St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 Saturday, April 23 Acts 13: 44-52/ Ps 98;1-4/ Jn 14: 7-14 5:00 PM Michael Fenick Joan Sullivan Jackie Kelly MASS SCHEDULE Sunday, April 24 Acts 14: 21-27/ Ps 145: 8-13/ Rv 21: 1-5/ Jn 13: 31-33, 34-35 8:00 AM Thomas Davey 9:30 AM Georgina Gomez 11:00 AM Annie Mae Collins 6:30 PM Neil Sheridan Monday, April 25 1 Pt 5: 5-14/ Ps 89: 2-3, 6-7, 16-17/ Mk 16: 15-20 9:00 AM Mae Kavanagh Tuesday, April 26 Acts 14: 19-28/ Ps 145: 10-13, 21/ Jn 14: 27-31 9:00 AM Margo E. Maquet Wednesday, April 27 Acts 15: 1-6/ Ps 122: 1-5/ Jn 15: 1-8 9:00 AM Paul Francis Clark 7:00 PM Carmen Diaz 8:00 PM Maria Concepción Salguero Thursday, April 28 Acts 15: 7-21/ Ps 96: 1-3, 10/ Jn 15: 9-11 9:00 AM Regina Butthorn Friday, April 29 Acts 15: 22-31/ Ps 57: 8-10, 12/ Jn 15: 12-17 9:00 AM Joan Thompson Saturday, April 30 Acts 16: 1-10/ Ps 100: 1-2, 3, 5/ JN 15: 18-21 5:00 PM John Guglielmi Thomas Farrell Joseph Kellen Sunday, May 1 Acts 15: 1-2, 22-29/ Ps 67: 2-3, 5-6, 8/ Rv 21: 10-14, 22-23/ Jn 14: 23-29 8:00 AM Anne Maroney 9:30 AM Inés Fuentes 11:00 AM Linda D’Aray 6:30 PM Eileen T. Mahan 1 Ana Bauman Arleen Ercole Baby Alexandra Bill Healy Dorothy Boe Eugene Harrison Gloria Ostendorf Joan Yavorcik John Downey John Enright John Schwarz Kevin Doherty Joseph Ingraffia Josephine Anne O’Keeffe Laura Lilley Yavorcik Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu Marge Haggerty Mary Curnyn Mary L. Phelan Mary Meyer Mick Ennis Nena Ayala Patricia Connelly Ralph Gagliano Richard Webster Robert E. Lee Robert Lilley Tito Squeo Bread & Wine Offering in memory of Joseph D. Rich, Jr. Banns of Marriage I Edmond Wong Charina Ramos #477 St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church Incl. Online this week: $1,512 April 24 Healthy Sunday May 5 The Ascension of the Lord May 7 First Communion, 10 am & 12 pm May 16 Confirmation, 4 pm May 19 Holy Hour PARISH NEWS Holy Hour th May 19 @ 7:30 pm Presided by Fr. James Hansen Followed by social gathering in the Rectory 2 #477 St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS The Ascension of the Lord Solemnity Thursday, May 5, 2016 Healthy Sunday offering education and information for your health and well-being Free Health Screenings Blood pressure Height and weight Body Mass Index *Refreshments will be served* On this day, the risen Christ, in the sight of His apostles, ascended bodily into Heaven. Wednesday, May 4 7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (English) 8:00 pm Mass (Spanish) Thursday, May 5 9:00 am Mass (English) 7:30 p.m. Mass - (English) St. Mary of the Isle Church TODAY 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Holy Day of Obligation Jubilee Year of Mercy Day of Prayer SATURDAY, APRIL 30TH GOLF AND TENNIS OUTING Join the Padre Pio Group at the SHRINE OF DIVINE MERCY Stockbridge, Massachusetts For a day of Benediction, Rosary, Reconciliation, Holy Mass, and Chaplet of Divine Mercy When: Where: Monday May 16th, 2016 Hempstead Golf and Country Club What: Sign In & Brunch 10am Start time: Golf 12 noon shotgun start Tennis 11am start Cocktails and Dinner only available including great Prizes, Awards and Raffles! Bus will depart at 9:00 am From Immaculate Conception, Jamaica NY Cost $100 per person For more information or to register, please contact: Josephine Cavallaro at 516-432-1610 3 For info or to make a donation Contact Terri Bohm (516)-398-2111; [email protected] #477 St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church Dear Parents of our Faith Formation Program, The last days of classes are as follows: Middle School: 8th Grade—April 17 Elementary: 2nd, 3rd 4th & 5th Grades—April 20th 7th Grade—April 18 PreK, K & 1st Grade—April 19th 6th Grade—April 19 ***************************************************************************************************** CONFIRMATION REHEARSAL for St. Mary of the Isle Students Sunday—May 15th - 6:30 Mass & Rehearsal Immediately Following Mass *All Confirmandi and Sponsors must attend * **Please make sure your student has submitted all their paperwork** CONFIRMATION IS MAY 16TH @ 4PM ALL STUDENTS MUST ARRIVE TO PARISH HALL BY 3:30PM Any questions please call the office 516-432-1320 Or email [email protected] ***************************************************************************************************** FIRST EUCHARIST & REHEARSAL SCHEDULE First Eucharist May 7th at 10am & 12pm (for 2nd & 3rd Grades): Rehearsal for 10am mass— Tuesday—May 3rd @ 4:30pm Rehearsal for 12pm mass—Wednesday—May 4th @ 4:30pm First Eucharist May 15th @ 11:00am Mass (for upper grade children) Rehearsal—Monday—May 2nd @ 4:30pm Any questions please call the office 516-432-1320 Or email [email protected] 4 #477 FAITH FORMATION APRIL L St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church Quinto Domingo de Pascua 24 de abril de 2016 Domingo Saludable Servicios Católicos de Salud de Long Island ofrecemos información y educación para su salud y bienestar EXAMEN MEDICO GRATIS ESPAÑOL Presión - Medidas de altura y peso - Índice de masa del cuerpo ¡Se ofrecerán refrescos! St. Mary of the Isle Church, Long Beach, NY HOY 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Para mas información llame al 631-465-6304 Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor XIII CONGRESO DE LA MUJER LATINA CATOLICA DE LONG ISLAND Jueves 5 de mayo, 2016 Invitados En este día, el Cristo resucitado, ante los ojos de Sus apóstoles, ascendió corporalmente al Cielo. Miércoles 4 de mayo - Vigilia 7:00 p.m. Misa en inglés 8:00 pm Misa en español Mujer, Modelo de Misericordia Padre David Guzmán Misionero Yarumal Desde California Dra. Martha Reyes Sicóloga, Teóloga, Cantante Católica Sábado, 30 de abril, 2016 8:30 AM - 3:00PM Centro Pastoral, Catedral Santa Inés, 29 Quealy Place, Rockville Centre, NY, 11570 Más información y boletos: María Teresa Gutiérrez - 516-678-5800 ext. 560 Jueves 5 de mayo 9:00 am Misa en inglés 7:00 p.m. Misa en inglés DONACION $20.00 - CUPO LIMITADO Envíe cheque o Money order a: Office of Hispanic Ministry P.O. Box 9023 - Rockville Centre NY 11571-9023 Incluya su nombre y dirección le enviaremos sus boletos. (No niños por favor) Día de Obligación 5 #477
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