November 29, 2015 Page 1 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 10800 HENDERSON RD., VENTURA, CA 93004 (805) 647-3235; FAX (805) 647-8087 Visit us on the WEB at: Email us at: [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday 8:30AM - 2PM & Sunday 7:30AM - 11:45AM SACRED HEART SCHOOL 10770 Henderson Rd., Ventura, CA 93004 (805) 647-6174 OUR SHARED MISSION We are called to be an unconditionally loving and welcoming community. We have been called by our Baptism, into the body of Christ, and we celebrate our relationship in Word, Sacrament, and family celebration. Rev. John Vogel, Administrator Rev. Carlos Macias, LC, Associate Pastor Rev. Daniel O’Sullivan, Pastor Emeritus Deacon John Barry Deacon Fernando Flores Deacon Phil Conforti Deacon Humberto Guzman BAPTISMS: Parents & godparents are required to attend a class focused on their responsibilities & the meaning of the Sacrament prior to the ceremony. Classes are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Call the parish office to set an appointment. After the initial interview the office will call you to schedule the class and the Baptism. MARRIAGES/QUINCEAÑERAS: They need to be arranged at least six months prior by calling the parish office & scheduling an appointment with a priest or deacon. VOCATIONS: If you think that God might be calling you to serve God as a priest, a brother, or sister contact: Fr. John Love at (805) 968-1078 or [email protected]. UPCOMING AT SACRED HEART • • • • • Food Pantry Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration Youth Ministry Lifenight Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Holy Day of Obligation Christmas Family Potluck Dec 6 Dec 6 Dec 6 Dec 8 Dec 13 Vivian Nichols, Business Manager Karen Oishi, Office Manager Marion Inglis, Bulletin Editor Aurora Gonzales, Secretary Sr. Margaret Mary, SND, DRE Justin Wilburn, Youth Ministry Christine Benner, Principal Don Mulville, Maintenance; Sp. Events Coord. RELIGIOUS SERVICES (SERVICIOS RELIGIOSOS) WEEKEND EUCHARIST: Saturday and Eves of Holy Days: 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon (Español), and 5:30 p.m. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: Monday - Friday: 7:00, 8:30 a.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. CONFESSION SCHEDULE: Friday: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. DEVOTIONS Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday 6:40 am, 8:15 am Rosary: Monday—Friday 6:25 am 9:00 am Saturday 6:00 am Sunday 7:00am Holy Hour: Friday 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm First & last Friday of the Month 7-8 p.m. (Español) Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary: Friday 3 p.m. First Sunday of Advent Page 2 “Unconditionally Pro-Life, Pro-Family” First Sunday of Advent November 29, 2015 I will raise up for David a just shoot; he shall do what is right and just in the land. — Jeremiah 33:15 Esquina del Pastor Welcome to all as we gather to prepare the way of the Lord in our lives and hearts! This is the time of year where we look to see if we have room in our hearts and lives for Jesus. Too often there is no room in our lives because we have other priorities. Now is the time to change! A good way to help us in our Advent preparation has been the use of the Advent wreath. The wreath is a circle, which has no beginning or end. So we call to mind how our lives, here and now, participate in the eternity of God’s plan of salvation and how we hope to share eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. The light represents Christ, who entered this world to scatter the darkness of evil and show us the way of righteousness. The progression of lighting candles shows our increasing readiness to meet our Lord. I would encourage each family to have an Advent wreath, light it at dinner time, and say the Advent wreath prayers. This tradition will help each family keep its focus on the true meaning of Christmas. I pray all of us will prepare the way of the Lord. Bienvenidos a todos mientras nos reunimos para preparar el camino del Señor en nuestras vidas y corazones! Esta es la época del año en que miramos a ver si tenemos espacio en nuestros corazones y vidas para Jesús. Demasiado a menudo no hay lugar en nuestra vida, porque tenemos otras prioridades. ¡Ahora es el momento de cambiar! Una buena manera de ayudarnos a prepararnos para el Adviento ha sido el uso de la corona de Adviento. La corona es un círculo, que no tiene principio ni fin. Así que llevamos a la mente cómo nuestras vidas, aquí y ahora, participan en la eternidad del plan de salvación de Dios y cómo esperamos compartir la vida eterna en el Reino del Cielo. La luz representa a Cristo, que vino al mundo para dispersar la oscuridad del mal y mostrarnos el camino de la justicia. El proceso semanal de encender velas demuestra nuestra creciente disposición a cumplir con nuestro Señor. Me gustaría animar a cada familia a tener una corona de Adviento, encenderla a la hora de la cena, y decir las oraciones de la corona de Adviento. Esta tradición ayudará a cada familia a mantener su enfoque en el verdadero significado de la Navidad. Ruego que todos nosotros preparemos el camino del Señor. Dear Brothers in Christ, Today we celebrate the first Sunday of advent. The Word advent comes from the latin Adventus, which means coming. The Church has consecrated this time before Christmas as a way of preparing the second coming of our Lord. At the same time it is a period to renew the mystery of the incarnation in our lives. We must prepare ourselves in this four-week period for his coming in our soul. But how? How can we avoid for Christmas to become just another one? The first thing is to pray. Pray for the grace to understand that God himself has wanted to dwell among us. A God who is not indifferent to suffering and human happiness. On the other hand we must also get prepared externally. The first missionaries in Latin America understood the strength symbols have to convey the deepest truths of faith. Let us prepare our homes with Christian decorations that help us deepen more into the mystery of Christmas. God bless your week. Queridos Hermanos, Hoy celebramos el primer domingo de adviento. La palabra adviento viene del latín “adventus” que significa venida. La Iglesia ha consagrado este tiempo antes de la Navidad como una manera de preparación para la segunda venida de nuestro Señor y a la vez como un tiempo de renovar el misterio de la encarnación en nuestras vidas. Hay que prepararnos en este período de cuatro semanas para su venida en nuestra alma. Pero, ¿cómo hacerlo? ¿Cómo evitar que la navidad se convierta en otra más? Lo primero es orar. Orar para pedir la gracia de entender que el mismo Dios ha querido habitar entre nosotros. Un Dios que no es indiferente al sufrimiento y a la felicidad humana. Por otro lado hay que también prepararse externamente. Los primeros misioneros en Latinoamérica entendieron la fuerza que tiene los símbolos para transmitir las verdades más profundas de la fe. Preparemos nuestros hogares con adornos cristianos que nos ayuden a profundizar más en el misterio de la navidad. Dios bendiga su semana. November 29, 2015 Page 3 Youth Ministry News Who are you? This is the challenge we gave our year 1 teens on their over night retreat. To discover who they really are. A lot of us wear different masks when we are out and about. We have a church mask, a family mask, a friends mask, a relationship mask , all types of different masks. Now obviously I’m not talking about a literal mask but more of an emotional or spiritual mask. We live in a world that tells us not to follow the things that our faith teaches us and shoves everything we go against in our face. Its hard to live a truly Christian life when the world around us tells us differently. And because of this we act a certain way around certain people so that we aren’t outcast. But what we need to do is truly live as the person we are, and not put on a show for different people just to be accepted. So who are you? Do you truly live as who you are or do you live as others want you to be? UPCOMING: ♦ Next Confirmation I class - December 2nd. ♦ Lifenight - December 6th. Begins with 5:30PM Mass & ends at 8:45PM in Biedermann Hall. CHRISTMAS FAMILY POTLUCK Sunday, December 13th 5 - 7:30PM in Biedermann Hall Entertainment Sing-a-long Prizes Come join us for good food, music & community! Families with last names beginning with the following bring: A - G a main dish H - L a side dish M - S a salad or fruit T - Z a dessert FOOD PANTRY Next Sunday, December 6th is the first Sunday of the month. Please bring your nonperishable food items and place them in the red bins located outside the church doors. Through your generosity, Sacred Heart parishioners have been a great help to the many hungry families in our area. Thank you for your continued support. THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY December 8th - HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION Masses: Vigil Mass (Dec 7th) at 7PM - English 7, & 8:30AM, 7PM - Bilingual Sr. Margaret Mary E-Mail: [email protected] 1. Classes this week: a. NO class Sunday, November 29th. b. Tuesday, December 1st, 7PM for Middle School. c. Wednesday, December 2nd, 4PM for 1st & 2nd Year Communion and Bible Study. 2. No Mass Attendance: NO formal Mass attendance will be taken this weekend. 3. Outreach: This month we will collect mission money for the Sisters of Notre Dame Mission in Uganda. The mission needs $90,000 to build a preschool in Buseesa, a very remote part of the most deprived region of the country. 4. Mass Responses: This month we will be practicing: a. Memorial Acclamations b. Great Amen c. Our Father...for yours is the Kingdom… 5. Thank You: And finally, THANK YOU to all our volunteers - Diego Magdaleno, Daniel Magdaleno, Mariana Martinez, Jarek Tarleton, Rosita Reyes, Melina Juarez, Mattheus Ramirez, Gabriella Ramirez, Alexia Roman, Reyna Moran, Nicholas Ramirez. Fall Festival 2015 Financial Report Thank you to the Social Events Committee, the various parish ministry groups, and the staff who worked so hard planning this event; and our thanks to our parishioners who came out to support our parish. We exceeded our budgeted income and had a great time in the process. Net Income/Expense by category Drawing 12,976.34 Silent Auction 3,965.00 White Elephant 911.15 Boutique 342.00 Food 2,921.44 Games, Cake Walk, Balloon Sales & Face Painting 1,127.00 Other 292.80 Entertainment (1,327.88) General Expenses (468.15) Total Net Income 20,739.70 SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS; COME BEFORE HIS PRESENCE WITH First Sunday of Advent Page 4 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday Friday 9 a.m. — Saturday 8:30 a.m. God unfailingly offers nourishment for whatever journey He assigns us. He sent manna to the Israelites in the desert. With the Eucharist, Jesus strengthened the Apostles for their hardest test and for a mission that would take them to the ends of the earth. “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life”. (Fr. Tom Forrest, CSSR.) We need more adorers on at Friday 11PM. Please call Elaine 659-4931. This week’s vocal Holy Hour is in Spanish @ 7p.m. SACRED HEART COMMUNITY NEWS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS… Sacred Heart Council Knights of Columbus is now selling tickets to their New Years Eve Dinner Dance in Biedermann Hall . Doors open at 6 PM, Dinner from 7 to 8, music and dancing from 9 to 1 to the music of 'Juano and Friends' band, with champagne at midnight. Cost is $45 per person or a table of eight for $320. Those who want to skip dinner can pay $25 and enter anytime after 9 PM. Ticket information: GK Joe Barajas 805-797-2289, PGK Angel Rodriguez 805-701-4131 or PGK Frank Ceniceros 805-207-5545. They will be selling tickets after the Sunday Masses outside the Church. HELP NEEDED TO SORT HOLIDAY FOOD BASKETS Saint Vincent de Paul needs your help to sort food for the holiday gift baskets for the less fortunate of our community. If you are able to help please join us on Sunday, December 6th in Biedermann Hall form 8AM - 12 Noon. Intenciones de la Semana (†)Deceased (-)Intentions Sunday, November 29 5:30 pm (Sat) † West Family 7:30 am - Andrew Carlson 9:00 am † All Souls Novena 10:30 am - Zaida Worthley 12:00 pm - Parishioners of Sacred Heart 5:30 pm † Gloria Corona Monday, November 30 7:00 am † Margo Kilgus 8:30 am † All Souls Novena Tuesday, December 1 7:00 am † Dick Allen 8:30 am † Henry Vega Wednesday, December 2 7:00 am † Grace Paulson 8:30 am - Jose Romo Thursday, December 3 7:00 am - Brenda Marie Davila 8:30 am † Walter Carson Friday, December 4 7:00 am † Dick Allen 8:30 am † Shirley Hargarten Saturday, December 5 8:30 am † Thin & Maria Nguyen INTERCESSIONS PLEASE PRAY FOR…. The Sick of our Parish — Enfermos de Nuestra Parroquia: Lucy Vanoni, Gina Cole, Richard Thomason Died in Christ — Murio en Cristo: Lidia Villega LIFELINE SCREENING Sacred Heart Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on December 17th in Biedermann Hall. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit WEEKLY COLLECTION SUNDAY, November 22, 2015 COLLECTION Totals for last week are not available due to the printing company requesting early submission of bulletin due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Thank you for your continued support! WORDS OF WISDOM… “In meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in others.” ~St. Charles Borromeo November 29, 2015 Page 5 MISA DEL MEDIODIA, 12 P.M. Noticias del Ministerio Hispano... ADVIENTO El término “Adviento” viene del latín adventus, que significa llegada. El color usado en la liturgia de la iglesia durante este tiempo es el morado. Con el Adviento comienza un nuevo año litúrgico en la iglesia. El sentido del Adviento es avivar en los creyentes la espera del Señor. Los invitamos a las platicas de la Preparación para el Adviento, con el P. Carlos Macías los días lunes, Nov. 30, martes, Dic.1 y miercoles, Dic. 2. de 7-9PM en la parroquia. HORA SANTA El 4 de Diciembre es el primer viernes del mes. La Hora Santa es a las 7 p.m. en español. Este viernes es para la Espiritualidad. DISPENSARIO DE COMIDA El próximo domingo, 6 de Diciembre es el primer domingo del mes. Por favor recuerden de traer comida enlatada para los necesitados y ponerlas en los barriles rojo sistuados afuera de las puertas de la iglesia. Gracias a su generosidad hemos podido ayudar a muchas familias. ADVENT REFLECTION RETREAT As our calendars turn to Advent, our hearts prepare in hopeful anticipation for the Christmas season. During this time of year many things clamor for our attention and challenge our energies. Why not slow down and focus on the beautiful season that Advent is? You are invited to an Advent Reflection Retreat on Tuesday, December 1, from 10:00 AM to noon or 7:00 to 9:00 PM at Notre Dame Center (1776 Hendrix Avenue, Thousand Oaks). Join us at either time as we pray and reflect on three uncommon images of Advent: waiting, emptiness and nesting. For more information and to RSVP, contact Sister Marie Paul Grech at [email protected]. SANTA CLARA PARISH PRESENTS… A Christmas Concert Featuring International singer TAJCI December 11, 2015 at 7pm Tickets can be purchased at our Parish Center Office at 323 S. E Street, Oxnard, CA or on our All proceeds will go toward the renovation of the St. Joseph Convent and Retreat Center. FIESTA DE NUESTRA SANTISIMA LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE DOMINGO 6 DE DICIEMBRE Procesión de la Virgen de Guadalupe empezando en la calle Darling y Biedermann Way al lado del epartamento de bomberos: 11:30AM Misa con Mariachi: 12PM Tendremos comida, musica y rifa. 12 de Diciembre Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe La Capilla (Cabrillo Village) Mañanitas 3:45AM Iglesia Sagrado Corazón - Las Mañanitas 5AM Misa con Mariachi 5:30AM Despues de la Misa pan y chocolate. Saint Bonaventure High School Cordially invites you, your family and friends to celebrate Christmas with us as we present the 3rd annual CandleLight V{Ü|áàÅtá VÉÇvxÜà Friday, December 4th 2014 Saint Bonaventure High School Athletic Center—7:00pm Admission to the concert is complimentary Limited reserve seating available by visiting: COME & CELEBRATE THE 13TH ARCHDIOCESAN SIMBANG GABI Tuesday, December 15th at 6:30PM Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Principal Celebrant his Excellency Most Reverend José H. Gomez, D.D. Archbishop of Los Angeles Sponsored by: Filipino Ministry San Fernando Region First Sunday of Advent Page 6 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES SACRED HEART PARISH OFFICES SACRED HEART SCHOOL: Christine Benner, Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: Sister Margaret Mary Scott, S.N.D., Director HISPANIC MINISTRY (Ministerio Hispano): Deacon Fernando Flores, Director YOUTH MINISTRY: Justin Wilburn PLANT MANAGER: (Cell) Don Mulville SCRIP OFFICE: Shaune Ramirez 647-6174 647-3235 Ext. 306 647-3235 Ext. 311 647-3235 Ext. 313 797-4474 647-0713 ORGANIZATIONS BIBLE STUDY BOY SCOUTS Bob Camarillo CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Blanca Macias CUB SCOUTS Therese Palmisano DETENTION MINISTRY Rick Goulette EUCHARISTIC APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY Bob & Zaida Worthley Vicky Spicer (Divina Misericordia) FAMILY TO FAMILY Nita Perkins FINANCE COUNCIL Cindy Fanning GUADALUPANAS Amelia Mijares HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE Patrick Manning ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Carol Eller KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Joe Barajas, Grand Knight PARENT TEACHER COUNCIL Anna Jordon, President POLISH COMMUNITY Ed Osiadacz RESPECT LIFE Wilhelmina Stoll SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Dcn. John Barry SENIOR ASSISTANCE Barbara Rodriguez ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Person on call WELCOMING MINISTRY Dcn. John Barry WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA Huguette Johnston JOVENES ADULTOS PARA CRISTO 647-3235 377-7840 647-9385 647-5641 340-3983 647-3086 202-9555 650-8557 659-3839 647-1609 647-3206 659-2255 797-2298 647-6174 659-3751 ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY: Sandie Dominguez BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Jean Fries EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY COORDINATOR: Fred Baskin INFANT BAPTISMS: Dcn. Phil Conforti LECTOR COORDINATOR: Joann Abing LITURGY COORDINATOR: MARRIAGE COORDINATOR: Carmen Gomez Lee MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Sandie Dominguez, Facilitator USHERS MINISTRY: Joe Lee MUSIC COORDINATOR: Sarah Hardcastle CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Katie Manning R.C.I.A. ADULT ED: 525-0010 701-7737 671-9911 382-6816 644-4586 647-3235 647-4843 525-0010 647-4843 279-7595 766-1380 647-3235 CORDINADORES DE LITURGIA LECTORES: Jose Cancino MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA: Maria Lopez Roberto Sanchez UJIERES: José Arambula SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR: Alicia Mendez MINISTERIO DE MUSICA: Dcn. Fernando Flores CORO: Hector Reyes BAUTIZOS: Dcn. Fernando Flores RICA (Iniciación Cristiana): Rosa Flores 525-4327 433-1944 448-9965 647-1351 701-9406 647-3235 Ext. 311 701-2253 647-3235 Ext. 311 701-7753 647-7306 647-3235 647-1842 216-2787 794-3623 620-0958 889-3376 (Young Adults for Christ) Gabriel Rodriguez, Coordinator PARISH REGISTRATION OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS If you are new in our Parish Community, in Jesus’ name we welcome you and hope along with us you will experience the touch of Jesus. If you have a new address or phone number please complete this form and place it in the collection basket or return it to the parish office so we can stay connected. The parish needs you; be counted. NAME ADDRESS CITY Read bulletin online at the Sacred Heart Church website: Please email all bulletin announcements by Fridays at 5 p.m. (10 days before bulletin is distributed) to [email protected]. ZIP PHONE □ Moving Out of Parish □ New Registration □ Change of Address/Phone Number
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