Community of St. Barbara of Brookfield Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Directory Rectory: 4008 Prairie Ave. Brookfield, IL 60513 485-2900 After hours emergency line: 730-4485 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Parish Center: 4015 Prairie Ave. Rev. Edgar Rodriguez, Parish Administrator 485-2900 [email protected] Rev. Michael Ahlstrom, Resident 485-2900 [email protected] Rev. Larry Janowski, O.F.M., Weekend Celebrant Deacon John Debnar 579-3674 Angela Lawler, Business Manager 485-2900 [email protected] Sister Mary Lou Pleitner, C.S.J., Bulletin Editor 485-2900 Administrative Assistant; [email protected] Sister Leyla Cerda, C.S.J., Receptionist 485-2900 [email protected] Maria Ramos, Religious Education Directress 927-4017 Religious Education Office: 8900 Windemere Ave. [email protected] Peter Bromann, Music Director 485-2900 [email protected] John Bradshaw, Weekend Music Ministry [email protected] Aida Gatch, St. Barbara Food Pantry / Lending Closet 9300 W. 47th St. 295-7336 [email protected] ——————————————————— Weekday Masses: 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday Rosary after 8:00 a.m. Mass -Mon. through Sat. Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., and Friday at 6:00 p.m. in Spanish Saturday Masses: 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:30 and 10:00 a.m., Spanish Mass: 12:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. Baptisms: To schedule and for information please call the Parish Office at 485-2900 Spanish Baptisms: To schedule and for information please call the Parish Office at 485-2900 Marriage Preparation: Call the Parish Office for information Eucharistic Adoration: 2:00– 9:00 p.m. every Monday New Parishioners: Register at the Parish Office Parish Office Hours: Monday — Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Closed on Saturday and Sunday November 6, 2016 St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Page Two Dress a Girl Update Fall Cra Show & Bake Sale October 22nd was an incredible me to experience the spirit and enthusiasm of the people of St. Barbara and our community as we came together to par cipate in Dress a Girl Around the World. Together we made 37 dresses that will be sent to girls who may be receiving their first and only new dress. The Missionary Spirit Team wants to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped - we had expert sewers, novice sewers and non-sewers; we had women and men, boys and girls. Check out St. Barbara's Facebook page for pictures of some of the completed dresses. Saturday, November 19th, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Parish Center Fi y cra ers will display their handcra ed items for your Christmas shopping. Delicious home-baked goods ideal for your Thanksgiving table will be available. Lunch will be served. Admission is FREE and children are welcome. Proceeds help CCW Memorial Mass A Memorial Mass will be celebrated for the deceased members of St. Barbara Council of Catholic Women on Sunday, November 13th, at 10:00 a.m. All CCW members are encouraged to a end to honor those no longer with us. Calling All Bakers The Council of Catholic Women is looking for cakes, pies, cookies, breads, candies, or your "Signature Item" for the annual Fall Cra Show & Bake Sale to be held Saturday, November 19th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Bakery can be brought to the Parish Center on Friday, November 18th, between 3:007:00 p.m. or on Saturday, November 19th, a er 8:00 a.m. Call Sylvia at 485-1126 with any ques ons. support St. Barbara Food Pantry and other church-sponsored programs. A Li le Magic for All Parish Women All parish women are welcome to a end the St. Barbara Council of Catholic Women Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 6, in the Parish Center. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. with refreshments. Dinner catered by Rose will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m. Member and guest ckets are $15 each. Following dinner, the magician, Trent James, will dazzle us with unbelievably "magical" entertainment. Payment with your name/phone number can be mailed to Joan Hruska, 4436 Maple Ave.; Brookfield, IL 60513 (485-3879) or placed in the Sunday collec on basket marked "CCW Christmas Party." Tickets will not be available at the door. Deadline to RSVP with payment is November 27. We look forward to seeing you there! Corn Beef Dinner The St. Barbara Men’s Club is having its annual Corn Beef Dinner, Friday, December 2nd in the Parish Center. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Dinner is served at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $35 per person. Our Guest Speaker is John Kass, reporter from the Chicago Tribune. For ckets call, Tom Morrill 708-387-7238, Deacon John Debnar 708-5793674 or Andy Mikulski 708-2696086. Jubilee Year of Mercy – Holy Hour St. Louise de Marillac Parish Celebra ng God’s Mercy Saturday, Nov. 12th at 2:00 p.m. Short Reflec on – Fr. Michael Ahlstrom Developing a Rela onship with God through Reconcilia on Closes with Benedic on Confession to follow 5:00 p.m. Mass Phoenix Group St. Barbara Phoenix Group--a support group for the divorced, separated, and widowed--will meet on Thursday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Come and join us and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served. For further informa on please call Ruthann at 708-220-6361. Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 6, 2016 From the Desk of Fr. Edgar Page Three Desde el escritorio del P. Edgar Our readings this Sunday reflect the fact that we are approaching the end of the Liturgical year, and deal with the “Last Things”, or our understanding of the next life. Las lecturas de este domingo reflejan el hecho de que nos acercamos rápidamente al final del Año Litúrgico y nos hablan de los "Úl mos Días", o de lo que entendemos acerca de la vida que viene. The Sadducees in today’s gospel, were being very cynical in their ques oning of Jesus because they do not believe in the resurrec on of the body. They want to know if a woman marries a man and he dies before they have children and then marries his brother, as the tradi on of Moses suggests, and he also dies, then to whom is the woman a wife in the next life? Los saduceos, en el evangelio, estaban comportándose cínicamente al cues onar a Jesús acerca de la vida después de la muerte porque ellos no creían en la resurrección del cuerpo. Ellos, de manera malintencionada, querían que Jesús les explicara qué sucedería si una mujer se casaba con un hombre y este moría antes de tener hijos y luego ella se casaba con su hermano, como sugería la tradición de Moisés, y también este moría sin tener hijos. ¿De quién sería esposa en la próxima vida? They were probably thinking that they had trapped Jesus, and anyone else who believed in resurrec on a er death. But Jesus has an answer for them: Heaven is different from our earthly existence and rela onships are therefore different in Heaven. There is no need to take wives or husbands in eternal life! In this month of November the church reflects on our mortality and calls to mind our loved ones who have gone before us to the Lord. The church doesn’t do this with the inten on of making us sad but because it is a very human thing to remember our dead and to reflect on their New Life in Christ that He has promised to all who believe in Him and follow Him. On Wednesday we had our annual Mass for those who died in the last twelve months and it was a beau ful celebra on in their memory and a me of prayerful support for the families who grieve their loss. We will con nue to remember the Holy Souls for the rest of the month and ask for their intercession for our needs. If you s ll haven’t put pictures of your diseased loved ones on the Remembrance Table, feel free to do so. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Con esto, los saduceos pensaban que habían atrapado a Jesús y a todos quienes creían en la resurrección después de la muerte, pero Jesús ¡les tenía una respuesta! Él les explica que la existencia en el Cielo es diferente de nuestra existencia terrenal y las relaciones son, por lo tanto, diferentes. No hay necesidad de tomar esposas o esposos en la vida eterna. En este mes de noviembre la Iglesia reflexiona sobre nuestra mortalidad y recuerda a nuestros seres queridos que han pasado a la presencia del Señor. La iglesia no hace esto con la intención de entristecernos sino porque es muy humano recordar a nuestros difuntos y reflexionar sobre la Vida Nueva que Cristo ha prome do a todos los creyentes. El miércoles tuvimos nuestra misa anual en conmemoración de nuestros seres queridos que murieron dentro de los pasados doce meses y fue una hermosa celebración en la que oramos y dimos apoyo a las familias que sufrieron la pérdida de algún familiar o amigo(a). Seguiremos recordando las Santas Almas durante el resto del mes y pediremos su intercesión por nuestras necesidades. Que las almas de todos los fieles difuntos, por al misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz. St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Page Four Mass Schedule Pray for Our Sick and Deceased SUNDAY, November 6 5:00(Sat)-+Evelyn Donovan (Kowalczyk Family) +Louise Zartmann (Annabelle Bilek) 7:30– +Adam Keeffe (Kathy and Family) 10:00-+James J. Radocha (Family and Friends) +Elizabeth Mamolella (Family) 12:30 -+Natalio Llanas (Familia) MONDAY, November 7 8:00-+ TUESDAY, November 8 8:00-+ WEDNESDAY, November 9 8:00-+ THURSDAY, November 10 St. Leo the Great 8:00-+ FRIDAY, November 11 St. Mar n of Tours 8:00-+ SATURDAY, November 12 8:00-+ 5:00-+Dolores Kay Richardson (Lawler Family) +Thomas Devine (Family) +Alice Lachman SUNDAY, November 13 7:30-Parishioners of St. Barbara 10:00-+Elizabeth Mamolella (Family) +Deceased Members of CCW 12:30 -Spanish Mass Recemos por los enfermos y los que han fallecido May the healing hand of the Lord be with the sick: Ray Ball, Edward Carey, Joan DeCola, Diane Fagan, Dan Garinger, Connor Golden, Richard Feirick, Holly Funk, Karen Hekr, Jozefa Jaskiewicz, Lena Krason, Kevin Lynch, Ray Mar n, Robert Mendel, Be e Mersereau, Donna Moore, Michaeleen Nutley, Tom O’Dowd, Pat Petrik, Robert Petrik, Rita Sanchez, Edvige Sancricca, Susan Smetana Butler, Dan Spacek, Chris Straka, Paul Straka, Robin Stuker, Naomi Sweet, Jerry Thorburn, Steven Wanda, Marilyn Ward, Chris Zayner For our deceased, whom we remember and love: William Murphy St. John of the Cross Youth Ministry will be hos ng a Food Drive for our Food Pantry. We are truly grateful that they are bringing these communi es together for a wonderful mission of service. Their "Harvest Saturday" efforts will bring everyone together to give to those who need food. You are cri cal to this effort! Please know that many hands are needed to get the food to those who need it. We want you to experience this fabulous day—it is amazing, energizing, overwhelming and magnificent to see. Please consider dona ng your me to help out. Please contact Aida Gatch 708-295-7336 with any ques ons or more details. Liturgical Appointments for November 12—13 Lectors Eucharis c Ministers 5:00 pm Fr. Mike Jose Flores Lisa Mackenzie 7:30 Fr. Edgar Ken Habenstreit Bread: Michelle, Rose and Nicole Zapletal Bryant Salmeron Dorothy Ball Cup: Deacon John Debnar, Marie Beilke, Carol Mrazek, Mike Czemske Jaiden Salmeron 10:00 Fr. Larry Bread: Tony Carey, Mary Barne e, Tom Carlson Cup: Angela Lawler, Ann Linsner, Anne e Clemens, Ted Zayner, Elaine Bartucci, Constance Tosheff Altar Servers Ray Perek Bread: Basia Savoy, Rich Kucera, Therese Kourim Marcia Schroeder Cup: Frank Schmidt, Dolores Maciejewski, Elvira Vodicka, Alicia Mancini, Gary Scelonge, Tracy Schroeder 12:30 pm Fr. Edgar Ministros de Comunion: Antonio, Rosa Ceja y Rosaura Arellano Altar Servers: Carlos Gonzalez, Mar n Medina Joseph Hiltscher John Se no Colin Daniels Maya Daniels Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 6, 2016 St. Barbara Parish October 30, 2016 Total Weekly Offering …………………$ 5,414.19 First Fruits …………………………………..$ 88.00 St. Mar n Sharing ……………………….$ 35.00 Masses ………………………………………..$ 155.00 Seminaries ……...………………………….$ 165.00 Page Five Readings for the Week Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Mal 3:19-20a; Ps 98:5-9; 2 Thes 3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19 Símbolos de los elementos del altar de muertos Symbols of the elements of the altar of the dead 1. Velas: Se u lizan las velas como símbolo del elemento fuego. Es común incluir una para cada difunto y una más para el alma "olvidada.” Candles: the candles as a symbol of the fire. It is common to include one for each deceased person and one for the go en soul. 2. Retratos de los difuntos: La ofrenda se coloca en an cipación a la visita de las almas de nuestros seres queridos ya difuntos. Portraits of the deceased: The altar is prepared prior to the visit of the souls of our deceased loved ones. 3. Flor de cempazúchitl: Su color representa la luz como los rayos del sol y al regarla en forma de camino y por su aroma, sirve de guía a las almas para indicarles el rumbo por el cual llegar al que fuera su hogar. Arco de caña y flores: en algunos lugares de México se acostumbra a realizar este arco, el cual simboliza el paso a una vida de purificación Marigold flower: Its color represents the light as the rays of the sun and to put it in the floor in the form of road together with its aroma serves as a guide of souls, for poin ng out the direc on in which to reach their home. Art of cane and flowers: in some places in Mexico are used to make this art, which symbolizes the step to life of purifica on. 4. Sal Se coloca en un recipiente sobre el altar como símbolo de purificación. Place salt in a bowl on the altar as a symbol of purifica on. 5. Copal o Incienso: Tradicionalmente no se u lizaba el incienso sino el copal, una resina que, al quemarlo, arroja un humo muy aromá co. El agradable olor atrae a las almas de los difuntos hacia la ofrenda y también, por su asociación con la religión, es un fuerte símbolo de oración y purificación. Copal or incense: Tradi onally incense was not used but the copal, a resin that, when burned, gives a very aroma c smoke. The pleasant scent a racts the souls of the departed to the offering and for, its associa on with religion, is a powerful symbol of prayer and purifica on. (To be Con nued…) St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Opera on Sweaters for Veterans On Friday, November 11th, Americans throughout the world commemorate Veterans Day, a day set aside to thank the na on’s veterans for service given and sacrifices made to protect the freedoms of our great na on. KURATKO-NOSEK FUNERAL HOME is proud to sponsor a unique way to honor these heroes with the 9th annual “Opera on Sweaters for Veterans”. Beginning November 1st and running through Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11th, KURATKO-NOSEK FUNERAL HOME will collect new or gently used sweaters & gloves to be donated and delivered to deserving veterans that are in VA hospitals, Veterans Homes and Veteran’s Service Organiza ons na onwide. Everyone in the community is invited to par cipate by dropping sweaters and gloves off at Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home. Drop- Off Informa on Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home 2447 S. DesPlaines Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 447-2500 sweatersforveterans Hours for drop-off: Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Page Six Jubilee Year of Mercy Jubilee for Prisoners One of the most moving images of Pope Francis’ ministry comes from Holy Thursday. Slowly, deliberately, Francis kneels down before prisoners— men, women, young, old, Chris an, Muslim—and washes their feet, recalling Jesus admoni on to Peter: “If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14). On today’s Jubilee for Prisoners, whose rights the Church bids us advocate, Jesus declares in the Gospel, “to [God] all are alive” (Luke 20:38). Have we “imprisoned” anyone figura vely, but no less painfully, passing harsh judgment, then refusing our respect, acceptance, even affec on? This month of All Saints and All Souls bids us reflect on our eternal des ny and prepare for it. Respect for ourselves and others, souls and bodies, prac cal care for neighbors and strangers: such witness affirms that we view our present in light of our future, and believe that, even now, in our midst, stands the Lord of life, the living Jesus. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Week of November 6—13 at St. Barbara’s Sunday, November 6 —11:15am Religious Ed (School) Monday, November 7 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —2:00pm 9:00pm Eucharis c Adora on (Church) Tuesday, November 8 (Elec ons) —8:30am Rosary (Church) —9:00am and 3:00pm School on Wheels (Prairie A , B, and C) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —4:30pm Brownie Troop 50695 (Prairie C) —6:30pm Rosary (Church) —7:30pm Knights of Columbus (Music Room) Wednesday, November 9 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AL-ANON (Prairie A) —6:00pm Religious Ed (School) Thursday, November 10 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —7:00pm Phoenix Group (Prairie C) —7:30pm Choir Prac ce (Church) —8:00pm AA Mee ng (Prairie B) Friday, November 11 Veterans Day —8:30am Rosary (Church) —8:30am Friday Morning Regulars (Prairie C) —6:00pm Spanish Rosary (Church) —6:30pm BEDS Plus (Windemere) Saturday, November 12 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —7:00pm Guadalupe Rosary (Church) Sunday, November 13 —11:15am Religious Ed (School) Early Bulle n Ar cle Dates: Because Veteran’s Day falls on a Friday this year, ar cles for the November 13th bulle n must be sent to the parish office by noon on Monday, November 7th. Ar cles for the November 27th bulle n (Thanksgiving weekend) are due in the parish office by Tuesday, November 15th. Thank you. Hitzeman Funeral Home Ltd. Family Owned and Operated For Over 112 Years — Generations of Dignified Service Pre-Need Insurance and Pre-Need Insurance Payment Plans Available 9445 W. 31st St., Brookfield, IL 60513 (708) 485-2000 I Don’t Just Sell Your Home, I Sell the Community You Deserve a Better Burger! •BUY •SELL Pick Up & Delivery! within 2 miles, $20 min. ~ Daily Specials ~ Sunday Special d’aprile properties Kids Eat FREE Under 10 years old • Chicken Fingers OR • Grilled Cheese Sandwich Lakeview Bus Lines Inc. 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Brian or Sally, coordinators Tune Ups • Brakes Front End Specialist 18 East Avenue 447-7221 860.399.1785 CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA CST 2117990-70 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Call Wanda Bianco An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800.566.6170 800-566-6150 • The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch 1-800-621-5197 512156 St Barbara Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 JOHNSON FUNERAL HOME, LTD. PHONE: 485-0214 BROOKFIELD, ILLINOIS 3845-47 PRAIRIE AVENUE JOHN J. JOHNSON, Funeral Director Since 1949, Brookfield’s Longest Established Funeral Home LIZ KMET GEORGE’S BETTY’S FLOWERS & GIFTS INC. 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Experience Frank R. Orland, D.D.S. Satisfaction Guaranteed As Carla P. Orland, D.D.S. We Do All Our Own Work Shannon S. Shannon, D.D.S. • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties Lic# 055-026066 21 N. Delaplaine Rd. 49 S. La Grange Road La Grange $$ Parishioner Discount $$ Riverside, IL 708.352.4900 708-652-1444 (708) 447-2100 512156 St Barbara Church (A) Catholic Parishes CHOICE HOME SOLUTIONS ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate (Not Good on Delivery Orders) Meals • Light Housekeeping • Personal Care Laundry • Companionship • Errands Lic# 102246 GENERAL CONTRACTOR • Roofing • Additions • Windows • Decks Jerry Linn 20 Yrs Exp — Parishioner — (708) 485-3843 Insured Open 7 Days $100 Off Any Order Over $1000 COMPASSIONATE HOME CARE Ask for a [email protected] FINEST CANTONESE & MANDARIN CUISINE At Reasonable Prices Carpentry, Painting, Flooring & Remodeling • Misc. Jobs Interior-Exterior Parishioner Discounts Paul Ruzicka 708-602-9366 References - Free Estimates For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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