Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 7, 2016 Su SAugust UR n. F Se st pt art .1 s 1t h 137 Moll Drive • Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 • Ph 850.267.2558 • Fax 850.267.3711 Pastoral Team Pastor: Fr. Kevin Johnson Associate Pastor: Fr. Michael Hartley Deacon: Deacon Dave Casey Pastoral Assistant: Joe Colello Secretary: Karla Garcia Director of Religious Education: Monique Murray Pre-School Director: Lisa Brooks Director of Music: Adele Armitage Bookkeeper: Laurie Elliott Maintenance Director: Mike Downey Pastoral Council President: Andy Bukaty Finance Chairman: Ray Meyer, III Sacramental Schedule Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM Sunday 8 AM,10 AM, 5 PM Christ the King 12 Noon Hispanic Mass, Saturday 7 PM Weekday Masses 8:30 AM 1st Saturday Mass 8:30 AM Holy Days- as announced in bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saint Rita: Saturday 4-5 PM website: e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 2 Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday †Maria Luisa Darley de Polanco †Joseph F. Konchalski Spanish Mass † Blenda Vaughan 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM †Patrick McCarron CTK Donald Flaws †Holly Vandiver 8:30 AM †Mary Kelly Sunday 8:00 AM Monday Altar Linen August 7th Anna Fowler August 14th Cathy Tullos August 21st Paula Michalak August 28th Mary Pat Fortson Collections St. Rita $13,724 730 2,576 55 Thank You! Prayer Requests Donna Kirby Martha Arvada Olga Alvarez Dick Brooks Joe DeCandia Fred Casey Juanita Delgadillo Jan Ebbecke Ann Flork Lori Herring Max Gusinde Fritz Lammer Marie Lattenbergova Ulrika Laurence Joseph Le Bleu Waylon Little Brandy Kirkland Dee Logue Jim Mahan Betty Miller Gerry Miller Michael Momsen [email protected] August 7 Mary Jane Henry August 8 Tuesday August 9 Steve Skalicky 8:30 AM Wednesday August 10 8:30 AM Thursday 8:30 AM Friday Offertory Building Fund Burse Upon This Rock August 6 First Saturday 8:30 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 AM Saturday Andy Howard August 11 Rene Garcia August 12 Debbie Howard August 13 5:30PM 7:00PM †Mary Kelly Spanish Mass 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM †Judy Sauter †Katlin Silverwood CTK †David Drzyzga Sunday Please remember family members, sons and daughters, who are in the armed forces serving our country here and abroad. August 14 Christie Myrick Juane Neutell Carolynn Opar Joel Rivera Roselyne Rose Liz Skalicky Jack Stone Cheryl Tindell Matt Tsun Keith Tullos Mike Wathen Cliff Wesson Mass Intentions are available by calling the church office at (850) 267-2558. Readings for the Week _______________ Monday: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27 Tuesday: Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wed: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26 Thurs: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62: Mt 18:21 — 19:1 Friday: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Mt 19:3-12 Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt19:13-15 Sunday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2-4, 18; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK AT SAINT RITA Monday, August 8 August 7, 2016 3 From the GOD SQUAD: REFLECTION 1 kings 19:12 6:30pm Boy Scouts- MSSR 7:00pm Prayer Group - Church “Wrapping Ourselves in Silence” 12:00pm Lunch Bunch- Marie’s Bistro 7:00pm Hispanic Choir Practice Silence is hard to come by these days. Our world is filled with the wisdom of traffic (Highway 98), roaring airplanes, noisy construction/machinery, droning air-conditioners and beeping microwaves. Silence is more difficult to come by , too, with our 24/7 access to breaking news, weather reports, sport updates, music, games and apps for just anything. Today might be a good day to wrap yourself in silence– even if only for a few minutes. Don't do or say anything…… just listen. Who knows? Maybe a whispering sound will pass by. Tuesday, August 9 Wednesday, August 10 9:00am NO Sewing Group 4:15pm Grace Notes 6:00pm Hispanic Bible Study-MSSR Saturday, August 13 8:30am Parish Council & Finance Committee Meeting-MSSR Rosary & Chaplet after daily 8:30am Mass MAJOR EVENTS IN AUG/SEPT Aug25Men’sGrowGroup-TMIY MSSR) Sept11 BlueMass Sept23-25YouthCampout Sept25 ParishPicnic Psalm 27: 7-9, 13 –4 Matthew 5:27 – 32 Next week, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. In Peru, the 14 villages of Chazuta, in Moyobamba, are all located away from the city center, with the most remote only accessible by boat. The faithful in these communities do not have access to catechetical formation, and members often feel separated from the life of the universal Church. Through a grant from the Collection for the Church in Latin America, the religious congregation of the Missionaries of Jesus was able to provide faith formation, spiritual retreats, and workshops to nearly 250 people. Upon completion, participants were better equipped to help others deepen their faith and answer questions. The program also renewed their sense of commitment to their parishes and created stronger bonds within their own families. Through this program, members of the Chazuta villages felt the love and support of the universal Church. Please support programs like these and give generously in next week’s collection. For more information, please visit [email protected] Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 4 BLUEMASSCOMINGTOSAINTRITA SEPTEMBER11,5:00PM WhatisaBlueMass? ItisbelievedthatthefirstBlueMasswasheldin1934,byapriestontheEastCoastwho wantedtohavehiscongregaMonmeetandshowappreciaMonfortheirlocalpoliceofficers (hencethetermBlue).SincethatMmeandevenmoreso,since“9/11”,churches throughoutthecountryhaveexpandedthistoincludeallemergencyserviceworkers. NotCatholic?Notaproblem ThepurposeofthisgatheringistohosttheopportunityofaplaceandMmetohonorthose whoserveourlocalcommuniMes,thededicatedmenandwomenofour/yourEmergency Services;AmbulanceServices,FireDepartments,LawEnforcementAgencies,andour EmergencyCommunicaMonPersonnel(911EmergencyDispatchers). Thisalsoincludestheirfamilieswhoalsofeeltheeffectsofgivingback. ThisisopentoeveryoneandanyoneandweencouragealltoaLend. CATECHISTS WANTED Have you considered becoming a St. Rita Catechist? As a catechist in our Family Religious Education classes, you would: ✦ Nourish the faith of adults, teenagers and children ✦ Grow in your understanding of the teachings of the church. ✦ Be a positive role model ✦ Be part of the 2000 year tradition of catechesis ✦ Share your gifts of time and talent ✦ Become more involved in our parish community, and ✦ Live Jesus’ command to “Go and teach all nations.” UR The Saint Rita Family Religious Education program is in need of adult volunteers, beginning September 11th, who have an appreciation for and commitment to teaching the good news of Jesus Christ! Contact Monique Murray: by email- [email protected] or call the office- (850)267-2558, if you are interested. [email protected] Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYERS. PRAYER WARRIORS are READY! To make a prayer request, simply email/call the Prayer Warriors at [email protected] / (928) 830-7872 Depending on your desires, a couple of things can happen. August 7, 2016 5 STUDY HOUR of St. Therese of Lisieux Join the Panama City Carmelite community for a study hour of St. Therese of Lisieux’s life and work that led to her becoming a Doctor of the Church, using the book: Story of a Soul (Study Edition). Meets on third Sundays, starting Aug 21 from 2-3pm 1) Your request can be kept confidential. (In this case only the Lead Prayer Warrior would be made aware of and pray for your request) 2) Your prayer request would be forwarded to a group of prayer warriors who have committed to pray for these requests. These prayer warriors do not pass these requests on to anyone. It is for their eyes only. Please state your desires concerning the above mentioned options at the end of the prayer request. Thanks for your request and may God richly bless you! Tuesday, August 9th Noon Marie’s Bistro & Barside 2260 W County Hwy 30A RSVP by August 7th Society of ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SINCE 1833 ! DO YOU NEED HELP? Call the St. Vincent de Paul hotline at 888-229-6582.¿Necesita ayuda? Llame a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul al 850-424-3740 . We want you as a member to share your time, treasure and talents to assist those in need. For more info call 888Stephen Starkey at 678-362-0284. GIFT & GARDEN SHOPPE For all types of occasions, let us help you bless your special someone with the perfect one-of-a-kind gift. [email protected] (arrive 15 min early) St. John School Media Lab 1005 Fortune Avenue • Panama City Register via Lynn Centrone at [email protected] or 850-785-5728 No charge, except for the book: $12.50 (if ordered by 7/29). SURF New ALER T Day and ! Tim e ! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Starting SUNDAYS, SEPT. 11th 8:45-9:45 K- 4th Grades 4pm 5pm Middle School Youth Grp (With Fr. Michael) Mass 6pm Dinner 6:30-7:30pm High School Youth Grp. and Confirmation (With Fr. Michael) S U R F= Share Your Faith Please Register by Aug. 31st Registration Forms located online at or at back of church, MSSR and parish office. Comunidad Hispana Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PADRE. KEVIN JOHNSON, PASTOR 6 ! August 7, 2016 PADRE MIGUEL HARTLEY, SACERDOTE 7 de Agosto, 2016 • DE SANTA RITA Y CRISTO REY 137 Moll Drive, Santa Rosa Beach, Fl 32459 Telefono: (850) 267-2558 Fax: (850) 267-3711 Recuerden en sus oraciones... Equipo Pastoral Pastor: Padre Kevin Sacerdote: Padre Miguel Comunicación: Felita Asteinza Secretaria: Karla Garcia Musica: Adele Armitage Horario Sacramental Misa en Español: Sábado 7pm Adoración de la Eucaristía: Primer Viernes del Mes Confesiones: 9am-9pm Sábado 4-5pm Estudio Bíblico: Miércoles- Iglesia Clases Religiosas para adultos 6pm Clases Bautismales: Claudia Davila Segundo Jueves del Mes 6-9 pm Sociedad de San Vicente DePaul Necesita ayuda? No hacen falta documentos. Llame a: 888-229-6582 Horario de Ministros: 6 de Agosto: Lectores: Maria Uribe, Erick Ramos Hospitalidad: Los Lara Donas: Los Mendoza Sacristan:Alberto Macias, Beda Cruz, Cecilia Mouriz Monaguillos: Mario Lara, Diego y Andrea Mendoza 13 de Agosto: Lectores: Laura Lutz, Vanessa Davila Hospitalidad: Familia Garcia Donas: Familia Hernandez Sacristan: Alberto Macias, Beda Cruz Monaguillos: Nayeli Torres, Elizabeth y [email protected] Garcia Pidan al Señor por los enfermos, los difuntos de nuestra parroquia, y por nuestras propias intenciones. †Maik Darley Guadalupe Alvarez Juanita Delgadillo †Maria Luisa Polanco de Darley Olga Alvarez †Jose Alvarez Favor de llamar la oficina si gusta agregar alguna intención Esta Semana en Sta. Rita *MSSR- Cafeteria Lunes, Agosto 8 de Sta. Rita 6pm Boy Scouts para Niños Oficina ** Mas Información 7pm Grupo de Oración- Iglesia en las paginas de Ingles Martes, Agosto 8 7-8:30pm Estudio Biblico (Espanol) CTK 7 pm Coro Hispano-Iglesia Colecta Miércoles, Agosto 10 $658 No habra Grupo de Costureros Gracias! 6pm Estudio Biblico- Iglesia- Sta. Rita Saturday, Agosto 13 7pm Misa Hispana- Nuevo Horario- Cada sábado a las 7pm Taller de Ministros el 15 de septiembre, 6PM en el Templo Clases de Ingles- Northwest Fl College- por solo $30 p0r 6 meses. Para mas información llamen al (850) 267-2888 SURF= Compartir Tu Fe Educación Religiosa Empezando los Domingos, 11 de SEPT. 8:45-9:45 Kinder- 4to Grado 4pm Grados 5-8 (Con Padre Miguel) 5pm Misa 6pm Cena 6:30-7:30pm Grados 9-12 (Con Padre Miguel) Grupo de Jovenes de High School y Confirmacion RICA ¿Quieres ser católico o recibir los sacramentos de bautizo, Primera comunión, o Confirmación? InscríbeteenlasclasesdeRICA LasClasesellunes,26deseptiembreenlaO:icinaParroquial EstaestuinvitacióndeconocerlaFedelaComunidadCatólica.Esunprocesodeestudiar elevangelio,ladoctrinaCatólica,losvalorescristianos,yeldesarrolloycrecimientodetu vidadeoraciónyservicioconelapoyodelacomunidadCatólica.Setratadeuna conversiónqueexperimentantodoslosdiscípulosquesiguenelllamamientodeCristo. Llamalao:icianparamasinformaciónal(850)267–2558 FelitaAsteinzayLauraLutzsonlascoordinadoresdeRICA. La próxima semana realizaremos la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina. En Perú, los 14 pueblos de Chazuta, en Moyobamba, están ubicados lejos del centro de la ciudad y los más remotos son accesibles solo por barco. Los fieles en estas comunidades no tienen acceso a una formación catequética y los feligreses con frecuencia se sienten separados de la vida de la Iglesia universal. Mediante una donación de la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina, a la congregación religiosa de los Misioneros de Jesús le fue posible brindar formación en la fe, retiros espirituales y talleres a casi 250 personas. Los participantes estaban mejor capacitados para ayudar a otros en la fe, responder a sus preguntas y sirvió para renovar su sentido de compromiso con sus parroquias y crear vínculos más sólidos en sus propias familias. Por medio de este programa, los feligreses de los pueblos de Chazuta sintieron el amor y el apoyo de la Iglesia universal. Por favor, dé su apoyo a programas como estos y contribuya generosamente en la colecta de la próxima semana. Para más información, por favor, visite Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 Christ the King 7 FR. KEVIN JOHNSON, PASTOR August 7, 2016 • IN CHRIST’S CORNER 15542 Business Highway 331 • Freeport, FL 32439 • 850-267-2558 • FAX 850-267-3711 UPCOMING EVENTS: *Open to Public Aug 15 Feast of the Assumption of Mary *Sept 2 CTK Bunco resumes … 6:30 PM Social Center Tuesdays/Martes, 7-8:30pm Our Hispanic community will meet at CTK hall for wkly Bible Study. (Nuestra Comunidad Hispana se juntara para un Estudio Biblico) Sacrament of Reconciliation by appointment. 2016 is the Year of Mercy. Mass Intentions available by calling the office at 850-267-2558. Collections: Offertory $ 861 Building Fund 218 Burse 143 Thank You! CTK Monthly Pot Luck Dinner TODAY after 12:00 Mass! Church Ministry Church Ministry: Please sign up in the vestibule for those assignments that you will be able to attend to… The entire August schedule is available for sign-ups… see the office window for the lists. Bulletin Announcements: Please call Sally 951-9655 or email [email protected]. To schedule the CTK Social Center, call [email protected] Bob Santos 835-0037. We also pray for these CTK Family Members; their Relatives & Friends: Ann Aultman Michael Banks Jack Banks John Belonsoff Julie Bogenreif Henry Burke Adian Burnham Ken Burr David Caggiano Dan Carlton Allison Cisine Tom Corsten Brennan Comiske Noah Crescimanno Dave Doring Dan Dowd Jr. Dan Dowd Sr. George Dunnigan Dottie Drury Christine Filla Michael Fries Sheron Heraway Charles Heraway Jackie Hinsch Skippy Hoffman Garland Hughes Judy & Smoky Iverstine Chuck and Debbie Jenkins Cecil Jones Chuck Kersten Ginny Kersten Mary Helen Kirby Claire Kuprowicz Fritz Lammers Franz Leonardo Baby Liam Jim Mahan Mary Maple Judy McClanahan John Michlich Kyle Miller Bobby Mings Pip Minner Ray Murphy Will Murphy Don Norse, Shawn O'Connell Sally Orlosky Judy Pritchett Judy Rose Chris Russo Joshua Seilhan Ken Sloan Patrick Smith Nancy Stock Dennis Skelley Joyce Schilly Jim Sandoski Joyce Terrell Giovanni Turner Bertha Turner Rhonda Trainer Jamie Todd Chris Weeks Melissa Ward & Family Please also remember to pray for the loving and selfless caregivers of these people. MEMORY BENCHES Several months ago, we learned of a company that would make a Memorial Bench in Memory of Young Arianne Tejada if we could collect 400 pounds of plastic lids of any kind. CTK Members and St. Rita Members heard the call and contributed to help meet that goal and more. Enough plastic lids were collected to make 4 benches in her Memory…These benches will be going to the schools that Arianne attended during her short life here on Earth. See Picture: of the Davidson Township School Program where the first of four benches was presented to the School! Thank You Everyone… You are the Greatest!
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