TERM ONE, WEEK 1 29TH JANUARY, 2015 Reflection Dates to Remember: Thursday, 5th February Yr 6-12 Swimming Carnival Tuesday, 10th Feb Opening Mass & Whole School Assembly Wednesday, 11th Friday 13th February Year 8 Camp (Mapleton) Friday, 13th February P-5 School Photos Term 1 Fees Due Monday, 16th February Yrs 6-12 School Photos Life The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give. The joy of life is to love. HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS.... Congratulations to Mr Murray Deale on the recent birth of his beautiful daughter, Elliana Grace born 6 January and weighing in at a healthy 8lbs. By William Arthur Ward Did you happen to see our very own Mr Nathan Kneen recently singing the National Anthem at the Australia vs India, 2nd Cricket Test in December? His rendition was incredibly moving and he should be very proud of this amazing achievement! For those of you wondering where Mr Terry Frawley is, he will be away for the first term as he helps refugee children in Nauru to assimilate into schools there. St Eugene de Mazenod Church Sunday: 9.30am & 5.00pm Christ the King Church Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 7.30am Station Road PO Box 598 Burpengary Q 4505 P: 07 3491 4600 F: 07 3888 5151 E: pburpengary @bne.catholic.edu.au www.steugene.qld.edu.au ABSENTEE LINE: 3491 4646 Please take a moment to visit our beautiful Eugreenies Garden and see the newest developments with paving and seating. Our new principal Jim Midgley made short work of moving the soil in the dingo. Thank you to the team of staff, parents and students who made this happen before the start of the school year! From the Leadership Team Dear Parents Welcome to the first newsletter for 2015! I look forward to getting to know each family as best as possible in my role as Principal in 2015. For those who don’t me, I’ve been a principal in catholic education for over 25 years. My most recent role has been Principal of St Peter’s Caboolture where I have working since 2002. I have been asked to step into this role until a thorough process can be undertaken to find a new Principal for St Eugene College. Last week, we had a wonderful week with staff working on professional learning and capacity building. New P-12 Head Marisa Dann, expands on the content and purpose of these sessions elsewhere in the newsletter. I spent a session with staff talking about the journey ahead. It is my role to check our bearings and ensure we are heading in the direction we wish to be going. Teachers helped clarify, from their perspective, what they wanted the school to be known for. If our vision is shared then leadership can ensure that we have the tools and skills necessary to get us to our desired destination. Parents have made it very clear in many opportunities offered over recent years, to have input and provide feedback on our direction and purpose. There will be more opportunities in the near future to become engaged in your child’s education. Parental engagement is a corner stone of a quality catholic college. We are not talking only involvement such as volunteering and attendance at P&F etc., engagement refers to knowing how your child learns, what they learn and why they learn it. Research shows that if a parent can become engaged and continue learning conversations at home, a child has a much greater chance of achieving high academic outcomes. The leadership team will address two key components from our strategic plan in the first half of this year starting in term 1: Parental engagement: What do we expect of each other? How can we improve communication and respond to parental concerns in a respectful and efficient manner? What are our values underlying this relationship? What do we have a right to expect from each other? How do we solve problems together in a respectful manner? What conduct is acceptable and not acceptable? Behaviour management Procedures and processes: The leadership team began this review last year and a plethora of quality data around academic expectations, student engagement, and social interaction requirements has been gathered. Together we will reform this process and involve parents in issues where continued disruption is impacting on the learning of other students. Again, consistency of expectations and consequences will be the foundation of this ‘reforming’ process. I look forward to hearing from you, I hope we benefit from our journey together. So far the staff and students have left me in no doubt that we have some serious talent here and I look forward to providing them with the opportunity to shine! Keep smiling! JIM MIDGLEY Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students 2015 is shaping up to be another dynamic year at St Eugene College. Teaching staff spent five days last week in professional development and planning for the year. One of the issues that we will investigate this term is curriculum time in the Junior Years. The review will identify weight given to learning areas across the timetable. Consequently, we will make necessary adjustments which will lead to improved opportunities for students to learn the basics of literacy and numeracy which are so important in these foundational years. As you move through the Junior area, please take a moment to visit Eugreenies Garden and see the newest developments with paving and seating. Thank you to the team of staff, parents and students ably lead by the dynamic duo of Dalveen Fletcher and Jeni Fowler who made this happen before the school year began. Our new principal Jim Midgley made short work of moving the soil in the dingo. However, the dingo almost made short work of our new leader! (See front page) DATE CLAIMER P-12 PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Tuesday 10 February from 6:30 – 8:00pm At this information evening, P-6 class teachers will inform you of the academic expectations for your children, class routines and important dates and events throughout the year. I’m listening to the gentle rain as I write this, and remember: “Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.” Sarah Ban Breathnach God Bless ALANA OSBORN P-12 HEAD (JUNIOR YEARS) Teachers as Learners It has been my privilege to join the St Eugene’s College community and there is great excitement and anticipation as we prepare to welcome the students this week. As with all professions, teachers are continually reviewing and renewing their practice. On Monday 19 January we began a six day program of quality professional learning which has both challenged and affirmed our beliefs about learning and teaching and has focussed our understanding of what leads to success in the classroom. We have spent time in learning teams and as a whole staff to explore the best current educational research and practice in relation to, for example, planning for learning; engaging students; religious education; literacy; strategic planning and technology as a learning tool. Our goal is to make learning visible – to share the intent, language and process of learning with students so that they are in control of their own learning and contribute to the learning of their peers (and teachers). Welcome to the 2015 learning year and I look forward to meeting all of you as we work together to achieve successful progress of learning for all members of the St Eugene’s community. MARISA DANN - P-12 HEAD (MIDDLE YEARS) College News First day advice There is much excitement and nerves in the family at the moment. The eldest of the grandchildren is about to start school and I am not sure who is most nervous, the parents or the young Connor. Over the holidays we held lessons in the difficult jobs such as contacting the books and iron on labelling for the young parents. We watched the uniform parade and the huge school bag that he will carry being hoisted on his back. We discussed the best lunch packs and what foods would be best to sustain him through the turmoils of the day. Added to that was the shy and somewhat nervous response of the young man. He knew he was about to embark on a strange new reality that was to change his whole simple happy life. At one stage he sidled up to me for reassurance. After all I was the wise grandfather who works at a school and knows just about everything. I gave it my best shot and told him that I knew the secret that would set him free to be the best kid in the school. He was very excited and begged me to tell him. What a responsibility! So I kept it simple and told him to… smile. When he was nervous and worried that he would struggle to find a friend to play with … smile. When the teacher was being stern… smile. When he got hurt and wanted to cry or get mad or get grumpy….smile. He was a bit shocked and so we practiced the smile response to the various scenarios. The smile quickly gave way to the grin, to laughter and relief and most importantly to hope. Hope that the school experience was nothing to be feared but something that could be enjoyed and celebrated. Please be aware that Sibling/Family Photos may be ordered online or via envelope. To ensure a smoothly run photography day, Online Orders for Sibling/Family Photos will be cut off 48hrs before our photography day to allow a list of students that require Sibling/ Family photographs taken to be compiled. Sibling Photos can still be ordered after the Online cut off date by collecting an envelope from the office in the usual way and returning the envelope on photo day with payment enclosed. All Online Orders should be placed on or before our day of photography. Please Note: Once orders are closed a LATE FEE will apply. The Online code above Web Portal may also be used to order previous years’ sports and other group photos at any time. All Online Orders placed through the Web Portal will be returned to school for collection. NOTE: ANY STUDENTS BRINGING ENVELOPES ON THEIR PHOTO DAY ARE TO HAND DIRECTLY TO THE PHOTOGRAPHER, NOT TO THE COLLEGE OFFICE. PAYMENTS CAN BE MADE BY CASH, CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER. THE COLLEGE WILL NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOST ENVELOPES/MONIES. 2015 SWIMMING CARNIVAL - YEARS 6-12 The 2015 Middle/Senior swimming carnival will be held in week 2 on Thursday the 5th of February at the Caboolture Regional Aquatic Centre. The carnival is for all students from Year 6 through to Year 12. Students will travel to and from the carnival by bus, all students are expected to be back at the college by 2.55pm. In the end I still think it is the best advice I can give to all kids, teachers and parents. Smile and the world can change from negatives to positives in the blink of an eye. It can unite us in common purpose and reduce the confrontation and mistakes we will all make as we learn to play and learn with each other. Have a great week MARK SHAKHOVSKOY– P-12 HEAD (SENIOR YEARS) Students are expected to arrive at the college in their sports uniforms and go to PC / Class as per normal and then teaching staff will escort them to the busses and pool. SCHOOL PHOTOS Students are asked to bring the following items: Our school photos will be taken on the 13th February for P-5 and & 16th February for years 6-12 and sibling photos. Swimming gear and towel. (note; only one-piece or bikini with a rashy or T-shirt will be allowed for the girls) Students may change into their “House” colour shirt at the pool. Waterbottle. Lunch. Please note that no student will be allowed to go to the pool canteen to purchase any items. There will be a sausage sizzle and drinks available for the students to buy at the pool, organised by the college staff). The preference of our school is that Orders and Payments be made through the secure Advancedlife online Web Portal as this reduces the administration and associated order issues related to the return of cash & envelopes on photo day. Please note that no Streamers, Chewing Gum, Paint or Crepe Paper are allowed on the premises. For the convenience of our school community Advancedlife have now introduced Online Ordering. School photos can now be ordered and paid for online. Please note: Photos can still be purchased using an envelope. The entry cost for the students will be covered by the college fees, however if any parents want to come and support their children they will be asked for an entry fee by the pool staff (this is for insurance purposes). To place your order visit www.advancedlife.com.au and enter the code-B2W QNG GLV A full set of instructions on how to order can be found on the back of the order flyer. The order code can also be found printed on the envelopes supplied by Advancedlife. If there are any concerns, please contact Greg Hohns (Senior Sports Coordinator) at the college. Cont/... GREG HOHNS - SENIOR SPORTS COORDINATOR College News MUSIC NEWS LIBRARY NEWS WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR CHILD TO PLAY IN OUR BANDS? ‘If kids are reading, they are given access to language, and not just language skills, but the thoughts behind what is being expressed in that language. They are meeting other worlds, they are meeting other people, they are looking for a home for themselves, and having great fun while they are doing it.’ If so, then please inquire about joining the St Eugene College Instrumental Music Program. There are still some vacancies for 2015. Lessons are offered for the following instruments:Keyboard (piano and electronic keyboard) Strings (violin, viola and cello) Guitar (acoustic, electric and bass) Woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone etc) Percussion (all drums, drumkit, glockenspiel,etc) Years 1 – 12 Years 2 – 12 Years 4 – 12 Years 4 – 12 Years 4 – 12 If you are interested, please collect an “expression of interest” form from Student Services or contact me by email at: [email protected] The College Music Program is very proud of the standards reached by our students and of the success of our various Bands and Ensembles. We look forward to welcoming any new students to join us. Iris Wessling Instrumental Music Coordinator PERFORMING ARTS NEWS Welcome back to what is all set to be another exhilarating year in The Arts here at St Eugene’s! Our 2015 college musical Grease is underway and will be opening on Friday 22nd May, running for three shows. Another Big Congratulations to all successful performers who have been cast in the show. There is a compulsory information evening for all cast, band and crew and their parents on Wednesday evening 2nd February in the hall, 6:30-7:30 pm. This will follow the first CAST rehearsal of the year which will take place between 3 pm and 6:15 pm that afternoon in the hall. All cast members (leads, chorus and ensemble) will need to attend both the rehearsal and meeting that day. This is a vital meeting for all as it will outline some changes to our intended rehearsal schedule this year and will be a great chance to ask questions and discuss any matters Musical! We sincerely thank our student, staff and parent community for their incredibly generous and passionate support of The Arts last year and are excited and blessed to be working with you all again on this next exciting project. Please feel free to contact the school about the musical or any other matter at any time. I am looking forward to seeing and talking with you all again very soon. Until then…. Grease is the word!!!!! KATHY STEWART CREATIVE ARTS Maurice Saxby Welcome back! Our library is a whole of community library where all are welcome. Parents please feel free to drop into the library at anytime but especially with your children before and after school. It’s a great way to help children settle for a day at school by coming in before school and reading together, changing books, playing board games, chess, Lego etc. After school, prep to year 6 students need to be accompanied by a parent, but years 7-12 students are welcome to use the library for homework, study etc until closing time. The library opens at 8:20am and closes at 4pm, Monday to Friday. Our staff consist of Mrs Helen Gibson and Mrs Annette Tatkovic at the front desk and Mrs Janice Chilcott, the TeacherLibrarian. We welcome any enquiries or requests for help. Parent Library We have an ever-increasing number of books in our Parent Collection which parents are able to borrow. If you have any book/ resource recommendations at any time of the year, please let library staff know. Library Volunteers Are always welcome and a very important part of our team. Whether you can offer a day a week, an odd hour now and then or even take home books to cover etc, it would be most appreciated. Jobs involved include shelving books, covering books, helping with displays, inputting data etc. Our students benefit greatly with the help of our wonderful volunteers and enables us to offer a higher quality of service and library facilities. Please leave your name with any library staff. Student Borrowing Years 7-12 have a 2 week borrowing period and Prep - Yr6 a 1 week period. Prep - Yr6 need a library bag, preferably draw-string and waterproof. Solid college library bags can be bought at the Uniform Shop or we have cloth bags for $2 in the library or at a pinch a pillow case could be used temporarily. No bag, no book. All students can borrow before and after school as well as both breaks every day of the school week but junior students also have whole class borrowing times. Chess Tuition Chess classes for Prep to Yr12 students are conducted in the library every Thursday from 3:15-4:15pm, starting from Thursday 5th February. Matt Gilpin is a qualified teacher and chess coach with Gardiner Chess who caters for players of all levels. Tuition cost for this term is $90 to be paid to the library staff or by Eftpos at the college finance office before commencing classes. Each term the college fields a strong chess team of players of all ages to compete against other schools. All students who have a basic level of chess knowledge, are welcome to trial for the term. It is recommended that Junior students have an adult present. JANICE CHILCOTT TEACHER/LIBRARIAN College News TUCKSHOP NEWS STUDENT SERVICES NEWS The tuckshop is now open for business! A copy of the menu is further along in this newsletter. This menu is also available on the school website: www.steugene.qld.edu.au Procedures for Student Absences If your child is to be absent, parents are required to contact the college. This is foremost, a requirement for safety and legal reasons. . The following procedures have been reviewed and we ask that you keep these for future reference. Children in Years 6 to 12 need to come to the Senior Tuckshop which is self service both breaks. For children in grades 1 to 5, hot food may only be ordered through the paper bag system and ice blocks, slush puppies and chips are available at 1st break only. They will need to put their name, class, order, 1st break or 2nd break on a brown paper bag (available from Coles or Woolworths) and insert into the locked box on the front of the Junior Tuckshop prior to school starting. Please don’t seal paper bags with staples or sticky tape as it damages the bags when being opened. Example for Years 1 to 5: Joe Smith 1st Break 2 White 1 Sausage Roll 1 BBQ Vege Chips 1 Chocolate Milk Absent Hotline: 3491 4646 Short Absences eg unexpected illness: Phone the absentee hotline before 9.00am on the day. This is a recorded service open 24hrs / 7 days to advise expected absence. If a parent/caregiver has not made contact an automated sms will be sent to the main contact requesting that the College be notified. Please ensure that if your child is late for school that they sign in at the office so that the roll can be adjusted accordingly and they are not marked as absent. Longer Absences eg more than a few days: A note for the class/pastoral care teacher is expected prior to the absence, outlining the reason. 2.00 1.20 2.00 $5.20 Ice blocks and slush puppie drinks cannot be ordered through paper bags, the children need to have their money and purchase from the tuckshop. Another way you can order is online at www.flexischools.com.au. Follow the instructions online, and your child’s order will be printed at the tuckshop and delivered to their class for children in grades 1 to 5. Children in grades 6 to 12 who order on flexischools need to pick their order up from the senior tuckshop. PAULA PORTER - TUCKSHOP CONVENOR UNIFORM NEWS ONLINE ORDERING Flexischools.com.au is a great way to order your child’s uniforms. You can order and pay online and they are delivered to your child’s class within two days. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8.00am to 10.00am Tuesday & Thursday 2.00pm to 4.00pm Second-hand Uniforms We do not accept directly any second-hand items unless you wish to donate them to the school. We use an online program called the Sustainable School Shop. Please visit it at www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au. ANGELIQUE—UNIFORM CONVENOR Leaving College during Class Times: Please forward a note with your child in advance. (Messages to college via last minute phone calls can be very disruptive to lessons). All students leaving the college must also sign out at the office. Junior: Parents must do this on the students’ behalf. The college must be assured that the children leave the grounds only in the care of the parents/guardians or persons nominated by same. Middle/Senior: Students must have your written authorisa- tion to leave and produce this letter to their pastoral care teacher at the beginning of the day. The pastoral care teacher will counter-sign this letter which must be produced to the secondary student services secretary before signing out. Late Arrivals: All late arrivals must sign in at the office and take a late slip to their class teacher. Junior students are to be signed in by parent/ guardian. STUDENT MEDICATION AUTHORITY 2015 If your child needs medication during school hours, the school requires a completed Student Medication Request Form. This includes the administration of Panadol. All medication must be supplied in the original package with the labelled instructions. This is to ensure the safety of your child and to protect school staff. Forms are available at the Student Services counter, are current for one year and are now due if your child is currently taking medication. Forms are renewed at the beginning of every school year. This form must be completed for medication to be administered to your child during school hours. For further enquires please contact Student Services on: 3491 4606 (Middle/Senior) 3491 4603 (Junior) Sign up with Flexischools to do all your Online Tuckshop and Uniform Shop ordering. It’s so convenient! You can also use this service for special events (ie. Discos etc). Existing users can now download an app to their iphone for convenience. Or register online at https://www.flexischools.com.au College News Please complete and return asap if you have changed address, email or any of your contact phone numbers. PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM TO RECEPTION OR STUDENT SERVICES AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. YOU CAN ALSO EMAIL IT TO: [email protected] College News JUNIOR/MIDDLE SPORTS UNIFORMS TIMETABLE BLUE WHITE GOLD NAVY YR 1 Monday/Thursday Tuesday/Wednesday Wednesday/Thursday YR2 Wednesday/Friday Monday/Friday Monday/Wednesday YR 3 Monday/Thursday Monday/Thursday Thursday YR 4 Monday/Tuesday Thursday/Friday Tuesday/Thursday YR 5 Wednesday/Thursday Monday/Thursday Tuesday/Thursday YR 6 Wednesday/Friday Friday Wednesday/Friday Friday YR 7 Wednesday/Thursday Thursday/Friday Wednesday/Thursday Thursday/Friday Monday/Friday MIDDLE/SENIOR INTERSCHOOL SPORTS DAYS All YR 7 & 8 Thursday All YR 9,10 & 11 Wednesday FREE SKOOLBAG APP FOR MOBILES Our School now has our own Skoolbag iPhone and Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our Parent/Student community. We are inviting parents/students to install the Skoolbag School App as soon as possible to begin to access it’s benefits for free! Installing the app is very easy, just search for our school name "St Eugene College Burpengary" in either the Apple App Store, or Google Play Store or go to http://www.steugene.qld.edu.au/ documents/skoolbagParentInstructions for a list of instructions to commence using this free service. SAVE OUR FORESTS—ACCESS THE NEWSLETTER ONLINE OR VIA THE SKOOLBAG APP The newsletter comes home on Thursday of every week, sent home via the youngest child in each family. Sadly, this vital piece of communication generally never sees the light of home, often languishing in bags or not even making it into bags and thus contributing to the litter in the school grounds. So...can we urge you to access the Newsletter electronically? If you do so, a hard copy WILL NOT be sent home, which will contribute positively to our planet (and our budget!). If not , please let us know if you would like to ensure your Newsletter arrives by using one of the following options: EMAIL: [email protected] OR return the form below to reception: Family Name: Youngest Child’s Name & Class: OPTIONS: I would like the newsletter emailed to me at (Email Address) I will access the newsletter via the school website at www.steugene.qld.edu.au I will access the newsletter via the Skoolbag app
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