St. Catherine of Siena 2503 Centerville Road ■ Wilmington DE 19808 ■ (302) 633-4900 Father John Hynes, Pastor Sister Theresa Cappelli, SSJ, Pastoral Associate Eva Lyons, Director of Christian Formation Yolanda Torres-Ward, Coordinator of Hispanic Religious Education Francis J Staab, Deacon Gianni Chicco, Deacon John Mazalewski, Youth Minister Maria Shollenberger, Director of Music Diana Thompson, Principal, All Saints Catholic School Parish Registration: All families or individuals who wish to be registered members of our parish are welcomed. Please contact the Parish Office 633-4900 or pick up a card from the bulletin board in the Gathering Space. Complete it and drop it in the collection. St. Catherine of Siena - Wilmington DE - #154050 Sunday Masses: Saturday 5:00 pm Saturday, Spanish 7:00 pm Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am Sign Language Interpreter for the Deaf at 9:30am Mass Daily Masses: Monday through Friday 9:00 am Saturday 8:00 am Monday Mass and Novena 9:00 am Holy Days: Scheduled according to the day on which the feast appears, for the convenience of the people. Reconciliation (Confessions): Saturday 4:00 pm-4:45 pm Prayer of the Faithful: Please call Parish Office to have the names of those who are ill or deceased included in the Prayer of the Faithful. We will keep the name on for two weeks. Marriages: Call Parish Office at least one year prior to wedding. Prayer Chain: Prayer requests call Beth Skorup 530-9991 All Saints Catholic School, 907 New Road, Wilmington DE 19805 Website: 995-2231 Baptism: Parents must attend two classes in preparation for baptism of their child. Call Deacon Francis at 994-4594 for specific dates and time of classes.. Communion for the Sick and Homebound: Please call Gail Erhart, 478-7525, to have your name placed on our home visitation list. Phone Numbers: Parish Office, Rectory: Fax TDD/TTY Business/Finance Manager Deacon Francis Christian Formation Office Hispanic Ministry Office St. Vincent DePaul Outreach Office Pastoral Center Meeting Rooms Youth Office Church/Gathering Space/ Martin Center Director of Music 633-4900 633-4960 633-4904 633-4908 994-4594 633-4903 633-4919 633-4907 633-4904 633-4909 633-4910 610-306-0912 Parish Hours: Mon-Thurs. 8:00am-4:00pm, Fri-8:00-Noon Website: Youth Ministry Website: PLEASE NOTE Bulletin Deadline: In writing, by Monday 1PM Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you. -- 1 Corinthians 6:19a Page 2 January 18, 2015 Week of January 19, 2015 MONDAY 9:00 am January 19 Joseph Collas By: Mary Breslin TUESDAY 9:00 am January 20 Dominick Fanuele By: Theresa Tremble WEDNESDAY - January 21 9:00 am Shirl Setak By: Eva & Religious Ed. Family READINGS FOR THE WEEK January 19-25, 2015 Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 -- 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:712, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 THURSDAY - January 22 9:00 am Kathryn Petit deMange By: Kathy & George Knotts FRIDAY 9:00 am January 23 Paul Carr By: Mary & Ignacio Gispert & Fam. SATURDAY - January 24 8:00 am Margaret Reese By: Chris Murtha 5:00 pm Alby Grieco By: Ed & Kathy Mackin 7:00 pm SUNDAY 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am January 25 Maureen Burris By: Burris Family Parishioners Kathryn Petit deMange By: Aimee & Mark Flowers OFFERTORY January 11: $10,021.00 January 18, 2015 Pastoral Thought One of the changes in the new English translation of the Mass that has been a stumbling block for some people is the phrasing of the Consecration: “...the chalice of my blood, of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many…” This change from “shed for you and for all” seems to say that Christ died not for all people, but only for some people. The Vatican has stated that this is a mistaken inference; Catholic faith is that Christ died for every human being, even if some humans refuse this gift of redemption. The recent new translation’s wording is an exact literal translation of the New Testament Greek “many” the former translation “for all” had been authorized by Pope Paul VI, at the recommendation of biblical scholars, who testified that it came closer to the meaning of what Jesus world have said in Aramaic. Fortunately, there need be no conflict. The German Catholic biblical scholar Gerhard Lohfink points out that Jesus words “for you and for the many” were directed to God’s people Israel (“you”) and to all the nations of humanity (“the many”) . Attaching “the” to the phrase brings out this meaning. The apostles at the Last Supper represented God’s people Israel, ‘the Many’ referred to all others. Rightly phrased and understood, the new translation expresses Catholic doctrine that Christ died for all. In this Week of Christian Unity (January 18-25) we need to be aware of the inclusive nature of our Catholic Faith, not only in our familial relationship with other Christians, but with all religions and peoples, loved and called by God. Father John Hynes Page 3 "Give It Up For Gulu" - January 19 (all day) Cafe Napoli Dining Event Cafe Napoli Restaurant will host a dining event to benefit St. Catherine's Nursery School in Gulu, Uganda on Monday, January 19 (all-day event). Mention "Gulu" and a portion of your bill will go toward the school. To see the progress of the school, visit: VOCATION REFLECTION The Prophet Samuel did not recognize the Lord's voice immediately; it took very careful listening on his part. Could God be calling you to serve as a priest, deacon, religious sister or religious brother? If you'd like to discuss the possibility, please speak with your pastor or call or write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573--3113 or [email protected]). Be sure to visit! WASHINGTON, D.C. MARCH FOR LIFE This year’s March for Life will take place on Thursday, January 22, 2015 and once again St. Catherine’s Youth Ministry will have a bus headed to Washington D.C. to participate. The day will include a Youth Mass and Rally at the Verizon Center before the March begins. We will leave St. Catherine’s at 5:00 am and return about 6:00 pm that evening. Space is limited to 37 people. The cost for the bus this year is $20 a person. You may bring a bag lunch, or there are places for you to buy if you so choose. We will stop for dinner on the way home. Checks should be made out to St. Catherine of Siena. Any questions or concerns please contact John Mazalewski in the Youth Office at 633-4909. --------------------------------------------------------------------Name Address Phone#____________________#of people_______ Amount Paid January 18, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In today's first reading God keeps calling out in the night to a sleeping boy. Neither the boy, Samuel, nor his teacher, Eli, understands who is calling. But God's persistence convinces them. Samuel is then ready; not ready yet to do anything, but ready to listen. "Speak, for your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:10). In the Gospel Jesus is out teaching. Various people notice him and begin to gather around. They soon become disciples and, like the young Samuel, are ready; not ready yet to do anything, but ready to listen. "Speak," they say, "we are listening." God's voice is always with us--awake or asleep. It swirls around us like fog on a waterfront, enveloping us, gently urging us to wake up, to listen. Awareness of the voice comes first; then willingness to listen; then, in time, the decision to act, to live according to God's word. Let's ask today for the ability to keep our ears open so we don't miss God's voice. PICTURES WANTED for Fr. Hynes' 50th Anniversary We will be celebrating Fr. Hynes' 50th Anniversary in the priesthood in May 2015. We are collecting photos to put together a memory book for him. A box is in the Gathering Space to collect the photos. They will be returned to you as soon as possible. Deadline is March 31. Fr. Hynes does not have to be in the pictures if they are parish events. Don't forget to include your name and date of the photo. You can email Mary Gispert ([email protected]) for the "drop box" link. If you have any questions, call Mary Bauer 234-4648. BIC in Claymont and Georgetown Building Intercultural Connections (B.I.C.) is a program developed by the US Bishops’ Conference to provide church leaders with cultural training for the growing diversity in the Church. It is for clergy, religious, lay leaders, liturgists, educators, outreach coordinators and all interested faithful. It will be presented on Sat. March 7 from 9:30AM-5:30PM at Holy Rosary in Claymont and Sat. May 16 at St. Michael the Archangel in Georgetown from 10-6. Both conferences will conclude with a multi-cultural Mass. Admission is free; a $5 donation is requested for lunch. To register or for more info contact Br. Chris Posch at 655-0518 or go to the website Page 4 We would like to remind our parishioners that because of new privacy regulations, we must rely on you to let us know when you or family members are hospitalized. Please call the Parish Office to inform us. Thank you. Bruno Basara Kevin Collas Janice Davis Fr. Tom Hanley Louise McCoy Mark Macon John Mazalewski, Sr. Marcia Ross Gil Trujillo Carlos Zamora Tom Moorhead John Nawrocki We also remember all our parishioners who are serving in our Armed Forces (although we do not have their names, we remember them in prayer). Please Note: Names of the sick will be listed in the Prayer of the Faithful for two weeks then removed. If there is a need to repeat them, please call the Parish Office. Catholic Schools Week 2015 is January at all Masses on January 25-30. This year’s theme is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” Students from our parish school, All Saints Catholic School, will participate in Masses and express their gratitude for your continued support. This is also the official start to the school's Annual Giving Campaign. Proceeds from a special collection will help fund the tuition assistance program at our Pre-K3 – Grade 8 school. ASCS offers a faith-filled, strong academic curriculum with an emphasis on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) approach to teaching and learning. Mark your calendars for our Winter Open House— Sunday, January 25th from 11am-1pm. School Tours are available at any time if you are interested in any of our programs. All Saints is a Pre-K (ages 3 and 4) through Grade 8 school. Please call Stephen Adams, Assistant Principal, if you are interested in obtaining more information about ASCS or would like to schedule a tour: 302.995.2231 or [email protected]. ~ ~ ~ The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything. --St. Julian The greatest of worries can't pay the smallest of debts. January 18, 2015 PARROQUIA SANTA CATALINA DE SIENA Rev. John Hynes, Párroco Misa en Español: Sábados, 7:00 PM Misas Diarias en Ingles: Lunes a Viernes, 9:00 AM Capilla: Lunes a jueves de 9:30 am a 3:00 pm. La Capilla se encuentra en el Centro Pastoral “Pastoral Center.” OFICINA DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO: Horario de Oficina: Lunes a jueves: 10:30 am–2:30 pm Teléfono: (302) 633-4919 Voluntario de la Oficina: Hal Giacomini (Favor de llamar antes de venir a la oficina para asegurarse que haya un voluntario(a) que le pueda asistir.) REGISTRACION PARROQUIAL: todas las familias o individuos que deseen ser miembros registrados de nuestra parroquia son bienvenidos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con alguno de los voluntarios de la Oficina Hispana de la parroquia al (302) 633-4919 o llene una tarjeta para hacerse miembro de la iglesia que se encuentran en la pared en la entrada de la iglesia y colóquela en la canasta de la colecta. CONFESIONES: Sábados, 6:30PM (y durante la misa o pueden llamar a la oficina hispana para hacer una cita con alguno el sacerdotes. OFRECER UNA MISA: favor de ir a la oficina hispana durante la semana para llenar la información requerida y escoger la fecha. Se le pide una donación de $10.00 si le es posible. COMUNION DE LOS ENFERMOS: si usted conoce ha algún enfermo(a) de nuestra comunidad hispana que no puede asistir a la misa ó se encuentra hospitalizado(a), favor de hablar con la Sra. Elvia Carbajal después de la misa ó llamar a la oficina hispana. BAUTISMOS: se celebran solamente los segundo y cuarto sábados de cada mes (no bautismos durante la cuaresma). Padres que deseen bautizar a su niño(a) en nuestra parroquia favor de ir a la Oficina Hispana en la semana para obtener una copia de los "Requisitos para el Bautismo." Los padres deben de asistir regularmente a la Misa en nuestra Parroquia. Padres y padrinos deberán de asistir a una clase Pre-Bautismal. Favor de llamar a la oficina hispana para registrarse para la próxima clase pre-bautismal en nuestra parroquia. Favor de no traer niño(as) a la clase pre-bautismal. Más información hablar con el Sr. Hal Giacomini al 633-4919. MATRIMONIO: parejas que desean casarse por la iglesia favor de hacer una cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 1 año con anticipación a la fecha de la boda. La pareja deberá asistir a unas clases prematrimoniales CATECISMO: padres interesados en registrar a sus niños en los grados 1 al 8 en nuestro programa de Educación Religiosa Bilingue los domingos, deberán de llenar una forma de registración durante los meses de mayo, junio, y julio. El próximo curso comienza en septiembre. Para más información favor de llamar a la oficina hispana y hablar con la Sra. Yolanda. CATECISMO PARA ADULTOS (R.I.C.A.): para adultos y jóvenes en los grados 9 al 12 que necesitan recibir alguno de los sacramentos de iniciación; Bautismo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación favor de llamar a la oficina y hablar con la Sra. Yolanda. El próximo curso comienza en Septiembre. PRESENTACION DE UN NINO(A): favor de ir a la oficina hispana para llenar una forma y separar la fecha. Las fechas son los segundos y cuartos sábados de cada mes. Donación $25.00 ADORACION AL SANTISIMO: todos los martes a las 7 pm en la iglesia. Page 5 CELEBRACION DE LOS QUINCE ANOS: es requisito que la jóven haya recibido los sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación ó estar asistiendo a las clases de Educación Religiosa en nuestra parroquia para recibir el sacramento de la confirmación. Padres deben de hacer una cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses de anticipación a la fecha. Las celebraciones son solamente el primer y tercer sábado de cada mes (no durante la cuaresma). ROSARIOS EN LAS CASAS: tenemos 2 grupos a cargo de los rosarios en las casas. Si desea ofrecer su casa para un rosario favor de hablar con las personas que están a cargo de cada grupo ellos son: Martes– Sr. Emilio Rogriguez y Sra. Nereida Gonzalez. Cualquier día de la semana ASAMBLEA DE ORACION: todos los viernes a las 7pm en la iglesia. VOLUNTARIOS: Necesitamos personas para formar parte en los diferentes ministerios tales como: Lectores, Hospitalidad, etc., si le gustaria ayudar favor de hablar con el sacerdote o llamar a la Oficina Hispana para mas información.. SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR – niño(as) y jovenes de 10 años en adelante que hayan recibido su primera comunión, y quieran ayudar como servidores del Altar (monaguillos) en la misa. Hablar con Sra. Marisela Almanza. COORDINADORES—MINISTERIO HISPANO: Consejo Parroquial: Sra. Elvia Carbajal y Noe Trujillo Lectores: Srta. Maria Ayllon Servidores del Altar: Sra. Marisela Almanza Coro: Sr. Emilio Rodriguez y Sra. Nereida Gonzalez Clase Pre-Bautismal: Sr. Noe Trujillo IN and AROUND THE DIOCESE On Saturday, April 18 at 6:00 PM, the Emmanuel Dining Room will hold its 33rd Annual Auction at the Barclay’s Bank Building at the Wilmington Riverfront. Raffle tickets (as well as Admission tickets) may be purchased by calling 302-428-3702 or online at 2 Shows Coming to St. Elizabeth’s: Feb. 13 - “Sister’s Easter Catechism” and Feb. 14 “Til Death Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3”both at St. Elizabeth School. Each $30. Call 652-3626 for more info or visit The Junior Board of St. Francis Hospital is looking for new members to support the hospital's mission and its patients through fundraising and by working as volunteers in the Gift Shop and patient service areas. Those interested in joining our dedicated and enthusiastic team, please call Lois Torgerson, membership chair, at 302-764-0292. 6-Week Series on the Psalms at St. Polycarp, Jan. 26-Mar. 2, 6:30-8 pm. Jeff Cavins’s video series will give you rich insights into the psalms you hear in every Mass. Advance registration only required by Jan. 20. $25 includes your own workbook and light refreshments. Contact Bernadette Baker at [email protected] or (302) 653-8279. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. BRANDYWINE CHRYSLER-JEEP-DODGE 3807 Kirkwood Hwy. KIRKWOOD HWY. & MILLTOWN RD. (302) 998-2271 For further information, please call the Parish Office. 998-2206 Home of the Country Maid Sub MEALEY FUNERAL HOMES 7th and Broom Street 652-5913 654-3005 Limestone at Milltown Road PLEXUS SLIM all natural weight-loss Visit us online FB group pinkaliciousamy Amy Harrington 302-543-5131 ambassador #186086 SERPE BAKERY A Full Service Bakery We are Open Everyday Cakes, Pastries, Cookies, Breads, Rolls, & More... 1411 Krk. Hwy. Elsmere Next to VA Hospital 302-994-1868 (adjacent to St. Catherine of Sienna) 2710 CENTERVILLE ROAD, SUITE 215 • WILMINGTON, DE 19808 302.998.8783 • WWW.PENNAORTHO.COM “Stellar Service Is My Business!” Chelle Concha PIKE CREEK OFFICE: 302-992-9500 PREFERRED: 302-463-9734 Licensed in DE and PA SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Serving NJ, PA & DE 877.401.4777 CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: At Vero,We Make Every Experience Memorable! 1300 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19808 (302) 995-6955 Wednesday Is Family Night CATHOLIC CEMETERIES, INC. ALL SAINTS CATHEDRAL 737-2524 656-3323 KIDS EAT FREE! Bring in this Gift Certificate and Enjoy $10.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 10% OFF EITHER CRYPT, GRAVE OR HEADSTONE LIMITED TIME OFFER Minimum purchase of $30 required. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 652-6811 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 999-8277 154050 St Catherine of Siena For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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