B I B LI OTEC A ACTIVITIES PROGRAM activities program Thursday 10 Book presentation CARDO ESPINO PARA TÍ Author: Luz Angélica Martínez Pacheco Commentators: Felix Loza Rosadio and Samuel Cornelio Abad Venue: Miraflores Branch, Conference Hall, 6:30 p.m. NOTABLEnBOOKS otable books Lima Centro La Rebelión de Túpac Amaru This book uncovers little known details of what at the beginning was a local revolt against the Spanish authorities and ended up being a violent rebellion expanding all over Peru and the present-day territories of Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. La Rebelión de Túpac Amaru / Charles Walker. Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA), through its Library Department, and Puntoinfo join the world annual celebration for the Software Freedom Day. This event aims at educating the general public about the benefits of using quality free software in education, business and at home. Four specialist participants will share their experiences implementing solutions based on free software at universities, cultural institutions, and libraries. Saturday 19 Conference “EXPERIENCIAS INNOVADORAS CON SOFTWARE LIBRE” Participants: Alex Aragón (Comunidad Blender Perú), Malena Maguiña (PUCP), Karen Da Cruz (Hacker Kids Perú), and Raúl Sifuentes (PUCP) Venue: Miraflores Branch, Estuardo Núñez Library, 10:00 a.m. Free admission (prior registration at www.icpna.edu.pe) Participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Miraflores Chavín / Asociación Museo de Arte de Lima. San Miguel I INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF CHILDREN’S LITERATURE SILI 2015 SOFTWARE FREEDOM DAY 2 0 1 5 La Molina SETIEMBRE As part of its educational and cultural work, Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA) opens the I International Seminar of Children’s Literature (SILI) 2015, called “La Literatura infantil en la formación de nuevos lectores” (Children’s Literature in the training of new readers), from September 23 to 25. This event will gather renowned specialists from Germany, Italy and Peru, who will conduct key-note conferences, round tables and workshops with the sole objective of fostering opportunities for reflection upon the importance of Children’s Literature in teaching, research, and reading promotion projects. Fundado el 2 de junio de 1938. Entidad cultural no lucrativa que fomenta un mayor entendimiento entre el Perú y los Estados Unidos. Registro de Entidades Exoneradas del Impuesto a la Renta N° 00023 Registro de Entidades Perceptoras de Donaciones N° 05571 RUC 20122667660 Hecho el depósito legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú Nº 2005-6187 Central Telefónica: 706-7000 www.icpna.edu.pe Lima Norte Orgullo y Prejuicio y Zombis It is an extended version of the classic novel by Jane Austen, now with terrifying scenes with zombies spreading terror and devouring human beings. Orgullo y Prejuicio y Zombis / Seth Grahame-Smith. Tuesday 1 “DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL E IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO” Speaker: Lic. Elena Decheco Egúsquiza, Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations Chimbote Tuesday 8 “ASPECTOS BIOLÓGICOS PESQUEROS DEL RECURSO “PALOMETA” EN EL RÍO UCAYALI” Speaker: Biologist Víctor Stive Flores Gómez, Instituto del Mar del Perú - IMARPE RD 185-DGIA-VMPCIC/MC Dirección de Biblioteca Av. Angamos Oeste 120, Miraflores. Anexo 9107 [email protected] Si Decido Quedarme It tells the story of Mia, a young seventeen-year-old teen with a promising music career ahead of her, thanks to her talent for playing cello. However, her whole life changed in a blink of an eye after a car accident with her family. C I C LO D E C O N F E R E N C I A S D E LA HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 9:00 p.m. Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Sede Iquitos Lunes a viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 12:00 m. Lunes a viernes de 2:45 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. Sábados de 8:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. La Distancia que nos Separa The author has decided to explore his family tree to understand and destroy the myths surrounding his father’s figure, the famous gaucho Cisneros, one of the most influential military members of the last military dictatorship in Peru. La Distancia que nos Separa / Renato Cisneros. Si Decido Quedarme / Gayle Forman. For more information, please contact: www.icpna.edu.pe / 706-7000 extension 9107 / [email protected] Biblioteca Luis E. Valcárcel - Sede Lima Centro Jr. Cuzco 446. Anexo 1272 Biblioteca Estuardo Núñez - Sede Miraflores Av. Angamos Oeste 160. Anexo 2272 Biblioteca Anna Clack de Díaz - Sede San Miguel Av. La Marina 2469. Anexo 3272 Biblioteca Jorge Basadre Grohmann - Sede La Molina Av. Javier Prado Este 4625. Anexo 4272 Biblioteca ICPNA Lima Norte - Sede Lima Norte Av. El Pacífico 477, Independencia. Anexo 5272 Biblioteca ICPNA - Sede Chimbote Urb. Mcal. Luzuriaga, a media cuadra de la Catedral de Nuevo Chimbote Telf.: (043) 58-6021 . Anexo 270 Biblioteca ICPNA - Sede Iquitos Cl. Pevas 487. Telf.: (065) 23-5186. Anexo 170 Sede Chimbote Lunes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Lunes a viernes de 3:45 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. Sábados de 8:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. Chavín This book gathers seventeen essays written by Peruvian and foreign researchers devoted to study the artistic and religious influence of Chavin culture into other contemporary cultures. It also includes a selection of images showing the high artistic quality and aesthetic in architecture, ceramics, and sculpture. Tuesday 15 “LA COMUNICACIÓN EN EL ACCIONAR DE LOS PERSONAJES PÚBLICOS” Speaker: Dr. Katty Perales Ysla, Communications Consultant Company CUPER COMUNICACIÓN INTEGRAL E.I.R.L. Tuesday 22 “PRESERVACIÓN DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE” Speaker: Captain SGC Ricardo Renzo Rebisso Oblitas, Dirección General de Capitanías y Guardacostas Tuesday 29 “LA BIODIVERSIDAD Y EL DESARROLLO NACIONAL” Speaker: Dr. Miguel Ibáñez Sánchez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Venue: Lima Centro Branch, Study Hall, 6:30 p.m. La Ciudad y los Perros: Biografía de una Novela This essay offers the most comprehensive reconstruction possible of the incidents suffered by this book before its publication. It shows little known sides of Vargas Llosa’s biography, the history of the Latin American boom, the Francoist censorship, and the links between literature and politics. La Ciudad y los Perros: Biografía de una Novela / Carlos Aguirre. Iquitos ¿Puedo Soñar Contigo? The bad times that endangered the future of the “Club of the Misunderstood” have been overcome. But after the calm comes the storm: misunderstandings, envy, unexpected encounters, new characters and the return of someone very special to all of them will endanger their friendship once more. ¿Puedo Soñar Contigo? / Blue Jeans. BIBLIOGRAPHIC b i b l i o g r a p hALERT ic alert BIOGRAPHIES LITERATURE 709.2/I54 This is Warhol / Catherine Ingram.-- London: Laurence King Publishing, 2014. 80 p. : ill. WARHOL, ANDY - BIOGRAPHY/ WARHOL, ANDY REVIEW AND INTERPRETATION Miraflores ICPNA CATALOGS CATI/15-07 Carlos Bernasconi: Antología Xilográfica 1953 – 2015.-- Lima: Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, 2015. 121 p. : ill. ENGRAVINGS - CATALOGS / CARLOS BERNASCONI - EXHIBITS Lima Centro – Miraflores – San Miguel – La Molina – Lima Norte – Chimbote – Iquitos COMICS ENGLISH RESEARCH YOUNG PEOPLE LATEST MAGAZINESacquired ACQUIRED latest magazines COM/741.5952/O88 Akira / Katsuhiro Otomo.-- New York: Kodansha Comics, 2009. 363 p. : ill. JAPANESE COMICS / MANGA - SCIENCE FICTION Miraflores E/428.5/O23 English Idioms in Use: Advanced / Felicity O’Dell.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 190 p. : ill. ENGLISH – WORDS AND PHRASES / ENGLISH VOCABULARY La Molina 001.42/A66 Como Elaborar una Tesis de Grado / Lydia Arbaiza Fermini.-- Lima: ESAN University, 2014. 319 p. THESIS AND ACADEMIC DISSERTATIONS / RESEARCH METHODS Lima Centro – Iquitos Y/813.54/R58c/1 La pirámide Roja / Rick Riordan.-- Barcelona: Montena, 2014. 473 p. U.S. NOVELS - ADVENTURE / EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY Lima Norte Y/813.6/R96 / Rachel Renée Russell.-- Buenos Aires: RBA Libros, 2014. 282 p. : ill. U.S. STORIES - ADVENTURES AND PHANTASY Miraflores Y/861.85/V18Z2G Vallejo para Adolescentes / Gladys Flores Heredia.-Lima: Cátedra Vallejo, 2014. 151 p. : ill. VALLEJO, CÉSAR - BIOGRAPHY Lima Centro ALFRED HITCHCOCK`S MYSTERY MAGAZINE This magazine is for the lovers of the suspense genre, detective novels and mystery. This issue features a set of short stories where love, harassment, fear and insanity may cause odd behaviors, unexpected consequences, and unchain the most terrible events. 813.6/T63/1 After / Anna Todd.-- Barcelona: Editorial Planeta, 2014. 572 p. U.S. NOVELS - ROMANCE Miraflores - Lima Norte Available at Lima Centro library. MUSIC POPULAR SCIENCE This magazine is specialized in new technology, health, innovation and science news. This issue features the new soldiers— genetically modified human beings—, detection systems to avoid car crashes, science-fiction-like inventions, and a count down of the craziest scientists in the history of film. 781.66/M36 The Beatles: Across the Universe / Naomi Marsh.-Thorold: Rockus Books, 2014. 416 p. : ill. BEATLES - BIOGRAPHY / ROCK BANDS San Miguel CHILDREN Available at Lima Centro library. CHIS/F66 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra para Niños / Gladys Flores Heredia.-- Lima: Catedra Vallejo, 2015. 130 p. : ill. CHILDREN’S SHORT STORIES - SPANISH Lima Centro THE ECONOMIST It covers topics in world politics, international relations, business, finance, technology, science, and art criticism. This issue features columns about the political and economic situation in Venezuela, and analyzes birth control policies promoted by the governments of Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Japan, to motivate population generation replacement, besides the likeliness that the Chinese government remove their one-child policy. CHIS/P337/5 El Monstruo de las Cloacas / Roberto Pavanello.-Barcelona: Montena, 2013. 125 p. : ill. CHILDREN’S SHORT STORIES - SPANISH Lima Norte – Chimbote - Iquitos Available at Miraflores library. BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL servicio de biblioteca virtual ICPNA, through its Library Network, offers these important informative resources that will give you access to thousands of publications, specialized articles, audios, and videos. cine CICLO DE Miércoles 2 O L I V E R Miércoles 9 S TO N E Miércoles 16 Miércoles 23 Multi-disciplinary database which provides access to academic and scientific journals. It includes different subject areas like administration, education, information science, philosophy, history, English, literature, psychology, and health care. Academic journal that studies the political systems together with the characteristics, processes and challenges that democracy faces in the world. This month, ICPNA Library Network will screen simultaneously in all its video rooms a selection of the best movies directed by the always controversial American director and screenwriter, winner of three Oscars and five Golden Globes. Films will be screened all Wednesdays in September in the following order: Pelotón (1986), Wall Street: El Poder y la Avaricia (1987), World Trade Center (2006), and Salvajes (2012). Month: September 2, 9, 16, and 23 Smithsonian Institute educational portal, addressed to educators, students and parents, offers innumerable resources and information for learning sciences in a fun and entertaining way. Time: 6:00 pm. *This schedule is subject to change.
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