N o v e m b e r 9 : D e d i c a t i o n o f t h e L a t e r a n B a s i l i c a St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” ~ 1 Cor. 3:16 293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Web: www.strosecv.com Welcome to St. Rose bienvenidos a St. Rose Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilic St. Rose Staff ____________________________ Reverend Luke Jauregui Pastor Rev. Alexander De Paulis Associate Pastor Deacons (619) 427 - 0230 Charlie Frice (Ext. 117) Greg Smyth (Ext. 110) John Gabbard (Ext. 145) Juan Buenrostro (Ext. 556) Gerardo Márquez Hispanic / Deaf Ministry Jeff Saavedra School Principal (619) 422-1121 Sister Patricia Weldon OSF Josie Advento, Jackie Carmona Religious Education, K - 8th (619) 426-6717 Vincent Dao Confirmation & Youth Ministry (619) 427-0230 Denise Jantz Sr. Dolores Social Outreach (619) 427-7637 Rosy Vasquez Marketing & Development (619) 427-0230 Joseph Advento Music Dir. & I.T. Administrator (619) 427-0230 Patti Favela Business Manager (619) 427-0230 Why commemorate a church dedication that happened in fourth-century Rome? First, because St. John Lateran is no ordinary church—it’s the cathedral church of the Pope and still known as “the mother of all the world’s churches.” But more than that, because God has from all time intended the church building to be a symbol of His Church and our bodies. This is what the readings for today’s feast invite us to consider. God’s prototype for the church is the Jerusalem Temple, described in this week’s First Reading and Psalm. It’s God’s “holy dwelling,” site of His presence in our midst, source of “living waters”—of all life and blessing. But God intended the Temple to give way to the Body of Christ. That’s what our Lord’s words and actions in Sunday’s Gospel are intended to dramatize. Christ’s Body is now the dwelling of God’s “glory” among us. It’s the new source of living waters, the living bread, the new sanctuary where people will worship in Spirit and truth. By Baptism, we are joined to His Body in the Church. Sunday’s Epistle says the Spirit of God comes to dwell in us and makes us “God’s building…the temple of God.” Jesus drove out the sellers of oxen, sheep and doves, signaling an end to the animal sacrifices that formed the worship of the old Temple. In the spiritual worship of the new Temple, we offer our bodies—our whole beings—as a living sacrifice. Like living stones built on the cornerstone of Christ, together we are called to build up the new Temple of God, the Church. As the Jerusalem Temple was, so the Church will always be under construction—until at last it is perfected in the new Jerusalem, our mother Church, come down from heaven. Cory Chavez, Adilene Trujillo, Adrianna Ceja-Melvin Office Staff Maggie Reynoso Capital Campaign Manager 2 St. Rose of Lima Church Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán ¿Por qué conmemorar la dedicación de un templo que ocurrió en Roma en el cuarto siglo? Primeramente, porque la basílica de San Juan de Letrán no es una iglesia cualquiera – es la catedral del Papa y es conocida como “la madre de todas las iglesias del mundo.” Pero más que eso, es porque desde el principio de los tiempos, siempre ha sido la intención de Dios que el edificio de la iglesia sea un símbolo de Su Iglesia y nuestros cuerpos. Esto es lo que no invitan a considerar las lecturas de hoy. El prototipo de Dios para la iglesia es el templo en Jerusalén, que lo vemos descrito en la Primera Lectura y el Salmo para esta semana. Es la “morada consagrada” de Dios, lugar en medio del cual se encuentra Su presencia, fuente de las “aguas vivientes” – de todo lo vivo y bendito. Sin embargo, Dios quería que el Templo diera lugar al Cuerpo de Cristo. Eso es lo que nos intenta dramatizar las palabras y acciones de nuestro Señor en el Evangelio del Domingo. El Cuerpo de Cristo es ahora en donde vive la “Gloria” de Dios entre nosotros. Es la nueva fuente de agua viviente, del pan vivo, del nuevo santuario en donde la gente adorará en Espíritu y verdad. Por medio del Bautismo, nos unimos a Su Cuerpo en la Iglesia. La Epístola del Domingo nos dice que el Espíritu de Dios habita en nosotros y nos hace “la casa que Dios edifica… el templo de Dios”. Jesús hecho a los vendedores de bueyes, ovejas y palomas señalando un fin a los sacrificios animales que eran parte de la adoración en el antiguo Templo. En la adoración espiritual del Templo nuevo, ofrecemos nuestros cuerpos – todo nuestro ser – como un sacrificio viviente. Como piedras vivientes puestas sobre la piedra angular de Cristo, se nos llama a construir el nuevo Templo de Dios; la Iglesia. La Iglesia siempre se seguirá construyendo, así como lo fue el Templo de Jerusalén – hasta que por fin llegue a la perfección en la Nueva Jerusalén, nuestra Iglesia madre que vendrá desde lo alto. St. Rose of Lima Church As members of Christ’s Body, the Church, we have a share in His prophetic, priestly & kingly mission. “Sharing in His prophetic mission, we come to know Christ and make Him known. Mass Times Weekdays: Monday - Friday 6:15 am & 8 am Thursday: 6:30 p.m. - (Español) Saturday: 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) 6:30 p.m. (Español) Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. 10:00 am. (sign language) 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. - (Español) 5:00 p.m ______________________________ Eucharistic Adoration Fridays in pastoral center chapel: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sacraments Baptisms & Weddings Call the Parish Office (619) 427-0230 Reconciliation Saturday: 8-9 am (Or by appointment) OFFICE HOURS Monday 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Closed 12:30-1:30 for Lunch) 3 Parish News and Activities Knights of Columbus Calender Events Mass Intentions ____________________________ Saturday, November 8th 7:30 a.m. - Frances Verusio 5:00 pm -Severa, Mariano Aranda 6:30 p.m. - none Sunday, November 9th 7:00 am - Velma Olsen 8:30 am - Jesus A. Martinez 10:00 am - Brenda Langley 11:30 am - Irene Tomera 1:15 pm - Juan Rios Loya 5:00 pm - Eugene Williams Monday, November 10th 6:15 a.m. - none 8:00 a.m. - Grace Rene San Nicholas Tuesday, November 11th 6:15 a.m. - Martin D. Cebreros 8:00 a.m. - Cristian Acosta-Flores Wednesday, November 12th 6:15 a.m. - none 8:00 a.m. - Antonio Sison Thursday, November 13th 6:15 a.m. - none 8:00 a.m. - Cecile Agena Friday, November 14th 6:15 a.m. - Neto Pierotti 8:00 a.m. - Pablo Camacho If you would like to Offer Mass for a loved one please contact the parish office. 4 November 24th Annual Memorial Mass: Knights of Columbus Assumption Council #3368 Memorial Mass on Monday, November 24 at 7:00PM in Church, reception to follow in Parish Hall. All Brother Knights and family invited to remember all Brother Knights who have passed away. December 18th K of C Christmas Party: All knights and their families and grandchildren are invited. Santa is usually there with gifts for all the little children. Stewardship? What’s the big deal?... The role of the laity is crucial to the life of the Church. Please prayerfully consider how you are being called to use your time, talent, and material resources in order to carry on the work and mission of Jesus in this coming year. Update your registration online and become more engaged in the life of our local St. Rose Community: http://www.strosecv.com/joinus.html Seniors for the Fun of It!!! Wed., Nov. 19, 2014 12:30 to 3 pm Religious Education & School Confirmation News Confirmation Parent meeting: Year 2: November 12, 2014 Location: Parish Hall Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm Social Services Candidates must attend Life Nights and confirmation morning ses____________________________ sions on the following dates: Life Night Year 1 Sessions Year 2 Sessions November 23 December 7 November 9 December 14 Sack Lunches *Life Nights will take place in the Parish Hall from 6pm-8pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday *Confirmation sessions will take place in the Library from 9:30am-11:30am 9am - 11:30 am Religious Education in ASL Food Distribution Religious education classes taught in American Sign Language (ASL) Monday, Wednesday, Friday on Saturdays in the multipurpose room of the school. Visit www.deaf3pm - 4:30 pm mass.net For more information contact Jesse Martinez: jesstrose@att. net or 619-498-1551 Clothing First Holy Communion: 9:00 - 10:15a.m. Mondays 9am - 11am Confirmation Classes: 10:15 -11:15 a.m. Christian Initiation of Adults: 1:00pm - 2:00 pm Thrift Store Wednesdays 10am - 2pm Saturdays 8am - 2 pm Sundays 9am - 3 pm CLASE DE PREPARACION PRE-BAUTISMAL Las próximas clases de Preparación para poder bautizar a su bebe serán. Favor de escoger solo una clase . SON EN DOMINGO 16 de Noviembre 2014 en diciembre no hay clases HORARIO DE 11:00 AM LUGAR BIBLIOTECA DE LA ESCUELA DE SANTA ROSA DE LIMA Veterans Day On November 10, 2014, St. Rose of Lima School invites our parish Veterans to attend the 8:00 am mass followed by a continental breakfast at the parish hall. Having fun yet??? Join us for some activities and/or social time. Folks have been seen playing cards, Triominoes, dice games or…maybe you prefer chit-chat, that also works!! If you have a favorite game, be sure to bring it….we’ll try something new. See you in the hall on the 19th. Sister Dolores Outreach For Question about Sister Dolores Outreach please call: Denise Jantz (619) 427-7637 Catholic Charities Immigration Social Services (619) 498-0722 Please RSVP to St. Rose of Lima School office Yes, I will attend. ______________________________(Print name) 1 guest ______________________________________(Print name) or email response to [email protected] St. Rose of Lima Church St. Rose of Lima Church 5 Youth & Young Adult News Ministries & Groups Youth Ministry News Build Your Kingdom Here: All high school teens are invited. Parishioners are welcome to come join youth ministry for a dynamic talk and adoration. Lets bring His Kingdom into our community. Confirmation candidates, please sign in at the Parish Hall at 6pm after the 5pm mass. Parent Hospitality Youth Committee: Looking for a team of parents/parishioners to serve our hungry teens for Life Nights. Desire to change teens lives by leading teens closer to Christ? Come and talk to our Director of Youth Ministry to see how you can be part of youth ministry. Contact Vincent Dao, Director of Youth Ministry, by e-mailing: [email protected] or call (619) 4270230 x227. November 22nd 7-11 pm St. Rose of Lima Young Adult Kick Off Party St Rose of Lima Parish Hall 293 H Street Chula Vista 91910 Come join St. Rose of Lima and South Bay young adults for our kickoff event on November 8 at 6pm in the courtyard! There will be food, games, a raffle, and prizes. No cost to enter, just RSVP on the Upcoming Events page so we can get an accurate head count for food! www.srlcvyam.weebly.com Multi Vendor and Fashion Show Featuring San Diego’s premier female musicians Besos De Coco Join us for a night of Shopping, Music, Fashion and Fun! Catholic Young Adult Sports FB Group: Catholic Young Adult Sports of SD Pick-up Groups: CYAS-SD Running Club & CYAS-SD Soccer/ Futbol Ultimate Monday Schedule: Nov 10 - 5:30pm Mass at the Mission, Movie: “The Mission” Nov 17 - 5:30pm Mass at the Mission, Trampoline at Sky High Sports Nov 24 - Serve dinner to our homeless neighbors Get active and involved with other Catholic young adults aged 1839! Contact Nathan Poe at 619-415-3024 /[email protected] or check out the CYAS website. St. Rose of Lima Church 6 Featured Vendors: Cadetevon Creations, Audie’s Handbags, Curiel Creations Stagnet Dissarey , Missy’s Succulent Creations, Silpada, Nail/Makeup Bar by Danlily Origami Owl, Younique, Partylite and Reyno Divino $10 donation includes complimentary cocktail and appetizers Beginning Experience An international program for Widowed, Divorced and Separated Catholics is sponsoring a weekend December 5-7. You will meet people who have experienced a loss like yours and you will have an opportunity to experience positive growth. Call Linda at (858) 335-0915 or Mary Beth at 619-4354471, or Mary 619-857-4759 St. Rose of Lima Church 7 Ministries & Groups Ministries & Groups Renovación Carismática Encuentro Familiar # XXXIII Familias edificadas sobre la Roca Noviembre 15 y 16 del 2014 De: 8 am - 6 pm los 2 días En el San Diego Concourse Center: 202 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101 Entrada: $25 Dlls. antes del evento y $30 Dlls. en la puerta. Tendremos evangelización para niños de 2 años en adelante Info: 619-423-2474 R.C.C.H. Josefina Sanchez 619-462-7112 Sister Dolores Social Outreach Program - A Beacon of Hope The Sister Dolores Social Outreach staff and volunteers wishes to thank everyone for stopping by the “Celebrating Sister Dolores Sunday” booth last Sunday to learn more about our program here at the parish. Information about the program was also sent in the mail last week and we hope you had an opportunity to read about the many services we provide to those in need. Over the next couple of weekends the “Celebrating Sister Dolores Sunday” envelopes will also be available in the pews of the church. Your generosity in supporting our program will ensure that we continue to provide many valuable services to the less fortunate in our community. Please contact The Sister Dolores Social Outreach Office at (619) 427-7637 if you should have any questions or would like to inquire about volunteer opportunities. Chirstmas Ornaments Come learn American Sign Language with others in our parish community. Classes will take place every Saturday from 12 noon until 1:15 p.m. Meet in the Multi-purpose room at the parish school. For more information contact Jesse Martinez: [email protected] or 619-498-1551. Also www.deafmass.net Knights of Columbus are selling their limited edition Christmas Ornaments in the month of November after all weekend masses. This year’s ornament is the 4th in the series- one of the Wise Men. Cost is $10 per ornament and $5 per display stand. All proceeds support the St. Rose of Lima “Thy Kingdom Come” Campaign. Thank you. If you can help interpret please call Dcn. Gerardo: 619-427-0230. ICF Meatball and Sausage Sandwich Sale SRL Italian Catholic Federation is selling delicious Meatball and Sausage Sandwiches on Sunday, November 9th after all the morning masses in the parking lot. Cannoli and drinks also available. Buon Appetito! 8 American Sign Language Classes St. Rose of Lima Church Reflexiónes Biblicas “Santa Clara de Asís” En el nombre de Jesús. Se te invita a leer. La palabre de Dios. Horario: todos los jueves de 10 AM a 12PM. LUGAR: Salón de Música St. Rose of Lima Church 9
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