Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Mercy… Reflections on the Sunday Readings “The Beating Heart of the Gospel.” The central characters in today’s Scriptures could not be accused of procrastination. The Word is a springboard to action! “How much I desire that the year to come will be steeped in mercy, so that we can go out to every man and woman, bringing the goodness and tenderness of God,” (Pope Francis) Isaiah’s call takes place in 739 B.C. The tiny kingdom of Judah was threatened by the Assyrians, the people are in no mood to hear the Lord’s message. Nevertheless Isaiah jumps into the fray, saying, “Here am I; send me!” (verse 8). SAVE THE DATES ! Morning Reflections on Jubilee Year Of Mercy The impulsive Peter steps forward in the gospel. At first Peter calls Jesus ”master.” After the miraculous catch of fish, he changes the title to “Lord.” Jesus invites Peter to become a different kind of fisherman. Matthew and Mark write that the disciples must leave their nets; Luke says they must leave everything to become Jesus’ followers. The Lord calls us today. Perhaps we must leave behind a grudge, let go of a destructive habit, give more of self to spouse and family, find more time for prayer. The challenge is to join Isaiah and Peter in saying, “Here I am, Lord, send me!” The Stations of the Cross will be prayed every Friday during Lent after the 9am Mass beginning February 12, 2016. Except Friday March 4, Stations will be prayed at 8am, which is First Friday. TUESDAYS. March 1, 8 and 15 9:30 - 11:00 AM Ash Wednesday is February 10th. Mass will be at 9am with Ashes and a Distribution of Ashes will be at 7pm. Our Lenten Reconciliation Service will be Tuesday March 8th at 11:00am. Lenten Lunch Worship Schedule - Wednesday’s Feb. 10 Ash Wednesday St. Brendan Homilist Rev. Scott Wilson - Parsons Feb. 17 Calvary Baptist Homilist Rev. Susanne Simpson Feb. 24 Shallotte Presbyterian Homilist Rev. Henry Rehder If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital, nursing home/assisted living facility, etc. you or your family must contact the nearest church. Brunswick – St. Brendan New Hanover – Chaplain’s Office Dosher – Sacred Heart Grand Strand – St. Andrew Loris – St. James Sea Coast - Star of the Sea Amount Saved due to early payments on the mortgage: $1,131,453.65 Building Loan as of this month our total debt is $675,407.38 910-754-8544 910-343-7014 910-457-6173 843-448-5930 843-347-5168 843-249-2356 COLLECTION FOR LAST WEEK $17,766.00 Page 1 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Please pray for Our Family and Friends Masses for the Week Sat. 02/06 5pm † John Moore Sun. 02/07 8am † Richard Whalen 9:30am 11:15am Mon. 02/08 9am Tue. 02/09 9am St. Brendan Parishioners † Regina Weszka Eucharist Service † Christine Shea Ash Wednesday Wed. 02/10 9am † Dean & Katherine Sanders 7pm Distribution of Ashes Thur. 02/11 9am † Jeremy Harris Fri. 02/12 9am † Roy Etchison Sat. 02/13 5pm Sun. 02/14 8am 9:30am 11:15am Jim & Mary Ann Condi 50th Wedding Anniversary † Richard Lurix St. Brendan Parishioners † Elizabeth Bruckmann Next Week’s Reading February 14, 2016 First Sunday of Lent Deuteronomy 26:4-10 Romans 10:8-13 Luke 4:1-13 Communion for the Sick & Homebound contact Pat McLaughlin at 910-287-5479 if you know someone who would like to receive Communion at home. Attention New Parishioners! Welcome to St. Brendan Catholic Church. If you are new to the area, we would like you to choose St. Brendan as your Parish Family. Registration forms are on the Stewardship Desk in the Gathering Space. Please complete the form and place in the collection basket or mail: St. Brendan Catholic Church P.O. Box 2984 Shallotte, N.C. 28459 Ayisha Marawi Hohl Joe Konen Carmen Barros Glenn Petrucci Dan Stennett Annie Labagh Richard Riley Rod Fagert Ethel McDonald Christopher Hylton Sean Neumann The Sullivan Family Daniel Mulcahy Delores Kozel Joan Auray Adele Hordan Vera M. Powell Kim Barros Cira Cole Fr. William Lascelles Krystal Churchwell Mary Carmody Mary Ann Molini Amanda Plumner Lisa Ober Melissa Zobel Tammy Street Rose Davignon Pat Wagner Jennifer McMillan Lindsay Wilharm Didia Brady Olivia Dunn Chuck Gibson Bill Taylor Gene Cox Majorie Repoza John Mulitz Dottie Henndricks Catherine Henry Shawn Watkins Thomas Curran Jason DeMarte Christopher Bueter Marie Tyler Carolena Nickles Bette Hofmann Dom Di Maio Chris Oliver Paul Whitehouse Stella Kielb Jason Del Pezzo Michael Maggiore Solomon Goulet Brandon Snyder Jane Krieger Jean Mulcahy Louise Norton Tommy Pephel Caz Zukowski Gina Sullivan Aaron Alonso Maria Cistulli Tom Hutchin Crystal Basil Mary Elizabeth Zink Diane Ovadek George Carpenter Bernice Fox Hazel Zacofsky Clement McDonald Teresa Ann Costin Anthony Cirincione Deborah Ritchie Jennifer Bryant Joan Barros Bonnie Bryan Mary Ann Comiskey Charlotte Sweeney Tony Kane Denise Kassel Heidi Averill Ann Mandt Katie Brown Evan Ciovacco Ben Lee Jennifer Galla Julie Brown Alice Minneci LCPL Brendan Churchwell Gina De Cotiis Andrew Taylor Lynn Maglione Gregor Liam Orlando Louise Troy Michael Dobosh Jr. Robert Bryant The Malone Family Ray Delotell Alexa, Curtis & Evan Paton Keira Rose Flynn Frank Massa Stanley Zukowski Ray Normandy Donna Maria Kaminskas Linda Kickham Helen Fairman Keri Chavez Karen Long Sr. Carol Beairsto Rgs. Carol & Lauren Caldera Shirley McKneely Paul Lixon Vicky Lewis Noah Semanko JoAnn Behr Ronald Young Julie Mills Ruth Tromblay Christine Miles Tom Waldron Betty Hess Karen Nittoli Barbara Wengernuk Althea Grace Jeff Stephens Elaine Eberhardt Joanne Alstranner Tony & Melina Villate Linda Shemenski Pat Casella Tracey Petralia Please pray for our Parishioners Gary LaRouech Cathleen Newman Jack Dobson Luis Salas George Salchert Barbara Napfel Michael Dobosh, Sr. Adele Treible Mike Bishko Raymond Kidd Jennifer Seeley Elizabeth Walsh Chris Stephens Jackie Fennel Theresa Whaley Jim Cech Ed Manz Pat Pragel Peggy Tinnell Jennifer Cole Joan Gilbert Jim Lynch Austin Sammon Tom Gilmartin Staci Matthews Barbara Hertrich Page 2 Dolores Wenstrup Mary Jane Brust Pat Thatcher Philip & Annice Granville Robert Santoro Robert Manfred Donna Leonard Windy Herring Pam Bailey Katlyne Thompson Gerald Lutz Jean Rosen Gloria Hillenburg Josephine Chebat Bill Cawthra Tom Gaven Ed Kobierowski Carl Shirdon Sue Yudysky Rich Harding Connie Woodard Marlene Korn John A. Murphy Maria Knapik Kathy Semanko Joe and Betty Zegan Charles Bradner David Bodette Deborah Lessner George & Dorthy Mulcahy Josephine Paterson Bill Anstock Charles Witzel George Scheidle David & Kelly Garrett Donald Woods Joe Lowry Madeline Mahony Carol Galovich Mike & Rita McLean Walter Skawinski Jack Seeley Rev. Bruno Swiatocha Anna Zeng Salvatore Dinolfo Jim and Mary Lou Matthews Clifford Rolls Bill Lindsay Rudy Cilento Connie DiLorenzo Pauline Malosky William Conway Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Parish Community St. Brendan Mexican Fiesta K of C Call Richard Rismiller 579-1155. Check their web site: 02/08 Business Meeting 02/15 4th Degree The Columbiettes meet on the second Thursday of the month. Call Karen McCann 287-4175. Ladies Scholarship Tea!! Tickets are now on sale for the annual Ladies Scholarship Tea to be held here in Brendan Hall on Sunday, February 14, 2016. Tickets are $20 and the proceeds go toward scholarships for the young women of our parish. If you wish to host a table, purchase a ticket, or help with the tea please call Karen McCann 287-4175 or Ginny Grant 287-1870 for more information. Tickets will be limited. Mobile Mammography is coming to St. Brendan again. Take action against breast cancer. Get your annual mammography. Thursday, February 25, 2016 9am till 4pm. Pre-registration recommended. To schedule a 15-minute appointment call 910-7211485. Provided by Novant Health. Card Party - The Village at Calabash is having a Card Party at Ryan’s to benefit the Wounded Warriors Leave fund on Tuesday, February 23. The cost is $15. There will be many door prizes. If you would like tickets or for more information, please call Phyllis Farina at 910-579-5439. If you need a Contribution Statement for you taxes, call Rusty in the office at 754-8544. Help Needed for Loaves and Fishes! Anyone that has a truck and would like to volunteer some time to drive the food to the Pantry here, please call Bob Reddy 579-6509. You do not have to load the truck, just drive. The Mexican Festival is already planned for May 7, 2016. 50-50 Raffle tickets will again be $100/ticket. This year, 3 prizes will be awarded: 25%, 15%, and 10% of the amount collected. Raffle tickets are on sale in the Gathering Space after Mass. The Carolina Master Chorale presents “My Funny Valentine” concert on Sat. Feb. 13th at 4pm, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 706 14th Ave. South, in North Myrtle Beach on Sun. Feb. 14th at 4pm at Trinity Church, 3000 N. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach. Tickets are $20, $15 for Seniors and Veterans and $5 for students. Contact Maureen Foley 579-8648 or Betty Johnston 5790924 or call the CMC office at 843-444-5774 for tickets and information. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP – “ Grief Share Group” Parishioners who are going through the grief process are strongly invited to participate in the Grief Share Group at Seaside United Methodist Church. The program provides a seminar each week centering on one unique area of grief and is designed to help you rebuild your life after the death of a loved one. You need not attend every session. Call Jim McNeill , 910-579-2405 or Milly Houger, 910- 5792603, or Jean W. Pelletier 910-754-9126 for further information. I highly recommend this group. First Session: February 5th, 1 PM and runs for 13 weeks Need to get rid of old computers? At 6:40pm on Monday Feb. 8th, Ed McCarron with Computers for Kids will be at St. Brendan’s accepting desktop or laptop computers, flat screen monitors, keyboards and mouses – NO PRINTERS. All computers will be stripped of any data, refurbished and distributed to school children in Brunswick County. For more information, 910-616-6015. Page 3 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 7 St Brendan the Navigator Activities Calendar Ash Wednesday is February 10 - Mass 9am Distribution of Ashes 7pm 2016 Special Thanks to our Sponsor or the week Rosewood Nursery Support the business that that support our bulletin! Sat Thu Fri Wed 6 Choir 5pm Tue Mon 4 Centering Prayer 5 Creative Spirit Rosary of the Unborn 8:10 1 3 Bereavement Counseling Searchers of Scripture 2 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:308:30 20 Ensemble 5pm 13 19 Creative Spirit Peace Prayers 9;30 12 Creative Spirit Peace Prayers 9;30 18 Centering Prayer 27 11 Centering Prayer Brownbaggers Columbiettes 17 Searchers of Scripture Childrens Choir 6-7 Ensemble 4-6 26 Creative Spirit 10 Ash Wednesday 9am Mass Dist. of Ashes 7pm Searchers of Scripture Childrens Choir 6-7 15 K of C 4th Degree 16 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:308:30 25 Centering Prayer Brownbaggers 9 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:308:30 22 Healing Prayer 9:30 24 Searchers of Scripture Childrens Choir 6-7 Ensemble 4-6 29 23 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:308:30 8 K of C Bus. Mtg. Healing Prayer 9:30 No Singles Group in February Questions? Call 754-8544 or email [email protected] Sun 14 Ladies Tea 8am Choir Second Sunday Coffee 21 Being Mortal 28 Choir Sings 11:15 Mon: Healing Prayer every 2nd & 4th Mon. at 9:30 a.m. Call Jane: 575-3064 Tues: Faith’s Journey after Mass in the Lahren Rm call Jane 575-3064 Wed: Searchers Bible Study, after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Fran: 754-9126 Thurs. Centering Prayer—after Mass in Maloney Rm. Call Jean: 754-9126 Fri.: Creative Spirit (knit/ crochet) after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Jeanne 579-8241. Peace Prayers after Mass in library. Page 4 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Boletin Hispano INFORMACION Para saber acerca de preguntas sobre inmigración llamen a la Madre Rosanne al teléfono 910-616-2105. La Madre atiende todos los domingos después de la misa de las 9:30 de la mañana en las oficinas del Centro Pastoral. FORMACION DE FE Padre Ricardo, párroco (910-754-8544) Hna. M. Teresa coordinadora (910-200-9209 Quinto Domingo Ordinario BAUTISMOS El evangelio de este domingo 5º del Tiempo Ordinario refleja una experiencia semejante, aunque vivida en un ambiente diverso. Ante una pesca desacostumbrada, Pedro se arroja ante los pies de Jesús (Lc 5,8). Isaías es de Jerusalén, Pedro es de Betsaida. No está en el templo, sino en el mar. Ahora la gloria de Dios se manifiesta en Jesús de Nazaret. El próximo bautismo será el sábado día 5 de Marzo. Por favor se pide llenen la aplicación. Se pide asistan a la plática que se dará el día 17 de Enero y el día 28 de Febrero después de la misa de las 9:30 de la mañana. Los bautismos son a las 3:30 de la tarde. MIERCOLES DE CENIZA El hermoso relato evangélico que hoy se proclama subraya la dignidad de Jesús de Nazaret, la exhortación a escuchar su palabra que nos envía a los mares, y la promesa de una misión que ha de dar sentido a la vida del discípulo. Todo ello apoyado en el diálogo entre Jesús y Pedro. “Rema mar adentro”. Jesús necesita la colaboración de Pedro para su misión. Pero, al aceptar esa ayuda, suscita la generosidad del discípulo y hace posible un futuro inesperado. “Por tu palabra echaré las redes”. El discípulo ha de estar dispuesto a reconocer su propio fracaso. Pero hace bien al confiar en la palabra de su Maestro. “Apártate de mí, Señor que soy un pecador”. La arrogancia no es buena consejera del discípulo. Descubrir la presencia del Señor sólo puede suscitar asombro y humildad. “No temas: desde hoy serás pescador de hombres”. La generosidad del Señor ofrece apoyo a la debilidad del discípulo, al tiempo que aprovecha su capacidad y la transforma. El miércoles día 10 de Febrero comienza la Santa Cuaresma. La Iglesia nos da estos 40 días para que todos los cristianos/católicos hagamos una gran reflexión de lo que significa para nosotros ser seguidores de Jesús. También nos da tiempo para reflexionar sobre nuestras vidas de acuerdo con nuestra relación con Jesús crucificado. Durante la cuaresma tendremos tiempo para el sacramento de la reconciliación. El padre Ryszard estará en el confesionario todos los sábados a las 4 de la tarde y también los domingos antes de la misa. La cecina se impondrá a las 7 de la tarde, el miércoles día 10 de Febrero. PLATICAS PARA LAS QUINCEANERAS Las tres pláticas obligatorias para las quinceañeras comienzan el miércoles 17 de Febrero a las 6:30 de la tarde. El miércoles 24 de Febrero, a las 6:30 de la tarde y el domingo 28 de Febrero. Todas las quinceañeras que celebran este ano su fiesta deben de asistir a estas pláticas. Page 5
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