Our Lady Of Guadalupe Catholic Church La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 8400 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor, CA 95492 Rev. Michaelraj Philominsamy, Pastor. April 17th, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Easter 17 de Abril 2016 Cuarto Domingo de Pascua Mass Schedule Horario de Misas Monday /Lunes Communion service/ Servicio de Comunión 9:00 a.m. Tuesday –Friday Martes –Viernes 9:00 a.m. Bilingual/ Bilingüe Saturday /Sabado 5:00 p.m. English 7:00 p.m. Spanish Sunday /Domingo 9:00 a. m. English/Ingles 12:30 p.m Spanish/Español Confession / Confesiones 9:30 a.m. Tues – Fri./ martes-viernes 4:30 p.m. Saturday /Sabado 12 noon Sunday /Domingo CONTACT US/CONTATANOS Tel: 707 837-8962 Fax: 707 837-9157 Email: [email protected] Website– Pagina Webwww.olgwindsor.org Parish Office Hours/ Horario de oficina: Mon & Fri./Lunes y Viernes 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tues.– Th./ Martes a Jueves 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed Sat., Sun. and holidays/ Cerrado el Sábados, Domingo y días festivos Save the Date! We are celebrating Father’s Jubilee on June 26, 2016 with a mass at 5:00 pm and a multi-cultural food event following. Contact Gini at (707) 837-7620 if you would like to sponsor a table. ¡Reserva el Dia! Estaremos celebrando el Jubileo de Padre el 26 de junio 2016 y con misa a las 5:00 pm y siguiendo con un eventode comida multicultural. Favor de contactar a Gini al (707) 831-8962 si usted desea patrocinar una mesa. Saturday/Sabado April 16 de Abril 5:00 p.m. Pray for the soul of Victor Bertucceli 7:00 p.m. Pray for Joe Rosas may he find his way to God. Sunday/ Domingo April 17 de Abril 9:00 am Pray for Lisa Hyland Pray for Kathleen D’ Agosta Reporte Financiero Semanal Weekly Financial Repor April 9/10 1st collection/ 1er colecta: Monday/Lunes April 18 de Abril $ 6,458.50 2nd collection/ 2da colecta: $ 2,465.00 Spec. Parish Maint Proj. Total: Daily Readings / Lecturas Diarias $ 8,923.50 Next weeks collection Caritas Scripture Reading Las lecturas bíblicas April 17 de Abril Fourth Sunday of Easter Cuarto Domingo de Pascua 1o “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven.” 1st Reading/ Lectura: Acts 13:14, 43-52 Throughout history, self-interest and barely disguised personal ambition have often been wrapped in a veneer of traditional religious language. Let us be ever mindful that, as we cry out for freedom and change, we are motivated by the call of the Gospel, not by selfishness or political ambition. 2nd Reading/2o Lectura: Revelation 7:9, 14b-17 Gospel/Evangelio: John 10:27-30 Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 42:2-3; 43:3, 4 John 10:1-10 Tuesday/ Martes April 19 de Abril Acts 11:19-26 Psalm 87:1B-3, 4-7 John 10:22-30 Wednesday/Miercoles April 20 de Abril Acts 12:24-13:5A Psalm 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 John 12:44-50 Thursday/Jueves April 21 de Abril Acts 13:13-25 Psalm 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27 John 13:16-20 Friday/Viernes April 22 de Abril Acts 13:26-33 Psalm 2:6-9, 10-11AB John 14:1-6 Saturday/Sabado April 23 de Abril Acts 13:44-52 “The Church’s first truth is the love of Christ. The Church makes herself a Psalms 98:1, 2-3AB, 3CD-4 servant of this love and mediates it to all people: a love that forgives and exJohn 14:7-14 presses itself in the gift of oneself. Consequently, wherever the Church is present, the mercy of the Father must be evident. In our parishes, communities, associations and movements, in a word, wherever there are Christians, everyone should find an oasis of mercy.” Pope Francis “Primera verdad de la Iglesia es el amor de Cristo. La Iglesia se hace un sirviente de este amor y se hace a todas las personas: un amor que perdona y se expresa en el don de sí mismo. En consecuencia, siempre que la Iglesia está presente, la misericordia del Padre debe ser evidente. En nuestras parroquias, comunidades, asociaciones y movimientos, en una palabra, allí donde hay cristianos, cada uno debe encontrar un oasis de piedad.” Papa Francisco 3 Calendar of Ministry Events and Meetings ATTENTION PRAYER GARDEN “BRICK” SPONSORS April 18, 2016 to April 24, 2016 If you sponsored a brick in support of the bronze statue for our Lady of GuaMonday/ Lunes dalupe Prayer Garden, you should have -4:00 pm Bingo– hall received a thank-you card. The card con-6:00 pm Healing Ministry-Sacristy tains a drawing that represents how your Tuesday-Martes text will appear on your sponsorship -6:30 pm Knights of Columbus meeting-C brick. Please examine the drawing care-7:00 pm Spanish Prayer-church fully. If you need to make changes, contact the church office at (707) 837-8962. Wednesday/ Miercoles All changes must be made no later than -9:45 am George S. Discussion GRP - C -6 pm Spanish CCD– all rooms & Sacristy April 22nd. -6 pm First Reconciliation-Church -7:45 pm Spa. CCD teachers mtg.-room C -7:00 pm El buen Pastor Choir-church Thursday/ Jueves -9:45 am Caryl D’s Scripture Grp.-room C -4:30 pm CCD-all rooms, backstage & sacristy -4:30 pm 1st Communion prep-hall -4:30 pm Prayer Service-church -7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul-room B Friday/ Viernes -9:45 am George S. Discussion GRP - C -10 am Prayer Shawl-A/B -6 pm Spanish Kids Choir– room C -7 pm Spanish Young Adults Group-Y Saturday/Sabado -7:30 am Xvera & RCIA– room Y -10:00 am Sp. 1st Communions-church -1:30 pm English 1st communion-church Sunday/ Domingo -7:30 am Xvera & RCIA-room Y -10:30 am RCIA– Fr. Angelito -10:30 am Bible Study-room Y -2:00 pm Eucharist Ministry mtg.-A/B -6 pm Youth Group– rooms Y & C ATENCIÓN A LOS PATROCINADORES DEL LOS "ladrillos" y el Jardín de Oración Si usted patrocino un ladrillo en apoyo del Jardin de Oracion y de la estatua de bronce de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Usted deberia haber recibido una tarjeta de agradecimiento. La tarjeta contiene un dibujo que representa como aparecera el texto en su ladrillo que patrocino. Por favor, examine cuidadosamente el dibujo. Si necesita hacer cambios, favor de contactar a la oficina de la iglesia al (707) 837-8962. Todos los cambios deben realizarse a mas tardar el 22 de abril. 4 ● POR FAVOR AYUDE A NUESTROS PATROCINADORES ● *PLEASE SUPPORT THE BUSINESSES THAT MAKE OUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE.* CRAIG CURRERI PACIFIC UNION INTERNATIONAL Your Trusted Real Estate Broker Serving the Real Estate needs of our Community! 707-477-5120 www.craigcurreri.com “Like a good neighbor STATE FARM is there” ® ROBIN AITKEN-BULLARD State Farm Insurance Agent Lic.#0E71616 8465 Old Redwood Hwy#500, Windsor, CA 95492 707-838-0500; Fax 707-838-9898; Res. 707-838-0300 DOLLY’S MANOR Care Facility for the Elderly License # 490111198 LAKEWOOD DENTAL Regina Pronstroller Serafica D.D.S. F AMLY DENTISTRY 9046 Brooks Road South, Windsor, CA 95492 Se Habla Español 707-836-8685 Fax 707-836-8631 SANTA ROSA & WINDSOR 5705 Corbett Circle, Santa Rosa 485 Jane Dr., Windsor Operated by a Registered Nurse (707) 579-9468 / 838-3559 SPACE AVAILABLE! Windsor Authentic Mexican Food 8832 Lakewood Dr. 707-836-4360 OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER Bring this ad—get a 10% discount Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Guadalupe Council 11446 All Catholic men welcome to join us! Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism “the strong right arm of the Church” -Saint Pope John Paul II Todos los hombres católicos dan la bienvenida a unirse a nosotros! Caridad, Unidad, Fraternidad, Patriotismo “El brazo derecho fuerte de la Iglesia" -San Juan Pablo II Ask a Knight / call Bob Nickel @ 481-2267 - en español Leobardo Mendez @ 293-3908 The MADONNA SODALITY of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church invites all catholic women to join us in Spiritual activities, social functions and fund raising for the benefit of our church. For information call Caryl DeMerritt 707-433-8962 Serving Windsor Area Families Since 1875 Daniels Chapel of The Roses FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY Fun. Lic. FD 209 Cre. Lic. 92 HONORING ALL CATHOLIC PRACTICES Personalized Services *Se Habla Español CAMPOS HOUSE AMERICAN- MEXICAN RESTAURANT B R E A K F A S T –L U N C H –D I N N E R 8465 Old Redwood Hwy #510 Windsor, CA 95492 TO GO FOOD 707-836-4003 *SENIOR DISCOUNT * WE DO CATERING NOW HIRING! Apply online at: www.starhr.com Or in person at: 5550 Skyland Blvd Suite N Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-575-5005 or 707-894-4404 (Cloverdale) 707-525-3730 1225 Sonoma Ave. – Santa Rosa, CA95405 Advertisements are purchased by the advertiser and are not endorsements by Our Lady Guadalupe Church . Todos los anuncios son pagados por sus patrocinadores de ninguna manera la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es responsable de estos.
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