Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Reflections on the Sunday Readings Today’s second reading and Passion narrative focus on Jesus, history’s ultimate player. On Calvary the world must have judged him defeated. In fact, he had won both the battle and the war against sin and death for all ages to come. The Philippians passage describes Jesus exchanging the mantle of divinity for the mantle of suffering, even to death on a cross. The drama does not end in defeat; God intervenes to make this cross the tree of victory. The entire universe must proclaim to God’s glory that Jesus Christ is Lord. The slave had set humanity free. Luke’s account of Jesus” Passion and death focuses not on historical detail but on the portrait of a martyr. A clear example of Jesus the martyr is his forgiveness to the Good Thief. Jesus’ final words in Matthew and Mark were, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” In Luke they were, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (see Luke 23:46). Paul and Luke show that victory is not always measured according to worldly criteria. Generosity and truth will win out because they are preserved in the living memory of a loving God and the Christian community. Whenever that community sings or recites the story of such heroes and heroines, they solemnly announce the ultimate victory of genuine good, but not always in the fashion the world would expect. Holy Week Schedule Holy Thursday March 24 Good Friday March 25 Easter Vigil March 26 A SPECIAL THANK YOU to the Knights of Columbus for the delicious cookies! The children of FamilyCentered Faith Formation enjoyed the special Treats and we appreciate that the K of C always remembers the children of St. Brendan’s Just a reminder… the next FamilyCentered Faith Formation session is Sunday April 3rd. It is for children in grades Pre-K thru 8th AND their parents/grandparents. High Schools students are invited to attend the session with the parents or work as volunteers assisting the facilitators. The session begins at 9:30am and ends at 10:45am. Following our session, the 11:15am Mass will be the Children’s Liturgy for our Faith Formation families and parishioners. Need more info, contact Diane and Tom Nagle [email protected] A BIG THANK YOU to all who attended our St. Brendan’s Scholarship Tea and helped make this day a wonderful success. We will be awarding scholarship to some young ladies of our parish with our proceeds. Thank you again for your support of this worthwhile project! ATTENTION ALL YOUNG LADIES OF OUR PARISH: Scholarship applications for the next school year are now available at the Church Office. You must be an active member of our parish and planning on furthering your education in your chosen field. Applications must be filled our and returned to the Church Office by April 30, 2016. 4:00pm 3:00pm 8:00pm Easter Sunday March 27 8:00am 9:30am 11:15am If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital, nursing home/assisted living facility, etc. you or your family must contact the nearest church. Brunswick – St. Brendan New Hanover – Chaplain’s Office Dosher – Sacred Heart Grand Strand – St. Andrew Loris – St. James Sea Coast - Star of the Sea 910-754-8544 910-343-7014 910-457-6173 843-448-5930 843-347-5168 843-249-2356 Amount Saved due to early payments on the mortgage: $1,131,453.65 Building Loan as of this month our total debt is $626,306.26 COLLECTION FOR LAST WEEK $18,248.29 Page 1 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Please pray for Our Family and Friends Masses for the Week Sat. 03/19 5pm † Joe Reid Sun. 03/20 8am † Thomas Bruce 9:30am 11:15am St. Brendan Parishioners † Dean & Katherine Sanders Mon. 03/21 9am Tue. 03/22 9am Wed. 03/23 9am † Sophie Fey Thur. 03/24 4pm † Ralph Cifelli (No 9am Mass) Fri. 03/25 3pm Good Friday (No 9am Mass) Sat. 03/26 8pm † William Pragel Sun. 03/27 8am † Will Marmura 9:30am 11:15am Eucharist Service † Robert Borstock St. Brendan Parishioners † Eugene Pfleiterer Next Week’s Reading March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts of the Apostles 10:34, 37-43 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9 Communion for the Sick & Homebound contact Pat McLaughlin at 910-287-5479 if you know someone who would like to receive Communion at home. Attention New Parishioners! Welcome to St. Brendan Catholic Church. If you are new to the area, we would like you to choose St. Brendan as your Parish Family. Registration forms are on the Stewardship Desk in the Gathering Space. Please complete the form and place in the collection basket or mail: St. Brendan Catholic Church P.O. Box 2984 Shallotte, N.C. 28459 Ayisha Marawi Hohl Joe Konen Carmen Barros Glenn Petrucci Dan Stennett Annie Labagh Richard Riley Rod Fagert Ethel McDonald Christopher Hylton Sean Neumann The Sullivan Family Daniel Mulcahy Kim Barros Cira Cole Fr. William Lascelles Krystal Churchwell Mary Carmody Mary Ann Molini Amanda Plumner Lisa Ober Melissa Zobel Tammy Street Rose Davignon Pat Wagner Jennifer McMillan Lindsay Wilharm Didia Brady Olivia Dunn Chuck Gibson Bill Taylor Gene Cox Majorie Repoza John Mulitz Dottie Henndricks Catherine Henry Shawn Watkins Thomas Curran Jason DeMarte Christopher Bueter Michael Uher Joe Borzilleri Will Debukoc Gwen Glover Marie Tyler Carolena Nickles Bette Hofmann Dom Di Maio Chris Oliver Paul Whitehouse Stella Kielb Jason Del Pezzo Michael Maggiore Solomon Goulet Brandon Snyder Jane Krieger Jean Mulcahy Aaron Alonso Maria Cistulli Tom Hutchin Crystal Basil Mary Elizabeth Zink Diane Ovadek George Carpenter Bernice Fox Hazel Zacofsky Clement McDonald Teresa Ann Costin Anthony Cirincione Deborah Ritchie Jennifer Bryant Joan Barros Bonnie Bryan Mary Ann Comiskey Charlotte Sweeney Tony Kane Denise Kassel Heidi Averill Ann Mandt Katie Brown Evan Ciovacco Ben Lee Jennifer Galla Julie Brown Andrea Olsen Henry Cole Betty Lamphiere Gerry Feldhaus Alice Minneci LCPL Brendan Churchwell Gina De Cotiis Andrew Taylor Lynn Maglione Gregor Liam Orlando Louise Troy Michael Dobosh Jr. Robert Bryant The Malone Family Ray Delotell Alexa, Curtis & Evan Paton Keira Rose Flynn Linda Kickham Helen Fairman Keri Chavez Karen Long Sr. Carol Beairsto Rgs. Carol & Lauren Caldera Shirley McKneely Paul Lixon Vicky Lewis Noah Semanko JoAnn Behr Ronald Young Julie Mills Ruth Tromblay Christine Miles Tom Waldron Betty Hess Karen Nittoli Barbara Wengernuk Althea Grace Jeff Stephens Elaine Eberhardt Joanne Alstranner Tony & Melina Villate Linda Shemenski Pat Casella Tracey Petralia Joe Marrone Barbara Nance Ray Normandy Joe & Karolyn Robinson Please pray for our Parishioners Gary LaRouech Cathleen Newman Jack Dobson Luis Salas George Salchert Barbara Napfel Michael Dobosh, Sr. Adele Treible Mike Bishko Raymond Kidd Jennifer Seeley Elizabeth Walsh Chris Stephens Jackie Fennel Theresa Whaley Jim Cech Charles Witzel Pat Pragel Peggy Tinnell Jennifer Cole Joan Gilbert Jim Lynch Austin Sammon Tom Gilmartin Staci Matthews Barbara Hertrich Page 2 Dolores Wenstrup Mary Jane Brust Pat Thatcher Philip & Annice Granville Robert Santoro Robert Manfred Donna Leonard Windy Herring Pam Bailey Katlyne Thompson Gerald Lutz Jean Rosen Gloria Hillenburg Josephine Chebat Bill Cawthra Tom Gaven Ed Kobierowski Carl Shirdon Sue Yudysky Rich Harding Connie Woodard Marlene Korn John A. Murphy Maria Knapik Kathy Semanko Joe and Betty Zegan Charles Bradner David Bodette Deborah Lessner George & Dorthy Mulcahy Josephine Paterson Ed Manz George Scheidle Diane Hotop David & Kelly Garrett Donald Woods Joe Lowry Madeline Mahony Carol Galovich Mike & Rita McLean Walter Skawinski Jack Seeley Rev. Bruno Swiatocha Anna Zeng Salvatore Dinolfo Jim and Mary Lou Matthews Clifford Rolls Louise Wallen Rudy Cilento Connie DiLorenzo Pauline Millosky William Conway Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Parish Community St. Brendan Mexican Fiesta K of C Call Richard Rismiller 579-1155. Check their web site: 04/11 Business Meeting 03/21 4th Degree The Columbiettes meet on the second Thursday of the month. Call Karen McCann 287-4175. The Mexican Festival is already planned for May 7, 2016. 50-50 Raffle tickets will again be $100/ ticket. This year, 3 prizes will be awarded: 25%, 15%, and 10% of the amount collected. Raffle tickets are on sale in the Gathering Space before and after Mass. “ R e t i r e m e n t ATTENTION ALL PARISHIONERS - The Parish Plan is Available. The work of the Parish Planning Committee has now ended and St. Brendan Parish Plan 2015-2017, has been developed, embracing all the data collected over the past 18 months from you, St. Brendan parishioners. The Plan is posted on the parish website and limited hard copies will be available on the Gathering Space desk. Solutions for Life” a presentation by John Ingraham and Juliet Casper. Here is a list of topics they will be discussing: Thanks to all parishioners who took time and had the interests of our parish at heart, to complete the survey and participate in group meetings. Valuable information was learned. Thanks to all those who worked on committees and provided indispensable support and assistance to the Planning Committee. Asset Allocation Our parish will continue to flourish because of your generosity and your faithfulness to God and to the Church. The ministries and service our parishioners provide within the parish and in the larger community are a blessing to both recipients and to our parish family. Let us celebrate God’s goodness to us in allowing us to serve Him and his people! Portfolio Security - how to protect your “nest egg” from market volatility Tax Strategies develop a strategy, importance of RMD, reduce the impact. Long Term Care - with no physical Social Security - “How new changes could affect your retirement plan” Estate Planning - “will vs. trust”, powers of attorney, getting things in order John and Juliet will be answering your questions and informing you on these issues. The presentation will be in Brendan Hall, April 6th, from 1pm - 3pm. Call St. Brenan’s 754-8544 to register for the program. If you need a Contribution Statement for your taxes, call Rusty in the office at 754-8544. Singles Group: There will be no Singles Meeting at St. Brendan’s in March. Meetings should resume on the second Monday of April, April 11th. Gift Shop: Volunteers are needed at the Gift Shop to work on one mass per month. Its recent relocation and the variety of merchandise has been well-received by our parishioners. There is an immediate need for the help at the 5pm Mass on Saturday. If interested, please contact Kathy Cloutier at 843280-9836. Yesterday’s Memories a group of singers from St. Brendan needs an accompanist! We sing oldies but goodies at Arbor Landing and Autumn Care on one Wednesday a month and we have a portable keyboard. Practice is at 12:30 here at St. Brendan. Then it’s off to Arbor Landing and Autumn Care, ending about 3:45. For more information and to volunteer, call Jim at 5754702 or Luci at 579-1159. Thanks! Page 3 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina 6 March Special Thanks to our Sponsor or the week 26 Easter Vigil 8pm Sat Support the business that that support our bulletin! East Coast Moving LLC St Brendan the Navigator Activities Calendar Carrie Dewitt Partello - Parishoner Thu 5 Fri Wed 3 Centering Prayer 4 Creative Spirit Rosary of the Unborn 8:10 Tue 2016 Mon 2 Bereavement Counseling Searchers of Scripture 18 Creative Spirit Peace Prayers 9;30 1 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:308:30 12 17 Centering Prayer 25 Good Friday 3pm Spanish 7pm Office Closed 7 11 Creative Spirit Peace Prayers 9;30 16 Searchers of Scripture 24 Holy Thursday 4pm Centering Prayer Brownbaggers 19 10 Centering Prayer Brownbaggers 15 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:308:30 23 Searchers of Scripture Childrens Choir 6-7 Ensemble 4-6 31 Centering Prayer 9 Searchers of Scripture Childrens Choir 6-7 14 K of C Bus. Mtg. Healing Prayer 9:30 22 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:308:30 30 Searchers of Scripture Columbiettes 21 K of C 4th Degree 29 Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:308:30 8 Penance Service 11am Faith’s Journey 9:30 - 11:30 Choir Practice 6:30- Questions? Call 754-8544 or email [email protected] Sun 13 8am Choir Cantata 3pm Second Sunday Coffee 20 Being Mortal 27 Easter Sunday 8am, 9:30am, 11:15am 28 Healing Prayer 9:30 Office Closed Mon: Healing Prayer every 2nd & 4th Mon. at 9:30 a.m. Call Jane: 575-3064 Tues: Faith’s Journey after Mass in the Lahren Rm call Jane 575-3064 Wed: Searchers Bible Study, after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Fran: 754-9126 Thurs. Centering Prayer—after Mass in Maloney Rm. Call Jean: 754-9126 Fri.: Creative Spirit (knit/ crochet) after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Jeanne 579-8241. Peace Prayers after Mass in library. Page 4 Saint Brendan Catholic Church Shallotte, North Carolina Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Boletin Hispano INFORMACION Para saber acerca de preguntas sobre inmigración llamen a la Madre Rosanne al teléfono 910-616-2105. La Madre atiende todos los domingos después de la misa de las 9:30 de la mañana en las oficinas del Centro Pastoral. FORMACION DE FE Padre Ricardo, párroco (910-754-8544) Hna. M. Teresa coordinadora (910-200-9209 DOMINGO DE RAMOS BAUTISMOS Los relatos de la Pasión son en general muy parecidos en todos los Evangelistas. Pero cada evangelista tiene su originalidad y su intención particular al narrar su relato... San Lucas: en todo su Evangelio se destacan particularmente la bondad y mansedumbre de Jesús Pero estos rasgos se acentúan más en la narración de la Pasión: él quiere mostrarnos que Jesús a través de su Muerte y Resurrección otorga el perdón de todos los hombres, aunque estos sean sus enemigos... El bautismo para el mes de abril será el sábado 23 de abril a las 3:30 de la tarde. La plática para padres y padrinos será el domingo 3 de abril después de la misa de las 9:30 de la mañana. Por favor llenen la registración del bautismo de su hijo, (a) y se lo dan a la Madre Teresa. Muchas gracias. Junto al tema principal del perdón, hay otros de importancia: Jesús es un inocente condenado injustamente, y todos lo reconocen, aún sus jueces; el arrepentimiento como una actitud que dispone para recibir el perdón; la confianza en Dios Padre, y otros. Muchas gracias a los estudiantes de High School que ayudan en la clase de Formación en la Fé. También muchas gracias a el grupo de hombres y mujeres que preparan las clases todos los meses para los niños de Formación en la Fé. Apreciamos de todo corazón. .Al comenzar la narración hay una discusión sobre quien es el más importante. Jesús contesta: Yo estoy en medio de ustedes como un sirviente ... Y así lo demuestra durante toda su Pasión: todo lo hace para servir a los demás, como un esclavo, que soporta todo en silencio, que permite que todos lo manden y desprecien, hasta entregar su Cuerpo y su Sangre como alimento, Jesús mismo dice (y lo repetimos en cada Misa) que su Cuerpo es entregado en beneficio de los hombres, y su Sangre es derramada también en beneficio de todos... y después anuncia que va a la muerte para preparar un Reino en el que sus discípulos reinaremos con Él. San Lucas relata constantemente que Jesús es la víctima inocente: Lo reconoce así Herodes, que no puede condenarlo, y entonces lo trata de loco. Lo reconoce así Poncio Pilatos, y lo dirá 3 veces a los acusadores: No encuentro culpa en este hombre ... pero lo condena a muerte. Lo reconoce así uno de los crucificados con Él (el buen ladrón): Este no ha hecho nada malo ... Lo reconoce el soldado que está al pie de la cruz: este hombre era justo Muchas gracias SEMANA DE LA PASION DEL SEÑOR Jueves Santo, la misa de la Ultima Cena es a las 4 de la tarde. El Viernes Santo la Pasión y Muerte de Jesús es a las 7 de la tarde El Sábado Santo es a las 8 de la tarde MUCHAS GRACIAS A todas las personas que fueron parte del concierto sobre la pasión y resurrección de Cristo les damos las gracias por el trabajo tan excelente que nos presentaron. Las dos comunidades de la iglesia, los americanos y los hispanos trabajaron juntamente para presentarnos la obra. Damos las gracias a la directora del coro americano Sandy Gemach y a la Madre Rosanne por la presentación del power point acerca de la vida de Jesús. También damos las gracias a Luis Medina por su trabajo con el grupo hispano. Todos unidos con el propósito común de celebrar la vida de Nuestro Seno Jesucristo. Page 5
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