Y|Üáà fâÇwtç Éy TwäxÇà ftÇ ]Éá° Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ 3619 Toledo Road - Jacksonville, Florida 32217 Phone: 904-733-1630 ~ Fax: 904-731-4335 ~ www.sjcatholic.org Office Hours: Mon. —Thurs. 8:30 a.m.— 4:00 p.m. Fri. — 8:30 a.m.- Noon Pastor ~ Rev. Gregory Fay [email protected] Associate Pastor ~ Rev. Rodolfo Godinez Ext. 118, [email protected] Priest in Residence ~ Rev. Thomas Moore (Spiritual direction, counseling, confession, or to chat. Please leave a message with your name & phone number.) Phone - 379-6880 Deacon ~ Deacon Chris Supple Ext. 204, [email protected] Parish Staff Office & Finance Manager ~ Donna Carle Ext. 104, [email protected] Receptionists ~ Mary Ann Wright & Camille Marmo Ext. 101, [email protected] Dir., Religious Education ~ Anita Michaels Ext. 111, [email protected] Director, Music/Liturgy ~ Carol Johnson Burns Ext. 108, [email protected] Pastoral Care ~ Sr. Anne Campbell, RSM Ext. 109, [email protected] Hispanic Ministry ~ Cristina Perez Ext. 120, [email protected] Spanish Music ~ Jeanette Rivera de Mejia [email protected] School Principal ~ Brian Wheeler 733-2313, [email protected] Mass Schedule Weekday (Monday—Friday) 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Saturday ~ 8:00 a.m. Saturday Vigil ~ 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. ~ English 12:30 p.m. ~ Spanish New Parishioners — We invite new members to register as soon as possible by filling out a new parishioner form available in the back of the church. Sick Calls — Call the office at any time. When any of our parishioners are hospitalized or confined to their homes, please advise the Pastor. Baptism — To present a child for Baptism is a serious obligation and requires a faith commitment on the part of the parents and godparents. This commitment is exemplified by being practicing, active Catholics for at least 6 months, at San José Parish. If you have just moved into the parish, a letter from your previous Pastor verifying the same is acceptable. Marriages — Contact the Priest at least 8 months in advance. Marriage preparation is required. Verification of couple being practicing, active, Catholics at San José or previous Parish is required. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults — Those interested in becoming Catholic are invited to call the office for information. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament — Fridays 8:30 am-5:00 pm Reconciliation — Saturday, 4:30 — 5:00 pm First Sunday of Advent — November 29, 2015 Page 2 First Sunday of Advent — November 29, 2015 Masses for the Week Saturday, November 28 5:30 pm † Roslyn Corrigan Sunday, November 29 8:30 am † Marth Rose Benoit 10:30 am † Luke Gjoni 12:30 pm No Intention Monday, November 30 8:00 am † Mond Dedi 5:30 pm † Leze Daragjati Tuesday, December 1 8:00 am † Rob Blackman 5:30 pm † Auroro Epino Wednesday, December 2 8:00 am Special Intention 5:30 pm † Adele Moore Thursday, December 3 9:00 am † Ronald Couture, Sr. 5:30 pm † Phyllis & Michael Tremblay Friday, December 4 8:00 am † Kathleen Snavely 5:30 pm Joseph Arena Saturday, December 5 8:00 am † Miriam & Jacob Pollock Readings for the Week Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18 -22 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:2937 Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25 -27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sunday: Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11;Lk 3:1-6 W e e k ly C o l l e c t i o n Collection for November 22, 2015 will be in next week’s bulletin. “Be on guard,” Jesus warns in today’s Gospel, “lest your spirits become bloated with indulgence.” Let us heed His warning and follow the advice of St. Paul, conducting ourselves in a way pleasing to God, overflowing with love for one another. See Luke 21:34 We are grateful for your support of our church. Online Giving allows you to make contributions to our parish without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. This site lets you set up automatic contributions and change the timing or the amount of your gift at any time. Please go to our website for the link to sign up www.sjcatholic.org. Monday: Our “Poor Box” is located in the back of church. All donations placed in the poor box will be forwarded to Catholic Charities. The Angel Tree & Toys for Joy tree is in the vestibule. Please stop and pick an ornament … or more! The donations need to be dropped off in the church vestibule by December 14 so they can be distributed to the children prior to Christmas! Page Page 43 Fifteenth First Sunday Sunday in Ordinary of AdventTime — November — July 14, 29, 2013 2015 The San Jose Parish Community will be taking up a ‘once a month’ collection to support the Mandarin Food Bank at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. We are calling it… “Fill the Trunks for the Needy” Collection dates are on the 1st Wednesday of each month The next date is December 2 Cars with their trunks open will be in front of the church office from 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. to collect donations. Items needed: Canned meats, chili, tuna, hash, mac and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, drinks of all kinds (especially coffee, tea and water), cereal, personal hygiene products like: toilet tissue, deodorant, toothpaste and brushes, bar soap, dish detergent, laundry detergent, and Depends. The mission of the Mandarin Food Bank is to provide emergency food and clothing to those in need in the Mandarin Community. We are a ministry run entirely by volunteers. Anyone residing in the Mandarin Community, regardless of religious affiliation, is eligible to be served. The Gift Shop is Located in the Church Vestibule. Hours of operation are Saturday 5:00—6:30 pm & Sundays 7:30 am—12:30 pm When considering Gifts to a charity in your Will or Trust please consider San Jose Parish. Poinsettas will be on sale Saturday, November 28 after the 5:30 p.m. Mass and Sunday, November 29 & December 6 after the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses Mix & match the colors of your choice For special larger orders contact Cindy at 463-7224 San Jose’s New Columbarium Niches Are Available for Purchase Companion Niches — $2,300 Single Niches — $1,800 If you are interested in purchasing a niche or would like more info, please contact Donna in the Parish Office at 733-1630, ext. 104, or email [email protected]. Page 4 First Sunday of Advent — November 29, 2015 Christmas English Liturgical Choir Christ-Light Singers San Jose Catholic Church Singers in Grades 3-6 are invited to join the San Jose Christ-Light Singers Christmas Eve Mass at 5:00 p.m. Rehearsals on Wednesday evenings 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Church Anyone 13 years or older Is invited to join the English Liturgical Choir To sing at the 10:30 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve Rehearsals on Wednesday evenings 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. — in the Church December 2 December 9, and December 16 Please contact Carol Johnson Burns at 733-1630 or [email protected] if you are interested. December 2, December 9, and December 17 Please contact Carol Johnson Burns at 733-1630 or [email protected] if you are interested. Saturday, December 12, following the 5:30 p.m. Mass Miscarriage Support Group Price of Admission – a side dish or dessert A support group for those who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or newborn death is available at St. Vincent Medical Center and meets monthly. For more info and other miscarriage support resources visit www.dcfl.org or call (904) 551-2619. Entertainment - YOU! Sister Anne’s Thought of the Week Advent is a time of expectation… As the season for commemorating Christ’s birth approaches, something stirs in us, something deep and profound, as if we are expecting a great miracle Catherine Doherty Special Guest – Santa Claus All those with a song preference or to see a list of songs (mostly Christmas Carols so everyone can participate, especially children) and to help with the evening, please email Carol at: [email protected] Divorce & Annulment Questions Do you have questions regarding divorce and annulments in the Catholic Church? If so, Sr. Ann Kuhn, SSJ, is available on Thursdays, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. to help. She can be reached at 800-3293, email: [email protected] or at the Tribunal Office, 2598 Forbes St. in Jacksonville. Page Page 7 5 Fifteenth First Sunday Sunday in Ordinary of Advent Time — November — July 14,29, 2013 2015 Please Pray For Our Military Personnel MTCM T. Alan Propes II, USN, husband to Christine Pikula Propes, Father to Alexandra Propes and Sonin -law to Joseph & Jennie Pikula; Joshua Hastings, Grandson of Nona Hastings, Great Nephew of Mittie Kenan and son of Terri Hastings; Lance Corporal Richard J. Sheard, USMC, Son of Chris & Karen Sheard; Luis D. Baez, Jr., USMC, son of Mary & Luis Baez; PFC Peter Kirschner, USA; Sgt. Christopher Futch, USMC; Sgt. Chris Boland, USMC, grandsons of Yvonne & Joe Paffe; Lt jg Daniel Burke, son of Gina & Mike Burke; First Sgt. Chris Perry, son of Everett & Kathy Perry; and PFC Kenishia Perry, daughter-in law of Everett & Kathy Perry. Lance Corporal Joshua Hastings, USMC, Grandson to Nona Hastings, Great Nephew to Mittie Kenan and son to Terri Hastings; SPC Diego F. Villanueva, USA, son of Diego & Ana Villanueva; Lt Cdr. Tim Tuschinski, USN, son of Dick & Linda Tuschinski; 1st Lt Geoffrey Troy, USMC, grandson of Harriet McDonald; 1st Lt Jason DeWitt, US Army, brother of Kris Lucey; ADC Jorge E. Estrada, USN, husband to Madeleine, father of Gabriela & Daniella, son of Doris Ayala; 1st Lt. Joshua Green, USA, grandson of Jack and Anne Coyle, cousin to Tommy and Reilly Farrell; Joseph Shaia, USA, grandson of Joseph & Gloria Shaia, Lt. Nick Smith, Son-in-law of Ann & Terry Farmand; GSM3 Aran E. Marquez Bihouet, USN, husband of Jessica Marquez, Gregory Jackson, USN, husband of Katie Jackson; 1st Lt. Philip Bebeau, USMC, son of Gene and Jan Bebeau; LCDR Steve Duba, USN, father of Charlie Duba; Airman Adam Shaia, USAF, grandson of Gloria Shaia, Pvt. Alex Curlin, USMC, grandson of Sheila Curlin If you have a relative currently on active duty in the Military, we invite you to submit their name for prayer. Please include their name, your name and your relationship to the military relative. Email [email protected] or call Donna at 7331630. Classes take place in the school on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and Sundays at 11:00 a.m. D i vo rc e d o r S e p a r a t e d a n d Wo u n d e d If you have recently experienced the loss of a relationship and are in need of immediate guidance and/or confidential, compassionate support, call: (904) 452-8318. You will be given information about a divorce support group which meets on Fridays from 7—9 pm at Holy Family Parish, 9800 Baymeadows Road, in Jacksonville. We are here for you. Let us remember in our prayers those who are sick… Jim McInerney, Catherine Millan, Kristoph Paffe, Rose Mendez, Crystal Bote, Vicki Rayburn, Raymond Rodriguez, Florence Daniels, Jeanette Currie, Mercedes Galarza, Mary Galvin, Jean Galvin, Fran Gibson, Riyad Haddad, Jack Pearce, Luis Miguel Rolando, Augustin Sosa, Robert Grimes, Leo Fitzpatrick, Kyle Bolte, Elaine Paffe Curran, Sharon Symko, Pamela Ossi Cooper, Mary Zerbest, Troy Stanek, Carmen Jimenez-Walizer, George & Martha Wise, Jeri Frantz, Gayle Milan, Matt Magovern, Al Lombana, Miriam Hapner, Becky Snyder, Katie Higbee, Connie Baker, Samuel Evans, Susan Mitchell Lee, Raymond Brault, Lee Lafser Due to HIPPA laws, we are prevented from receiving information from hospitals and health care facilities regarding patients. Therefore, we ask that the patient, family or friends, please notify Sr. Anne at 733-1630 x109, if a family member is sick, hospitalized or in a facility, and if the parishioner would like to receive the Eucharist while they are homebound. Thank you. Please consider a commitment to weekly Eucharistic Adoration a part of your life. Adoration is held Fridays from 8:30 a.m.— 5:00 p.m. There is a need for additional Adorers. The rewards are great and far surpassing the time spent. Look your schedule over and pray about making an hour appointment for the Lord. The Angelus will be said at 12 Noon and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 p.m. For info call Anne at 733-1492 or email [email protected]. Page Page 66 Nineteenth Sunday inOrdinary Ordinary Time—August 10, 2014 Fifteenth First Sunday Sunday in of AdventTime — November — July 14, 29, 2013 2015 News & Happenings Congratulations to our Honor Roll Students! - Revised The following students were recognized during an honor roll assembly on Wednesday, 10/28/2015 to acknowledge their outstanding achievement. Great job students! Due to an unfortunate formatting error—all of our wonderful students’ names did not appear on the Nov. 1st printing. Here is the full listing of our dedicated students. A Honor Roll Grade 3 Lily Brady Thomas Cratem Stephen Duba Ian Ferrizzi Karla Flores Kelsey Garfield Kadence Heldenbrand Marianna Hernandez Caroline Kartsonis Cole Madden Gabriella Naddaf Padraig Newman Holland Opdycke Megan Porkert 2015-2016 First Quarter Ailanie Sanchez Charbel Torres Ariel Zadrima Sammy Safar Joseph Schellenberg Abigail Tonto Grade 4 Emily Barsky Anna Bass Marianna Cratem Caleb Evans Maddox Fox Magnolia Fox Millicent Fox Sean Madigan Isabel Mendoza Jalila Nackashi Grade 5 Andrew Bass Charlotte Bressler Briggs Canlas Riley Deighan Megan Erne Emma Lea Jayden Lewis Avyree Sakovich Ryan Spinelli A/B Honor Roll Grade 3 Ava Brady Annie Brophy Brianna Canlas Faith Cooksey Emory Dilts Tabitha Dooley Anthony Ducali Jack Farhoud Camila Garcia Matthew Gjuraj Walter Pacheco Josephine Pikula Elizabeth Poirrier Tina Safar Wyatt Smith Madeleine Wing Grade 4 Reed Elliott Bradley Giddens Kaitlyn Gilmore Emily Gjergji Gloria Gjuraj Melissa Jeudine Christopher Joost Maura Madigan Sydney McDaniel Charbel Naddaf Grade 6 Alexis Chin Bailey Chin John Cratem Tom Khadour Robert Porkert Kevin Sample Izabelle Young Grade 7 Jennifer Bird Jack Brophy Jovan Corri Isabella Cratem Ashton Dilts Katherine Enoch Jose Gallo A.J. Horkan Abigail Jones Kaela Sanchez Grade 8 Karley Dry Adam Dziergowski Claire Evans Anna Frisco Klea Gjoka Mark Khadour Malena Liguori Angela Naddaf Bridget Porkert Mary Alice Young 2015-2016 First Quarter Michael Nass Anna Oyumaa Miles Rivera Elizabeth Rowe Bruno Safar Meriem Safar Mark Shahla Lucia Sharrah Eli Smith Joseph Tepas Avery Thomas Thomas Thornton Mary Wheeler Grade 5 Hope Alexander Kaley Blackburn Lilliana Braddock Cameron Clifford Erik Dobrie Joseph Dyro Ethan Eddins Noah Ferrizzi Logan Halloran Yousif Hanooshi Anthony Jakaj Zachary Jones Michael Leonard Riley McCormick Juliana Namen Jack Newman Alex Parrish Benjamin Poirrier Yousif Safar Ethan Sharpe Stella Shaw Anna Grace Shoemaker Celine Torres Grade 6 Haley Bousquet Logan Boyd Sofie Braddock Patty Elmore Reilly Farrell Grace Frazier Fernando Garcia William Garfield Kaleb Gilmore Adriana Gjergji Brian Gjoka Jessica Golden Emma Joost Sinan Khudur Cal Leonard Briana Lukaj Connor McDaniel Marie-Jose Naddaf Mark Pritchard Caroline Sacco Andrew Safar Brandon Safar Dorian Ujka Adam Waller Grade 7 Madelyn Aiken Elia Barsky Jennifer Binkley Andrew Connolly John Costa Johnny Dahi Mary El Hassan Jacob Essa Amanda Granados Charlie Hansen Madison Johnson Gabriella Khazal Grace Mullaney Brianna Naddaf Grant Reidy Layne Rivera Nicholas Rukab Ella Schellenberg Yousif Shakoury Chloe Shaw Madeline Thornton Matteo Turra Alexander Waller Meghan Williamson Grade 8 Sephora Affa Amanda Angel-Bello Kaitlyn Bateh Sydney Boyd Carter Buddenbohn Sarah Daboul Leanne Dobrie Travis Driggers Maria Dyro George Farmand Caroline Giddens Mark Khadour Malena Liguori Grace McCormick McKenna McCormick Joan Muisenga Hailey Mullis Jared Nass Derrian Nguyen Austin Parrish J. Paul Schellenberg Mary Elizabeth Shoemaker Yesenia Sierra Victoria Zlatanoff Page 7 First Sunday of Advent — November 29, 2015 San Jose Travelers Alert!!! Christmas Trip to Savannah! Sunday, December 6, 2015 Leave San Jose Catholic Church at 8:30 a.m. by luxury bus to Savannah Mass 11:30 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Cathedral Champagne Brunch at the Desota Hilton 3:00 p.m. — Savannah Theater for the Christmas Show and Pageant Cost: $88.00 per person Please make checks out to: Janet Booth or mail payment to Janet at : 1435 Redbud Ln., Jacksonville 32207. Money is due by Sunday, Nov. 29. For more info call Anne at 733-1492 or Janet 737-7772 — cell: 613-8947. All are welcome, first come, first served! Cities for Life: Praying for Life, Mercy and Reconciliation Bishop Felipe Estévez invites all to attend the “Cities for Life” Prayer Service, in collaboration with the world-wide Sant ‘Egidio Community, to pray for an end to the use of the death penalty on Monday, Nov. 30, 6 p.m., at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Augustine (38 Cathedral Place) in St. Augustine. Homilist will be Deacon Jason Roy, Catholic Chaplain on Death Row. Contact Nancy O’Byrne at [email protected] for more information. N e w L e c t o r Wo r k b o o k s New Lector Workbooks are Available in the Altar Servers’ Room (English and Español) The New Liturgical Year Begins today….November 29 T V and Online Mass for the Homebound Is someone you love unable to get to church? “My Sunday Mass” will bring spiritual comfort and joy for the homebound. Visit www.MySundayMass.org for the Sunday time and channel guide. Please Note: For those who can get to church, the TV/online liturgy will not meet the Sunday Mass obligation. Thank you for spreading the word about Mass for the homebound! Pa s t o r a l C a r e Ministry Vo l u n t e e r s N e e d e d If you are looking to make a difference in someone’s life or your own, this may be your opportunity! The Pastoral Care Ministry is in need of Eucharistic Minister volunteers to visit and bring Communion to our sick brothers and sisters who are either homebound or in nursing homes. Homebound visits will be weekly 30 minute visits, and nursing home visits are 2 to 3 hours either monthly or every other month. You will need to be a Eucharistic Minister or plan to become one. If you are interested in helping the Pastoral Care Ministry or have questions, please call Sister Anne’s office at 733-1630 ext. 109 or email [email protected]. Employment Opportunities Visit the Diocese of St. Augustine Website: http://www.dosafl.com/humanresources/general-job-listings Bishop Estévez prays the Angelus three times Monday through Friday at 6:00 a.m., noon and 6:00 p.m., on Queen of Peace Radio-1460-AM/ 1600-AM. Tune in for a daily dose of prayer. Natural Family Planning Modern Natural Family Planning – it’s not the “rhythm method,” – it’s 99% effective. Learn to read the signs of fertility so you can space your children naturally and in harmony with Catholic teaching. For more information, visit: www.dcfl.org call (904) 551-2619. 8 Pagina 9 Quinto de — 18 del 2014 Primer Primer Domingo Domingo El Domingo Bautismo de de Adviento Adviento delPascua — Señor 29 — de noviembre — noviembre 11de demayo enero 30 del del del 2014 2015 2015 La Buena Nueva “La Gloria de Dios es una persona verdaderamente viva” MISION DE LA PARROQUIA “Nosotros la Comunidad Católica de San José, unidos al Obispo de San Agustín, con el lema de “los amó hasta el extremo”, nos comprometemos como familia, a rezar y trabajar juntos para que todos conozcamos, amemos y sirvamos a Dios.” VISION HISPANA: Trabajar unidos para promover la fe cristiana a través de implementar el plan pastoral compartiendo nuestros talentos, tiempo y tesoro, siendo miembros activos del cuerpo de Cristo: en la comunidad de San José. El Adviento es tiempo de espera, de conversión, de esperanza: Salvador. Los fieles saben que Dios mantenía, mediante las profecías, la esperanza de Israel en la venida del Mesías. A la piedad popular no se le escapa, es más, subraya llena de estupor, el aconte- espera-memoria de la primera y humil- cimiento extraordinario por el que el Dios de la gloria se ha hecho niño en el seno de venida del Salvador en nuestra carne de una mujer virgen, pobre y humilde. mortal; espera-súplica de la última y Los fieles son especialmente sensibles a gloriosa venida de Cristo, Señor de la las dificultades que la Virgen María tuvo historia y Juez universal; que afrontar durante su embarazo y se - conversión, a la cual invita con frecuen- conmueven al pensar que en la posada no cia la Liturgia de este tiempo, mediante hubo un lugar para José ni para María, que estaba a punto de dar a luz al Niño la voz de los profetas y sobre todo de (cfr. Lc 2,7). Juan Bautista: "Convertíos, porque está cerca el reino de los cielos" (Mt 3,2); Con referencia al Adviento han surgido - esperanza gozosa de que la salvación ya diversas expresiones de piedad popular, realizada por Cristo (cfr. Rom 8,24-25) y que alientan la fe del pueblo cristiano y transmiten, de una generación a otra, la las realidades de la gracia ya presentes conciencia de algunos valores de este en el mundo lleguen a su madurez y pletiempo litúrgico. nitud, por lo que la promesa se convertirá en posesión, la fe en visión y "nosotros seremos semejantes a Él porque le veremos tal cual es" (1 Jn 3,2) . La piedad popular es sensible al tiempo de Adviento, sobre todo en cuanto memoria de la preparación a la venida del Mesías. Está sólidamente enraizada en el pueblo cristiano la conciencia de la larga espera que precedió a la venida del Pagina 9 Primer Domingo de Adviento — 29 de noviembre del 2015 Para las personas nuevas a nuestra parroquia las invitamos a que se inscriban en la parroquia, para poder servirles mejor y poder informarles de lo que esta pasando en nuestra parroquia, Si usted necesita algún sacramento, necesita estar inscrito por lo menos seis meses, o si necesita alguna carta de cualquiera índole es la única manera que podemos saber si pertenecen a la comunidad de San José Oficina Hispana de San José Colecta de la semana del Para citas e información llamar de lunes a jueves de 9:15 a 3:00 pm, también pueden dejar su mensaje después de horas y se le contestara lo mas rápido posible. Padre Fr. Rodolfo Godinez 733-1630 ext 118 M Cristina 733-1630 ext 120 Debido al Día de Gracia, el boletín se entrego temprano Bautismo Presentar un niño para el Bautismo es una obligación seria y requiere de un compromiso de fe por parte de los padres y padrinos. Este compromiso verifica ser, católicos activos por lo menos 6 meses, en la Parroquia de San José. Si usted se acaba de mudar a la parroquia, una carta de su párroco anterior verificando que usted era activo es aceptable. Clases — Nov. Las clases se ofrecen después de la misa de 12:30 pm en el Jubilee Room del Centro Parroquial. Por favor traigan una copia del acta de nacimiento. Bautizos Nov. 10:00 am— Dic. . 10:00 am Diciembre Dic. 3-El Grupo de Oración se reúne en la capilla de Ntra. Sra. De Guadalupe. Dic. 4– Hora Santa a las 7:00pm Dic. 6- “La Purísima” patrona de Nicaragua Dic. 8– INMACULADA CONCEPCION-día de obligación Misas 8:00am ingles 6:00pm ingles 7:30pm español Dic. 12-Noche de Karioke en el Parish Hall Dic. 13-“Nuestra Sra. María de Guadalupe” Emperatriz de las Americas Educación Religosa Clases todos los miércoles de 7:00-8:00 pm Diciembre 2 Diciembre 9 Diciembre 16 Por favor sean puntuales. Recuerden que hay formularios que tienen que entregar Karaoke, comida, juegos 12 de diciembre después de la misa de la 5:30pm -Costo: ensalada, postres, galletas etc. -Invitado especial ¿? -Entretenimiento-ustedes -Si desea alguna canción especial-preferible Villancicos. Déjeselo saber a Carol [email protected] Adviento Primer domingo de Adviento Guía: Encendemos, Señor, esta luz, como aquel que enciende su lámpara para salir, en la noche, al encuentro del amigo que ya viene. En esta primer semana de Adviento queremos levantarnos para esperarte preparados, para recibirte con alegría. -Muchas sombras nos envuelven. -Muchos halagos nos adormecen. Queremos estar despiertos y vigilantes, porque tú traes la luz más clara, la paz más profunda y la alegría más verdadera. ¡Ven, Señor Jesús!. ¡Ven, Señor Jesús! PADRE NUESTRO. Diócesis Todos los años San José recauda juegues para Caridades Católicas TOYS FOR JOY SHARE YOUR BLESSINGS Por favor si usted se lleva un angel no se olvide que el angel requese con el paquete. El ultimo dia para regrasar su angelito sera el domingo 14 de diciembre
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