WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 1ST, 2ND, 3rd crop alf. small squares; 9 round bales 1st crop alf. 1st crop grass sm squares 815-235-1669 O R G A N I C H AY, big bales wrapped or dry, 2012 roasted corn, 2013 shelled corn, 2013 roasted soybeans, can deliver. 608-574-2160. SAY "I SAW IT IN THE MONROE SHOPPING NEWS" LG. SQ . dry alfalfa; alf/grass mix and high quality alfalfa RFV up to 187; 50 balage bales. Majority tested. Sm sq grass. Delivery available 815369-4744 S M A L L S Q . grass bales. $3.00/bale. 608-862-3531 before 7:00 a.m. HAAS DIRTWORKS INC. JASON HAAS & KURT HAAS 10337 Rt. 78 S Mt. Carroll, IL 61053 E-Mail: [email protected] Slaughter Cattle Sales, 8:30 a.m. Starting Time For Selling Baby Calves Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. Sharp! RESULTS FROM SLAUGHTER CATTLE SALE 5VFTEBZ+BOVBSZt$BUUMF4PME “Large Enough One To Serve, Great Small Enough Location! To Care” Market Results From The Week of January 26 - Head Count 1,008 High Yielding Choice Beef Strs/Hfrs ................................. $158.00-$162.25 Mixed Select/Lower Yielding Choice Beef Strs/Hfrs......... $152.00-$157.00 High Yielding Choice/Prime Holstein Strs......................... $144.00-$152.50 Mixed Select/Lower Yielding Choice Holstein Strs........... $135.00-$143.00 High Dressing Cutter/Boning Utility Cows........................... $93.00-$113.00 Lower Dressing Cutter/Boning Utility Cows .......................... $81.00-$92.00 Shelly/Doubtful Health Cows................................................ $80.00 & down High Yielding Slaughter Bulls............................................ $100.00-$117.00 Lower Yielding Slaughter Bulls ............................................ $99.00 & down Good Quality Baby Calves................................................ $350.00-$525.00 Lightweight/Weaker Calves................................................ $340.00 & down KITCHEN OPEN FOR BREAKFAST & LUNCH Sales Every Monday & Thursday, 7:00 a.m. adno=393600-01 H* :-% $)$ #' 4534)'34 .9% 4&--83 :-% $)$ #' 4534)'34 )* :-% $)$13. )0- 4534 .9% 4&--83 :-% $)$ )0- 4534 )* %3&44*/( $53#/( 65-5: $084 -83 %3&44*/( $53#/( 65-5: $084 4)-: %5'- )-5) $084 %08/ )* :-% 4-53 #6--4 -0:-%4-53#6--4 DOWN(%2-5:#"#:$-74-5 858,3$-74 DOWN. * 66 Years of Service to the Farmer * Sept. 3, 1948 was our first sale and at least one has been held every week since then. Call for on-the-farm visits (608) 762-5303 or cell (608) 778-7644 COWS-FATS-FEEDER CATTLE-CALVES-HOGS BOUGHT DAILY Lamb Pools 2nd & 4th Wednesday, As Scheduled LARGE TOY AUCTION CHRIS JONES & ESTATE OF “CASEY” JONES OREGON, WI AUCTION SITE: CARDINAL ALE HOUSE & BOWLING CENTER 277 INDUSTRIAL DR – COLUMBUS, WI 53925 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 - 9:30 A.M. Special Roundup Feeder Cattle Sales 9:00 a.m.-unless noted otherwise 'SJ'FCtSpecial All Beef New Crop Calf/Yearling Sale (no holstein steers please) 'SJ'FCt Beef/Holstein adno=393251-01 Hope to see you there!!! Thanks Again! $UZ5SL"#MPPNJOHUPO8* FEED OATS. $4/Bushel. Dakota area. 815-275-4388 Sales Every Monday and Thursday at 7:00 a.m. $UZ5SL"#MPPNJOHUPO8*t Bloomington Livestock Exchange FOR SALE: 4TH cutting large square bales of Alfalfa/ orchard grass. 21% protein. Can deliver. 608-723-2686. The yards will be open Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for Monday Sales, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. BLOOMINGTON LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE Email: [email protected] Check out our website at LARGE SQUARE bales of first and second crop organic hay and baled oats hay. 608-9438541. BELMONT SALE BARN, LLC 904235 Phone (815) 947-2570 Fax (815) 947-2570 Cell (815) 541-1973 Cell (815) 541-1975 F O R S A L E : 2ND crop, small square bales of Alfalfa/ orchard grass. 19.5% protein. Can deliver. 608-723-2686. Two Great Sales! Site Preparation • Waterways • Basements • Earth Moving • Demolition • Foundations • Ponds, Etc. • Black Dirt & Quarry Products Delivered Free Estimates • Fully Insured E-MAIL: [email protected] LOCATION: This auction is being held indoors in the Banquet Room of the Cardinal Ale House & Bowling Center, in Columbus, WI. From the Hwy 151 Bypass, at the interchange with Hwy 16 & 60, go east on Hwy 16 & 60, one block, to Industrial Drive stoplights, go north on Industrial Drive, one block. Watch for auction signs. LUNCH BY: Cardinal House Grill. NOTE: This is the third auction from the Jones large toy collection. Again we have many hard to find collectible toys. This is only a partial list. 500 TOYS: Pedal, 1⁄8, 1⁄16, 1⁄32 & 1⁄64 scale (some pewter), several are precision. 10 PEDAL TRACTORS & COMBINE: INT-Farmall Hydro 1026 (original), 1206 Turbo, 966 Pink Power, Super M; JD 8530 Prestige #1; Case IH 600 HD Steiger; MF 8680 Dyna-VT; N.H. 2035 Boomer-blue; AGCO 150 RT; Gleaner A85 combine w/corn head. 1⁄8 SCALE TRACTORS & IMPLEMENTS: JD 720 w/P.S., B, GP w/spoke tires; IH-Farmall 966 1st Production Run 2007, H, M; JD implements-spreader, F145H 4B plow, disk; Oliver 1800 D. Hydro, 25 yr. 6 cyl Power; Ford red belly w/3pt. 1⁄16 - 4x4 TRACTORS: AC 440; Versatile 825 Nov ’94; Fiat 44-23 ’82; MM A4T-1600, ’04; JD 8560, 8420T; NH TJ425; CIH STX530 Quad Track. COMBINES (Most 1⁄16): Black Stealth w/grain head; JD6600. 9500, 9600, 9610 & S690; Challenger 645; CIH AFX 8010 & 9120; Gleaner R65, A85 Farm Progress & Super 7; NH CR9090; MF 8780 & 860; MH Clipper. PRECISIONS INCLUDES: INT #1, 2 & 7; JD #6, 10 & 15; AC #7; Oliver #4; Ford #5. KEY SERIES INCLUDES: INT #4, 9 & 10; JD #1 & 7. PORK PRODUCERS: Oliver 995 Lugmatic w/loader; MF 65 w/ loader; Farmall 350 w/loader. SPECIAL ITEMS: 6-pc Spec. Edition set IH1066, 1066 ROPS, 966, 1466, 1566 & 100 Hydro ROPS; 5-pc Chrome-plated Des Moines works Col. Ed; 1070 Case Black Knight; Cockshutt 560 w/corn picker, custom; Gold-901 Ford Jubilee 1955; McD. threshing machine; 2-Barber Green const. toys (1-on tracks & 1-on wheels); Twin City 60-90 all steel; White – Red Stripes 2-135, 2-155 & 2-180; MF 1150 D, V8, ’96; Gold 2 bottom plow; AC WD45 w/2 row mtd picker; Franklin Mint Little Genius plow; 6-metal tractor cutouts-MM, Oliver 770D, Oliver 88, JD 4020, Ford & AC; Case tractors (white); 2-“Big Bud” 1⁄32. FIRESTONE TIRE TRACTORS: Oliver 770/880 set; MH55; AC D19 Turbo; MM 750; Case VA. RESTORATION & ACCESSORIES: Ford 8N; IH 460; JD 520 Dusty. OTHER ITEMS: 2-JD toolboxes (1-liftout tray & 1 w/3 drawers); Belt buckles; Assort 1/64 scale (some pewter); Banks (airplane & truck); Two cylinder; JD; Toy Farmers; FFA’s; Gas pumps; Some construction; Trucks. SEE PHOTOS ON WEBSITE: TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Out of state checks require current bank letter of guarantee. All purchases must be settled for day of sale. Number System used-Photo ID Required to Register Bid/Buy. Announcements made at sale take precedence over advertised material. AUCTIONEER: Norman Taylor, Jr. (RWA #596) Rio, WI, 920-992-5597 or 608-697-2250. SALE MANAGER: James M. Seamonson (Registered Wisconsin License #132) Auction Specialists Stoughton LLC Stoughton, WI 608-873-7791 ADNO=392901-01 AUCTION SPECIALISTS STOUGHTON, LLC LET OUR ADVANCED SALE PREPARATION AND OVER 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE PUT A PLUS IN YOUR AUCTION 1320 Roby Rd., Stoughton, WI 53589 (608) 873-7791 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 SAY "I SAW IT IN THE MONROE SHOPPING NEWS" Display Ad Deadline is Friday 5 p.m. Classified Deadline is Monday Noon E-MAIL: [email protected] CAL SCHAVER AUCTIONS HAY SALES LOCATION: Car ter & Gruenewald Co. W2898 Co. KS **Juda, Wis.** 12 Noon First & Third Saturdays DATES: Sat. Feb. 7 and Feb. 21 and Mar. 7 and Mar. 21 **Bring your trailers to load over as there will be a skid loader on site** Conducted by: Cal Schaver Auctions Brodhead, Wis. (608)897-4648 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #451 PIONEER FORECART. Spring seat, brakes, pole, shafts, fenders & runners. $950 815-3626002 SHORT ON TIME? Place your ad over the phone, by fax 608328-4217 or by email monroeshopnews@ WA L M E R ’ S TA C K Shop 16379 W. Milbrandt Rd. Evansville, WI (608)882-5725. 1 0 0 H O L S T E I N springers monthly for sale, good for expansion, also wanted open heifers. 608-778-6385 or 608-9942176. B U Y I N G R I D E R S and loose horses. 608-725-5199. THINK YOU have no time, but still need to run your classified ad? We are here to help! Send us your ad anytime by fax, (608)328-4217 or email: monroeshopnews@ A N G U S B ULLS. 74 years of top quality performance breeding. Pick early for best selection. Mason Brothers. 608-7942183. FOR SALE: Purebred Red Angus bulls, bred and open heifers. Shamrocknook Red Angus Albany. (608)558-5342. GOT STUFF? Have you been holding on to those clothes, old toys, etc, sell them and make some cash! Monroe Shopping News classifieds can be placed over the phone 608-328-4202, by fax 608-328-4217 or by email monroeshopnews@ LIMOUSIN, LIM-FLEX & ANGUS bulls. Carcass ultrasound data, semen tested, large selection, delivery. Spring Creeks Cattle Company. Bob Mitchell & Sons. 608-553-8070. GET READY to get rid of your packed away things you have not used in years! Contact the classified department at the Monroe Shopping News, 1065 4th Avenue W., Monroe, WI. Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm. N E W 3 B R condo for sale. (608)293-4705. NEW FACTORY Built Homes 3 BR, 2 BA put on your foundation. $59,980 HORKHEIMER HOMES Hazelton, IA. 800-6325985 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAYS 1-4 320 NORTH 11TH AVE. MONR O E : Newly constructed trilevel home for sale in new subdivision. 3BR, 2BA. (608)2934705. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 4-5 BEDROOM apartment, all utilities except phone and TV, $700/month plus references and 6 month lease. (608)3255451. ALB A N Y - Large 1 bedroom $505. Newly remodeled! Onsite laundry, off street parking. Call 800-944-4866 Ext 126. Horizon Management Group is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. AVA I L F E B 1, 1BDR in the countr y. Heat, appliances, washer & dryer included. No smoking, no pets. 608-2931828 AVAILABLE NOW 1 bedroom apartment in Monroe Appliances, W/S/G and heat included. $500/month; $500/security deposit. No smoking. No pets. References required. Days (608)328-4215, ask for Terry or evenings and weekends, (608)325-5958 or (608)5587923. EARLY FALL SAVINGS - Let us pay your heat, large apartment available. Call for showing (608)325-1663. FANTASTIC MOVE-IN Special on large apartment for rent. Call for details. (608) 325-1663 FREEPORT: 1 bedroom upper, electric heat, $275/month, security deposit the same. Phone 815-990-9842 1 B E D R O O M apar tment for rent, heat and water included, off street parking, laundry on site, $500/mo plus security, no smoking, no children or pets. Call Duane (608)325-2170 4-PLEX QUIET Upper 2BDR, Garage, Appliances, Laundry Area in Apt. No pets. Smokefree. $595mo. 608-325-5533 M O N R O E S T U D I O with off street parking and free on-site laundry. $350/mo. (608)4820413 No pets or indoor smoking. Visit < m> S O U T H WAY N E : Available Feb 15. Like new 2BR upper apartment. Low utility cost. Water, sewer, stove, refrigerator, A/C provided. No smoking, no pets. (608)558-2755. 25 KW PTO power generator, fresh service. $950 obo. 608921-2912 7075, Ext. 500 BAYCOR & ASSOCIATES Established 1973 THIS PUBLICATION DOES NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent, or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. AUTO’S WANTED CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We’re Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 GET CASH TODAY for any car/truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1800-864-5796 or HEALTH & FITNESS VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888223-8818 MISCELLANEOUS/CA REER TRAINING AVIATION Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, NASA and others- start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 MISCELLANEOUS Bundle & Save on your TV, Internet, Phone!!! Call Bundle Deals NOW Compare all Companies, Packages and Prices! Call 1855-978-2608 TODAY! MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 DIVORCE, ETC. $240-$550* Covers Children, etc. *Excludes govt. fees! For a Local Office, Call 1-215-7178499, Ext. 400 or 1-888-498- TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920's thru 1980's. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D'Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1800-401-0440 Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a painrelieving brace -little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1- 800-491-6053 Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-737-9447 18+ Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-980-6076 for $750 Off. Sell your structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don't have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1800-714-4724 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-2908321 to start your application today! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Texas Land Sale Near El Paso $0 Down 20 Acres$128/mo.-$16,900 Money Back Guarantee Beautiful Mountain Views No Qualifying-Owner Financing Call 1-800-343-9444 TIMESHARES SELL/RENT YOUR TIMESHARE Now! Guaranteed Services find more buyers/renters. NO GIMMICKS JUST RESULTS! 1888-879-8612 WANTED TO BUY Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-4404001 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at If you are interested in having your classified ad placed with the National Advertising Network, please give us a call at 815-235-4106 or 608-328-4202 for more information. 190927 FOR SALE: Mi-T-M 9hp gasoline powered pressure washer. 608-723-2686. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 MONROE, SPACIOUS 2 bedroom upper duplex w/one car garage. Available immediately. No pets. Non-smokers only. $550 per month plus security deposit. Call 608-862-1636 after 6:00 p.m. M O N R O E : 2 - B E D R O O M upstairs apartment, $650, heat and water included. No pets. Security deposit, application and references required. Contact 608-330-0088 or [email protected]. O R A N G E V I L L E : 1 & 2 bedroom apartments starting at $375 815-238-0840 SAY "I SAW IT IN THE MONROE SHOPPING NEWS" PR OFESSIONAL B USINESS office space now available for rent. Approximately 1,450 sq. ft. with or without up to eight work cubicles, receptionist desk and owner/manager office space. Monthly rent includes utilities. Employee entrance. Newly refurbished with additional modifications negotiable. Office support including phone answering service, accounting, and other general office functions also negotiable. To make an appointment to see this great office setting or for further details, please call (608)-3284202 and ask for extension #15. E-MAIL: [email protected] THINK YOU have no time, but still need to run your classified ad? We are here to help! Send us your ad anytime by fax, (608)328-4217 or email: monroeshopnews@ UPPER 2BDR on Square, appliances, W/S, garbage pickup included. Non-smoker and no pets. $450/mo and security deposit. 608-325-4660 UPPER 2BR Apt, Orangeville, close to schools & shopping; off-street parking, owner pays heat, washer/ dryer hookup in basement $425 +deposit 815821-1523 C L E A N I N G O U T . . . we can help you make some money on things you no longer want. Give us a call to place your ad today at 608-328-4202, 8:30am-5pm, Mon-Fri. F O R S A L E : Mobile home, 2BDR, vinyl siding, new metal roof. 608-325-1868 PAGE 15
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