St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 PASTOR: Rev. Daniel Kayajan, C.S.C. Ext. 223 ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. James Preskenis, CSC. Ext. 224 Religious Sisters: Sr. Norma Cime, MHML Ext. 226 Sr. Yuri Peña, MHML Office: 14404 14th. St. Ext. 221 Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Dominicales Rosary before Sunday Masses English: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Misa en Español: Domingo a las 5:00 p.m. Weekday / Entre Semana: English: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. Español: Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliación: English: Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. and by appointment Español: Domingo a las 4:00 p.m. o por cita RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES / CLASES DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: English: Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Español: Domingo's de 6:15 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. Please contact the Parish Office for information and Preparation for: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE R.C.I.A. Por favor comunicarse con la oficina para preparación e información sobre recepción de los sacramentos Music Ministry / Musica Director: Jim McKinney St. Anthony Catholic School - English choir rehearsal: 32902 Saint Anthony Way Thursdays at 7:00 pm. San Antonio, FL. 33576 (352) 588-3041 - Ensayo de Coro en Español Principal: Sr. Alice Martes a las 7:30 pm. (contacten a Nestor Ponce) Prayer line: Call Jean @ (352) 523-2001 The Knights of Columbus Council 1768 will sponsor a Pancake Breakfast NEXT WEEK Sunday Oct. 9th. At St. Rita’s hall from 9a10:30a. Children are FREE. Adults are $5 NO A.M. MASS ON OCT 4TH-6TH Blessing of Animals When: TODAY! Sunday Oct. 2nd @ 12:30p Where: St. Rita Parking Lot ST. RITA MISSION STATEMENT / DECLARACION DE LA MISION DE SANTA RITA To evangelize and to be evangelized for the sake of the Kingdom using our talents and gifts for the service of others through our diverse ministries. Para evangelizar y ser evangelizado para el Reino, poniendo nuestros talentos y dones al servicio de los demas en nuestros diversos ministerios. Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 Page 2 ST. RITA CATHOLIC CHURCH, DADE CITY, FLORIDA Faith Formation Our Lady of Aparecida (who appeared), Patroness of Brazil On a certain day in 1716 three fishermen were at work on the Paraiba river. There were no fish in the nets they li ed from the water, but an ar s c terraco a image of our Lady of the Concep on, which they dubbed “Nossa Sennora Aparecida”. The chronicles relate that once the Virgin was placed in the boat, the catch was so great that the frightened men returned to port because the weight of the fish threatened to sink their cra . It is not known how the small – less than three feet high – statue came to rest at the bo om of the river, but its author is known, Frei Agos no de Jesus, a “carioca” monk from Sao Paulo who sculptured clay ar s cally. The image was made around 1650 and must have stayed submerged in the river for many years because it lost its original polychromy. The image is now a brilliant dark brown color, and is covered by a s ff mantle of thick cloth richly embroidered, allowing only her face and hands to be seen. She wears on her head the imperial crown with precious stones with which she was crowned in 1904. In 1930 Pope Pius XI proclaimed her principal patroness of Brazil; her feast on October 12 is a na onal holiday. Pope John Paul II visited the Virgin “Aparecida” in her much frequented sanctuary and gave it the tle of Basilica. A few days before the visit someone got hold of the statue and threw it forcibly on the floor. Although the frail image was broken into many pieces, the loving and careful work of several ar sts put it together again and the Virgin “Aparecida” returned to her niche in the Basilica, where everybody venerates it as the Mother of Brazil. Documentaciones Sureste, publicación de la Oficina Regional del Sureste para el Ministerio Hispano (DBA SEPI). MIERCOLES DE 5:30-7:00 PM. Comparte café y donas con nosotros en el salón de la Iglesia todos los Domingos después de la misa de las 8:00 a.m. October 2, 2016 Formación de la fe Nuestra Señora de Aparecida, Patrona de Brasil En el año 1716 tres pescadores hacen su faena en el río Paraíba. Ese día las redes que alzan de las aguas no con enen ningún pez, sino una ar s ca figura de terracota de nuestra Señora de la Concepción. Cuenta la crónica que una vez colocada la imagen en el navío, la pesca fue tan abundante que aquellos hombres regresaron a puerto llenos de temor, porque la canoa parecía hundirse, incapaz de sostener el enorme peso de la pesca. No se sabe cómo la pequeña imagen de sólo 36 cen metros fue a parar al fondo del río, pero sí se conoce a su autor, Frei Agos no de Jesús, un monje carioca de Sao Paulo que trabajaba el barro con arte y refinamiento. La imagen que fue moldeada hacia el 1650, permaneció sumergida en el Paraíba por muchos años, hasta perder su policromía original y quedarse de un brillante color castaño oscuro. La Virgen morena se presenta a la veneración de los fieles recubierta por un rígido manto de gruesas telas ricamente bordadas, que sólo permiten verle el rostro y las manos, que une sobre el pecho en con nua oración. Porta la corona imperial, de oro y piedras preciosas, con la que fue coronada en el 1904. Pío XI la proclamó patrona principal del Brasil en 1930 y el día de su fiesta, el 12 de octubre, ha sido declarado feriado nacional. Juan Pablo II visitó a la Virgen Aparecida en su santuario, concediéndole el tulo de Basílica. Unos días antes un individuo se apoderó de la imagen y la lanzó al suelo con la intención de destruirla, para empañar la alegría general del Brasil por la visita del Santo Padre. Aunque la figura confeccionada en frágil arcilla se par ó en muchos pedazos, el amor y el cuidadoso trabajo de varios ar stas y expertos logró reconstruirla perfectamente y la Virgen Aparecida retornó a su nicho en la basílica en medio de la enorme mul tud que la aclamaba por madre del Brasil. MISA DIOCESANA HISPANA 8 DE OCTUBRE, 2016, 10:00 AM - CATEDRAL DE ST. JUDE THE APOSTLE En Honor a Nuestra Señora de Aparecida Patrona de Brasil HOSPITALIZADOS: Por favor informe en la Oficina si tiene algún familiar o amigo enfermo y desea que sea visitado. Page 3 October is the month for missions. Our gospel today challenges us to move forward in humility in order to do the mission of the Lord. The first part of the gospel has the Apostles asking Jesus to “Increase our faith.” Although Jesus tells them that having faith the size of a mustard seed will allow them to move “a mulberry tree” it might help us to turn this saying around. What if Jesus asks us to be uprooted and move? This might not be literal, physical moving, but to change our thought patterns; our ways of praying and acting toward others. This too would take great faith on our part. Jesus then points out that our relationship to God will determine the disposition of our hearts. Do we expect something in return when we are serving the Lord? Do we expect riches? Perfect health? No family issues? If we are doing what we “were obliged to do” then we have come to a deep trust in the Lord. Such a life comes as Paul notes from bearing hardships for the sake of the “Gospel with the strength that comes from God.” This relationship will lead us to a life of simplicity and joy whatever mission the Lord has in store for us. ————————————————————— Amoris Laetitia by Pope Francis I must also say that the Synod process proved both impressive and illuminating. I am grateful for the many contributions that helped me to appreciate more fully the problems faced by families throughout the world. The various interventions of the Synod Fathers, to which I paid close heed, made up, as it were, a multifaceted gem reflecting many legitimate concerns and honest questions. For this reason, I thought it appropriate to prepare a postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation to gather the contributions of the two recent Synods on the family, while adding other considerations as an aid to reflection, dialogue and pastoral practice, and as a help and encouragement to families in their daily commitments and challenges. This Exhortation is especially timely in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. First, because it represents an invitation to Christian families to value the gifts of marriage and the family, and to persevere in a love strengthened by the virtues of generosity, commitment, fidelity and patience. Second, because it seeks to encourage everyone to be a sign of mercy and closeness wherever family life remains imperfect or lacks peace and joy. Fr. Dan Kayajan, CSC Octubre 2, 2016 Del Escritorio Octubre es el mes de las misiones. Del Párroco El evangelio de hoy nos desafía para poder de seguir adelante en le humildad para cumplir la misión del Señor. La primera parte del evangelio los Apóstoles piden a Jesús, “Auméntanos la fe.” Jesús les dice que con la fe de una semilla de mostaza pueden mover un “árbol frondoso.” Tal vez necesitamos doblar el ejemplo. Que nos pasa cuando Jesús nos dice que hay que arrancarnos y re-plantarnos? Tal vez no físicamente pero en la manera de pensar o rezar o actuar con los demás. Cuando nos pasa también necesitamos mucha fe. La disponibilidad de nuestros corazones viene de nuestra relación con Dios. Tenemos expectativas de recibir algo para servir al Señor? Expectativas de riqueza? O salud perfecta? O no tener dificultades familiares? Si hacemos “solo ...lo que teníamos que hacer” en este momento hemos logrado una relación de mucha confianza en el Señor. Un tipo de vida así viene de compartir los sufrimientos de la vida evangelizadora “sostenido por la fuerza de Dios.” Una relación así con Cristo significa una vida sencilla y alegre, aceptando cualquier misión que Dios tiene para nosotros. ——————————————————————– Amoris Laetitia por el Papa Francisco De cualquier manera, debo decir que el camino sinodal ha contenido una gran belleza y ha brindado mucha luz. Agradezco tantos aportes que me han ayudado a contemplar los problemas de las familias del mundo en toda su amplitud. El conjunto de las intervenciones de los Padres, que escuché con constante atención, me ha parecido un precioso poliedro, conformado por muchas legítimas preocupaciones y por preguntas honestas y sinceras. Por ello consideré adecuado redactar una Exhortación apostólica postsinodal que recoja los aportes de los dos recientes Sínodos sobre la familia, agregando otras consideraciones que puedan orientar la reflexión, el diálogo o la praxis pastoral y, a la vez, ofrezcan aliento, estímulo y ayuda a las familias en su entrega y en sus dificultades. 5. Esta Exhortación adquiere un sentido especial en el contexto de este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. En primer lugar, porque la entiendo como una propuesta para las familias cristianas, que las estimule a valorar los dones del matrimonio y de la familia, y a sostener un amor fuerte y lleno de valores como la generosidad, el compromiso, la fidelidad o la paciencia. En segundo lugar, porque procura alentar a todos para que sean signos de misericordia y cercanía allí donde la vida familiar no se realiza perfectamente o no se desarrolla con paz y gozo. Pd. Daniel Kayajan, CSC Page 4 First Communion Parents’ Meeting TODAY Oct. 2 @ 9:40 am at Church. Doing Fall Cleaning? If you’re cleaning your closets and finding any unneeded wicker, straw or other types of woven baskets please bring them to Catholic Charities’ Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center @ 37733 Meridian Avenue in Dade City - this will help us greatly with the silent auction we have at our yearly fundraiser. Please call Angie @ 352-5211218 if you have any questions. Thank-you! October 2, 2016 Receive gratefully and give joyfully, open the door to mercy ANNUAL PASTORAL APPEAL 2016 Goal: $57,702.00 Pledged: $54,881.92 Paid: $51,815.82 Number of Pledges: 168 St. Rita will be having a Healing Mass in Eng. on Tuesday October 11th @ 6pm. All are welcome! “Heal me O Lord, and I will be healed. Save me, and I will be saved. For you are the one I praise” (Jer 17:14) If you are planning on having your child Baptized, please stop by the office to fill out a form. Also please bring a copy of the following documents • A copy of the child’s birth certificate • BOTH the Childs Parents and *Godparents Baptism Preparation Certificate. *If the Godparents are married, they need to be married by a Catholic Church and bring a copy of their Marriage Certificate. (NO EXCEPTIONS)* Sept. 2016: Mercy and Evangelization through Project Rachel (Healing the Abortion Wounded) The abortion experience is an unacknowledged death experience. Society does not allow the opportunity to mourn or grieve the loss. Unresolved grief issues effect marriages and relationships with future children. Daytime and evening support groups forming to begin in Sept. and Oct. 2016. Details call Project Rachel 813-924-4173, or email [email protected]. Next Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreats are Oct. 21-23, and Dec. 2-4, 2016. Reader & Eucharistic Reader 10/08/2016 Gail Tumelty 4:30 PM Gary Berman Minister Schedule Eucharistic Minister Margherita Hoffmann Jane Dunwoodie Ray Pawlicki 10/09/2016 Camille Hernandez Maria Gonzalez 8:00 AM Kathleen Hotchkiss Alice Hormuth J. Brownsberger 11:00 AM Children's Mass Joan Midgett Children's Mass William Terranova Volunteer at Mass For/ Para: 9/24 & 9/25 Offertory/Colecta : $5,072.55 Blue Bucket: $519.26 Thank you for your generosity and may God bless you Abundantly! Gracias por su generosidad y que el Señor los Bendiga Abundantemente! WEEK OF October 2, 2016 DAY MASS INTENTION SUNDAY/ DOMINGO, OCT. 2ND 8:00 am Parishioners 11:00 am †Al Bucci 5:00 pm †Isabel Bautista Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4 Psalm 95 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 Luke 17:5-10 Coffee & Donuts after 8:00 am Mass 12:30 pm Blessing of the Animals Catholic Education Special Collection FHC Parents Meeting after All Masses MONDAY/ LUNES, OCT. 3RD 8:30 am †Thomas & †Elizabeth Flannery Gal 1:6-12; Ps 111:1b-2, 7-9, 10c Lk 10:25-37 9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration until 4:30 pm Then Evening Prayer and Benediction 7:00 pm Group de Juan XXIII TUESDAY/ MARTES OCT. 4TH WEDNESDAY/ MIERCOLES, OCT. 5TH THURSDAY/ JUEVES, OCT. 6TH FRIDAY/ VIERNES, OCT. 7TH NO A.M MASS (ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF PRIESTS) NO MASSES (ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF PRIESTS) NO A.M. MASS (ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF PRIESTS) 8:30 am Deceased of Parish SAT./SABADO, 4:30 pm †Joseph & †Brenden OCT. 8TH Clifford SUNDAY/ DOMINGO, OCT. 9TH 8:00 am Parishioners 11:00 am †John Gore 5:00 pm †Jose Guadalupe Aristeo READING ACTIVITY Gal 1:13-24; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-15; Lk 10:38-42 Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Lk 11:1-4 5:30 pm Wednesday Class 8:00 pm Junta de Consejo Hispano Gal 3:1-5; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 11:5-13 10:00 am SVDP Meeting 6:00 pm Mision en los campos 7:30 pm Encuentro de Matrimonios Gal 3:7-14; Ps 111:1b-6; Lk 11:15-26 7:30 pm Group de Oracion Gal 3:22-29; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 11:27-28 3:30-4:15 pm - Sacrament of Penance 2 Kgs 5:14-17; Ps 98:1-4; 2 Tm 2:8-13; Lk 17:11-19 NO Coffee & Donuts 9A-12n Columbiettes informational table 9:00 am Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast Toucan Sunday Confirmation Parents Meeting after all Masses
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