Community of St. Barbara of Brookfield Na vity of the Lord Parish Directory Rectory: 4008 Prairie Ave. Brookfield, IL 60513 485-2900 After hours emergency line: 730-4485 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Parish Center: 4015 Prairie Ave. Rev. Edgar Rodriguez, Parish Administrator 485-2900 [email protected] Rev. Michael Ahlstrom, Resident 485-2900 [email protected] Rev. Larry Janowski, O.F.M., Weekend Celebrant Deacon John Debnar 579-3674 Angela Lawler, Business Manager 485-2900 [email protected] Sister Mary Lou Pleitner, C.S.J., Bulletin Editor 485-2900 Administrative Assistant; [email protected] Sister Leyla Cerda, C.S.J., Receptionist 485-2900 [email protected] Maria Ramos, Religious Education Directress 927-4017 Religious Education Office: 8900 Windemere Ave. [email protected] Peter Bromann, Music Director 485-2900 [email protected] John Bradshaw, Weekend Music Ministry [email protected] Aida Gatch, St. Barbara Food Pantry / Lending Closet 9300 W. 47th St. 295-7336 [email protected] ——————————————————— Weekday Masses: 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday Rosary after 8:00 a.m. Mass -Mon. through Sat. Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., and Friday at 6:00 p.m. in Spanish Saturday Masses: 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:30 and 10:00 a.m., Spanish Mass: 12:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. Baptisms: To schedule and for information please call the Parish Office at 485-2900 Spanish Baptisms: To schedule and for information please call the Parish Office at 485-2900 Marriage Preparation: Call the Parish Office for information Eucharistic Adoration: 2:00– 9:00 p.m. every Monday New Parishioners: Register at the Parish Office Parish Office Hours: Monday — Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Closed on Saturday and Sunday December 25, 2016 St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Page Two Celebrate the New Year with St. Barbara Parish Celebre del Año Nuevo con la Parroquia de Santa Bárbara New Year’s Eve Víspera del Año Nuevo Saturday, December 31st 5:00pm Mass Prayer Service for Peace at 11:30pm Solemnity of Mary Sunday, January 1st Masses at 7:30am, 10:00am, 12:30pm (Spanish) Joyous Advent and Christmas from the Staff at St. Barbara’s Sábado, 31 de diciembre Misa a las 5:00pm Servicio de Oración por la Paz a las 11:30pm Solemnidad de María Domingo, 1 de enero Misa a las 7:30am, 10:00am, 12:30pm (Español) Feliz Navidad del Equipo Pastoral de Sta. Barbara Na vity of the Lord December 25, 2016 From the Desk of Fr. Edgar Merry Christmas to all! Today we celebrate a very special day: we celebrate the day in which: …the meless One appeared in me; …the One who is everywhere—not bound by space—took a body that is limited by space; …the One who cannot be touched by suffering, took a body and a soul capable of suffering; …the immortal One became our Friend as he faced—in his own flesh—our death. In other words, we celebrate the fact that God took to himself our humanity. And, He took this humanity of ours to Himself, not just for a life me, but forever. Yes… today we know what God looks like because of Jesus—we know the Father because of His Son’s birth in human flesh. As we hear in today’s gospel, “The only Son, God, who is at the Father’s side, has revealed him.” John 1:18 Why do you think He did all that? Why did He bother? Why did He find it necessary to leave his perfect existence to share in an imperfect one? He did all this, and would do it again, because of His great love for each one of us. And, when I say “each one of us”, I mean each one of us! Know that if you had been the only human being in the planet two thousand years ago, the Lord would have come to save you. Isn’t that amazing? We are so insignificant, yet we are no ced by someone who is everything. But, we are not just no ced, we are known by Him at the most in mate level—we are! And, because of His love for us, He wants us to exist with Him for all eternity—He wants to share with us His perfect existence. The Messiah has come to make that happen! Page Three Desde el escritorio del P. Edgar ¡Feliz Navidad a todos! Hoy celebramos un día muy especial: celebramos el día en que ...el que vive fuera del empo, apareció en el empo; ... el que está en todas partes, no limitado por el espacio, tomó un cuerpo limitado por el espacio; ... el que no puede ser tocado por el sufrimiento tomó un cuerpo y un alma capaces de sufrir; ... el inmortal se convir ó en nuestro Amigo al enfrentar—en su propia carne—nuestra muerte. En otras palabras, Dios tomó nuestra humanidad. Y, Él tomó esta humanidad nuestra y la hizo suya, no sólo por toda una vida, sino para siempre. En efecto... hoy sabemos cómo es Dios por Jesús—conocemos al Padre por el nacimiento de Su Hijo en la carne. Como oímos en el evangelio de hoy, "El Hijo unigénito, que está en el seno del Padre, es quien lo ha revelado." Juan 1:18 ¿Por qué creen que Él hizo todo eso? ¿Por qué se tomó la moles a de venir? ¿Por qué consideró necesario dejar su existencia perfecta para compar r con nosotros una imperfecta? Él hizo todo esto, y lo haría de nuevo, debido a su gran amor por cada uno de nosotros. Y, cuando digo "cada uno de nosotros", es cada uno de nosotros! Tengamos presente que, si tu hubieses sido el único ser humano en el planeta hace dos mil años atrás, Él hubiese venido a salvarte. ¿No es eso maravilloso? Somos tan insignificantes, sin embargo, somos notados por quien lo es todo. Pero, no sólo somos notados; Dios nos conoce al nivel más ín mo. Y, porque nos ama, quiere que existamos con Él por toda la eternidad; Él quiere compar r Su existencia perfecta con nosotros; el Mesías ha venido para hacer de eso una posibilidad. That is why we should celebrate Christmas with the greatest enthusiasm we could muster. It is the day God showed us that He truly cares—that He truly loves us. Por eso debemos celebrar la Navidad con el mayor entusiasmo posible. ¡Es el día en que Dios nos mostró que verdaderamente le importamos— que Él verdaderamente nos ama! May the next fi een days of the Christmas season bring you much joy and peace as we contemplate how blessed, each one of us, truly is. Que los próximos quince días de la temporada navideña, les brinden mucha alegría y paz mientras contemplamos lo bendecidos que somos cada uno de nosotros. St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Page Four Mass Schedule SUNDAY, December 25 Pray for Our Sick and Deceased Christmas 4:00pm (Sat) +Sr. Thomas Agnes King (Hroncich Family) 10:00pm –Parishioners of St. Barbara 7:30-+Veronica de Estacio (Family) 10:00-+Elizabeth Mamolella (Family) +Adam and Genevieve Madro (Family) 12:30 -Spanish Mass MONDAY, December 26 St. Stephen 8:00-+Adam Pytel (Pavel Family) TUESDAY, December 27 St. John, the Evangelist 8:00-+ WEDNESDAY, December 28 Holy Innocents 8:00-+Josephine Stundl (Milo and Agnes Veit) +Deacon Robert Motycka (Family) +Helen Nickla (Family) THURSDAY, December 29 St. Thomas Becket 8:00-+ FRIDAY, December 30 Holy Family 8:00-+ SATURDAY, December 31 8:00-+ 5:00-+Thomas Devine (Family) 11:30pm - Prayer Service for Peace SUNDAY, January 1 Solemnity of Mary 7:30– Parishioners of St. Barbara 10:00-+Elizabeth Mamolella (Family) 12:30 -+Carmen Ramirez (Familia Duran) Recemos por los enfermos y los que han fallecido May the healing hand of the Lord be with the sick: Aydan and Emma Alonso, Diane Fagan, Dan Garinger, Connor Golden, Richard Feirick, Holly Funk, Karen Hekr, Jozefa Jaskiewicz, Robert Jessup, Lena Krason, Ray Mar n, Robert Mendel, Be e Mersereau, Donna Moore, Michaeleen Nutley, Tom O’Dowd, Pat Petrik, Robert Petrik, Rita Sanchez, Edvige Sancricca, Anthony Skokna, Susan Smetana Butler, Janice Sorensen, Dan Spacek, Chris Straka, Paul Straka, Robin Stuker, Naomi Sweet, Jerry Thorburn, Steven Wanda, Marilyn Ward, Chris Zayner For our deceased, whom we remember and love: William “Bill” Reichmann Eucharis c Adora on is cancelled for Monday, December 26th, and January 2nd, 2017, due to the Christmas holidays. Liturgical Appointments for December 31—January 1 Lectors Eucharis c Ministers 5:00 pm Fr. Larry Debbie Kusik Tom Kourim Bread: Elaine Bartucci, Stephanie Pozzie, Deacon John Debnar Cup: Tony Carey, Mary Barne e, Angela Lawler, Therese Kourim, Ted Zayner, Rich Slehofer 7:30 Fr. Mike Carol Fran lla Fred Gomez Bread: Sylvia Gauthier, Barb Kratochvil, Carol Benda Cup: Jose Flores, Gladys Wheeler, Jerry Gauthier, Barb Johnson Dorothy Ball Bread: Gary Scelonge, Frank Schmidt, Alicia Mancini 10:00 Fr. Edgar Estelle Disselhorst Cup: Marcia Schroeder, Tracy Schroeder, Sandra Gecan, Rich Kucera, Elvira Vodicka, Dolores Maciejewski 12:30 pm Fr. Edgar Altar Servers Catherine Chicoine Joseph Hiltscher Oliver Schlesser Zachary Se no Bryant Salmeron Jaiden Salmeron Ministros de Comunion: Francisco, Rosaura Arellano y Ruben Guerrero Altar Servers: Mar n Medina, Herbert Barraza, Aaron de la Cruz Na vity of the Lord December 25, 2016 St. Barbara Parish December 18, 2016 Total Weekly Offering ……………...…$ 5,458.02 First Fruits …………………………………..$ 143.00 St. Mar n Sharing ……………………….$ 51.15 Masses ………………………………………..$ 90.00 Christmas Flowers ……………………….$ 1,524.22 Christmas..………..…………………………$ 327.00 Readings for the Week Monday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Tuesday: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Wednesday: 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 Thursday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:36-40 Friday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Col 3:12-21 [12-17]; Ps 128:1-5; Mt 2:13-15, 19-23 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Sunday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Christmas 2016 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Peace be with you and with all people of good will in this holy season. A er observing the Jubilee Year of Mercy and as we begin a journey of renewal in the Archdiocese of Chicago, we have come to know fresh hope in our hearts. We do not find the source of our hope in our own strength. With the Blessed Virgin Mary we recognize that our hope comes from God. As her son took flesh within her womb, she proclaimed, “God has remembered his promise of mercy.” The birth of her son Jesus is also the birth of our true and las ng hope. In this moment, we find ourselves challenged in so many ways. Together, we face the plague of war, violence, and a lack of respect for life and for the dignity of all people. On a personal level, we all struggle in different ways, whether with family issues or work or illness or in trying to do the right thing. S ll, we hope, because “God has visited his people.” Pray with me that our celebra on of the birth of Jesus may truly renew our hope in God, the only hope that can sustain us on the journey. Sincerely yours in Christ, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago Page Five Navidad de 2016 Queridos hermanos y hermanas: La paz sea con ustedes y con todas las personas de buena voluntad en esta santa temporada. Luego de haber conmemorado el Jubileo de la Misericordia y gracias también a que estamos en el comienzo de un camino de renovación dentro de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago, nos encontramos con una nueva esperanza en nuestros corazones. Pero no es en nuestras propias fuerzas que encontramos la fuente de nuestra esperanza. Con la Virgen María reconocemos que nuestra esperanza proviene de Dios. Cuando su hijo se hizo carne en su vientre, ella proclamó, “Dios se acordó de su misericordia, como lo había prome do”. El nacimiento de su hijo Jesús es también el nacimiento de nuestra esperanza verdadera y perdurable. En este empo, nos encontramos amenazados de dis ntas maneras. Juntos enfrentamos la plaga de la guerra, la violencia, y una ausencia de respeto por la vida y por la dignidad de todas las personas. En un plano personal, luchamos de diversas maneras, ya sea con cues ones de la familia, del trabajo o la enfermedad o cuando intentamos hacer lo correcto. Aun así, esperamos, porque “Dios ha visitado a su pueblo”. Oren conmigo para que nuestra celebración del nacimiento de Jesús pueda renovar verdaderamente nuestra esperanza en Dios, La única esperanza que nos puede mantener en nuestra travesía. Sinceramente suyo en Cristo: Cardenal Blase J. Cupich Arzobispo de Chicago St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield You Are Invited If Pope Francis invited you to personally visit with him, would you accept or decline? Of course, you’d feel honored and accept. A chance like that may never happen again. Would you be excited or wonder what to wear or what to say? What if his boss invited you to come visit him? Yes, Pope Francis reports directly to Jesus and Jesus invites you to visit with Him every Monday. Jesus even lets you select the me. He is present in the Blessed Sacrament during Eucharis c Adora on every Monday from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m. just wai ng and hoping to see you walk through the door. Will you accept His standing invita on? For at least a few minutes? On your way home from work? A er dinner? What you’re wearing is fine and you don’t have to worry about what to say. Jesus just wants to see your face. If you’re red from the day, just come and sit quietly for a li le while or tell Him about your day. You’ll be surprised how peaceful you will feel in His presence and leave renewed. Try it…won’t you? During Advent, your visit can be your gi ! Jesus hopes to see you next Monday! The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited every Monday at 3:003:10 pm. Page Six Imagine Your Future Class OF 2021 High School Entrance Exam Saturday, January 14, 2017, 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. The Entrance Exam is for 8th grade students seeking admission to Nazareth Academy. The exam begins at 8 a.m. and concludes at approximately 11:30 a.m. Students should enter through the west doors. Students should bring two No. 2 pencils and the $25 Exam Fee (exact cash or check made out to Nazareth Academy). —No calculators are allowed. —No pre-registra on is required —There is no dress code for tes ng students. —Students are welcome to bring a water bo le. While parents are not required to accompany their students, they are welcome to a end a Q & A Session with members of the Administra on, from 8:15-9:15 a.m. Refreshments will be served. Parents are allowed to wait in our Dining Hall for students to complete tes ng. Please note that preference for admission, scholarships and financial aid will be granted to students who test at Nazareth on January 14th. Students who are unable to test on January 14th, 2017 due to illness or family emergency are encouraged to contact Sr. Terry Middendorf at 708.387.8513. Students are only allowed to take an entrance exam at one Catholic high school. For further informa on please contact Week of Dec. 25—January 1 at St. Barbara’s Sunday, December 25 Christmas —Masses at 7:30, 10:00 am, 12:30pm Spanish Monday, December 26 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) Tuesday, December 27 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —9:00am and 3:00pm School on Wheels (Prairie A , B, and C) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —6:30pm Rosary (Church) —7:00pm Knights of Columbus Officers Mee ng (Music Room) Wednesday, December 28 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AL-ANON (Prairie A) Thursday, December 29 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —7:30pm Choir Prac ce (Church) —8:00pm AA Mee ng (Prairie B) Friday, December 30 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —8:30am Friday Morning Regulars (Prairie C) —6:00pm Spanish Rosary (Church) —6:30pm BEDS Plus (Windemere) Saturday, December 31 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —4:00pm Knights of Columbus Rosary (Church) —11:30pm Prayer Service for Peace Sunday, January 1 —Masses at 5:00pm on Sat., 7:30am,, 10:00am 12:30pm Spanish Kristen Stojetz at 708.387.8505. Entrance tests will be administered at any Catholic High School in the Archdiocese of Chicago of your choice. For info contact school of your choice. Hitzeman Funeral Home Ltd. Family Owned and Operated For Over 112 Years — Generations of Dignified Service Pre-Need Insurance and Pre-Need Insurance Payment Plans Available 9445 W. 31st St., Brookfield, IL 60513 (708) 485-2000 I Don’t Just Sell Your Home, I Sell the Community •BUY •SELL d’aprile properties Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. An ideal companion for personal prayer. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Support Your Church & Bulletin. Broker email: [email protected] Riverside Garage [email protected] Call Wanda Bianco Tune Ups • Brakes Front End Specialist 800.566.6170 18 East Avenue 800-566-6150 • (708) 548-5989 Free professional ad design & my help! For further information, please call the Parish Office. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. 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We Do All Our Own Work TIM KIRSTEIN 708.323.7560 14 years experience (Not Good on Delivery Orders) MICHAEL & MARY DOEPKE, RN State Licensed l Calfor FREE Quote Open 7 Days $100 Off Any Order Over $1000 Meals • Light Housekeeping • Personal Care Laundry • Companionship • Errands 708.420.0806 EMERGENCY SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR • Roofing • Additions • Windows • Decks Jerry Linn 20 Yrs Exp — Parishioner — (708) 485-3843 Insured • Bathroom Installations • Sump Pumps • Toilets, Tubs, Sinks, Faucets • Sewers Inspected by camera • Foundation Leaks Repaired • Battery Backup Systems COMPASSIONATE HOME CARE Lic# 102246 [email protected] JUNK REMOVAL We Pick Up & Haul Away for you. Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 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