Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 January 22, 2017 137 Moll Drive • SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL 32459 • Ph 850.267.2558 • Fax 850.267.3711 Pastoral Team Pastor: Fr. Kevin Johnson Associate Pastor: Fr. Michael Hartley Deacon: Deacon Dave Casey Pastoral Assistant: Joe Colello Secretary: Karla Garcia Director of Religious Education: Monique Murray Pre-School Director: Lisa Brooks Director of Music: Adele Armitage Bookkeeper: Laurie Elliott Maintenance Director: Mike Downey Pastoral Council President: Andy Bukaty Finance Chairman: Ray Meyer, III Sacramental Schedule Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM Sunday 8 AM,10 AM, 5 PM St. Rita-Hispanic Mass-Sat 7 PM Christ the King (CTK)- Sun Noon CTK-Hispanic Mass-Sun 7pm Mass Weekday Masses 8:30 AM 1st Saturday Mass 8:30 AM Holy Days- as announced in bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saint Rita: Saturday 4-5 PM CTK: By Appointment Only website: e-mail: [email protected] Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 22, 2017 2 Mass Intentions for the Week Altar Linen January 22 Anna Fowler January 29 Cathy Tullos February 5 Paula Michalak February 12 Mary Pat Fortson Collections- St. Rita Offertory Buildng/Maint. Fd Fulfilling the Promise Burse Glen Mary Thank You! $13,988 770 20,233 2 7,299 Saturday 5:30PM 7:00PM Sunday 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM 5:00 PM 7:00PM Monday 8:30AM Tuesday 8:30AM Wednesday 8:30AM Thursday 8:30AM Friday 8:30AM Saturday 5:30PM 7:00PM Sunday 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM 5:00PM 7:00PM January 21 † Joyce Koehler Spanish Mass January 22 Please remember family † John Fox members, sons and † Fred Casey daughters, who are in CTK the armed forces Dr. Jim Thean serving our country CTK Spanish Mass here and abroad. January 23 † Michael Gabriel January 24 † Ben Baklarz January 25 Mass Intentions are † Maik Darley & Family January 26 available by calling the † Bruce Zimmer church office at January 27 (850) 267-2558 † Gloria Ullman January 28 † Betty Carone Spanish Mass † Maria Luisa Polanco de Darley January 29 †Lilia Chen † Mildred Johnson CTK †Robert Alleman CTK Spanish Mass Welcome Winter Visitors! WE ARE HAPPY TO SEE OUR WINTER VISITORS ARRIVE AGAIN THIS YEAR, and welcome you to stop in the parish office to check in and update your contact information. Those of you who would like to participate in a parish ministry during your stay are most welcome / Stop in the parish office at your convenience. Prayer Requests Brandy Kirkland Olga Alvarez Martha Arevalo Dick Brooks Joe DeCandia Colin Capek Jonathan Capek Char Carone Fred Casey Jan Ebbecke Ann Flork Maria Rose Gouin Max Gusinde Lori Herring Donna Kirby Juene Knutel Teddy Lambert Fritz Lammer Marie Lattenbergova Ulrika Laurence Joseph Le Bleu John Leonardi Charlene & Ed Lilly Waylon Little Dee Logue Jim Mahan Betty Miller Gerry Miller Christie Myrick Norge Nunez Carolynn Opar Tony Risi Joel Rivera Tom Roache Roselyne Rose Liz Skalicky Jack Stone Cheryl Tindell Keith Tullos Richard Veldman Ron Vittetoe Mike Wathen Cliff Wesson Readings for the Week _______________ Monday: Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30, or readings for Day of Prayer Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18 Thursday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 4:21-35 Friday: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday: Zep 2:3; 3:12-13; Ps 146:6-10; 1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 5:1-12a Third Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK AT SAINT RITA Monday, January 23 5:30pm Boy Scouts - MSS Room 6:00pm RCIA-Office 7:00pm Prayer Group Tuesday, January 24 9:30am Morning Bible StudyPivotal Players in MSS Room 6:00pm Hispanic Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, January 25 9:00am Sewing Group 6:00pm Evening Bible Study Pivotal Players in Office Thursday, January 26 6:30pm Mens Grow Friday, January 27 3-7pm Fish Fry- MSSR Saturday, January 28th 9- 2:30pm - Resurrection Church OZANAM TRAINING for members of Society of St. Vincent de Paul Rosary & Chaplet after daily 8:30am Mass MiddleSchoolYouthGroup Sun@3:30pm HighSchoolYouthGroup Sun@6pm St . Rita Women’s Lunch Bunch Tues., Feb 14th, Noon at Tommy Bahama 525 Grand Blvd, Miramar, FL RSVP by Feb 12th Alice Ann Sanchez 850-835-5421 Society of ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SINCE 1833 ! DO YOU NEED HELP? Call the St. Vincent de Paul hotline at 888-229-6582.¿Necesita ayuda? Llame a la oficina de Sta. Rita 850-267-2558 We want you… as a member… to share your time, treasure and talents… to assist those in need. For more info call Stephen Starkey at 678-362-0284. Need A Year End Statement? Your statement will be available upon request. Please email our bookkeeper Laurie Elliott with yourname, address, phone number to: [email protected] Your statement will be mailed to you. Thank you. 3 From the GOD SQUAD: January 22, 2017 REFLECTION January 22nd marks the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, when our Supreme Court held that women have a Constitutional right to privacy, and that includes abortion. Respect Life Quotes 1. “It is a poverty that a “child must die”, So that you may live as you wish.” -Mother Teresa 2. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you.” -Jeremiah 1:5 3. “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born.” -Ronald Reagan 4. “To dissociate the child from love is, for our species, a methodological error: contraception, which is to make love without making a child; artificial (in vitro) fertilization, which is to make a child without making love; abortion, which is to unmake the child; and pornography, which is to unmake love: all these, to varying degrees, are incompatible with natural law.” -Jerome LeJeune 5. “How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.” -Mother Teresa 6. “America you are beautiful…and blessed…. The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless. If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life.” -Pope John Paul II 7. “The Gospel of Life is not for believers alone: it is for everyone. The issue of life and its defense and promotion is not a concern of the Christian alone. Although faith provides special light and strength, this question arises in every human conscience which seeks the truth and which cares about the future of humanity. Life certainly has a sacred and religious value, but in no way is that value a concern only of believers. The value at stake is one which every human being can grasp by the light of reason; thus it necessarily concerns everyone.” -Pope John Paul II Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Priesthood Discernment Retreat 4 January 22, 2017 “BEST FISH FRY ON THE COAST” It’s Here!!! Fish Fry Fridays 3-7pm If you're willing to explore more of what God wants of you in this life, then come join us for an amazing weekend experience and Discern a future vocation to the Priesthood. You'll be joined with others who are trying to find their vocation along with our current seminarians. FREE….. Feb.3rd-5th. at the Tallahassee Neumann Center For more info and to register please contact Fr. Matthew Worthen: [email protected] or Fr. John Cayer: [email protected] January 27th February 10th & February 24th March 10 St. Rita Church • 137 Moll Drive • Santa Rosa Bch Adults $10 • Children 10 and under Free Fried Fish • Corned Nuggets • Baked Beans • Coleslaw • Dessert • Coffee • Iced Tea • Chicken Fingers for the kids Eat In or Take Out Sponsored by The Men’s and Women’s Club **************Pasta Dinner*************** Sat, Feb 4th from 4-7pm Adult $8, Children 10 and under Free Benefits Boy Scouts Troop 562 Fulfilling The Promise Please submit your Pledge Cards as soon as possible **************Bingo*************** $4 BBQ Dinner- 5:30 $10 Bingo for 10 games- 6pm Fridays: Jan 20th, Feb 3rd & Feb 17th Proceeds benefits community service programs including St. Vincent de Paul Society Thank you for your generous support! DRE-DirectorofReligiousEduca3onPosi3on: Total Pledges Received= 162 (24% of Parishioners) $1,188,643 CorpusChris3ParishisinneedofaDRE.TheDREposi3onisafull3meposi3onrequiresflexibleworkhourstoincludeweekends, someweekdays,andsomeevenings.Educa3onalrequirementisa Bachelordegree.TheDirectormustbeaprac3cingRomanCatholic whopar3cipatesfullyinthecommunalworshipandlifeofthe church,preferablywithexperienceincateche3calteaching.Please calltheoffice:850654-5422orforwardyourresumetoColleen Ward:[email protected] Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 January 22, 2017 Saturday., Feb 18, 8 - 5pm St. Mary’s Parish in Fort Walton Beach, FL Register TODAY at That Man is You is an interactive men’s program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic Everytwoyears,wecometogetherasadioceseto faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop celebratethejoyandbeautyofourCatholicfaith. the vision of a man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations Youareinvitedtojoinusaswedivedeeperintowhat that men face in our modern culture, That itmeanstoliveoutourvoca4ons,whetherto Man is You, seeks to form men who will be religiouslife,marriedlifeorsinglelife. capable of transforming homes and society. Avarietyofspeakerswillsharetheirwisdomand PROGRAM INFORMATION insightonhowtojoyfullyliveourvoca3oninwhatever Thursday Evenings, Beginning Jan 26th stageoflifewecurrentlyfindourselves,andhowwe St Rita Catholic Church cangrowinholinesswithinit.Musicfortheconference Mary Star of the Sea Room willbeprovidedbyOutofDarkness!Allareinvited, SCHEDULE andfamiliesareencouragedtoaVendtogether. 6:30 PM Dinner and Fellowship 7:00 PM Program begins 7:30 PM Small group discussions Our Public Rosary for January will be 8:15 PM Conclude Friday, Jan 27th, at 10:15am after Eucharistic Adoration at St. Rita. This day has been designated as a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn. It is the same day as the March for Life in Washington, D.C. REGISTRATION For more information or questions, please contact Maurice Stouse at 850.460.1995 or [email protected] 2017 Parish Pictorial Directory WE NEED YOU to make our new family directory complete Sign up for photos of parishioners will begin this weekend January 15 and continue the weekends of January 22 and January 29. Sign up will be in the MSS Room after each mass. Photographs of parishioners for the new 2017 pictorial directory will commence the first week of February. Comunidad Hispana Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 PADRE. KEVIN JOHNSON, PASTOR ! January 22, 2017 PADRE MIGUEL HARTLEY, SACERDOTE 22 de Enero, 2017 • DE SANTA RITA Y CRISTO REY 137 Moll Drive, Santa Rosa Beach, Fl 32459 Telefono: (850) 267-2558 Fax: (850) 267-3711 Recuerden en sus oraciones... Equipo Pastoral Pastor: Padre Kevin Sacerdote: Padre Miguel Comunicación: Felita Asteinza Secretaria: Karla Garcia Musica: Adele Armitage Horario Sacramental Misa en Español: Nuevo Horario Cada Sábado- Sta Rita Cada Domingo- Cristo Rey 7pm 7pm Adoración de la Eucaristía: Pidan al Señor por los enfermos, los difuntos de nuestra parroquia, y por nuestras propias intenciones. †Maik Darley Guadalupe Alvarez †Juanita Delgadillo †Maria Luisa Polanco de Darley Olga Alvarez †Jose Alvarez Favor de llamar la oficina si gusta agregar alguna intención Lunes, Enero 23 Colecta- Sta Rita $ 472 6pm RICA Clase- Iglesia Martes, Enero 24 Colecta para Edificio $ 20 7 pm Coro Hispano-Iglesia Colecta- Cristo Rey: $406 Miércoles, Enero 25 9am Grupo de Costureros 6:30pm Estudio Biblico- Iglesia Sta. Rita Viernes, Enero 26 *MSSR- Cafeteria 3-7pm Venta de Pescado Frito de Sta. Rita Primer Viernes del Mes 9am-9pm Confesiones: Sábado 4-5pm Estudio Bíblico: Miércoles- Iglesia Clases Religiosas para adultos 6pm Clases Bautismales: Claudia Davila Segundo Jueves del Mes 6-9 pm Sociedad de San Vicente DePaul Necesita ayuda? No hacen falta documentos. Llame a: 888-229-6582 CELEBRANDO NUESTRA FE 2017 Regístrate ya para que unidos celebremos nuestra fe con Roberto Ramírez, canta autor y predicador católico de la Republica Dominicana quien descubrió su vocación después de tener un encuentro personal con Jesús y hoy es vivo testimonio del poder de la oración y de la Intercesión de Nuestra Santa Madre. Fecha: Febrero 18, 2017 Lugar: Iglesia de St. Mary’s, Fort Walton Beach, FL Costo: Por persona: $25 Por pareja: $50 Por familia: $60 Puedes registrarte hasta el 3 de febrero con Maribel Ruiz en nuestras oficinas o también online en Horario de Ministros: Enero21: Lectores:LiliaMauricio Hospitalidad:FamiliaAsteinza Donas:FamiliaLara Sacristan:CarlosDelgadillo Monaguillos:MarioLara,CarinaÁngeles Enero 28: Lectores:LauraLutz Hospitalidad:LosAsteinza Donas:FamiliaLosLucero Sacristan:DaveLutz Monaguillos:MarioLara,CarinaAnglés Te Necesitamos a Ti….. Para el Directorio de Fotos de 2017 de Santa. Rita Estamos muy contentos de poder anunciar que estaremos comenzando pronto el proceso para producir nuestro Nuevo directorio pictórico de la iglesia. Este directorio nos ayudara a conocer los nombres de todos, y introducir a la iglesia a la comunidad, preservar este tiempo presente de nuestra iglesia y introducir nuestra historia a nuevas familias que lleguen a la iglesia. Para poder adquirir este objetivo necesitamos tu ayuda para hacer que el Nuevo directorio sea una completa representación de nuestra familia congregación. Las fotos se van a tomar la primera semana de Febrero Po este fin de semana, el proximo fin de Semana, o el ultimo fin de semana en Enero…… Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 Christ the King FR. KEVIN JOHNSON, PASTOR January 22, 2017 FR. MICHAEL HARTLEY, ASSOCIATE PASTOR January 22, 2017 • IN CHRIST’S CORNER 15542 Business Highway 331 • Freeport, FL 32439 • 850-267-2558 • FAX 850-267-3711 TheFreeportEcumenicalKitchenPantryofwhichCTKisapar3cipa3ng member,distributedbagsofgroceriesto147Freeportpeopleand/or *Open to Public familiesinthemonthofDecemberandtheirpantryshelvesarevery CTK Parish Council Meeting sparsenow.Pleasebringregular-sizecansofpeas,corn,applesauce, peanutbuFer,jelly,Ramennoodles,soups,crackers,etc.toChurch Today after mass thiscomingSunday.LadiesattheAltarGuildmee3ng“passedthehat” Jan 27 St. Rita Fish Fry 3-7pm duringandcollected$60incashsofartostartoffthecollec3on.Ifyou Feb 3 Diner & Bingo 5:30pm- St. Rita prefertodonatecashversuscannedgoods,thatwouldbefine!Our Feb 3 Bunco 6:30 PM (at CTK ONLY) ladieswilldotheshoppingforyou! UPCOMING EVENTS: Feb 7 Catholic Charities Food Distribution 1-2pm CTK Parish Hall only Feb 10 St. Rita Fish Fry 3-7pm Feb 12 Parish Council Meeting (after noon Mass) CTK Feb 17 Dinner & Bingo 5:30pm St. Rita Febr 19 CTK Ladies Altar Guild Meeting (after Noon Mass) Feb 24 St. Rita Fish Fry 3-7PM Mar 1 Ash Wednesday (Start of Lent) Schedule TBA Mar 10 St. Rita Fish Fry 3-7PM Tuesdays/Martes, 7-8:30pm (Nuestra Comunidad Hispana se juntara para un Estudio Biblico) Mass Intentions available by calling the office at 850-267-2558. January 1st Week Offertory: $ 1,023 Bldng Fund $ 152 Glen Mary: $ 549 Thank You! Information for “In Christ’s Corner” or to be added to the CTK Information Master email list – Send it to Sally at [email protected] by SUNDAY EVENING in order to go into the following week’s Bulletin. If you wish to utilize the Social Center, Call Bob Santos 835-0037, or you may visit our website at website. ST.RITAFISHFRYS:“Eat-InorTake-out”FishFrysAdults$10and childrenunder10yearsofageareFREE.MenuisprintedintheSt.Rita secUonoftheBulleUn.DatesareFridays:January13thand27th; February10thand24thandMarch10th. Bingo:StRita’sParishandtheSt.VincentDePaulSocietywillalsobe havingBingowithdinnerat5:30PMandBingoat6:00PMonJanuary 20th,February3rdand17th —Saying the Rosary: Those that would like to say the Rosary before Sunday Mass each Sunday, should arrive at 11:20am Prayer Lists/Requests For God’s Loving and Divine Healing to soothe the hearts and souls in a positive manner of those around the world wishing to destroy Christians. We ask that their evil hearts be turned to the Goodness of God!!! Special Prayer Request for all CTK Members, their Families & their Friends, Clara Benoit Jane Brier David Caggiano Eugene Cuchens Dan Dowd Sr. Dan Dowd Jr. Helen Flaws Fr. Kevin Johnson Cecil Jones John Kross Ted Mervin Sally Orlosky Mueller Family Yvonne Payne Tom & Janet Roth Jackie Sielhan Logan Tassin Rhonda Trainer Giovanni Turner Linda Yaun Alene Wallace Mark White Ray Williams LOCAL MINISTRY IN WALTON COUNTY: They will be making these mats until October, 2017. They need clean, used plastic bags, any size; any store… any color… You can just bring the bags to Church and we will make sure that the women receive them. Please CONTINUE bringing the plastic bags as the mats are now being distributed to the homeless people by all the law enforcement personnel in Walton and Okaloosa Counties as fast as the ladies can make them!!! Thank You Very Much ;o)
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