N o v e m b e r 1 6 t h , 3 3 r d S u n d a y O r d i n a r y T i m e St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church “Remain in me as I remain in you, says the Lord. Whoever remains in me bears much fruit.” ~ John 15:4 St. Rose of Lima School Student Adoption Program See Page 5 for more information! 293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Web: www.strosecv.com Welcome to St. Rose bienvenidos a St. Rose Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Rose Staff ____________________________ Reverend Luke Jauregui Pastor Rev. Alexander De Paulis Associate Pastor Deacons (619) 427 - 0230 Charlie Frice (Ext. 117) Greg Smyth (Ext. 110) John Gabbard (Ext. 145) Juan Buenrostro (Ext. 556) Gerardo Márquez Hispanic / Deaf Ministry Jeff Saavedra School Principal (619) 422-1121 Sister Patricia Weldon OSF Josie Advento, Jackie Carmona Religious Education, K - 8th (619) 426-6717 Vincent Dao Confirmation & Youth Ministry (619) 427-0230 Denise Jantz Sr. Dolores Social Outreach (619) 427-7637 Rosy Vasquez Marketing & Development (619) 427-0230 Joseph Advento Music Dir. & I.T. Administrator (619) 427-0230 Patti Favela Business Manager (619) 427-0230 The day of the Lord is coming, Paul warns in today’s Epistle. What matters isn’t the time or the season, but what the Lord finds us doing with the new life, the graces He has given to us. This is at the heart of Jesus’ parable in today’s Gospel. Jesus is the Master. Having died, risen, and ascended into heaven, He appears to have gone away for a long time. By our baptism, He has entrusted to each of us a portion of His “possessions,” a share in His divine life. He has given us talents and responsibilities, according to the measure of our faith. We are to be like the worthy wife in today’s First Reading, and the faithful man we sing of in today’s Psalm. Like them, we should walk in the “fear of the Lord” - in reverence, awe, and thanksgiving for His marvelous gifts. This is the beginning of wisdom. This is not the “fear” of the useless servant in today’s parable. His is the fear of a slave cowering before a cruel master; the fear of one who refuses the relationship that God calls us to. He has called us to be trusted servants, fellow workers, using our talents to serve one another and His kingdom as good stewards of His grace. In this, we each have a different part to play. Though the good servants in today’s parable were given different numbers of talents, each “doubled” what he was given. And each earned the same reward for his faithfulness - greater responsibilities and a share of the Master’s joy. So let us resolve again in this Eucharist to make much of what we’ve been given, to do all for the glory of God. That we, too, may approach our Master with confidence and love when He comes to settle accounts. Cory Chavez, Adilene Trujillo, Adrianna Ceja-Melvin Office Staff Maggie Reynoso Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán ¿Por qué conmemorar, Pablo nos advierte en la Epístola de hoy que el día del Señor llegará. No importa la hora o la temporada, sino lo que el Señor nos encuentre haciendo con la nueva vida y las gracias que El nos dio. Esto es lo que está al centro de la parábola que cuenta Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy. Jesús es el Maestro. Al morir, resucitar y subir al cielo, nos parece que se ha alejado por mucho tiempo. Por medio de nuestro bautismo, nos ha encargado una porción de sus “bienes”, una porción de su vida eterna. Nos ha dado talentos y responsabilidades según la capacidad de nuestra fe. Debemos ser como la mujer hacendosa en la Primera Lectura de hoy, y como el hombre dichoso del cual cantamos en el Salmo. Como ellos, debemos “temer al Señor” – siguiendo sus caminos con reverencia, admiración y gratitud por los maravillosos dones que El nos da. Esto es el principio de la sabiduría. Este no es el “temor” del siervo inútil de la parábola de hoy. El siervo demuestra el temor de un esclavo atemorizado ante un maestro cruel, el temor de alguien que rechaza la relación a la cual nos llama Dios. Dios nos llama a ser sus siervos de confianza, sus compañeros de trabajo, usando nuestros talentos para ponernos al servicio de los demás y al servicio de su reino como buenos administradores de su gracia. En esta labor, todos tenemos un papel diferente que interpretar. A pesar de que los siervos buenos de la parábola de hoy recibieron diferentes cantidades de tesoro, cada uno duplicó su cantidad y recibió la misma recompensa por su fidelidad – confianza con cosas de más valor y tomar parte en la alegría de su señor. Hay que dedicarnos en esta Eucaristía a cosechar más con lo que se nos ha dado, y hacerlo todo por la Gloria de Dios. Que nosotros también podamos acercarnos al Maestro con confianza y amor cuando El venga y nos llame a dar cuentas. As members of Christ’s Body, the Church, we have a share in His prophetic, priestly & kingly mission. “Sharing in His prophetic mission, we come to know Christ and make Him known. Mass Times Weekdays: Monday - Friday 6:15 am & 8 am Thursday: 6:30 p.m. - (Español) Saturday: 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) 6:30 p.m. (Español) Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. 10:00 am. (sign language) 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. - (Español) 5:00 p.m ______________________________ Eucharistic Adoration Fridays in pastoral center chapel: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sacraments Baptisms & Weddings Call the Parish Office (619) 427-0230 Reconciliation Saturday: 8-9 am (Or by appointment) OFFICE HOURS Monday 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Closed 12:30-1:30 for Lunch) Capital Campaign Manager 2 St. Rose of Lima Church St. Rose of Lima Church 3 Parish News and Activities Knights of Columbus Calender Events Mass Intentions ____________________________ Saturday, November 15th 7:30 a.m. - Tito Pangcog 5:00 pm -Sarah McKinley 6:30 p.m. - Elias El Belle Sunday, November 16th 7:00 am - Edmund Butler 8:30 am - Jesus A. Martinez 10:00 am - Josefina Cuevas 11:30 am - Cristian Flores 1:15 pm - Maria Del Soccoro Terriquez 5:00 pm - Alejandro Mendoza Monday, November 17th 6:15 a.m. - James Rauch 8:00 a.m. - Jesus A. Martinez Tuesday, November 18th 6:15 a.m. - Jean Adamo 8:00 a.m. - Lorenzo, Rafaela, Eduardo Wednesday, November 19th 6:15 a.m. - Jean Adamo 8:00 a.m. - Isabel West Thursday, November 20th 6:15 a.m. - Vivencio Hivoral 8:00 a.m. - Tito Pangcog Friday, November 21st 6:15 a.m. - Jean Adamo 8:00 a.m. - Innocencio Beldon If you would like to Offer Mass for a loved one please contact the parish office. 4 November 24th Annual Memorial Mass: Knights of Columbus Assumption Council #3368 Memorial Mass on Monday, November 24 at 7:00PM in Church, reception to follow in Parish Hall. All Brother Knights and family invited to remember all Brother Knights who have passed away. December 18th K of C Christmas Party: All knights and their families and grandchildren are invited. Santa is usually there with gifts for all the little children. Stewardship? What’s the big deal?... The role of the laity is crucial to the life of the Church. Please prayerfully consider how you are being called to use your time, talent, and material resources in order to carry on the work and mission of Jesus in this coming year. Update your registration online and become more engaged in the life of our local St. Rose Community: http://www.strosecv.com/joinus.html Seniors for the Fun of It!!! Wed., Nov. 19, 2014 12:30 to 3 pm Having fun yet??? Join us for some activities and/or social time. Folks have been seen playing cards, Triominoes, dice games or…maybe you prefer chit-chat, that also works!! If you have a favorite game, be sure to bring it….we’ll try something new. See you in the hall on the 19th. student adoption program Dear Friends of St. Rose of Lima, As many of you are aware, every fall the school sends out a letter asking that friends of the school consider donating to our Student Adoption Program. I know if you are like me, I receive countless donation requests that all support a great cause. There is a point where you have to say no. Still, consider the investment you are making if you contribute to Student Adoption Program. Most of us agree that our country is at a crossroads in its moral standards. As a Catholic Christian, it can become very frustrating listening to all the media talk about new laws, initiatives, and agendas by those who would love to take God out of the equation. Catholic schools not only provide a framework of excellent academic education for young men and women but also more importantly work with families to rise up future citizens that spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith. How can you help? Like last year, some of our families are still experiencing many of the same economic challenges. The economy still seems to have a negative hold on some of them. In the past, many of you have been incredibly generous with your donations to help fund the Student Adoption Program. Once again we are asking for your assistance. Based on your support, we will be able to help 20 of our families with the cost of tuition. Gratefully, Mr. Jeff Saavedra (Principal) Estimados Amigos de Santa Rosa de Lima, Como tal vez ya sabe, cada otoño la escuela de Santa Rosa de Lima les escribe a los amigos de la escuela pidiendo que consideren dar una donación a nuestro programa de Adoptar un Estudiante. Por experiencia propia, se que seguramente ya reciben un sin fin de solicitudes para donativos y todas son para grandes causas. Hay un punto en el que tiene uno que decir que no. Aun así, le pido que considere la inversión que estaría haciendo si contribuye al Programa de Adoptar un Estudiante. La mayoría de nosotros estamos de acuerdo que nuestro país se encuentra en una encrucijada en cuanto a los valores morales. Como un Cristiano Católico, puede ser muy frustrante escuchar a los medios de comunicación hablar acerca de leyes nuevas, iniciativas y agendas de aquellos que preferirían echar a un lado a Dios. Las escuelas Católicas no solo proporcionan una base de educación académica excelente para los jóvenes, sino que, aún más importante, trabajan con las familias para crear a los futuros ciudadanos que difundirán la palabra de Jesucristo a través de su fe Católica. ¿Cómo puede usted ayudar? Algunas de nuestras familias siguen viviendo por las mismas situaciones económicas difíciles del año pasado. La economía sigue afectando negativamente a varias de ellas. En el pasado, muchos de ustedes han sido sumamente generosos con sus donativos hacia el Programa de Adoptar un Estudiante y una vez más estamos pidiendo su ayuda. Gracias a su apoyo, podremos ayudar a 20 de nuestras familias con los costos de colegiatura. Social Services ____________________________ Sister Dolores Outreach Sack Lunches Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am - 11:30 am Food Distribution Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3pm - 4:30 pm Clothing Mondays 9am - 11am Thrift Store Wednesdays 10am - 2pm Saturdays 8am - 2 pm Sundays 9am - 3 pm For Question about Sister Dolores Outreach please call: Denise Jantz (619) 427-7637 Catholic Charities Immigration Social Services (619) 498-0722 Con agradecimiento, Sr. Jeff Saavedra (Director) St. Rose of Lima Church St. Rose of Lima Church 5 Youth & Young Adult News Youth Ministry News Ministries & Groups Build Your Kingdom Here: All high school teens are invited. Parishioners are welcome to come join youth ministry for a dynamic talk and adoration. Lets bring His Kingdom into our community. Confirmation candidates, please sign in at the Parish Hall at 6pm after the 5pm mass. Parent Hospitality Youth Committee: Looking for a team of parents/parishioners to serve our hungry teens for Life Nights. Desire to change teens lives by leading teens closer to Christ? Come and talk to our Director of Youth Ministry to see how you can be part of youth ministry. Contact Vincent Dao, Director of Youth Ministry, by e-mailing: [email protected] or call (619) 427-0230 x227. November 22nd 7-11 pm St Rose of Lima Parish Hall 293 H Street Chula Vista 91910 Young Adult Bible Study with Fr. Alex Fr. Alex will be leading an Advent bible study for Young Adults on Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the old classrooms, Lunch room 7. We will break open the scriptures to discover in a deeper way, how the scriptures at Advent prepare us to receive this Christ Child. Catholic Young Adult Sports FB Group: Catholic Young Adult Sports of SD Pick-up Groups: CYAS-SD Running Club & CYAS-SD Soccer/ Futbol Multi Vendor and Fashion Show Featuring San Diego’s premier female musicians: Besos De Coco Join us for a night of Shopping, Music, Fashion and Fun! Featured Vendors: Cadetevon Creations, Audie’s Handbags, Curiel Creations Stagnet Dissarey , Missy’s Succulent Creations, Silpada, Nail/Makeup Bar by Danlily Origami Owl, Younique, Partylite and Reyno Divino $10 donation includes complimentary cocktail and appetizers POSADA/LIGHTING OF THE CHURCH DECEMBER 14 - SUNDAY at 6PM Ultimate Monday Schedule: Nov 17 - 5:30pm Mass at the Mission, Trampoline at Sky High Sports Nov 24 - Serve dinner to our homeless neighbors Get active and involved with other Catholic young adults aged 1839! Contact Nathan Poe at 619-415-3024 /[email protected] or check out the CYAS website. Beginning Experience An international program for Widowed, Divorced and Separated Catholics is sponsoring a weekend December 5-7. You will meet people who have experienced a loss like yours and you will have an opportunity to experience positive growth. Call Linda at (858) 335-0915 or Mary Beth at 619-4354471, or Mary 619-857-4759 6 St. Rose of Lima Church St. Rose of Lima Church 7 Ministries & Groups Marriage Vocation Ministry Ministries & Groups St. Rose of Lima Vocation Ministry Presents: The study of the Gospel of John, led by Father Luke. We encourage all married couples to join us on the send and fourth Saturday of the month as we continue our study. We will meet in the library at 6:30pm for fellowship, followed by the Gospel study at 7:00pm. Please bring your own Bible. Free babysitting will be provided! For more information, please email Joe and Hilda Santiago at [email protected]. Ministerio de Vocación Matrimonial El Ministerio de Vocación Matrimonial de Santa Rosa de Lima les invita a participar en un estudio del Evangelio de Juan, presentado por el Padre Luke Jauregui. Animamos a todas las parejas casadas que nos acompañen cada segundo y cuarto sábado del mes. Nos reunimos en la biblioteca a las 6:30 p.m. para un breve convivio y el estudio del evangelio se inicia a las 7:00 p.m. * favor de traer su propia Biblia * cuidado de niños disponible sin costo * el estudio es presentado en ingles Para obtener más información, porfavor envíe un correo electrónico a: Joe y Hilda Santiago - at [email protected]. Sister Dolores Social Outreach Program - A Beacon of Hope The Sister Dolores Social Outreach staff and volunteers wishes to thank everyone for stopping by the “Celebrating Sister Dolores Sunday” booth last Sunday to learn more about our program here at the parish. Information about the program was also sent in the mail last week and we hope you had an opportunity to read about the many services we provide to those in need. Over the next couple of weekends the “Celebrating Sister Dolores Sunday” envelopes will also be available in the pews of the church. Your generosity in supporting our program will ensure that we continue to provide many valuable services to the less fortunate in our community. Please contact The Sister Dolores Social Outreach Office at (619) 427-7637 if you should have any questions or would like to inquire about volunteer opportunities. Come learn American Sign Language with others in our parish community. Classes will take place every Saturday from 12 noon until 1:15 p.m. Meet in the Multi-purpose room at the parish school. For more information contact Jesse Martinez: [email protected] or 619-498-1551. Also www.deafmass.net If you can help interpret please call Dcn. Gerardo: 619-427-0230. Chirstmas Ornaments Knights of Columbus are selling their limited edition Christmas Ornaments in the month of November after all weekend masses. This year’s ornament is the 4th in the series- one of the Wise Men. Cost is $10 per ornament and $5 per display stand. All proceeds support the St. Rose of Lima “Thy Kingdom Come” Campaign. Thank you. 8 American Sign Language Classes Help to Decorate our Church & School We are decorating on December 1st - 5th at 8:30 am - 11:30 am. Meet by the flagpole. If you can help, please email Michelle at [email protected]. St. Rose of Lima Church Taking Down our Decorations: We plan on taking down our decorations on the Epiphany on January 5th. St. Rose of Lima Church 9
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