St. Rose Bulletin Page 1 Established in 1855 Mother Church of the City of Kankakee 486 W. Merchant • Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Office & Rectory: (815) 933-9391 Parish Website: FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 NUMBER 5 St. Rose of Lima Mission Statement We, the Catholic community of St. Rose of Lima Parish, are united in partnership with God whose enduring love enables us to live our mission of service through prayer and full participation in the sacramental life of the church. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to respond as stewards of God’s gifts, to cultivate peace, justice, respect and reverence for all human life and all creation, to promote ongoing conversion by bringing God’s love to others as Jesus did. The 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal The Diocese of Joliet has sent their personal thanks to everyone for making the 2014 Appeal a success. At the close of the Appeal, the Diocese has received $7,253,618 in gifts from 38,266 donors around the Diocese. In addition, each parish received 50% of funds paid in excess of their goal. St. Rose of Lima received a check from the Diocese in the amount of $2,636.45. Thank you. Catechism Corner February 1, 2014 Mk 1:21-28 “The Gospel reports many incidents when Jesus was accused of violating the sabbath law. But Jesus never fails to respect the holiness of this day. He gives this law its authentic and authoritative interpretation: ‘The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.’ With compassion, Christ declares the sabbath for doing good rather than harm, for saving life rather than killing. The sabbath is the day of the Lord of mercies and a day to honor God. ‘The Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.’” (CCC, n. 2173) THE 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL APPEAL “EXTENDING GOD’S MERCY”Bishop Conlon’s mailing asking for a pledge to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA) is in the hands of many of our parishioners. If you have received the mailing, please respond as soon as possible. If you have not received it, please contact our parish office at 815-933-9391. This year, the theme of the Appeal is “Extending God’s Mercy.” Pope Francis recently said that Mercy “goes beyond in such a way that sin is put to the side. It is like heaven. We look at the sky, there are many, many stars; but when the sun rises in the morning, the light is such that we can’t see the stars. God’s mercy is like that: a great light of love and tenderness.” We are called by the Gospel to be a light unto others. By showing mercy to those in need, by helping build the kingdom of God in our own parish and our own diocese, we are like the morning light. Please shine bright by making a generous gift to the CMAA. The CMAA funds the mission and ministries of our diocese. Don’t forget….Please answer the bishop’s request and make a generous pledge. All pledges can be paid in 10 installments. Thank you in advance for your support. CCW News The Bishop Blanchette Scholarship was established in 1982 honoring the late Bishop Romeo Blanchette. It is supported by donations. Scholarships in his name are made available to students who will be attending a Catholic High School in the Joliet Diocese. Last year 6 scholarships ($3,000 each) were awarded. Each CCW can select one candidate and the winners are decided by the Joliet Diocese Council of Catholic Women. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please call Cathi Willi, 309-255-5441 by February 14, 2015 for additional information. Food For The Soul Have you ever noticed how uniquely adapted each animal is to its environment and its way of life? On land, a duck waddles along ungainly on its webbed feet. In the water, it glides along smooth as glass. The rabbit runs with ease and great bursts of speed, but I’ve never seen one swimming laps. The squirrel climbs anything in sight but cannot fly, while the eagle soars to the mountaintops. What’s true of creatures in the forest is true of Christians in the family. God has not made us all the same. He never intended to. You are Christ’s body, and individually members of it. St. Rose Bulletin St. Rose of Lima Church 486 W. Merchant, Kankakee, IL 60901 Office & Rectory: (815) 933-9391 Website: Pastor......................................... Rev. Robert Duda Office Manager.................................. Linda Gierich Director of Religious Education............Dolly Foley Music Minister..................................... John Toner Ministerio Hispano 815-575-5461......................................Maria Flores Office HOurs: Monday through Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. NEW PARISHIONERS are welcome! Please call the church office to register. Parishioners moving away are kindly asked to notify the church office. INQUIRIES from men and women interested in exploring the possibility of joining the Catholic Faith are welcome. Please call the church office. SUNDAY MASSES are scheduled for Saturday evening at 5:00, Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m.. Mass in Spanish is celebrated on Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES are scheduled Monday through Friday at 8:00 a.m. Holyday schedules are published inside this bulletin. The SACRAMENT OF PENANCE is celebrated on Saturdays from 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment. RECITATION OF THE HOLY ROSARY is scheduled at 7:30 a.m. before the weekday Masses. COMMUNION CALLS can be arranged for those confined to their homes or nursing homes by age or illness and those in hospital by notifying the church office. BAPTISM of infant children is ordinarily scheduled after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on the second or fourth Sundays of the month. Parents can call the church office for more information and schedule an appointment with the pastor. ENGAGED COUPLES can call the church office to make an appointment with the pastor. At least one party is a member of the parish. No dates will be set over the phone, and no less than six months to complete the prescribed marriage preparation may be anticipated. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is conducted on Friday evenings from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., concluding with Benediction. Page 2 Interested in Becoming Catholic? Are you interested in becoming a Catholic, or simply learning about the Catholic religion? Are you already an adult or adolescent Catholic but have not yet received the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion, or Confirmation? For more information please contact Fr. Bob or the Parish office Mass Intentions For The Week Monday February 2, 2015 – Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 8:00am Leo J. Ciaccio, by Barbara Ciaccio Tuesday February 3, 2015 – Ferial Weekday 8:00am Ruby & Anthony Simonich, by Bequest Wednesday February 4, 2015 – Ferial Weekday 8:00am Patricia Quigley, Anniv., by Nancy Smithberg Thursday February 5, 2015 – Feast of St. Agatha 8:00am Lee & June Gift, by Bequest Friday February 6, 2015 – Feast of St. Paul Miki 8:00am Leo Marion Ciaccio, Anniv., by Leo, Tiffany & Justin Saturday February 7, 2015 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (anticipated) 5:00pm Jim Houde & Thomas Houde, Anniv., by Denny & Madonna Brosseau Annie Boule, by Janet Blanchette Sunday February 8, 2015 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Parishioners of St. Rose 10:30am Gerald Bailey, by Wife, Cathy & Family Rose Bisluk, Birth Anniv., by Juliana Boudreau 4:00pm Kenny Anderson, Birth Anniv., by Gary & Carla Papineau Perry Lowe, Jr., Birth Anniv., by Brian & Lisa Conrad The Sanctuary Candle is burning for Perry Lowe, Jr., Requested by Brian & Lisa Conrad Stewardship - January 31 & February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s passage from the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses speaks of a prophet God will raise from among the Israelites. In St. Mark’s Gospel, Moses’ prophecy is echoed in Christ Jesus Who speaks, heals, and casts out evil spirits with authority in Capernaum’s synagogue. St. Paul prays that the Corinthians devote themselves entirely to the Lord. As faithful stewards, we not only acknowledge Christ as the Great Prophet but also support the popes and others who adhere to Jesus’ teaching and prophecy against all moral relativism and injustices of our time. Food Pantry Please remember that we financially support the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. All donations are kept in our community. If you are aware of any parishioner needing temporary financial assistance, as well as food from the Food Pantry, please contact St. Vincent DePaul at 815-933-7683, ext 212. Nursing Home Parishioners Luther Place: Leola Mulvihill. Our Lady of Angels Retirement Home: Rev. Lloyd Bowden. Presence Heritage Lodge: Lucille Kehr. Presence Heritage Village: Vivian Beck, Arvella DalCanton,Frank Hart, Ruth Henricks. River North: Darlene Dauphin, Alma Monnette, Ted and Lois Wheeler. Homebound & Out of Town Parishioners Bernadette Denault, Rosetta Elio, Francis J. LaGesse, Leslie Longtin, Ione MacDonald, Lorraine Moody, Rose Renville, Antoinette Weigt. If you do not wish to have your name printed in the Bulletin, please call or have someone call the church office, 815-933-9391. If we are missing any names that should be included in this list, please let us know by calling the office at 815-933-9391. Parish Prayer Lines Call one of the numbers: 815-932-8664, 815-932-6208, 815-932-7938 St. Rose Bulletin Page 3 Help St Rose - We are in need of Readers, Communion Ministers, Ushers and Servers. No experience necessary we will train. Call the church office 815-933-9391 or Madonna 815-933-8311 Liturgical Schedule DAY & TIME USHERS Sat. Feb. 7 5:00 p.m. Don Latocha Tom Jefferson Sun. Feb. 8 8:00 a.m. READERS Jackie Robinson David Spencer Ramone Arce Please check the schedule and find a replacement if you cannot make your appointed time. Thank You! COMMUNION MINISTERSALTAR SERVERS Linda Gierich Pat Posing Ruth Styck Karol Spencer Karol Spencer Ronald Strawson Tim Trout Mike Frey Bob Kohan Charlene Russell Bev Kohan Mary Piper Diane Goodwin Cindy Frey Alexa Martinez Jovany Martinez Sun. Feb. 8 10:30 a.m. Roger LaFrance Jerry Campbell Rose Mary Ciaccio Phyllis McDowell Mike Boisvert Brenda Kolwelter Mike Boisvert Sun. Feb. 8 4:00 p.m. Harla Boulee Gary Papineau Ruben Hernandez Pat Miller Kaya Mather Jack Dornburg Catherine Willi Ruthie Clay Financial Contributions Sunday, January 25, 2015 - $4,061.75 The collection for Latin America totaled $714.26 Thank you for your generous support. “Then Abram gave God a tenth of everything.” (Gen. 14:20) Vocation Prayer Calendar We appreciate all of your prayers and support for vocations to the priesthood, religious life and diaconate. FEBRUARY 1 Srs. Maria Teresa Gonzalez, Esperanza Herrera, Araceli Perez, Judith Perez, Maria Romero HJ – 2 Srs. Arlene Ashack, Maria Bierer, Marietta Brummel IBVM 3 Frs. Dennis Settles & Greg Skowron 4 Dcns. Gary Bednar, Donald Berkey, William Bevan III, Ralph Bias, Frank Bina, John Blumenstein 5 Dcns. William Boucek, John Boyle, Paul Brachle, James Breen 6 Srs. Marguerite Caulfield, Elizabeth Crotty, Kay Foley, Jean Frye IBVM 7 Frs. Thomasz Ludwicki, Zigmunt Ostrowski, Michael Skiba, Adam Slowminski, Miroslaw Stepien, Andrzej Mastejak, Jacek Wesolowski, Tadeusz Winnicki S.Ch. Prayer Lines Angie Mather Mary Miller Did You Know? Perhaps you attended schools that were staffed by Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame. Many of us were taught valuable lessons about life as well as the three Rs, and have fond memories. Did you know that there is an Associate group right here in the Kankakee Area? This group is made up of former students, friends and any folks who have a special place in their hearts for the CND Sisters. The Associates share the mission of the Sisters and work with them in solidarity. Did you know that there are CND Sisters, along with their Associates, in Fukushima, Japan? This is the area that was devastated by the earthquake and Tsunami which caused a Nuclear disaster three years ago. But time has not eliminated the danger – radiation is still present. Twenty-five thousand persons who lived in the closest and most dangerous area have been moved from their homes and still cannot return. There is no government compensation for these families. Their means of support has been eliminated. Thousands of acres of farmland are contaminated. Even in the area in which these people reside, it is not safe for the children to play outside. Families are now attempting to survive in 2-room huts. Elderly folks cannot safely leave their homes because of their weakened conditions. As a result, depression among the elderly is common. The CND Sisters have remained in the area in spite of the danger to themselves. They are doing all they can to alleviate the pain of these people. They are ministering to the needs of the elderly and the families, doing for them what they cannot safely do for themselves. The Sisters have constructed an indoor play area which enables the children to play and exercise and make friends with others. There is so much more to be done. But it all requires money! We, the Kankakee area CND Associates, have been communicating with the Sisters and Associates in Japan, offering our prayers, our thoughts and our encouraging words. But, as good as these are, they need money! We are encouraging you to open your hearts to these poor people who are suffering so much and in so much danger! Please send anything you can and we will forward it to the Sisters of Fukushima. Checks should be made out to The Congregation of Notre Dame, with ‘Fukushima’ on the memo line. For more information on the CND Associates or on the situation in Japan, please call Sister Helen at 815-939-9029. Thank you for your kind attention! We wish for all parishioners to be reminded that St. Rose has Prayer Lines. There are approximately thirty persons praying for the needs of our parishioners and family and friends. To place someone or some need on Prayer lines, simply phone ONE of these three ladies: Rose Mary Ciaccio, 815-932-8664 – Ann Wheeler, 815-932-7938 – Beverly Kohan, 815-932-1364 or the office. Please know that all persons and intentions are prayed for – not restricted only to St. Rose parishioners. We also encourage you to call in your ‘Praises’, that is, when prayers have been answered. Pray The Rosary Come join us each weekday morning at 7:40 a.m. to pray the rosary in the Church. St. Rose Bulletin Caps of Love Projects Page 4 The National Council of Catholic Women is introducing the Caps of Love Project. Please save all types of plastic bottle caps, with 100% of the profits going to provide wheelchairs for handicapped children. Plastic caps are a different grade of plastic from the bottles and are valuable in bulk. They are sold to companies that produce such products as park benches, plastic paint cans and more. You may be thinking, “what kind of caps?” Everything from beverages, toothpaste, grated cheese, peanut butter, spray paint cans, laundry soap, cleaning products, and the list goes on. Just pull out the paper liners. If the cap has a metal band, it is NOT recyclable. NO metal caps (such as from beer) or pull-tabs from cans! Please consider keeping a bag or small box handy to receive these plastic caps as you use them. CCW President, Cathy Willi will make a box available near the church entrances to receive your donations. This is an easy way to exercise your spirit of Christian Giving at little effort and no expense to you! Around the Area Taize Prayer will be offered this First Friday of the month, at 7:00 pm, at Maternity BVM Parish. This simple prayer service consists of simple chants, enhanced with orchestral strings, scripture, a service of light, an extended period of silence for meditation, concluding with prayers for the world, and a special remembrance of our beloved dead. Please join us for this time of quiet on the First Friday of the month, at 7:00 pm, February 6. You are invited to come pray with us, Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary on the 2nd Friday of every month from 7-8 p.m. for Adoration for Vocations in the chapel at One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center, 2041 W. Route 113, Kankakee. SAVE THE DATE - Saturday March 7 - 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. - Morning of Reflection for Men and Women. Reflect and pray on Jesus’ experiences of sadness, joy, rejection, hurt, abandonment and betrayal, forgiveness … and, above all – a heart eager to show how great his LOVE was – and is – for all! What can we learn from the way Jesus faced these emotions and experiences? Presenters: Sr. Anne Jaeger, SSCM, and Deacon David Marlowe. Sponsored by the Inter-Parish Women’s Committee. (More details in a few weeks.) For more information, please call: St. Patrick Church (815) 932-6716 LENTEN DAY RETREAT - A Lenten Day Retreat open to BOTH WOMEN AND MEN who desire to enrich their spiritual growth during the Lenten Season. SPONSORED BY: Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary. WHERE: One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center, 2041 W. State Route 113, Kankakee, IL 60901. WHEN: Saturday, February 14, 2015 -- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 11th. COST: $20 per person. --- Lunch provided. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER: Call Sister Mary Stella at 815935-0800, Monday through Friday. A TIME OF PRAYER -- Love Does Such Things - Thursday, February 12, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. WHERE: One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center, 2041 W. State Route 113, Kankakee, Illinois. Come away for a Time of Prayer. Let the silence and atmosphere of peace bring you to a deeper place within yourself. Treat Yourself to a Time of Prayer. SPONSORED BY: Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary. PRESENTED BY: Sister Mary Stella Schellenberger, SSCM. COST: $5 if possible. If not, come anyway. TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call 815-935-0800 or just stop by. Visit our website at for more information on upcoming programs at One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center. St. George Church is sponsoring a dance: Gone with the Wind - Saturday, February 7th from 6:00pm - 11:00pm in the St. George Church Hall. Dinner tickets are $25 per person and will be served at 6:30pm with dancing, games and silent auction to follow. Alcohol, games and auction items will be available for pur- chase. All proceeds benefit Family Ministry, Religious Education and the Scholarship Fund. For more information or to purchase tickets in advance, please call Colleen at 815-954-5179. Worldwide Marriage Encounter - In today’s second reading St Paul talks about the fact that married couples have to deal with the anxieties of the world. Sometimes those stresses can really have a negative impact on our marriages. Get away from all those worldly anxieties and take time to just focus on God and each other by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are February 13-15, 2015 or April 17-19, 2015 or June 12-14, 2015, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through . En la segunda lectura de hoy , San Pablo nos habla sobre el hecho de que las parejas casadas tienen que tratar de vivir con las anciedades o inquietudes de este mundo. A veces las tensiones pueden tener un impacto negativo en nuestros Matrimonios. Apartensen de todas esas inquietudes mundanas y tomen un tiempo para enfocarse en Dios y en el uno u otro al vivir un Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial que se llevara acabo en el área de Chicago el próximo 13-15 de Febrero 2015. Para más información de los Fines de Semana en español, llamar a Javier y Gaby Vargas si vive en el área de Joliet al numero (630) 621-8984 [email protected] , en el área de Chicago y los suburbios llamar a Oscar y Luz Delgado (847) 826-9525 [email protected] , para los que vivan en el área del sur de Chicago y el Nor - Oeste de Indiana llamar a Juan y Elia Zambrano (708) 825-4099 eliaza4726@ Lord Teach me to Pray - Are you looking to deepen your prayer life during this Lenten season? Lord Teach me to Pray is an Ignatian prayer series that allows the Lord to do just that. Register now for Part 1 which begins Thursday, February 12. We will be meeting at the Liseux Center 3-5 pm through April 30. To register call Karleen Yohnka 815-304-4609 or Kris Fisher 815-735-5102. A donation of $20.00 is requested but not required. Ash Wednesday is February 18. Plan NOW for our Annual Lenten Series! Annual Lenten Series … Praying and Sharing on the Lenten Gospels: Come for one hour a week to share your reflections on the significance of these Lenten days for us in our time. Participants will use “The Word Among Us” with its daily reflections. Sr. Theresa Galvan, CND, and Sr. Helen Kavanaugh, CND, will facilitate these sessions. There will be three sites for your convenience: St. Anne - Tuesdays, March 3, 10, & 17 from 10 am to 11 am. St. Patrick - Tuesdays, March 3, 10 & 17 from 7 pm to 8 pm Maternity BVM - Thursdays, March 5, 12, & 19 from 10 am to 11 am St. Rose Bulletin Page 5 Scrip Program Scrip will be available to purchase on the weekends of February 7-8 and February 21-22, or you can stop by the office to make your purchase. Vendor Name % Value Qty Aeropostale 7 $25 IHOP 8 $25 Target 2 $100 Amazon 4 $25 Jewel Osco 4 $25 Texas Rdhouse 8 $25 Amazon 4 $100 Jewel Osco 4 $100 $5 TGI Friday's K-Mart 8 4 $25 4 $25 Applebees Arbys Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble 8 $25 8 $10 9 $10 9 $25 Amt. Vendor Name Rose Scrip St.St.Rose Scrip OrderForm Form KFC Kohl's Kroger Care Card % Value Qty Bath & Body LaVilletta * $25 18 $10 15 $25 Bd Mongolian Grill 8 $20 Limited 9 $25 Bed Bath & Beyond 7 $25 Little Caesars Pizza 8 $20 Bill's Diner 10 $10 Love Shop 5 $10 Bob Evan's 10 $10 Lowe's 4 $25 BP Gas 1 $50 Mancinos 15 $20 BrickStone 8 $25 Marshall's/TJ Max 7 $25 Buffalo Wild Wings 8 $25 Menards 3 $25 Burger King 4 $10 Menards 3 $100 Carlo's Restaraunt 10 $10 Michael's 4 $25 Carson Pirie Scott Monical's Pizza 5 $10 Cinemark Theatres 4 $25 Noodles & Co 8 $10 Classic Cinema 8 $25 10 $10 Oberweiss Cracker Barrell 9 $10 Papa Johns Pizza 18 $5 $10 Cracker Barrell 9 $25 9 $10 CVS Panera Bread 6 $25 PetSmart 4 $25 Dairy Queen 3 $10 Phlllips 66 2.5 $25 Dicks Sporting Goods 8 $25 2.5 $100 Domino's Pizza Phillips 66 8 $10 Pizza Hut 8 $10 Dunkin Donuts 3 $10 Red Lob /Olive Gdn 9 $25 Express 10 $25 Shell 2.5 $25 Family House 5 $10 Shell 2.5 $50 Family Video 12 $10 Speedway 1 $25 Amt. Vendor Name Tucci's Ulta Salon** Ultra Foods Ultra Foods % Value Qty Amt. Vendor Quanity 9 $25 10 $25 4 $25 3 $25 3 $50 3 $100 Walgreens 6 $25 Walgreens 6 $100 Walmart 2.5 $25 Walmart 2.5 $100 4 $10 Ultra Foods Wendys Total Amount $ Signature: Date: Check Cash $25 Fannie May 25 $10 Speedway 1 $100 Finish Line 10 $25 Starbuck 7 $10 Gap / Old Navy 4 $25 Steak n Sheak 10 $10 GFS 4 $25 Subway 10 $5 Hallmark 4 $25 Taco Johns 10 $5 Homestead 8 $25 Target 2 $25 Special Order (on back) Vendor Quanity Total Amount $ Customer: Date Ordered: Date Received: Check Visit Cash You can link to Great Lakes Scrip and see a list of Scrip vendors COMIC CORNER St. Rose Bulletin Page 6 BULLETIN NEWS ARTICLES INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING IN And One Last Thing … Exposition Every Friday ST. ROSE OFa man LIMA In a Los Angeles hospital, on hisBULLETIN? deathbed is surrounded by his wife, Articles for the bulletin are due by Monday at 12:00 noon. You can email to: [email protected] An Exposition of the Blessed Sacra- daughter, two sons, andfor a nurse. He knows the end is near,form so heofsays to his Contact 815-932-6432 information on this low-cost family: “Sam, I want take theSt. Beverly Hills houses. advertising. Youryou ad to benefits Rose of Lima, too! Sylvia, take the apartments over in Los Angeles Plaza. Bernie, you take the offices over in City Center. And Sarah, my dear wife, I want you to be in charge of all the residential buildings downtown.” All this boggles the nurse’s mind, and as the man slips away, she says to the wife, “Ma’am, your husband must have been a hard-working man to have accumulated so much property.” The wife replies with a wiseacre smirk: “Property, shmoperty … he had newspaper routes.” day evening at six p.m. until eight p.m. Visit Benediction. ment is held here at St. Rose every Fri- Come and leave all the “noise” of the You can link to Great Lakes Scrip and see a list of Scrip vendors world, all the troubles, worries and stresses of life behind and relax in the quiet and peaceful presence of the Lord. After your time with Jesus, leave refreshed, bringing His peace and love with you as you return home. Come and see for yourself! Please patronize these kind advertisers Calendar Of Events whose support makes St. Rose Bulletin possible. February 9 ..............................................................................Ladies of St. Anne Meeting FAMILY HOUSE RESTAURANT AND SPORTS BAR Your ad could go here! Call 815-932-6432 for more details Your Hosts: TIM, SOPHIA & GEORGE 312 S. Kennedy Dr. • Bradley, IL 815-936-1160 • Fax 815-936-1162 HOME REPAIR & Services PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR BUSINESS HELP THEM FIND IT HERE! Cuts &Color 288 W. Jeffery, Kankakee, IL by Patti Cell (815) 685-4064 (815) 935-5940 “Our Future Depends On Our Quality Today” NETHERTON’S BODY SHOP Offered By Hemza Enterprises 3rd Generation of Master Carpentry & Remodeling St. Rose Parishioner - ask for Richard Sr. 815-935-8897 • Cell 815-383-3243 Your ad could go here! Call 815-932-6432 for more details Catholic Cemeteries Diocese of Joliet Your ad could go here! Call 815-932-6432 for more details • Interior & Exterior Mausoleum Crypts • Ground Burial Space (Graves) • Cremation Niches • Memorial Customization JOE’S AUTOMOTIVE All Saints Cemetery & Mausoleum Mt. Calvary Cemetery Maternity BVM Cemetery 815-936-9481 Big & Small We Do Them All! 560 S. Washington Kankakee, IL 60901 815-937-9281 Larry Serene • Deanna Carlson Webb Restaurant IN BUSINESS OVER 50 YEARS DAILY SPECIALS • CARRYOUT AVAILABLE 2060 W. Station Street – Kankakee, Illinois Hours: 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mon. - Sat.; 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday Homemade Soups • Chili • Gravies • Sauces Clancy-Gernon KANKAKEE BOURBONNAIS FUNERAL HOMES, INC. MANTENO 815.932.1214 ST. ANNE Your ad could go here! Call 815-932-6432 for more details Knights of Colu mb 5 l 74 us Counci Collision Center 4312 W. Rt. 17 - Kankakee, IL 60901 815.939.7475 Fax 815.939.7536 Fine Food • All Size Banquets For all the family 1230 S. East Ave. 933-6214 LAWRENCE S. BEAUMONT • Felonies • Misdemeanors • DUI’s • Traffic • Juvenile • Narcotics Serving Kankakee County & Federal Court 312-765-6000 • Fax 708-371-6892 470 E. Merchant St. – Kankakee, Illinois Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015 By Sat. Music Feb. 14 • 8-11 p.m. MiMisty sty KohlKohl and 8:00 - 932-2031 11:00 P.M. Call for details 187 S. Indiana Ave. • Kankakee, Illinois $25.00 Per CouPle OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 745 Proudly serving your parish. Proceeds go to Knights of Columbus Charities TANNER’S EXPERT LEGAL DEFENSE 25 Years Experience and No. 001 KNIGHTS D.D.S. - General Dentistry 497 S. Wall Street Kankakee, IL 60901 (815) 932-6251 Homestead Restaurant 1111 S. Schuyler Ave. Kankakee, IL Everyday EvEryday PEoPlE People S P o N S o r e D B Y: RICHARD S. NICKLAS CHECK THE ADS ON THIS PAGE BEFORE YOU CHECK THE YELLOW PAGES! Larry D. Serene & Associates Specializing in Collision & Painting Attorneys at Law WILLIAM NETHERTON 2081 W. Station St., Kankakee, IL 60901 One Dearborn Square, Suite 429, Kankakee, IL 60901 815-933-4191 Office 933-8715 • Res. 932-9798 • [email protected] Carlo’s (815) 936-7600 IndIvIduAL TICKETS $15.00 ~ dessert Bar Included • Cash Bar ~ 1355 W. Jeffery • Kankakee, IL For All Your Printed Needs 932-6432 Snider’s Nursery Quality Nursery Stock Affordably Priced River Rock • Hardwood Mulch Steppers • Specimen Bolders Flagstone • Cobblestone 800 W. Jeffery - Kankakee PAUL & BETTY SNIDER 815-932-8483 • 815-210-9760 Please patronize these advertisers and thank them for making our St. Rose Bulletin possible
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