TEMPLE NER TAMID 368 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 532-1293, Fax: (978) 532-0101 Website: www.templenertamid.org E-mail: [email protected] Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Peabody, MA No. 63 The Conservative Congregation of Peabody, MA Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism FEBRUARY 2015 SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 “OR CURRENT RESIDENT” PURIM SPECTACTULAR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 5:30 PM GAMES,DINNER, PURIM SHPIEL & LOTS OF FUN! TNT SERVICE HOURS Sunday Sunday - Thursday Friday (unless otherwise noted) Saturday 9:00 AM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM Our Temple staff members and volunteers are happy to help you by phone or email SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING Rabbi: Deborah Zuker Temple Ext.201 [email protected] Cantor: Stephen Abramowitz Temple Ext: 203 [email protected] Synagogue Administrator: Beth K. Hoffman Temple Ext: 200 [email protected] President: Eric Richman Cell (617) 908-2434 [email protected] Vice Presidents: Harvey Dragoon [email protected] Linda Gross [email protected] Adele Lubarsky [email protected] Alan Titelbaum [email protected] Youth Committee: David Goldberg Home: (978)535-4555 [email protected] Bookkeeper: Linda Swears Temple Ext: 202 [email protected] Sisterhood President: Judy Kemp Home: 978-532-8057 [email protected] Friday, February 6 Friday, February 13 Friday, February 20 Friday, February 27 4:45 PM 4:54 PM 5:03 PM 5:12 PM Friday, March 6 Friday, March 13 Friday, March 20 Friday, March 27 5:21 PM 6:29 PM 6:37 PM 6:45 PM Men’s Club President: Larry Malatzky Home: 617-930-1852 [email protected] Torah Fund Cards: Sue Savy Home: (617) 686-7470 [email protected] “One Brick at a Time” Ponn Family Pathway Buy a brick to recognize special people or milestones in your life, just honor someone you love! Please join Temple Ner Tamid as we secure our future while we build a solid foundation! Contact: [email protected] DONATIONS Did you know you can make a donation online by credit card at any time? Visit www.templenertamid.org Select “payments” and process your donation from the comfort of home! OFFICE CLOSED Monday, February 16th President’s Day Rabbi Deborah Zuker Purim - A Celebration for All Ages! President, Eric Richman Hello Fellow Temple Members, Purim is by far the silliest, most playful holiday on the Jewish calendar. Children in particular enjoy the customs of Purim - dressing up in costumes, cheering the heroes Mordechai and Esther and booing the villain Haman, eating hamentashen (be they prune-, apricot-, or chocolatefilled). It may seem amid all this silliness that Purim is a holiday primarily for children. I am writing this article during the Blizzard of 2015, hoping you are all well, staying warm, and enjoying the extra family time. During the month of January we held our General meeting. Members were updated on all committee activities and the financial status of our Temple. We continue to need to develop our community, and we can all contribute to accomplishing this goal by meeting and talking with potential members at every opportunity. I enActually, there are many aspects and themes to Purim that courage everyone to keep this in mind and do all that you are strictly for adults. Purim costumes customarily include can to help build our membership. TNT has so much to gender bending, the humor of the Purim-shpeil (an ama- offer, we just need to make that known. teur play that tells the Purim story) is often adult and full of timely and inside jokes, and there is a commandment to Plans for the combined Purim event in March with Temple drink alcohol to the point where one can no longer tell the Beth Shalom are underway. Cantor Steve has put together difference between Mordechai and Haman (not for chil- another great program and this is sure to be a fun time for dren!). For the intellectuals among us, the story of Purim all ages. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, includes many nuanced and mature themes: What is the March 4th, pick out your best costume, and join us for a role of God in human affairs? What is the experience of fun-filled evening! Jews living as a minority amid a majority culture? Do we hide our Jewishness? Do we try to 'pass'? What is the ap- In addition, the fundraising committee has begun planning propriate moral response to the suffering of our enemies? for our annual June fundraiser. This is our largest event of the year and the one that contributes the most to the fundAs adults, we believe in the importance of creating mean- raising budget. It will be held on Sunday, June 14th ; volingful Jewish experiences for young people and children. unteers are needed and if you would like to help with this We model behaviors, such as attending services, and cele- event, please contact Steve Ring. More details will follow brating Shabbat, that we believe have value and that we as it gets closer. want our children and grandchildren to incorporate into their lives. But do we also pay attention to modeling silliness and playfulness for the next generation? They dress up and enjoy Purim, but do you, as a parent or grandparent, also dress up and enjoy Purim? When we model Jewish living, we must be conscious of modeling ALL of it - no part of Judaism is only for children. Jewish living is a life-long pursuit. I hope you'll plan to attend our Purim Spectacular next month on March 4th (see flyer in this bulletin) - it will be a fabulous, fun and festive event, shared with our neighbors from TBS. Bring your whole family, and plan for children AND adults to come in costume to fully embrace the spirit of Purim! Eric SPECIAL THANKS TO JEFF SCHULTZ,OSVALDO & THE TOWN OF PEABODY FOR SHOVELING THE TEMPLE PARKING LOT AFTER THE BIG STORM Yahrzeit Fund in memory of ALFRED KLEIN (Father) by Jo Anne Appelstein BARRY JOHN BLACK (Husband) by Francine Black BENJAMIN L. ADELBERG (Father) by Harriet Feinstein CELIA AGRANAT KANE (Mother) by Gloria Simons GISIA RABINOVITCH (Mother-in-law) by Irene Rab inovitch HARRY A. COHEN (Father) by Gail Silverman IDA BABNER (Mother) by Gladys Katcher LEO SIMONS (Father) by S. Murray Simons MAURICE BAND (Father) by Richard Band PAUL LEHMAN (Father) by Alan Lehman SARA CUSHINSKY (Mother) by David Cushinsky ally translates as “eternity”, appears in our daily Nishmat prayer, closing the third paragraph: “Don’t abandon us, A donai our G-d, for eternity (lanetzach). This root appears in several Haftarot, from Amos (“and he nursed his grudge forever )נצח to Jeremiah (“Why has my suffering been without end ( )51:51 ,)נצחand in Psalms (“Adonai, will As I write this article, the New England Patriots have arrived in Arizona, preparing for their 6th Su- You forget me continually ( נצחUntil when?”) Psalm per Bowl. This fact—along with two days ground- 13. ed at home during the Blizzard of Shevat 5775—led me to think about the American culture of WINNING, and how it intersects with Judaism and Temple Ner Tamid. Cantor Stephen Abramowitz Winning in Judaism? Think about how often you want to win something. It might be a Scrabble game with your grandchild, a pick-up basketball game at the JCC, the “all-in” game of Texas Hold ‘Em at the Men’s Club poker event, or your regular Bridge or Mah Jongg club. I even wanted to beat my 4 ½ year old son at Chutes & Ladders this afternoon (to no avail). Watch reality television much? Whether you are a fan of “American Idol”, “Survivor”, “The Bachelor/ Bachelorette”, “The Apprentice” or “The Amazing Race”, the focus remains on winning—that recording contract, a check for $1 million, your dream job, or even an engagement ring! With a solid footing in the American culture of winning, I turned my focus toward Judaism. The religious connotation usually involves a military or Divinely inspired victory, from Moses—through G-d’s plagues—“defeating” Pharaoh’s Egyptians (with a large human cost) to the Maccabees military “miracle” over the Assyrian Greeks. In modern times, most historians would document Israel’s Six Day War as a victory, unifying Jerusalem for the first time in 2000 years, and forcing Naomi Shemer z”l to add a verse to Yerushalayim Shel Zahav. Finally, many websites document the 194 individuals with at least one Jewish parent who have won Nobel Prizes. (Medicine and Physics, with 55 and 51 winners respectively, lead all Jewish Nobelwinning categories.) Source: Bahir Tree of Life/Hebrew--Wikipedia Sadly, this topic begs the question: With so much persecution, acts of Anti-Semitism and genocide in our history, from the Crusades to Spanish Inquisition to Pogroms to the Shoah, can we justifiably pray for winning a war, or even victory by peace agreement? After all, if Joshua and David both prayed for victory in battle, why can’t we? Perhaps this urge is beyond human control, if as Abraham Joshua Heschel z”l stated, “we pray because we But does room exist for winning in ritual and spir- cannot help praying”. itual activities? It certainly feels like a small victory when a minyan gathers to support a congregant Ultimately, I believe that personal prayer is just observing a Yahrzeit on a cold, snowy winter night. that, personal, and only the Divine Judge should Sometimes we can introduce competition to our evaluate the quality (and quantity!) of our words. In holiday celebrations, as Rabbi Zuker’s brainchild, closing, however, I feel that we should celebrate a the Iron Chef latke competition, would attest. But group who WON the RIGHT to pray, the Women of does our prayer service offer any guide for win- the Wall (http://forward.com/articles/175434/ ning? women-win-landmark-court-decision-on-westernwall). The Hebrew root for “victory”, nun, tzadi, chet, actually appears in several places in our liturgy, Haf- May we cherish the small victories we gain each tarot and other written canons. In the realm of Jew- blessed day. ish Mysticism, the 7th s’firah of Kabbalah is Netzach, appearing just below Hesed (loving-kindness) and just above Hod (majesty). Netzach, which usu- Sisterhood, Judy Kemp As I write this, we are all awaiting the arrival of the Blizzard of 2015! Like the snow we are expecting, 2015 began with a flurry of excitement as we started off the year leading Friday night services for Sisterhood Shabbat. Thank you to Anne Schwartz and Sarah Wulf and their committee for preparing a homemade, delicious oneg as well as leading us in Sisterhood Shabbat services. It is such a pleasure and so rewarding to lead such a bright, talented group of women. As we brace ourselves for the month of February, we do not hold a general meeting but opt for a Tealess Tea as a form of Tikkun Olam, where we request donations to a worthy cause. This year’s efforts are in support of an organization close to home and one our community gladly supports. Stay tuned for more details and enjoy a cup of tea on us. It looks like we’ll need the warmth! We don’t hibernate for long, as we have an exciting event happening in February. On Saturday night, February 7th, for the 2nd time, we are co-chairing a night out with Men’s Club at Giggles Comedy Club. Please join us for a night of laughs. Last year’s event received rave reviews, so don’t miss out!!! It’s exactly what we need in the middle of the winter doldrums. Men’s Club, Larry Malatzky The Men’s club has already been active this year and we are planning many events for the upcoming months. The Men’s Club provided the refreshments for the Temple general meeting in January. Thank you to the folks that helped setup and cleanup and a special thank you to Ed Gustat for picking up all of the refreshments for the meeting. We held another successful Bus Trip to Connecticut in January. This time we went to Mohegan Sun for the first time and all had a great time. There was action on the tables, slots and of course the race book. Stay tuned for the next planned trip in the May timeframe. Our next event will be the World Wide Wrap. Please join the Men’s Club as we join hundreds of congregations globally in the uniquely Jewish spiritual experience and tradition of tefillin on Sunday morning February 1st, 2015 for breakfast and minyan. Details can be found on the TNT website. Please don’t miss the Sisterhood and Men’s Club “Night at Giggles” on Saturday February 7th. We also have kick-off our annual Men’s Club Limited Raffle. Only 125 tickets will be sold. There are 5 prizes with the top prize of $1500. The drawing will be at the May general meeting but don’t wait as tickets are going fast! Think warm (and dry) thoughts and enjoy the newSome other notable events in the coming months will found sunlight at the end of each day. I know I perinclude: sonally brighten as our daylight hours lengthen! March – Men’s Club Shabbat and Men’s Club breakfast L’Shalom - Judy Kemp Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle program Hearing Men’s Voices Religious School May – our Annual Mother’s Day Brunch The RS classes continue to be bustling with exciting lessons from our dedicated, talented teachers. This month will feature our 6th grade class dinner and service on Friday the 27th at TNT. There is snow on the ground, but with Purim and Passover plans in the works spring must be around the corner. The TNT/ TBS combined religious school will be having a Purim carnival during school hours on Sunday, March 1st for the RS students (this event is not open to the public). Later that month on the 22nd, the students will participate in a Passover Sedar. There will be one held for the younger children in grades K-2 and a separate one for the “big kids” in grades 3-6. The RS committee is helping to execute these programs and will be in touch with families about how they can assist through volunteering and/or donating food. The next RS committee meeting will be held on Sunday, February 8th. Shalom, Linda Gross, Vice President Please check out the TNT website and Facebook page for details. We welcome any affiliated or unaffiliated Jewish man in the area to join the TNT Men’s Club. If you are not currently a member, why not???? Please join us! L’Shalom, Larry MEN’S CLUB SHABBAT FRIDAY, MARCH 20 8:00 PM IF YOU WOULD LIKE A PART IN THE SERVICE PLEASE CALL RICHARD STRAUSS 978-290-1079 MAZEL TOV! Gerry & Jacques Potash on their 60th wedding anniversary Fran & Irving Schulman on the b’nei mitzvah of their grandchildren, Martin & Emma Sullaway Jeremy Dunn on achieving the rank of Eagle Scouts Sharyn & Mark Solomon on their new home Susan Salkovitz on the marriage of her son, Joshua to Liz Dottie & Ray Wallman on the engagement of their granddaughter Ellen & Frank Chmara on their grandson, Sam York, becoming a member of the Ohio State College Championship Football Team GET WELL Irving Babner Evelyn Ponn Sylvia Toby Steve Chamuel Nancy Becker Larry Levine KIDDUSH & ONEG SPONSORS Sisterhood, 4th grade Religious School To share your news or if you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon in honor of a special occasion Contact: [email protected] COMING SOON A LENDING LIBRARY There will be a book cart in Founders Hall Borrowing will be on the honor system ISRAELI DANCE GROUP TUESDAY NIGHTS AT 8:00 PM DONATION $1.00 ALL ARE WELCOME! Please bring your donations of new or gently used books with or without Jewish content to the temple office. ZUMBA FOR FITNESS Every Monday Night At TNT 6:15 PM - 7:17 PM Instructor: Jenn Pomerantz Try out your class for $5.00. 5 class punch card passes are $40.00 for NSJCC/TNT members and $50.00 for non members. Call Arlyne Greenspan at 978-471-5520 for more info. CREAM CHEESE CLUB EVERY SUNDAY MORNING MINYAN 9:00 AM CREAM CHEESE CLUB 9:30 AM DISCUSSION WITH RABBI ZUKER ALL ARE WELCOME! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE AT TNT FOR EVERY SERVICE AND PROGRAM IN OUR SANCTUARY & SOCIAL HALL SEE GREETER FOR HEADPHONES The Pransky Financial Group ARE YOU TRAVELING?? PROBLEMS HAPPEN… Now offering Worldwide Travel Insurance from one of the leading global providers for information… Contact Alan Pransky [email protected] 617-538-0058 Insurance coverage is underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: Oakwood Terrace, IL), rated “A-“ (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on the insured’s state. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are brands of AGA Service Company. AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS! Don’t see your FEBRUARY birthday? Make sure the office knows the date. Call - 978-532-1293 Elizabeth Berman Sue Callum Shirley Cole Lisa Finn Wendy Gershlak Brayden Golub Ed Gustat Herbert Kahan Debra Krinsky Ethel Madnick Marty Margolis Al Newman Jim Norcross Roy Pincus Jacques Potash Deborah Pransky Mark Rudin Jeff Schultz Barry Silverman Jane Tolpina Dorothy Wallman Steve Wisotsky Matt Wulf Elisa Zimmerman Men’s Club of Temple Ner Tamid 2015 Annual Limited Raffle Grand Prize $1,500 2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500 4th Prize $500 5th Prize $250 Be sure to purchase your ticket soon as there are only 125 tickets sold. Only $75 donation per ticket Drawing date is May 27th 2015 at the Temple Ner Tamid General Meeting Winners do not need to be present at drawing for more information you can contact [email protected] or [email protected] SHABBAT SNOW CANCELLATION POLICY: IN THE EVENT OF A WEATHER RELATED CANCELLATION ON SHABBAT, UP TO DATE INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED ON THE TEMPLE VOICE MAIL PLEASE CALL 978-532-1293 AND PRESS "0" "Reading the Book" Comes to an End… Many thanks to everyone who has taken part in the Thursday "Reading the Book" class which has now come to an end. Over the past 2+ years we have studied 11 books of the Hebrew Bible, discussed and debated, and grown together. I look forward to learning with all of you again in the years to come, Rabbi Deborah Zuker THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTORS ARNOLD DOLLIN SCHOLARSHIP ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by PAULA DOLLIN SUSAN SALKOVITZ In Honor of son Josh's Marriage by PAULA DOLLIN BUILDING FUND ARLENE TITELBAUM In Memory of my father, Morton C. Titelbaum by MARK TITELBAUM EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by ALEXANDER KEMP ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by MARK TITELBAUM ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by ARLENE TITELBAUM GENERAL FUND ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by EDWARD J. RAYMOND ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by ADELE & MARK LUBARSKY ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by ALVIN FOGEL ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by DEBORAH & ALAN PRANSKY ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by ROBERT GORIN ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by MIMI LEVY ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by JANICE & ELLIOT WYNER ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by JANICE GERSHLAK ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by JASON MAZUR ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by LEONA & HENRY KAPLAN ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by MAXINE ROSENBERG ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by DIANE & HARVEY ELEFSON ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by DEEVA & BARRY GOLDBLATT ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by SHELDON SULLAWAY ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by SUSAN & HARVEY DRAGOON ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by FAITH & MARK LERNER THE RUDIN FAMILY In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by MARCIA & DICK ZUKER THE RUDIN FAMILY In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by BETH & BOB HOFFMAN GLENNA PARKER AND FAMILY In Memory of Bea Zide's sister, Lillian Greenberg by ELLEN & ISRAEL STEIN GLENNA PARKER AND FAMILY In Memory of my sister, Lillian Greenberg by BEA ZIDE MEL BABNER In Honor of you receiving "Keeper of the Flame" award by JANE & LEN MULSMAN SYLVIA TOBY Wishing you get well soon! by GERRY & JACQUES POTASH THE RUDIN FAMILY In Memory of beloved mother, grandmother & great grandmother, Rose Rudin by DEBBY & RICHARD STRAUSS KITCHEN EVELYN PONN Wishing you get well wishes by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE KEN COBURN AND FAMILY In Memory of wife, mother and grandmother, Anita by SIMONE & TODD LEVINE THE RUDIN FAMILY In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by SIMONE & TODD LEVINE POIRES SCHOLARSHIP MR. & MRS. JOSEPH ARONSTEIN In Honor of many happy occasions by DONNA & BILL POIRES RABBI DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of you making a Misheberach by FRAN SCHULMAN ARLENE TITELBAUM In Memory of my grandmother, Anne M. Schwartz by MARK TITELBAUM SARITA PICKARD MEMORIAL ANITA & MARK RUDIN With Deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother, Rose Rudin by LOIS & JOEL KORNITSKY VICKIE MORHAIM FUND ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by ROZ & MARV JACOBSON WINOKUR FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP NANCY BLACKMAN AND FAMILY In Memory of beloved husband, father and grandfather, Lew Blackman by ERIC, HOWARD AND ELLEN WINOKUR YOUTH ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by DAVE GOLDBERG ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Memory of mother, Rose Rudin by GAIL & BARRY FALKOFF FEBRUARY YAHRZEITS: WE REMEMBER THEM Benjamin L. Adelberg [father of Harriet Feinstein] Florence Alman [mother of Roberta Gordon] Richard Alman [brother of Roberta Gordon] Jacob Annis [father of Paula Dollin] Boris Avers Eileen Bacherman William Baker [father of Lawrence Baker] Barry John Black Anne Bornstein Irving Bornstein Frances Borr [mother of Bruce Borr] Sadie Burnim Ida Cheplowitz [aunt of Susan Salkovitz] Max Cohen [grandfather of Herbert Cohen] Robert Cohen [father of Ruth Titelbaum] Joseph Dansker [father of Sandee Matteucci] Ruth Doniger [sister of Marian Bromberg] Martha Epstein [mother of Merle Shuman] Melvin L. Epstein Rose Simons Feinstein [mother of S. Murray Simons] Frieda E. Frank [mother of Burton Friedman] Frieda Frimer Gusta Frimer Jehuda Frimer Joseph B. Fromer Manuel H. Gaman Frieda Gerson Mollie Gillman Mary Hill Ginsberg [mother of Barry Ginsberg] Stefanie Goldberg [daughter of Stephen & Lois Goldberg] Ruth Goldstein [mother of Gail Falkoff] Sura Goldstein Edward Gordon Mary Gordon Rose Gordon Jack Gray [father of Betty Green] David Greenstein [father of Barbara Pickard] Miriam Kaden H. Kenneth Karafin Hannah Kashir [sister of Zipora Feiner] Samuel Kaye Alfred Klein [father of Jo Anne Appelstein] Isabelle Krasker [mother of Nanci Hodge] Morris Kravetz Melvin Lampert Simon Lampert Paul Lehman [father of Alan Lehman] William Levine [husband of Celia Levine & father of Bruce Levine & grandfather of Michael Levine] Lavana Licha [mother of Laila Chamuel] Maurice Litner [father-in-law of Sandra Litner] Eli London Jacob Theodore Long Harris Marlin Ilene Maurer Frederick C. Miller Gertrude Nacht Anna Ogust Philip Orloff [father of Ethel Babner] Harris Osofsky Frieda Pessaroff [mother-in-law of Mona Pessaroff] Morris Phillips [brother-in-law of Barbara Phillips] E. Stanford Pincus [father of Roy Pincus] Norman Prince Max Rabinovitch [husband of Irene Rabinovitch] Victor Rabinovitch [uncle of Irene Rabinovitch] Morris Rogosa [father of Martin Rogosa] Morris Louis Romotsky Elizabeth R. Rosenthal Eva Roth [aunt of Martin Rogosa] Frances Rubin Minnie Scholnick [mother of Celia Levine] Anne M Schwartz [mother of Arlene Titelbaum, grandmother of Alan Titelbaum & David Titelbaum] Robert Shaw Bessie Swartz Sherman [sister-in-law of Annabelle Swartz & aunt of Suzanne Swartz] Israel Snider Arthur Sparr [father of Gary Sparr] Rose Sullaway [mother of Sheldon Sullaway] Manus Taksa [father of Grigory Taska] Morton C. Titelbaum [husband of Arlene Titelbaum & father of Alan Titelbaum & David Titelbaum] Anntsy Tolpina Berman [grandmother of Jane Tolpina] Lillian Wacks [mother of Paul Wacks] Sarah Wallman [mother of Ray Wallman] Edward Webber Helen Weisman [mother of Susan Comak] Norman Wise [husband of Judi Wise] William Wolarsky [father of Marian Bromberg] Glen Yanco [husband of Audrey Yanco & brother of Rhonda Zero] Norman Yanco Israel Zamansky Ida Zellin [mother-in-law of Rena Zellin] CONDOLENCES TO: Mark & Anita Rudin, on the loss of Mark’s mother Rose Rudin Bea Zide, on the loss of her sister, Lillian Greenberg Shirley & Bill Cole, on the loss of their son-in-law, Timothy King Alan & Deborah Pransky, on the loss of Alan’s father Irving Pransky Queen Esther Project GANTZE MEGILLAH …dig into the back of your closets and help make the prom awesome for some girls because everyone should feel like a Queen…Esther! JOIN US AND TEMPLE B’NAI ABRAHAM FOR SHAHARIT SERVICE SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 In conjunction Chelsea High School, this Purim we are again collecting new and gently used prom dresses to give to girls who otherwise could not afford one. We are collecting formal / semi-formal current style dresses, shoes (in good condition) and accessories (jewelry, purses, etc.). Please contact Harriet Feinstein (978-536-5115) [email protected] for more information. Sponsored by TNT Social Action Committee Attention Congregants born in 1945 Happy 70th Birthday! Temple Ner Tamid is honoring you on Friday, April 17 during Shabbat Services If you would like to be acknowledged during the services and/or help plan the Program and co-sponsor the Oneg, please contact us: AnitaRudin [email protected] Mark Rudin [email protected] or call either one of us at 978-774-7057 AND THE READING OF THE ENTIRE MEGILLAH ON THURSDAY, MARCH 5 AT 9:30 AM AT TNT REFRESHMENTS TO FOLLOW RECRUITING PURIM PLAYERS!
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