CHEETAH NEWSLETTER Cooperative - Accountable - Respectful - Enthusiastic - Safe October 15, 2015 Principal Christine Espeland Dean of Students Romana Plesa Guidance Counselor Heather Mitchell Secretary Kim Kirschenmann Assistant Secretary Sherry Carswell 24 Hour Attendance Hotline (360) 804~3101 School Phone (360)804~3100 FAX (360) 804~3199 Health Room (360) 804-3132 Kitchen (360) 804~3135 Transportation (360) 804~2650 October 16 School Board Meeting, 9:00 AM, District Office 22 Sahara Pizza Night 23 Book Fair Begins 25 CLE Night at the Sounders, 4:00 PM 26 School Board Meeting, 6:00 PM, District Office 26-30 Parent-Teacher Conferences, 12:55 PM Dismissal for ALL Students 29 Book Fair Ends November 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends 6 Student Council Spirit Day - ‘Pajama Day’; PTA Popcorn Friday; PTA Movie Night 10 Tentative - Veteran’s Day Assembly 11 Veteran’s Day - NO SCHOOL Chain Lake Book Fair The Fall Book Fair is coming soon! Save October 23rd through October 29th for this fun event. The Book Fair will be open from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM through Wednesday, October 28th, but will close at 2:00 PM on October 29th. Family Night is scheduled for Friday, October 23rd from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The Book Fair will be held in the library. Students may bring money to school and purchase books during their recess time. Do you have any spare time? We would LOVE to have you volunteer! Please see the attached flyer for more information. We hope you can join us for this fun annual event! Parent-Teacher Conferences Mark your calendar! Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming! They are scheduled for the week of October 26th through October 30th this year. Because there will be early dismissal for all students for the whole week, we like to give families as much advanced notice as possible. All students will be dismissed at 12:55 PM. Interpreters will be provided for families at the parent’s request. Look for mor e infor mation to come home soon from your child’s teacher. Parking Lot Safety We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents about our parking lot procedures. Because of the volume of cars that come through our parking lot on a daily basis, we have detailed procedures in place to help facilitate the process. Please go over our parking lot expectations with your student(s), as well so they are aware of our procedures. Please be sure to watch the staff at all times while in our parking lot. They will pr ovide you with additional instructions. (For instance, if you are asked to pull up, please do so.) There are two options for student drop-off in the morning: x Drop your student up in the parent drop-off car lane x Park and physically walk your student to the gate using the crosswalk. Additionally, there are two options for picking up students in the afternoon: x Pick your student up in the parent pick-up car lane x Park and wait at the end of the bus breeze-way Under no circumstances should a student EVER be unattended in our parking lot. In addition, it is imperative that all students, staff, and visitors use the crosswalk area to cross from the parking lot to the breezeway. Our students ar e always r eminded to use the crosswalk, and we hope to have adults set a good example. Our friendly staff members are always visible in the parking lot helping to make the process go smoothly. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping keep our Cheetahs safe and sound! Holiday Treat Guidelines As Halloween approaches, your student may be having a Halloween or Harvest Party in their classroom. We want to share our school’s guidelines for bringing food ood to school. No one wants to cause a child to be ill or keep him or her from having a good time. x Food prepared by a commercial source (store-bought items) is preferred. Any candy should be individually wrapped. x Fresh fruit and vegetables can be served if cut just before served or prepared by a commercial source. x Only commercially-prepared pumpkin pies that are labeled ‘shelf stable’ may be served. x Non-edible treats are always a good idea. Bookmarks, theme pencils, or stickers make great holiday treats. A reminder that everyone—teachers, students, and parents—should wash their hands with soap and running water before serving or eating food. We hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your time at Chain Lake. Costume Day is Coming! Friday, October 30th, students and staff have the option to dress up in costumes. If your child chooses to dress up, please remind him or her of the expectations for appropriate costumes: 1. Avoid costumes that are particularly scary and save these for night events. Of course, no toy weapons or things that resemble a weapon are allowed. 2. The costume allows the child to see fully and move comfortably. Please do not send your child in masks; we will ask any child in a mask to remove it for safety. 3. Face paint can become a distraction for students throughout the day as it dries and cracks (makes for itchy faces). Please do not send your child in a lot of face paint or avoid it all together. 4. The costume allows the child to sit comfortably and safely on the bus or in a desk and does not affect other students’ “personal space.” 5. The costume is not expensive or delicate. Our children play hard – please do not send costumes that can be torn or damaged. 6. For our younger students, please make sure that they can button and unbutton the costume (without help) for bathroom visits. Your child’s teacher may have more to share in the classroom newsletters regarding the day’s fun. Please contact your child’s teacher or the office for questions or concerns! CONGRATULATIONS STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS! From Left: Emma Brennan, President; Ava Teague, Secretary; Taryn Silvey, Vice President and Connor Campbell, Treasurer Calling All Veterans We would like to extend an invitation to all veterans, past and present, of any military branch to join us for our Veteran’s Day Assembly, w. The assembly is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, November 10th, but please check back for the specific time and any other updates that might occur. We hope you can join us as we celebrate our country’s heroes. Let’s make it a red, white and blue day! We hope to have the local Girl and Boy Scouts here to present the colors at the beginning of the assembly. If Scouts participate in the assembly, they should wear their uniforms to school. We invite all other students to dress in RED, WHITE and BLUE. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you! As a reminder, school will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th, for Veter ans’ Day. Please be sure to take time out that day to honor our country’s veterans. Volunteer Packets for 2015-2016 School volunteers are welcome and much appreciated at Chain Lake Elementary. However, we typically ask volunteers to hold off on helping in the building for the first couple of weeks of school to give our students and staff time to adjust to their new schedules. Please talk with your child’s teacher about date and times that are most helpful for the class. In an effort to ensure safety for everyone, all school volunteers must have a completed Volunteer Application Packet to be kept on file in our school office. Changes in Washington State law have required additional info to be added to our Volunteer Application. Please take note of the new information regarding reporting requirements for Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB). NOW is the time to get your Volunteer Packet completed and turned in if you are planning on volunteering in your child’s class or chaperoning a field trip this year. All volunteers must complete a new packet EVERY school year. In an effort to keep building copy costs down, we are directing volunteers to obtain the Volunteer Packet online. Please go to and click on V olunteers for more information. Only the four signature pages need to be printed, filled out, and returned to school. Please feel free to call the office if you have any questions about volunteering at Chain Lake Elementary. Watch D.O.G.S. are here sign up today!! Meal Program Grace Period This is just a reminder that if your student was receiving free or reduced lunch benefits last school year, you must reapply each fall. The grace period for turning in a 2015-2016 Free and Reduced Lunch Application is next Wednesday, October 21, 2015. If a new application has not been received by the deadline, your student will be charged $3.00 for his/her lunch. Applications are available in the school office. Calling all fathers and father-figures - Watch D.O.G.S. are ready to begin! If you weren’t able to make it to our Pizza Night last week, you still have time to sign up. Please contact our Top D.O.G., Luke Gaylor, at clewatchdogs @ for more information. **24 Hour Attendance Hotline** Call anytime, day or night, and leave a detailed message. Never have an unexcused absence again! (360) 804-3101 Absences can also be entered online via Family Access Early Childhood Development Our Birth-to-Three program serves infants and toddlers from birth until their third birthday. Monroe School District serves eligible children through a partnership with Snohomish County. Parents who are concerned about their children’s development should contact Joyce Wilson at (360) 804-2606 for more information. Special Education Services The Monroe School District offers preschool programs for children who qualify for Special Education. Two preschool classrooms are located at Frank Wagner Elementary, and one is located at Salem Woods Elementary. The preschool classroom at Salem Woods Elementary serves students who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Parents who are concerned about the development of their preschool age students should contact Student Services at (360) 804-2600 for more information. Be sure to check out the Community Noces page on the District website. This page is designed to help families have the informaon they need when they need it. Check out all of the great opportunies that are offered throughout the school year! If your organizaon is interested in taking advantage of this new process, please complete a Request for Distribuon form and return it to the Superintendent’s Office: - By email to [email protected] - By fax to 360.804.2529 - By mail to Superintendent’s Office, Monroe Public Schools Administraon Building, 200 East Fremont, Monroe WA 98272 - Or in person. Quesons? – contact Barb Moore by email or by telephone 360.804.2502. 10-08-15 - Northwest Art Center Digital Arts 10-31-15 - YMCA Classic Family Fun Run/Walk 10-10-15 - UW Inspire STEM Festival 12-18-16 - Fall Imagine Children’s Museum 10-10-15 - Firehouse #3 Open House 06-23-16 - Schack Art Center Activities 10-18-15 - YMCA Fall Teen Bus Run Notice of Non-Discrimination The Monroe School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Title IX Coordinator Justin Blasko: 200 E Fremont Monroe, WA 98272 360.804.2539 [email protected] Section 504/ADA Coordinator Ginnie Ayres: 200 E Fremont Monroe, WA 98272 360.804.2558 [email protected] Compliance Coordinator for 28A.640 and 28A.642 RCW Joanne Dickinson: 200 E Fremont Monroe, WA 98272 360.804.2532 [email protected] The Monroe School District will also take steps to assure that national origin persons who lack English language skills can participate in all education programs, services and activities. For information regarding translation services or transitional bilingual education programs, contact Ginnie Ayres. Chain Lake Elementary PTA Newsletter Dates to remember • • • • • 10/22 10/23, 10/26-29 11/2 11/6 11/16 - 12/4 Sahara Pizza Night Book Fair Box Tops due Family movie night PTA Fall Fun Run • CLE Book Fair is coming!! October 23rd 9am – 4pm, and Family night 6pm – 8pm. October 26th – 28th 9am – 4pm, October 29th 9am – 2pm. VOLUNTEERS needed. Please contact Michelle Shoemaker @ [email protected] • Next Sahara pizza night Thursday October 22nd. • PTA sponsored Family Movie Night November 6th. This is a free event for the family. Come enjoy a movie and snacks in the gym! • Cheetah Wear is being ordered!! If you have ordered and not received your shirts/sweatshirts – don’t despair! They are on the way and will be coming home soon! • Remember to collect your box tops! Box tops are due by November 2nd. • Look for our PTA Newsletter every other week for upcoming events. 2015 – 2016 PTA Board Members Co-President – Lindsey Perdomo [email protected] Co-President – Michelle Shoemaker [email protected] Co-Vice President – Cheri Carswell [email protected] Co-Vice President – Tiffany Wheeler [email protected] Secretary – Lisa Brown [email protected] Treasurer – Rose Warren [email protected] 2015 – 2016 Top Watch Dog Luke Gaylor [email protected] Check us out! Get connected! Email: [email protected] ,WPD\KDYHEHHQVXPPHUEXW\RXU 7D['ROODUV EHWWHU3DUN3ODFH KDYHEHHQKDUGDWZRUNGHVLJQLQJD Join us to learn more from our Design Steering Committee members including community members, families, school staff and architects on: :KHQ7KXUVGD\2FWREHU :KHUH3DUN3ODFH0LGGOH/LEUDU\ :KDWWLPHSP :K\6KDUH\RXUEHVWDGYLFHDERXWFKDQJHVFRPLQJ WKLVVSULQJWR3DUN3ODFH0LGGOH6FKRRO ,Q$SULOORFDOYRWHUVDSSURYHGWD[GROODUVWRPRGHUQL]H3DUN3ODFH0LGGOH6FKRRO 2ULJLQDOO\EXLOWLQWKHPLGVWKH3DUN3ODFHFDPSXVLVLQJUHDWQHHGRIZRUNWRPHHW WKHGHPDQGVRIWRGD\¶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leaseMRLQXV 6LELHQHUDYHUDQRHO GLQHURGHVXVLPSXHVWRV KDHVWDGRWUDEDMDQGRPXFKRSDUDGLVHxDUXQD PHMRU3DUN3ODFH Acompáñennos para recibir más información por parte de los miembros de nuestra Junta de diseño, que incluye miembros de la comunidad, familias, personal de la escuela y arquitectos: &XiQGRMXHYHVGHRFWXEUH 'yQGHELEOLRWHFDGH3DUN3ODFH0LGGOH +RUDSP 3DUDTXpFRPSDUWLUVXVPHMRUHVFRQVHMRVVREUHORVFDPELRVTXHVH UHDOL]DUiQHVWDSULPDYHUDHQ3DUN3ODFH0LGGOH6FKRRO (QDEULOGHORVYRWDQWHVORFDOHVDSUREDURQODPRGHUQL]DFLyQGH3DUN3ODFH0LGGOH FRQHOGLQHURGHORVLPSXHVWRV&RQVWUXLGRRULJLQDOPHQWHHQODGpFDGDGHHOFDPSXV GH3DUN3ODFHQHFHVLWDPXFKDVPHMRUDVSDUDVDWLVIDFHUODVGHPDQGDVGHORVHVWXGLDQWHVGH VHFXQGDULDDFWXDOHV(OFRPLHQ]RGHODFRQVWUXFFLyQHVWiSURJUDPDGRSDUDODSULPDYHUDGH SHURSULPHURVHQHFHVLWDXQSODQ &RPHQ]DQGRFRQORVERFHWRVGHPXFKRVPLHPEURVGHODFRPXQLGDG\HOSHUVRQDO SDVDURQVXYHUDQRWUDEDMDQGRHQOD-XQWDGHGLVHxR5HSDVDURQ\GHVDILDURQODVLGHDVGHO SDVDGRHLQWHQWDURQGHILQLUFXiOVHUtDHOPHMRUHQWRUQRSDUDSRVLELOLWDUHOPD\RUORJUR DFDGpPLFR\SDUDD\XGDUDORVHVWXGLDQWHVGH\JUDGRDGHVDUUROODUODV KDELOLGDGHVTXHQHFHVLWDQSDUDVHUEXHQRVFLXGDGDQRV(OJUXSRGHEDWLyGXUDQWH PXFKtVLPDVKRUDV\WDPELpQYLVLWyDOSHUVRQDOGHHVFXHODVUHFLHQWHPHQWHFRQVWUXLGDVR PRGHUQL]DGDVHQFRPXQLGDGHVFHUFDQDVSDUDVROLFLWDUOHVFRQVHMRV /HVVROLFLWDPRVTXHHOPDUWHVDODQRFKHQRVRIUH]FDQVXVPHMRUHVFRQVHMRVVREUHHO WUDEDMRTXHKHPRVUHDOL]DGRKDVWDHOPRPHQWR Por favor, acompáñennos. MHS CHEER Fundraiser Junior Cheer Clinic We would like to invite all elementary school students in Monroe schools to cheer at the MHS football game on Friday, Oct. 30, at 7 pm The Jr. Cheer clinic will be Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 in the Park Place Middle Commons. Each junior cheerleader will receive a T-shirt and a snack at the clinic. They will also receive more details about Friday night’s game at Bearcat Stadium on the MHS campus including what to wear, what time to arrive, etc. Pom-poms will be given to cheerleaders Friday night after the game. Please contact Tabitha Monson with any questions: [email protected] Please complete this form by October 23 & return to your school’s office. Name________________________________ Grade________ Teacher______________________ T-shirt size: Youth Sm(6/8) Primary Business Address Your Address Line 2 (Circle one) Your Address Line 3 Adult Sm(3/5) Your Address Line 4 Youth Med(10/12) Youth Lg(14/16) Adult Med(7/9) Youth XL(18/20) Adult Lg(11/13) I understand in the event of an injury or illness, every effort will be made to contact me. If it becomes necessary for immediate emergency care, I authorize Monroe Public Schools to Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 secure emergency medical care for my child as needed. E-mail: [email protected] _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________ Home phone number _______________________ Best number to reach you Check #________ Amount_______ Checks payable to Monroe High School. If cash, please pay exact amount, as we cannot make change. Recaudación de fondos del equipo de animación de MHS Taller para Porristas Principiantes Quiénes kínder a 5.º grado Queremos invitar a todos los estudiantes de primaria de las escuelas de Monroe a animar con nosotros en el juego de fútbol americano de MHS el viernes 30 de octubre, a las 7 p. m. El taller para Porristas principiantes tendrá lugar el jueves 29 de octubre de 2015 en el cafeteria de Park Place Middle. Cada porrista principiante recibirá una camiseta y un bocadillo en el taller. Además, recibirán más información sobre el juego del viernes a Dónde la noche en el Estadio de los Bearcats en el campus de MHS, como qué ropa ponerse, a qué hora deben llegar, etc. El viernes en la noche se les entregarán pompones Los cheques deben emitirse a nombre de a las Porristas, una vez finalizado el juego. Si tienen preguntas, comuníquense con Tabitha Monson: [email protected] MHS Completen este formulario antes del 23 de octubre y preséntenlo en la oficina de su respectiva escuela. Nombre________________________________ Grado________ Maestro______________________ Tamaño de camiseta : (Marquen con un círculo la opción correspondiente) Pequeño (Niños) (6/8) Mediano (Niños) (10/12) Grande (Niños) (14/16) Primary Business Address ExtraYour Grande (Niños) (18/20) Pequeño (Adultos) (3/5) Mediano (Adultos) (7/9) Address Line 2 Your Address Line 3(11/13) Grande (Adultos) Your Address Line 4 Entiendo que, en caso de heridas o enfermedades, se realizarán todos los esfuerzos posibles para comunicarse conmigo. Si resulta necesario obtener atención inmediata de Phone: 555-555-5555 emergencia, autorizo a Monroe Public Schools a obtener atención médica de emergencia Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail: para mi hijo según sea necesario. [email protected] _________________________________ ____________________ _______________________ Firma del padre/tutor Teléfono del hogar Teléfono más conveniente para comunicarnos con usted Si utiliza efectivo, pague el monto exacto, ya que no podremos darle cambio. N. º de checque________ Monto_______ Si utiliza efectivo, pague el monto exacto, ya que no dremos darle cambio. KdKZϮϭ͕ϮϬϭϱ Special Guest Chef FRYELANDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ϭϱϮϴϲ&ƌLJĞůĂŶĚƐůǀĚ͘ DŽŶƌŽĞ͕tϵϴϮϳϮ Meet A Local Farmer! ϯ͗ϯϬƉŵʹϱ͗ϬϬƉŵ Healthy Snack Samples͊ PRIZES! ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐĂŶĚƉĂƌĞŶƚƐĨƌŽŵĂůů DŽŶƌŽĞ͛ƐƉƵďůŝĐƐĐŚŽŽůƐ ĂƌĞŝŶǀŝƚĞĚ͊ FOOD ART! 21 de OCTUBRE 2015 Chef invitados especiales Conosca a un agricultor local Escuela Primaria FRYELANDS 15286 Fryelands Blvd. Monroe, WA 98272 Muestras de Meriendas Saludables 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Premios! Invitamos a los estudiantes y padres de todas las Escuelas Públicas de Monroe están invitadas! arte de la comida
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