St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 PASTOR: Rev. Daniel Kayajan, C.S.C. Ext. 223 ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. James Preskenis, CSC. Ext. 224 Religious Sisters: Sr. Norma Cime, MHML Ext. 226 Sr. Yuri Peña, MHML Office: 14404 14th. St. Ext. 221 Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Dominicales Rosary before Sunday Masses English: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Misa en Español: Domingo a las 5:00 p.m. Weekday / Entre Semana: English: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. Español: Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliación: English: Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. and by appointment Español: Domingo a las 4:00 p.m. o por cita RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES / CLASES DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: English: Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Español: Domingo's de 6:15 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. Please contact the Parish Office for information and Preparation for: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE R.C.I.A. Por favor comunicarse con la oficina para preparación e información sobre recepción de los sacramentos Music Ministry / Musica Director: Jim McKinney St. Anthony Catholic School - English choir rehearsal: 32902 Saint Anthony Way Thursdays at 7:00 pm. San Antonio, FL. 33576 (352) 588-3041 - Ensayo de Coro en Español Principal: Sr. Alice Martes a las 7:30 pm. (contacten a Nestor Ponce) Prayer line: Call Jean @ (352) 523-2001 St. Andre Free Clinic Medical Services are FREE for people not covered by other programs or insurance and with limited income. Any ID is accepted. Where: 37733 Meridian Ave. Dade City, FL 33525 When: October 22, 2016 Time: 8:30-11:30a.m. We will resume with our regular office hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm ST. RITA MISSION STATEMENT / DECLARACION DE LA MISION DE SANTA RITA To evangelize and to be evangelized for the sake of the Kingdom using our talents and gifts for the service of others through our diverse ministries. Para evangelizar y ser evangelizado para el Reino, poniendo nuestros talentos y dones al servicio de los demas en nuestros diversos ministerios. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 Page 2 ST. RITA CATHOLIC CHURCH, DADE CITY, FLORIDA October 16, 2016 Formación de la fe Faith Formation IGLESIA CATOLICA SANTA RITA 1440414thStreetDADECITYFL33523 Te invita a la SEMANA DE MISIONES DEL 17-21 DE OCTUBRE DE 2016 ¿DONDE? 38137 Feagan Street Dade City Fl. 33523 En casa de la Familia de la Sra. Esperanza Mendoza HORA: 6:00—8:00 PM TENDREMOS GRUPOS DE: • NIÑOS. • ADOLESCENTES Y JOVENES • ADULTOS NO FALTES!!! TE ESPERAMOS!!!!! Comparte café y donas con nosotros en el salón de la Iglesia todos los Domingos después de la misa de las 8:00 a.m. HOSPITALIZADOS: Por favor informe en la Oficina si tiene algún familiar o amigo enfermo y desea que sea visitado. Page 3 The Congregation of Holy Cross has been in what is today Bangladesh since the middle of the 19th century. Recently Pope Francis named one our bishops there as a Cardinal! I just wanted to share this excerpt from an article in an online magazine called Crux. Especially during this month of mission please pray for the Holy Cross brothers, sisters and priests in mission countries throughout the world. Thank you for your prayers and support! Fr. Dan Kayajan, CSC —————————————————————Pope Francis is well known for his passion for the peripheries of the world, which is often reflected in the way he names new cardinals, and that’s certainly the case with his choice of Archbishop Patrick D’Rozario of Dhaka in Bangladesh. Out of a total population of 153 million, which is overwhelmingly Muslim, the Catholic community in Bangladesh is estimated at around 350,000, making it basically .2 percent of the nation’s people. Francis, however, famously does not measure significance by the usual worldly standards, and his choice of the 73-year-old D’Rozario is a classic case in point. As a semi-comic footnote, D’Rozario told Crux he wasn’t given a heads-up about the announcement on Sunday and was celebrating a late afternoon Mass when it came, so most of his flock knew about 90 minutes before he did. Born on Oct 1, 1943, D’Rozario is a member of the Congregation of Holy Cross, the same men’s religious order that runs the University of Notre Dame in the United States. That’s a tradition in Dhaka, where nine of thirteen men who have led the church there since the middle of the 19th century have been Holy Cross priests, including one, Bishop Peter Dufal, who went on to become a coadjutor bishop in Galveston, Texas. D’Rozario was ordained a priest in 1972, and in 1990 he became the bishop of Rajshahi. He would go on to serve as the bishop of Chittagong in Bangladesh before being moved once again to become the coadjutor bishop of the Archdiocese of Dhaka, the country’s lone archdiocese and by definition the main point of reference for the local church. “My appointment as cardinal by Pope Francis is a blessing and a grace, and a recognition of the church in Bangladesh,” D’Rozario told Crux, “a recognition of the ‘smallness’ of the Church, but a church that’s vibrant in faith, and a witnessing church in society through our works.” October 16, 2016 Esta semana empezamos con Del Escritorio nuestra misión en una parte Del Párroco de la parroquia cerca de River Road. Hacemos misiones cada año por una semana en una barrio. Creo que es muy importante que la gente tiene la oportunidad de profundizar su fe y su conocimiento de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. En muchos casos gente no sigue asistiendo por una falta de catequesis. Cada año las hermanas forman su equipo para poder de realizar estas misiones. Quiero agradecer a las hermanas y su equipo! La evangelización hoy dia no es fácil. Pero como Catolicos somos creativos y podemos aprovechar este don para que el Señor encuentra “fe sobre la tierra.” —————————————————————Amoeris Laetitia LA LUZ DE LA PALABRA La Biblia está poblada de familias, de generaciones, de historias de amor y de crisis familiares, desde la primera página, donde entra en escena la familia de Adán y Eva con su peso de violencia pero también con la fuerza de la vida que continúa (cf. Gn 4), hasta la última página donde aparecen las bodas de la Esposa y del Cordero (cf. Ap 21,2.9). Las dos casas que Jesús describe, construidas sobre roca o sobre arena (cf. Mt 7,24-27), son expresión simbólica de tantas situaciones familiares, creadas por las libertades de sus miembros, porque, como escribía el poeta, «toda casa es un candelabro». Entremos ahora en una de esas casas, guiados por el Salmista, a través de un canto que todavía hoy se proclama tanto en la liturgia nupcial judía como en la cristiana: «¡Dichoso el que teme al Señor, y sigue sus caminos! Del trabajo de tus manos comerás, serás dichoso, te irá bien. Tu esposa, como parra fecunda, en medio de tu casa; tus hijos como brotes de olivo, alrededor de tu mesa. Esta es la bendición del hombre que teme al Señor. Que el Señor te bendiga desde Sión, que veas la prosperidad de Jerusalén, todos los días de tu vida; que veas a los hijos de tus hijos. ¡Paz a Israel!» (Sal 128,1-6). Page 4 October 16, 2016 World Mission Sunday Next week, we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. Its theme this year is “Mercy Changes the World.” Pope Francis invites the entire Church to support the young mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where priests, religious and lay leaders serve some of the poorest of the poor. Please keep the Missions in your prayers and be generous in next week’s collection for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. Liturgy Refresher Training on Mondays in Rm 8 @ 6:30pm. Readers-Oct 24th; EMHC Nov 28th and Ushers/Greeters Jan 23Rd. St. Rita’s 4th Annual Miles for Ministries 5k Run/Walk When: Nov. 19th @ 8am Where: St. Rita Catholic Church 5K Run/Walk fee before 11/13/16 Individual: $25 Team: $100 (min 5) $30 (Day of Race) ADVANCE REGISTRATION at or in church hall after mass. For more info. Call (352) 567-2894 Receive gratefully and give joyfully, open the door to mercy ANNUAL PASTORAL APPEAL 2016 Goal: $57,702.00 Pledged: $55,571.92 Paid: $52,574.32 Number of Pledges: 170 All women are invited to the Spiritual Mother for Priests mini retreat being held at St. Anthony the Abbot - Brooksville on November 5th beginning at 8 am. The morning will include breakfast, mass, adoration and confession along with two speakers. Our speakers are Fr. Paul Pecchie and Fr. Chuck Dornquast. Tickets are $15 and be purchased by calling St. Anthony the Abbot (352) 796-2096. If you need a ride or information call Sue Richardson 352-521-3430. Reader & Eucharistic Reader 10/22/2016 Elizabeth Bodine 4:30 PM Mary Eversmann 10/23/2016 Sue Richardson 8:00 AM Charlie Basile 11:00 AM Paul Berry Eric Phaller Minister Schedule Eucharistic Minister Joseph Schambeau Rose Stanford Ed Laezza Jeannette McKinney Micheline LeBlanc Volunteer at Mass Thurman Sands Mary Barrett Shirley Sands Offertory figures available next week Datos de la colecta disponibles la semana entrante. TEACHING POSITION AT ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL: Grade 2 Date: Nov. 2016 St. Anthony Catholic School is seeking to hire a full time Second Grade Teacher, beginning in November for school year 2016 – 2017. The qualified applicant must possess: a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education; and Florida certification, or the ability to obtain professional certification within 3 years from the Florida Department of Education. The candidate must: have excellent written and oral communication skills; be an enthusiastic educator; possess excellent organizational and planning skills; be energetic team player. Commitment to Catholic education and experience with educational technology and differentiated instruction are required. It is desirable that the applicant be a practicing Catholic. This position requires Level II background screening and mandated Safe Environment and Ethics training. Contact: Sr. Alice Ottapurackal @ 12155 Joe Herrmann Dr, San Antonio 33576. Phone: 352.588.3041 Fax: 352- 588.3142 Email: [email protected] WEEK OF October 16, 2016 DAY MASS INTENTION READING ACTIVITY SUNDAY/ DOMINGO, OCT. 16TH 8:00 am †Rosie Alexander Harris 11:00 am Parishioners 5:00 pm †Juan Garcia Exodus 17:8-13 Psalm 121 2 Timothy 3:14 -- 4:2 Luke 18:1-8 8:00 am Coffee and Donuts after mass 11:00 am Children’s Mass 5:00 pm Misa Ninos Confirmation Parents Meeting after all Masses MONDAY/ LUNES, OCT. 17TH 8:30 am †Doris Knight Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration until 4:30 pm Then Evening Prayer and Benediction 7:00 pm Group de Juan XXIII 7:00 pm Finance Committee TUESDAY/ MARTES OCT. 18TH 8:30 am 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Special Int. for: Lorenzo Moreno WEDNESDAY/ 8:30 am Vocations for the Priesthood MIERCOLES, 7:30 pm †Adalberto Sanchez OCT. 19TH Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 10:00 am St. Vincent De Paul Meeting 5:30 pm Wednesday Class 8:00 pm Knights of Columbus Meeting 8:30 am †Ray Dunwoodie Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 6:00 pm Mision en los campos 7:30 pm Encuentro de Matrimonios 8:30 am Special Int. for: Rosalino & San Juana Crisostomo Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 7:30 pm Group de Oracion SATURDAY/ SABADO, OCT. 22ND 4:30 pm †Art Addington Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 3:30-4:15 pm - Sacrament of Penance SUNDAY/ DOMINGO, OCT. 23RD 8:00 am Parishioners 11:00 am †Virginia Flecha de Cortez 5:00 pm †Sofia Lopez Hernandez Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14 8:00 am Coffee and Donuts World Mission Sunday Special Collection Non-Perishable Food Donations Welcome! THURSDAY/ JUEVES, OCT. 20TH FRIDAY/ VIERNES, OCT. 21ST
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