemie der Erde 72, 191-218; [3] Kurat et al., (2004)
GCA 68, 1901-1921; [4] Varela et al., (2003) GCA 67,
5027–5046; [5] Jurewicz et al., (1993) GCA 57, 2123–
2139 ; [6] Varela et la., (2015), this conference.