Diary Dates – Important dates for your calendar…....... •Year 6 SATs meeting is on 4 February 2015 at 3.30pm/6.00pm •Year 3’s Class Assembly will be on Thursday 5 February 2015 at 9am. •We break up for half term on Friday 13 February 2015 and return on Monday 23 February 2015. •Parents’ Evenings will be on Wednesday 25 February 2015 and Thursday 26 February 2015 •Year 2 Parent Funshop will be on Monday 2 March 2015 from 1.45pm-3.00pm. Thank you so much to everyone who brought in full bags of clothes to be recycled. They were collected last Wednesday and we will let you know how much we have raised. Thank you to Mrs Barfield for arranging the collection. Stars of the Week Acorn: Leo Molloy 30 January 2015 Have you let the office know of any new phone numbers that you may have? It is so important for us to be able to contact you and send out any urgent text messages. If there are any school closures due to snow, we will let you know via text. Thanks. Academies – the school is currently looking into the option of converting into an Academy and so we are sending home today lots of information about it. We are now in a consultation period which will run for the next 4 weeks – see separate Academy newsletter. School lunches – following suggestions from the children, the lunchtime menu has been updated, with effect from Monday 2.2.15. You can find a copy of the website or if you wish to have one at home, just ask. The lunches are all cooked in school using fresh ingredients and we will also be offering milk as a drink option for all children during the lunchtime. Now the weather is turning colder, please make sure the children have coats, hats, gloves & scarves, with names on! We do have quite a number of lost property in the boxes in the KS2 hall. You are welcome to have a look through for lost items. Thanks. RG: Imiah Evans RY: Harry Wilson 1B: Macey Haywood-Evans 1S: Marley Young 2J: Bailey Magee 2T: Eve Tonks Year 3: Adriana Stankute & Leo Scott Year 4: Charlie Demetre & Connor Earls Year 5: Bradley Hillman & Mason Jones Year 6: Amina Abdelkader & Samia Sadler Well done to everyone on the Walking Bus and in the Dinner Halls for great behaviour this week. Keep it up ! Brilliant! Attendance winners for last week - KS1 – 1S ~ 98.91% and KS2 – family group 3T ~ 99.71% Well done! Wychall Children & Family Centre We have booked up a FANTASTIC trip during half term – on Tuesday 17 February 2015, departing at 11am and returning around 2.45pm ~ Go Kids Go Children’s Party! It includes 1 hour 15 minutes playtime, games, a private party room for a children’s meal and soft drink, for just £5 per person. Call Niki on 0121 464 3169 to book or for more details. There will also be a SUPER FAMILY FUN DAY on Thursday 19 February 2015 between 12pm – 3pm. BROMFORD HOUSING have arranged a Housing Drop in on Tuesday 24 February 2015 between 9.30am-10.30am should you have any questions regarding housing. A new Level 1 Qualification in Managing Relationships will be running every Wednesday from 9.30am-12pm ~ run by Bournville College, this is a great chance to learn more about relationships. CLUBS – please note – there is NO STREET DANCE NEXT WEEK. It will be back on the week beginning 9.2.15. There are a few spaces available so letters have been sent out and you will receive a text to let you know if your children has been offered a place. We hope that you are enjoying the Good work assemblies which are held every TUESDAY as follows: Nursery/Reception ~ 9.05am in KS1 Hall Years 1-3 ~ 10.45am in KS1 Hall Years 4-6 ~ 10.45am in KS2 Hall Mrs Clements will be continuing with her popular SEN drop in sessions with the next one on Thursday 5 February 2015 from 8.45am to 9.15am. If you have any SEN questions, just pop in to see her. World Book Day - Thursday 5 March 2015. Our theme this year is Super Heroes and children will be able to dress up on the day. There will be other Literacy activities during the week, more details to follow. School Website - is very nearly ready to be launched. It will include lots of information including term dates, class trips, lunchtime menus, topic work as well as important letters. The school app will connect to the website, so you will be able to access all the information via your phone! Attendance Disco – another one has been booked for the end of term for children who have managed 96% or above. It can be harder on these cold, frosty mornings, but if children are in school on time, it has a positive affect on their learning. If your child has been ill, then they will have a chance to go to the disco next term. School improvement – the Behaviour team have been working on the school’s new behaviour policy which will be available after half term. The Parental team continue to plan the parent Funshops and are looking forward to working with Volunteers after half term.
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