Community of St. Barbara of Brookfield Thir eth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 Parish Directory Rectory: 4008 Prairie Ave. Brookfield, IL 60513 485-2900 After hours emergency line: 730-4485 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Parish Center: 4015 Prairie Ave. Rev. Edgar Rodriguez, Parish Administrator 485-2900 [email protected] Rev. Michael Ahlstrom, Resident 485-2900 [email protected] Rev. Larry Janowski, O.F.M., Weekend Celebrant Deacon John Debnar 579-3674 Angela Lawler, Business Manager 485-2900 [email protected] Sister Mary Lou Pleitner, C.S.J., Bulletin Editor 485-2900 Administrative Assistant; [email protected] Sister Leyla Cerda, C.S.J., Receptionist 485-2900 [email protected] Maria Ramos, Religious Education Directress 927-4017 Religious Education Office: 8900 Windemere Ave. [email protected] Peter Bromann, Music Director 485-2900 [email protected] John Bradshaw, Weekend Music Ministry [email protected] Aida Gatch, St. Barbara Food Pantry / Lending Closet 9300 W. 47th St. 295-7336 [email protected] ——————————————————— Weekday Masses: 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday Rosary after 8:00 a.m. Mass -Mon. through Sat. Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., and Friday at 6:00 p.m. in Spanish Saturday Masses: 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:30 and 10:00 a.m., Spanish Mass: 12:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. Baptisms: To schedule and for information please call the Parish Office at 485-2900 Spanish Baptisms: To schedule and for information please call the Parish Office at 485-2900 Marriage Preparation: Call the Parish Office for information Eucharistic Adoration: 2:00– 9:00 p.m. every Monday New Parishioners: Register at the Parish Office Parish Office Hours: Monday — Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Closed on Saturday and Sunday Thank You Thank you to all who par cipated in and made our Centennial Celebra on Closing such a memorable event last weekend. Pictures are available a er all the Masses today in the family room. The slideshows featuring our 100 year history and the events of our centennial year and the Galla events can be viewed on our website at St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield St. Barbara Parish FALL CASINO NIGHTS October 28—29, 2016 6:00 p.m. —1:00 a.m. Admission $5.00 BLACKJACK ROULETTE BANG POKER WHEEL FOOD DRINKS GOOD TIMES Back by Popular Demand… Piano Lounge featuring live music! Free Admission from 6:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. In the Parish Center Adults 21 & Over License #CG1128 Knightly Notes The members of the Knights of Columbus are called to be Knights of Service for our church, parish and community. One way we do this is by suppor ng our future leaders of the church, the Seminarians. Over the next couple of weekends St. Barbara’s Knights of Columbus will be outside of church a er each mass selling ckets for the annual Seminarian Raffle. Take your chance to win one of the great prizes while helping support this great cause. Tickets are only $1 each or a book of 15 for $15. Thanks in advance for your support. Page Two St. Barbara Casino Nights need your support… Become a sponsor today Become a table sponsor… At a cost of only $75 per table per night...We will place your name or the name of your business on one of our tables. There will be 1 Bang table, 1 Lucky Wheel, 15+ tables of Blackjack, 2 Roule e tables, and 2+ Poker tables. In addi on... we will list your name or the name of your business on the list of event sponsors at the entrance to Casino Nights. Become a sponsor of our Music Lounge… Back by popular demand… We’ll have various musical acts performing each night in our lounge. At a cost of only $100 per hour… You can sponsor one (1) hour of entertainment and have your name or the name of your business on the marquee at the entrance to the Music Lounge. In addi on… we will list your name or the name of your business on a list of event sponsors at the entrance to Casino Nights. Contact us today…. call Angela at 708-485-2900 or e-mail at alawler@stbarbarabrookfield .org All Saints Day — Nov. 1st is a holy day of obliga on this year. Masses will be at 6:30 and 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. All Souls Day — Nov. 2nd Mass of Remembrance at 7:30 p.m. We will men on the names of our dearly departed who have died during the past year. Light refreshments will follow. All Souls Day Mass November is right around the corner. With the arrival of November comes the opportunity to pray for our dearly departed loved ones. On Nov. 2nd we will celebrate All Soul’s Day and pray for all those who have preceded us in death. We will set up a table to help us remember all of our deceased rela ves and friends. On the table you can place a picture or a prayer card of your loved one. The table will remain in church for the month of November. Besides the table, we will place the Book of the Dead in church beginning November 2nd. This is the book where you can list the names of those who have died this past year (since November 2nd of last year). This is not the book to list all of your deceased rela ves and friends from years past. Only the names of those who have died in the months since November 2nd, 2015 should be listed in the Book of the Dead. There are All Soul’s Day envelopes available on the tables in church to list the names of all of your deceased loved ones. On November 2nd we will pray for all of our dearly departed, those we have remembered on the altar of remembrance, those in the Book of the Dead, and those whose names are listed on the envelopes. Thir eth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 From the Desk of Fr. Edgar In the gospel for this Sunday, we see two men praying. One fails miserably, while the other is jus fied. What did the later do to succeed in prayer? He prayed with humility! Needless to say, humility is very important in prayer. St. Augus ne once wrote, “Humility is the founda on of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist, there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.” Although I wrote about humility in the past, it might be beneficial to remind ourselves briefly of its defini on. Most people think that humility is to deny anything good about ourselves. But, true humility means having an accurate view of ourselves: it means acknowledging in us and in others, our dignity and worth as human persons created and loved by God. It means recognizing in ourselves and in others our God-given gi s, talents, and abili es. It also means recognizing our limita ons, our weaknesses, and that God is God and we are not. How does humility help us to pray? When we recognize in prayer that our talents and abili es are all gi s from God, our hearts grow in gra tude. Humility also gives us peace in prayer and makes it genuine as it frees us from the need to compete and feel admired and accepted by others. It helps us love and be compassionate with others by recognizing that we all are in need of God’s mercy. It gives us the desire to do God’s will and serve others in their human dignity. How do we grow in humility? Humility and prayer are interdependent! If we want to grow in humility we need to pray for it! There is no way to form virtue in our souls apart from frequent prayer. St. John Vianney taught that “We should daily ask God with our whole hearts for humility…” If you would like a good prayer to grow in humility, try The Litany of Humility and persevere in it. In me you will begin to appreciate it. Page Three Desde el escritorio del P. Edgar En el Evangelio de este domingo, vemos a dos hombres rezando. Uno falla estrepitosamente, mientras que el otro es jus ficado. ¿Que fue lo que hizo el publicano para ser escuchado? El oró con humildad! La humildad es muy importante en la oración. San Agus n escribió una vez: "La humildad es el fundamento de todas las otras virtudes, por lo tanto, en el alma en la que esta virtud no existe, no puede haber ninguna otra virtud excepto en mera apariencia." A pesar de que anteriormente he escrito acerca de la humildad, les voy a recordar brevemente la definición. La mayoría de la gente piensa que la humildad es negar lo bueno que hay en nosotros. Sin embargo, la verdadera humildad significa tener una visión precisa de nosotros mismos: es decir, reconocer en nosotros y en los demás, nuestra dignidad y valor como humanos creados y amados por Dios. Significa reconocer en nosotros mismos y en los demás los dones dados por Dios, talentos y habilidades. También significa reconocer nuestras limitaciones, nuestras debilidades, y que solo Dios es Dios y nosotros no. ¿De qué manera la humildad nos ayuda a orar? Cuando reconocemos en la oración que todos nuestros talentos y habilidades son dones de Dios, nuestro corazón crece en agradecimiento. La humildad también nos da la paz en la oración, ya que nos libera de la necesidad de compe r y sen rnos admirados y aceptados por los demás. Nos ayuda a amar y ser compasivos con los demás mediante el reconocimiento de que todos estamos en necesidad de la misericordia de Dios. Nos da el deseo de hacer la voluntad de Dios y servir a los demás en su dignidad humana. ¿Cómo crecemos en humildad? La humildad y la oración son interdependientes! Si queremos crecer en la humildad hay que rezar para obtenerla! No hay ninguna manera de formar virtud en nuestras almas aparte de la oración frecuente. San Juan Vianney enseñó que "Debemos pedir a Dios todos los días con todo nuestro corazón por la virtud de la humildad ..." Si desea una buena oración para crecer en humildad, trate la Letanía de la Humildad y persevere en ella. Con el empo, comenzará a apreciarla mucho. St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Page Four Mass Schedule Pray for Our Sick and Deceased SUNDAY, October 23 5:00(Sat)-+Donna Zayner (Family) +John Dawes (Don and Anne Stump) 7:30-+Robert Smola Sr. (Family) 10:00-+Elizabeth Mamolella (Family) +Eve Donovan (Kathy and Family) +Helena and Dolek Slabiak (Annoreno Family) 12:30 -+Bibiano y Catalina Meza (Familia) MONDAY, October 24 8:00-+ TUESDAY, October 25 8:00-+ WEDNESDAY, October 26 8:00-+ THURSDAY, October 27 8:00-+ FRIDAY, October 28 Sts. Simon and Jude 8:00-+ SATURDAY, October 29 8:00-+ 5:00-+Julie Bates (Lawler) SUNDAY, October 30 7:30-+Roberta Wysopal (Jacobs Family) 10:00-+Elizabeth Mamolella (Family) +Cecilia Novie (Novie Children) 12:30 -Spanish Mass Recemos por los enfermos y los que han fallecido May the healing hand of the Lord be with the sick: Sylvia Arndt, Eleanor Brousil, Bill Burke, Mike Burke, Edward Carey, Joan DeCola, Diane Fagan, Dan Garinger, Connor Golden, Richard Feirick, Holly Funk, Karen Hekr, Jozefa Jaskiewicz, Lena Krason, Kevin Lynch, Ray Mar n, Robert Mendel, Be e Mersereau, Donna Moore, Michaeleen Nutley, Tom O’Dowd, Pat Petrik, Robert Petrik, Rita Sanchez, Edvige Sancricca, Susan Smetana Butler, Dan Spacek, Chris Straka, Paul Straka, Robin Stuker, Naomi Sweet, Jerry Thorburn, Steven Wanda, Marilyn Ward, Chris Zayner Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 5:21-33 or 5:2a, 25-33; Ps 128:1-5; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Saturday: Phil 1:18b-26; Ps 42:2, 3, 5cdef; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Wis 11:22 — 12:2; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; 2 Thes 1:11 — 2:2; Lk 19:1-10 Rosary is recited in Church at these mes: Monday through Saturday a er the 8:00 am Mass Tuesday at 6:30 pm Friday at 6:00 pm in Spanish Liturgical Appointments for October 29—30 Lectors 5:00 pm Fr. Edgar Eucharis c Ministers Veronica Hiltscher Bread: Mary Barne e, Anne e Clemens, Tony Carey Jim Vanecek Cup: Ted Zayner, Elaine Bartucci, Constance Tosheff, Marie LeGros, Stephanie Pozzie, Ann Linsner 7:30 Fr. Larry Ken Habenstreit Jose Flores 10:00 Fr. Edgar Kerry Lemont Tom Kourim 12:30 pm Fr. Edgar Bread: Marie Beilke, Carol Mrazek, Mike Czemske Cup: Gladys Wheeler, Barb Kratochvil, Cathy DeCola, Barb Johnson Bread: Marge Kearney, Elvira Vodicka, Dolores Maciejewski Cup: Gary Scelonge, Therese Kourim, Rich Kucera, Alicia Mancini, Frank Schmidt, Basia Savoy Ministros de Comunion: Jaime, Gabriela Salgado y Rosa Chavez Altar Servers: Herbert Barraza, Aaron de la Cruz Altar Servers Joseph Hiltscher Catherine Chicoine John Se no David Sullivan Theresa Lemont Oliver Schlesser Thir eth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 World Mission Sunday Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, For 90 years the Church has celebrated World Mission Sunday as a way of highligh ng the merciful mission of Christ that brings hope to the world. In this Jubilee of Mercy we in the Archdiocese of Chicago place Christ at the center of our communi es and dream together about the renewal of our Church. We believe that as Christ sends us forward to be his missionary disciples, He will also give us what we need to renew His Church and transform the world. This 90th celebra on of World Mission will take place on October 23, which we will mark in solidarity with the countless missionaries who bring the Gospel to some of the most remote places and cultures. They need our support through prayer and our financial gi s. Your generosity enables local priests, religious, and catechists to travel to remote areas for the work of evangeliza on and to build churches, educate children and adults, prepare young men for the priesthood, and provide medical care through Catholic hospitals and clinics. As we begin the Renew My Church effort in the Archdiocese of Chicago World Mission Sunday prompts us to reflect on our priori es to be vital and mission driven parishes. The Church’s world mission is fundamentally about bringing people to Christ whether that is in our own neighborhoods or across the con nents. We are all invited to par cipate in this effort. I pray that every parish will respond to this year’s World Mission Sunday by ac vely offering its generous stewardship and fervent prayer for missionaries and people of faith throughout the world. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Page Five Domingo Mundial de las Misiones Queridas hermanas y hermanos en Cristo, Durante 90 años, la Iglesia ha celebrado el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones para poder enfa zar la misión misericordiosa de Cristo que trae esperanza al mundo. En este Jubileo de Misericordia; nosotros en la Arquidiócesis de Chicago ponemos a Cristo en el centro de nuestras comunidades y así soñar juntos con la renovación de nuestra Iglesia. Creemos que así como Cristo nos envía a ser sus discípulos misioneros también Él nos dará lo que necesitamos para renovar su Iglesia y transformar el mundo. Esta celebración de 90 años se llevará a cabo el 23 de octubre, que marcaremos en solidaridad con los innumerables misioneros que llevan el Evangelio a los lugares y culturas más remotas. Ellos y ellas necesitan nuestro apoyo con la oración y donaciones financieras. Su generosidad permite a los sacerdotes, religiosas y catequistas llegar a las áreas remotas para el trabajo de evangelización y la construcción de iglesias, la educación de niños y adultos, la preparación de jóvenes para el sacerdocio, y proporcionar atención médica a través de los hospitales y clínicas católicas. Al comenzar el esfuerzo de Renueva Mi Iglesia en la Arquidiócesis de Chicago, el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestra prioridad de ser parroquias con vitalidad y espíritu misionero. La misión mundial de la Iglesia es fundamentalmente acercar a las personas a Cristo ya sea en nuestros vecindarios o en todos los con nentes. Todos estamos invitados de par cipar en este esfuerzo. Oro para que cada parroquia responda al Domingo Mundial de las Misiones de este año, para que ofrezcan ac vamente su generosa corresponsabilidad y oración ferviente por los misioneros y las personas de fe en todo el mundo. Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, Reverendísimo Blase J. Cupich Arzobispo de Chicago St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Page Six St. Barbara Parish October 16, 2016 Total Weekly Offering ……………………….…$ 8,131.70 First Fruits ……………………………………….…..$ 77.00 St. Mar n Sharing ………………………….…….$ 85.00 Masses ………………………………………….……..$ 160.00 CCW Memorial Mass Men’s Overnight Retreat A Memorial Mass will be celebrated for the deceased members of St. Barbara Council of Catholic Women on Sunday, November 13th, at 10:00 a.m. All CCW members are encouraged to a end to honor those no longer with us. Men, do you feel that God is calling you in a special way in your life? Do you feel the need to get away for some quiet me to reflect and pray? Come and join us for an overnight retreat Nov. 4th and 5th at St. Mary’s Retreat House in Lemont. The retreat will be led by Deacon Dave Brencic. The theme is “The Call.” The retreat will run from 7:00 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4th, to 3:-00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5th, and will include me for prayer, three reflec ons, the Sacrament of Reconcilia on and Mass, and wonderful camaraderie among men of faith. St. Mary’s includes beau ful grounds, an outside Sta ons of the Cross and an outside Rosary. The cost of the retreat is $45 and includes a social on Friday evening, breakfast and lunch. For more informa on, call Deacon Dave at (708) 485-6614. Calling All Bakers The Council of Catholic Women is looking for cakes, pies, cookies, breads, candies, or your "Signature Item" for the annual Fall Cra Show & Bake Sale to be held Saturday, November 19th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Bakery can be brought to the Parish Center on Friday, November 18th, between 3:00-7:00 p.m. or on Saturday, November 19th, a er 8:00 a.m. Call Sylvia at 485-1126 with any ques ons. Fall Cra Show & Bake Sale Saturday, November 19th, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. in the Parish Center Fi y cra ers will display their handcra ed items for your Christmas shopping. Delicious homebaked goods ideal for your Thanksgiving table will be available. Lunch will be served. Admission is FREE and children are welcome. Proceeds help support St. Barbara Food Pantry and other churchsponsored programs. "Joy's Closet" We are now accep ng winter items for the Food Pantry Closet. New or lightly used: Adult and Children Coats, Hats, Gloves, Scarves and Snow Boots. Items can be dropped off at the Food Week of October 23—30 at St. Barbara’s Sunday, October 23 —11:15am Religious Ed (School) —11:15am Religious Ed Confirma on Mee ng (Windemere) Monday, October 24 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —2:00pm 9:00pm Eucharis c Adora on (Church) Tuesday, October 25 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —9:00am and 3:00pm School on Wheels (Prairie A , B, and C) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —4:30pm Brownie Troop 50698 (Music Room) —6:30pm CCW Board Mtg (PR C) —6:30pm Rosary (Church) —7:00pm Knights of Columbus Officers Mtg (Music Room) Wednesday, October 26 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AL-ANON (Prairie A) —6:00pm Religious Ed (School) Thursday, October 27 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —7:30pm Choir Prac ce (Church) —8:00pm AA Mee ng (Prairie B) Friday, October 28 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —8:30am Friday Morning Regulars (Prairie C) —6:00pm Spanish Rosary (Church) —6:00pm Casino Night (Parish Ctr) —6:30pm BEDS Plus (Windemere) Saturday, October 29 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —4:00pm K of C Rosary (Church) —6:00pm Casino Night (Parish Ctr) Sunday, October 30 —11:15am Religious Ed (School) Pantry on Mondays from 9am3pm or can be le in the family room before or a er mass. Thank you for your con nued support. You are a true blessing. Hitzeman Funeral Home Ltd. Family Owned and Operated For Over 112 Years — Generations of Dignified Service Pre-Need Insurance and Pre-Need Insurance Payment Plans Available 9445 W. 31st St., Brookfield, IL 60513 (708) 485-2000 I Don’t Just Sell Your Home, I Sell the Community You Deserve a Better Burger! •BUY •SELL Pick Up & Delivery! within 2 miles, $20 min. ~ Daily Specials ~ Sunday Special d’aprile properties Kids Eat FREE JOSEPH LOZANO Under 10 years old • Chicken Fingers OR • Grilled Cheese Sandwich Lakeview Bus Lines Inc. 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