Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital, nursing home/assisted living facility, etc. you or your family must contact the nearest church. Reflections on the Sunday Readings Today’s readings take up the demands of faith. They present a God who takes us seriously and wishes to be taken seriously. The verses offer no foolproof formula for relating to this God in all times and circumstances. Rather, they are glimpses of people who demonstrated that belief entails developing a dynamic relationship with God. The opening verses of Habakkuk are a dialogue between God and the prophet about the perennial problem of evil. The people had suffered ruthless domination under one government; now a new power, neo-Babylonia, was emerging after the battle of Carchemish in 605 B.C. King Nebuchadnezzar was to be no improvement. The frustration is clear, “O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not listen? (Habakkuk1:2). God’s answer is this: Vindication and relief will come to those who wait patiently in faith. In today’s second reading, Timothy and his community are called to live out the Good News (“the good treasure”) in their own day and hand it on for future generations. Luke 17:1-10 gathers sayings of Jesus describing the faith required of disciples. The disciple must not be an occasion of sin (17:1-2) but must be willing to forgive those who have sinned (17:3-4). The apostles plead for the strength required to do these things; Jesus replies that faith (17:6) even as tiny as a mustard seed will make incredible accomplishments possible. Service to the community characterizes the true believer. Reward must not be demanded or even expected, “When you have done all you are ordered to do, say, ’We are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have done! (Luke 7:10). Dialogue with God is required, even when the reply is in the form of a vision as yet unfulfilled. Courage is needed to apply the Christian message to our time without benefit of a vision. The God of the Bible is present yet hidden, compassionate yet demanding, just yet merciful, powerful yet gentle. Brunswick – St. Brendan New Hanover – Chaplain’s Office Dosher – Sacred Heart Grand Strand – St. Andrew Loris – St. James Sea Coast - Star of the Sea 910-754-8544 910-343-7014 910-457-6173 843-448-5930 843-347-5168 843-249-2356 SPECIAL THANKS to the Knights of Columbus for always thinking of the children of St. Brendan’s. Our first session of Family-Centered Faith Formation begins October 2 and the children’s snack has been provided by the Knights. Thank you! The Gift Shop will be taking orders for the St. Joseph Missal both large and regular print. The cost will be $32 for Large Print and $30 for regular print. Orders can be taken at the Gift Shop in the Gathering Space. The Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 - November 19, 2016 This pilgrimage is to be a journey of walking closer with God and discovering moments of grace and spiritual renewal. These doors are symbols of God’s mercy, open to welcome everyone into the compassion of God’s love that Christ proclaimed. The Door of Mercy is still open until November 19, 2016 at The Basilica Shrine of St. Mary, 412 Ann Street in Wilmington. Bishop Burbidge will close the Jubilee Year on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Saturday, November 19, 2016.For more information go to http:// Amount Saved due to early payments on the mortgage: $1,131,860.01 Building Loan as of this month our total debt is $428,886.84. Lillian Joy and her family would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and visits to her while she continues to be in rehab at Autumn Care. Your prayers are making for a speedy recovery. Page 1 COLLECTION FOR LAST WEEK $20,862.00 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 Please pray for Our Family and Friends Masses for the Week Sat. 10/01 5pm † Katherine & Dean Sanders Sun. 10/02 8am † Living and Deceased Members of The Knights of Columbus 9:30am 11:15am St. Brendan Parishioners † Loyack & Goodwin Families Mon. 10/03 9am Tue. 10/04 9am Wed. 10/05 9am † James Wiseman Thur. 10/06 9am † Carmel Kealey Fri. 10/07 † Gene Walters Sat. 10/08 5pm † Gail Yaus Sun. 10/09 8am † Phong Bui Eucharist Service † Marie Kraus 9am 9:30am St. Brendan Parishioners 11:15am † Thomas Luckett Next Week’s Reading October 9, 2016 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Kings 5:14-17 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Luke 17:11-19 Ayisha Marawi Hohl Joe Konen Carmen Barros Glenn Petrucci Dan Stennett Annie Labagh Richard Riley Rod Fagert Michael Maggiore Christopher Hylton Sean Neumann The Sullivan Family Daniel Mulcahy Kim Barros Cira Cole Fr. William Lascelles Mary Carmody Mary Ann Molini Melissa Zobel Tammy Street Rose Davignon Pat Wagner Jennifer McMillan Lindsay Wilharm Joan Barros Olivia Dunn Sue Donnelly Tracey Petralia Gene Cox Denise Kassel John Mulitz Dottie Henndricks Catherine Henry Stanley Zukowski Thomas Curran Michelle Careau Christopher Bueter Michael Uher Joe Borzilleri Will Debukoc Gwen Glover Judy Mount Vicki Kay Kathy Schappa James Sneska Bryan McKillipsp Marie Tyler Carolena Nickles Bette Hofmann Dom Di Maio Chris Oliver Paul Whitehouse Stella Kielb Jason Del Pezzo Carol Cohenno Solomon Goulet Brandon Snyder Jane Krieger Jean Mulcahy Aaron Alonso Maria Cistulli Tom Hutchin Mary Elizabeth Zink Diane Ovadek Hazel Zacofsky Clement McDonald Teresa Ann Costin Anthony Cirincione Deborah Ritchie Jennifer Bryant Christine Miles Cecil Poole Mary Ann Comiskey Karen Nittoli Tony Kane Althea Grace Alice Marie Arvonio Ann Mandt Katie Brown Evan Ciovacco Laurie Fischer Jennifer Galla Julie Brown Richard Fischer Henry Cole Betty Lamphiere Jerry Feldhaus Dorothy Downey Elizabeth Link Rich Willis Carol Brown Cody Fusco Alice Minneci LCPL Brendan Churchwell Gina De Cotiis Andrew Taylor Lynn Maglione Gregor Liam Orlando Louise Troy Michael Dobosh Jr. Johnson Family The Malone Family Ray Delotell Alexa, Curtis & Evan Paton Keira Rose Flynn Linda Kickham Helen Fairman Keri Chavez Sara Bryan Carol & Lauren Caldera Vicky Lewis Noah Semanko JoAnn Behr Jim & Gloria Brinsfield Julie Mills Ruth Tromblay Paul Scribner Tom Waldron Betty Hess Storm Pouliot Barbara Wengernuk Nancy Young Jeff Stephens Elaine Eberhardt Joanne Alstranner Tony & Melina Villate Linda Shemenski Pat Casella Lois Galligan Joe Marrone Barbara Nance Ray Normandy Joe & Karolyn Robinson Michael Fuchs Thomas & Carole O’Neill Joanne & Dave Bartley Rod Maring Mark Jutras Please pray for our Parishioners Communion for the Sick & Homebound Contact Pat McLaughlin at 910-287-5479 if you know someone who would like to receive Communion at home. Attention New Parishioners! Welcome to St. Brendan Catholic Church. If you are new to the area, we would like you to choose St. Brendan as your Parish Family. Registration forms are on the Stewardship Desk in the Gathering Space. Please complete the form and place in the collection basket or mail: St. Brendan Catholic Church P.O. Box 2984 Shallotte, N.C. 28459 Ben Lee Gary LaRouech Cathleen Newman Jack Dobson Luis Salas Pauline Millosky Richard Willets Michael Dobosh, Sr. Adele Treible Mike Bishko Bill Anstock Jennifer Seeley Elizabeth Walsh Chris Stephens David Bodette Theresa Whaley Jim Cech Charles Witzel Pat Pragel Peggy Tinnell Jennifer Cole Joan Gilbert Jim Lynch Austin Sammon William Conway Mary Barton Page 2 Dot Hoffmann Shirlee Borthen Dolores Wenstrup Mary Jane Brust Charlie Schorpp Philip & Annice Granville Barbara Hertrich Robert Manfred Donna Leonard Windy Herring Katlyne Thompson Ed & Grayce Farley Gerald Lutz Jean Rosen Gloria Hillenburg Josephine Chebat Tom Gaven Ruth Peters Ed Kobierowski Carl Shirdon Sue Yudysky Rich Harding Connie Woodard Marlene Korn John A. Murphy Maria Knapik Kathy Semanko Joe and Betty Zegan Tom Gilmartin Connie DiLorenzo Deborah Lessner Cheryl Dobosh Josephine Paterson Ed Manz Diane Hotop Gloria Gustavson David & Kelly Garrett Donald Woods Joe Lowry Staci Matthews Carol Galovich Jim Leonard Walter Skawinski Jack Seeley Rev. Bruno Swiatocha Anna Zeng Salvatore Dinolfo Mary Lou Matthews Louise Wallen Mary Jane Fredeman Lillian Joy Frank “Gator” Gajderowicz Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 Parish Community K of C Call Paul Murnane 575-6059. Check their web site: • • 10/10 Business Meeting 10/17 4th Degree The Knights of Columbus are partnering with Brunswick County Special Olympics to turn old unwanted cell phones into cash for Special Olympics. 100% of the proceeds will support Special Olympics athletes in our community. A collection box is on the floor in the entrance hallway to Brendan Hall. Did you know that the Knights of Columbus Council 9039 here at St. Brendan annually gives away over $25,000 to local charitable organizations that help abused women and children, homeless, underprivileged children, people with intellectual disabilities and many more very worthwhile causes? To help us meet the needs of so many contact Richard Rismiller 910-200-2924 [email protected]. “Retirement Solutions for Life” a presentation by John Ingraham and Juliet Casper. Here is a list of topics they will be discussing: Tax Strategies, Asset Allocation, Long Term Care Options, Social Security, Estate Planning, Portfolio Security. John and Juliet will be answering your questions and informing you on these issues in Brendan Hall Sept. 28 from 1pm to 3pm. Call St. Brendan’s to register 754-8544. Tax Tips for Seniors a free event! Tuesday November 8, at 1pm. Join registered Tax Preparer Phyllis McCoy and Financial Advisor John Ingraham for an informational hour. Get updates on changes to NC tax laws, and tips for possible year-end tax reductions, tailored tor retired Seniors. To RSVP call 910-754-6921. This year’s America Needs Fatima Prayer Rally will be Saturday October 15, at Noon for one hour. Call Celia Lourenco at 7555314 to sign up. The Columbiettes meet on the second Thursday of the month. Call Peggy Storella 846-9906. The Columbiettes will hold their Fall Card Party at Ryan’s Steak House in North Myrtle Beach on October 4 from 11am to 3pm. Tickets are $15. Call Karen McCann at 910-287-4175 for reservations. Proceeds from the card party will be donated to St. Brendan’s Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry and Brunswick Electric’s Warm Hands Warm Hearts Program. Don’t delay, tickets sell our fast. Join us for a fun afternoon of lunch, games, wonderful raffle prizes and a chance to help those in need. Calling all Crafters: This year our Craft Show will be on November 19th and 20th, just in time for Holiday Shopping! If you are interested in renting a space please call Marie Frost at 910-575-7638 or e - m a i l a t [email protected] for more information. Space is limited. Each Space is $30 for the 2 day event. Seniors Helping Seniors Event: Join Brunswick Senior Resources for this 6th annual Event, Friday, October 7th 8:45am to 2pm. Light Breakfast and Lunch provided. Valuable information for Seniors, their families and Caregivers. Call 910754-2300 for more info and to reserve your seat! The next Welcome Reception for the New Parishioners will be held in Brendan Hall on October 26th at 3pm. All who have not had an opportunity to attend in the past are also welcome to join us. For more information and to RSVP please contact Rita Canfield 287-6649 or email [email protected] by October 24th. Looking forward to seeing you there. Arts and Crafts Fair Saturday October 22, 9am - 2pm at the Clubhouse at Brunswick Plantation. Handmade items and good prices! Free admission, all indoors and a bake sale for local charities. For more information call 910-287-4604. Page 3 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 2 St Brendan the Navigator Activities Calendar 3 Mon Tue Wed 2016 Thu Special Thanks to our Sponsor or the week Robertos Check out the Coupon Fri 8 1 Choir Sings 5pm Sat Support the businesses that support our bulletin! 6 Centering Prayer Columbiettes 7 Creative Spirit Rosary of the Unborn 8:10 First Friday 15 Franciscan Associates 3pm Maloney Room Brownbaggers 14 Creative Spirit Peace Prayers 9;30 22 Ensemble Choir 5pm 5 Bereavement Counseling Searchers of Scripture Ensemble 4 -6 Kid’s Choir 6-7 21 Creative Spirit Peace Prayers 9;30 29 KofC Rosary 4:30pm 13 Centering Prayer 20 Centering Prayer Brownbaggers 28Creative Spirit 12 Searchers of Scripture 19 Searchers of Scripture Ensemble 4 -6 Kid’s Choir 6-7 27 10 K of C Bus. Mtg. K of C 4th Degree 17 K of C 4th Degree 18 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:30 26 Searchers of Scripture Healing Prayer 9:30 Singles Group 24/31 Healing Prayer 9:30 25 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:30 11 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:30 4 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:30 Questions? Call 754-8544 or email [email protected] Sun 9 Choir Sings 8am 16 St. Brendan Book Club Choir Sings 11:15 23/30 10/30 KofC Rosary 7:30am Mon: Healing Prayer every 2nd & 4th Mon. at 9:30 a.m. Call Jane: 575-3064 Tues: Faith’s Journey after Mass in the Lahren Rm call Jane 575-3064 Wed: Searchers Bible Study, after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Fran: 754-9126 Thurs. Centering Prayer—after Mass in Maloney Rm. Call Jean: 754-9126 Fri.: Creative Spirit (knit/ crochet) after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Jeanne 579-8241. Peace Prayers after Mass in library. Page 4 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 Boletin Hispano INFORMACIÓN Para saber acerca de preguntas sobre inmigración llamen a la Madre Rosanne al teléfono 910-616-2105. La Madre atiende todos los domingos después de la misa de las 9:30 de la mañana en las oficinas del Centro Pastoral. FORMACION DE FE Padre Ricardo, párroco (910-754-8544) Hna. M. Teresa coordinadora (910-200-9209) Domingo XXVII Jesús les había repetido en diversas ocasiones: “¡Qué pequeña es vuestra fe!”. Los discípulos no protestan. Saben que tiene razón. Llevan bastante tiempo junto a él. Lo ven entregado totalmente al Proyecto de Dios; solo piensa en hacer el bien; solo vive para hacer la vida de todos más digna y más humana. ¿Lo podrán seguir hasta el final? Según Lucas, en un momento determinado, los discípulos le dicen a Jesús: “Auméntanos la fe”. Sienten que su fe es pequeña y débil. Necesitan confiar más en Dios y creer más en Jesús. No le entienden muy bien, pero no le discuten. Hacen justamente lo más importante: pedirle ayuda para que haga crecer su fe. Nosotros hablamos de creyentes y no creyentes, como si fueran dos grupos bien definidos: unos tienen fe, otros no. En realidad, no es así. Casi siempre, en el corazón humano hay, a la vez, un creyente y un no creyente. Por eso, también los que nos llamamos “cristianos” nos hemos de preguntar: ¿Somos realmente creyentes? ¿Quién es Dios para nosotros? ¿Lo amamos? ¿Es él quien dirige nuestra vida? La fe puede debilitarse en nosotros sin que nunca nos haya asaltado una duda. Si no la cuidamos, puede irse diluyendo poco a poco en nuestro interior para quedar reducida sencillamente a una costumbre que no nos atrevemos a abandonar por si acaso. Distraídos por mil cosas, ya no acertamos a comunicarnos con Dios. Vivimos prácticamente sin él. ¿Qué podemos hacer? Lo primero es rezar como aquel desconocido que un día se acercó a Jesús y le dijo: “Creo, Señor, pero ven en ayuda de mi incredulidad”. Es bueno repetirlas con corazón sencillo. Dios nos entiende. El despertará nuestra fe. Lo importante es insistir hasta tener una primera experiencia, aunque sea pobre, aunque solo dure unos instantes. Si un día percibimos que no estamos solos en la vida, si captamos que somos amados por Dios sin merecerlo, todo cambiará. No importa que hayamos vivido olvidados de él. Creer en Dios, es, antes que nada, confiar en el amor que nos tiene. FECHAS PARA EL BAUTISMO Las siguientes fechas para los bautismos son: Noviembre 5, Diciembre 3 . Las pláticas para estos tres bautismos son Octubre 30 después de la misa 9:30 de la mañana. Los bautismos son siempre a las 3:30 de la tarde. MUCHAS GRACIAS Hoy damos las gracias a José Landa y al grupo que ayudo en la iglesia ayer en el día familiar de la misericordia. También damos las gracias al grupo de Jorge Domínguez, Esterlina su esposa, Eloy Jaramillo, Rosa Barba y su hija Jessica, Érica García y a la Madre Rosanne por la ayuda grande del Festival de Sunset Beach. También a Antonio Tranquilino y a Marcelo Ariza por el transporte de los materiales. PRACTICA DEL CORO DE LOS NIÑOS. La práctica del coro de los niños comienza el miércoles día 5 de Octubre a las 6 de la tarde. Es importante que estos niños asistan con la directora de música REUNIONES IMPORTANTES El día 4 de Octubre, será la reunión de las mujeres de 7:00-9:00 de la noche. La reunión de hombres es el día 6 de Octubre de 7:00-9:00 de la noche. PREPARACION PARA UN RETIRO PARA TODA LA IGLESIA Las personas encargadas de los diferentes ministerios en la parroquia están preparando un retiro para los días 6,7, 8 de Enero 2017. Estamos conversando con el señor Trujillo, un orador mexicano de mucha fama y que está muy contento por la invitación de venir a San Brendan. La parroquia hispana les quiere hacer saber con mucha antelación para que ustedes hagan sus planes y puedan invitar también a sus familias y otras amistades. Page 5
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