Route 472/473 Tustin Station to Irvine Business Complex/U.C.I. via Harvard Ave / Red Hill Ave N Moffett Paseo Westpark Bell 72 Warner Warner 6:10 6:41 7:17 7:29 7:45 8:31 6:23 6:54 7:30 7:42 7:58 8:42 6:31 7:02 7:38 7:50 8:06 8:50 6:39 7:10 7:46 7:58 8:14 9:00 Carnegie Barranca Harv ard Deere IRVINE Main 405 71 Red hu r A rt ac Hill M Jamboree 55 Von Karman McGaw Reynolds F=Times are approximate/ Los horarios son aproximados. 86 6:10 6:41 7:17 7:29 7:45 8:03 8:31 8:59 6:17 6:48 7:24 7:38 7:54 8:12 8:39 9:07 6:27 6:58 7:34 7:52 8:08 8:26 8:49 9:17 AM F=Times are approximate/ Los horarios son aproximados. 53 Alton AM (F) Valencia University Center Santa Fe Havard & Alton (F) Southbound TO: U.C.I. Tustin Metrolink Station MONDAY - FRIDAY: Southbound TO: Newport Beach Food and Drug Administrations (F) 2 90 MONDAY - FRIDAY: MONDAY - FRIDAY: Northbound TO: Tustin Station TO: Tustin Station Northbound 213/213A ld UCI 3:49 4:00 4:26 4:51 5:06 4:04 4:15 4:41 5:05 5:20 PM Tustin Metrolink Station hi 3 3:40 3:51 4:17 4:41 4:53 Havard & Alton Campus irc Un ive rsit y Fa 3:33 3:44 4:10 4:33 4:47 University Center Birch Harvard Tustin Metrolink Station Campus Red Hill & Alton Dupont Campus & Von Karman on Bridg e JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Bardeen els Mich Food and Drug Administrations 53 Califiornia 76 MONDAY - FRIDAY: Campus & Von Karman (F) MAP NOT TO SCALE Edinger 70 1 59 ROUTE 473 Red Hill & Alton (F) TUSTIN STATION 70, 90, 472 and 473 iShuttle A & B ROUTE 472 E S Tustin Metrolink Station W 3:15 3:45 4:22 4:43 4:54 6:08 3:26 3:56 4:33 4:56 5:09 6:21 3:34 4:04 4:41 5:05 5:20 6:30 PM 73 For schedule and fares information for iShuttle A and B please visit: FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION NOTE: Limited Stop Service. No service on weekends, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or New Years Day. Routing and times subject to change. SERVICE TO / SERVICIO A 1 2 3 Tustin - A.G. Currie Middle School - Tustin Station (Metrolink) Irvine - Venado Middle School - Irvine Civic Center - Park Place - University High School - UC Irvine - University Center - John Wayne Airport - Irvine Business Complex - Food and Drug Administration LEGEND / LEYENDA Scheduled Departure Route 472 1 Route 473 iShuttle A iShuttle B OCTA Bus Stop Locations Middle or High School Numbers on streets indicate transfers. Números en la calle indican transbordos. Route 472/473/042312 Stationlink buses are scheduled to meet selected Metrolink trains. Morning buses are scheduled to depart when all passengers from the arriving train are on board. When meeting more than one train, Stationlink buses must wait for the last train’s arrival before departing. Afternoon buses are scheduled to arrive a few minutes before the departing train. Stationlink passengers must present fare media to the coach operator each time they board the bus. NOTA: Servicio de paradas limitadas. No hay servicio los fines de semana, Día de los Caídos, Día de la Independencia, Día del Trabajador, Día de Acción de Gracias, Navidad o Año Nuevo. Rutas y horarios sujetos a cambios. Los autobuses de Stationlink están programados para coincidir con trenes seleccionados. Por la mañana, los autobuses de Stationlink están programados para salir una vez que hayan subido todos los pasajeros del tren que llega. Cuando coinciden con más de un tren, los autobuses de Stationlink deben esperar la llegada del último tren antes de salir. Por la tarde, los autobuses están programados para llegar unos minutos antes del tren que sale. Los pasajeros de Stationlink deben presentar su medio de tarifa al operador cada vez que suben al autobús. Effective October 12, 2014
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