Sandaint J oseph Parish Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul 9961 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 ● (916) 685-3681 ● FAX (916) 685-7254 Mission Church: 14673 Cantova Way, Rancho Murieta, CA 95683 ● (916) 354-2403 ● FAX (916)354-2404 We, the parish community of Saint Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove) and Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul (Rancho Murieta), enriched by many traditions and cultures, come together to worship God in Sacrament, liturgy, and prayer. We are committed to acting as One Body in Christ, and to living our One Faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. We continually seek to reach out in loving service to others, both within our parish as well as in the greater community, in order to spread the Good News of our faith.” (Parish Mission Statement) Schedule of Services Office Hours Saint Joseph Parish Saint Joseph Parish Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday 4:30 PM 7:30 9:00 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM (Español), & 5:00 PM (Filipino Mass Every First Sunday, English Mass - All Other Sundays) Weekday Schedules (Monday to Friday) Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 AM Daily Mass 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM First Friday Mass 7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration Friday 8:30 - 10:00 AM Every First Friday 7:30 - 10:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 PM Or By appointment Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday Weekday schedules Daily Mass (Wednesday) Service of the Word (Fridays) Eucharistic Adoration Every First Friday Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday Monday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Tuesday to Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Visit us on our website: See us on Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove, CA) Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Parish Staff Fr. Brian Atienza (Pastor), ext. 122 e-mail: [email protected] Fr. Carlo Tejano (Parochial Vicar), ext. 125 e-mail: [email protected] Deacon Larry Hiner, 916-685-3681 e-mail: [email protected] Deacon Ned Quigley e-mail: [email protected] Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre (Parish Administrator), ext. 120 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM e-mail: [email protected] Sr. Ma. Imelda Grace Dañas, RVM (DRE of Faith Formation),ext. 124 e-mail: [email protected] Jerome Baybayan (Youth Ministry Coordinator), ext. 123 e-mail: jbaybayan Veronica Padilla Perez (Administrative Assistant), ext. 127 8:30 AM 4:00 - 4:30 PM Or By appointment St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Trina Koontz (Principal) (916) 684-7903, ext. 12 e-mail: [email protected] Tammy Babich (Preschool/EDP Director) (916) 691-4825 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Bill DuVal (SVdP -Administrative Assistant), (916) 354-2403 ext. 129 e-mail: [email protected] Amy Roberts (Liturgical Music Coordinator) e-mail: [email protected] Paul Seishas (Marriage/Family/Therapist) (916) 616-1800 e-mail: [email protected] Saint Joseph Parish : 12/14 08:00am - Courtney Thompson (SI) Ramiro Toledo † : 12/15 08:00am - Ronnie & Lena Tereau (SI) Jamie Arellano (SI) : 12/16 08:00am - Concordia Celino † Rosalyn Vinalon † RM 08:30am - For the Parishioners of SVdP Thu: 12/17 08:00am - Franklin Souza † Mickey Rutter † Fri: 12/18 08:00am - All the Souls in Purgatory Maria Elia Muñoz † Sat: 12/19 04:30pm - Juan Jose Valdez † Pete finochiarro † RM 05:00pm – For the Parishioners of SVdP 12/20 07:30am – Cornelio Pagtalunan † Franklin Souza † 09:00am - Violis Caravello † Jim Venard † RM 09:00am - Louise Allen † 11:00am - Vidal Nepomuceno † Eduardo Oliva (SI) 01:00pm - Missa Pro Populo 05:00pm - Alfredo & Carmina Pereira † Pray For Our Military Families Steven Alsop Josh Alonzo Don R. Baker II Robert Bohon Solomon Bolt Carl Ian Bravo Jaclyn Buno Mark Dollar Benjamin Erwin Matthew Farrell Joey Feathers Roman Fernandez Gabriel Franzoia Serena Grandov Graham Hebert Valery Keaveny Jr. Joseph King Freddie Koeller Glenn Lewis Kyle Linebaugh James Lovello Amber McGovern Russell Miller Midori Mekata Mike Montini Jared Ortner Sean Passmore Cherry Pangilinan Diosdado Pangilinan Dominic Peterson Ian Rubstello Michael Riehl Jousha Shaffer Zachary Schiele Jason Stiles Shawn Tostado Jason Lee Tudor Brien Warfield Jaime Wong-Lopez Jordan Wood Jason Woodford Shai-Lin Ynacay Military Prayer List Additions To add new names of active military to our military list, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call Pat at 916-686-5977. SecondCollection December 12 and 13, 2015 Retirement Fund For Religious SegundaColecta Parish Weekly Collection Weekly Goal: St. Joseph SVdP $ 11,200.00 $ 2,600.00 Offertory this Week: St. Joseph $ 13,154.70 SVdP $ FOR EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) If you wish to contribute via EFT (electronic fund transfer) please visit our parish website for more information. “Thank you for your generosity and may God continue to bless you with His providence.” First Reading Today’s Readings — Shout for joy! Sing joyfully! Be glad and exult! The L , your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior (Zephaniah 3:14-18a). Psalm — Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel (Isaiah 12). Second Reading — Rejoice! The Lord is near. Make your requests known to God (Philippians 4:4-7). Gospel — John tells his hearers to share their possessions with the needy; be honest; do not threaten or accuse others falsely (Luke 3:10-18). 12 y 13 de diciembre 2015 Fondo de Retiro para los Religiosos Facility Request If you are interested in using the parish facilities, please visit the office and fill out a facility scheduling request form or you may also contact Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre at [email protected] . Readings For The Week Mon: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; Mt 21:23-27 Tues: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Wed: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 7:18b-23 Thur: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Fri: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Sat: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 Sun: Mi 5:1-4a; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45 Saint Joseph Parish Jubilee Year of Mercy December 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent Pope Francis chose to inaugurate the Jubilee Y ear of Mercy last Tuesday because December 8 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II. That council, Pope Francis reminds us, inaugurated a new phase in the Church’s history. The Spirit called the Church to tear down the walls that for far too long had made it a fortress, and to proclaim the gospel in a new, more accessible way. Pope Francis quotes Saint John XXIII in declaring the Church’s preference for “the medicine of mercy,” and Blessed Paul VI in proposing the Good Samaritan as our model for discipleship (Misericordiae Vultus, 4). Pope Francis adds that God’s mercy is “the beating heart of the Gospel,” and that mercy “must penetrate the heart and mind” of every disciple (MV , 12). Three times today’s Gospel asks, “What should I do?” Pope Francis would say: Imitate Jesus, who came not wielding the fiery judgment that John the Baptist had threatened, but instead imparting healing, compassion, forgiveness—mercy! —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice V aticana. Used with permission. Año Jubilar de la Misericordia 13 de diciembre de 2015 Tercer Domingo de Adviento El Papa Francisco eligió inaugurar el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia el pasado martes porque el 8 de diciembre marca el quincuagésimo aniversario de la clausura del Concilio Vaticano II. El Papa Francisco nos recuerda que el Concilio inauguró una fase en la historia de la Iglesia. El Espíritu llamó a la Iglesia a derrumbar muros que la habían hecho una fortaleza por mucho tiempo, y a proclamar el Evangelio en un modo nuevo y más accesible. El Papa Francisco cita a san Juan XXIII declarando la “preferencia por la medicina de la misericordia” de la Iglesia, y al beato Pablo VI proponiendo “al Buen Samaritano como nuestro modelo de discipulado” (Misericordiae Vultus, 4). El Papa Francisco añade: “la misericordia de Dios es el corazón palpitante del Evangelio” y que esa misericordia debe “alcanzar la mente y el corazón” de cada discípulo (MV, 12). En el Evangelio de hoy, tres veces se pregunta “¿Qué tenemos que hacer?” El Papa Francisco diría: Imita a Jesús, quien vino no empuñando el juicio de fuego que Juan el Bautista anunciaba, sino en su lugar sanando, siendo compasivo, perdonando —¡misericordia! —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Citas del Papa Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice V aticana. Usadas con permiso. Saint Joseph Parish 4th Annual Simbang Gabi We are starting our 9 days of Simbang Gabi Novena Mass. This is a traditional Filipino Mass Celebration, in preparation of the coming of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. On December 15 through December 23, 2015 our Novena mass will be 7:00pm with exception of December 20th at 5:00pm. Ther e will be a Rosar y at 6:30pm befor e every mass. Please bring food to share on our Fellowship potluck after mass. Day 1, December 15th Macaroni/Chicken Soup and Bread Day 2, December 16th Arroz Caldo Day 3, December 17th Sotanghon and Bread Day 4, December 18th Meat Dish with Rice (example, dinuguan, menudo, embutido) Day 5, December 19th Dessert night with/Hot Chocolate and Tea Day 6, December 20th Champorado/Chocolate Rice Day 7, December 21st Adobo and Rice Day 8, December 22nd Palabok Pancit Day 9, December 23rd Dinner If your last name begins with: A-E Meat Dish F-M Vegetable Dish N-T Seafood Dish U-Z Desser t Dish Join Us to Decorate for Christmas... Would you like to donate a Poinsettia plant in a loved one’s name this year and help us decorate our church? We will be accepting donation starting Tuesday, December 15 through Christmas Eve. Please bring your Poinsettia to our vestibule where we will have a table set up for you to dedicate your gifts. We thank you for your generosity in helping us make our church beautiful, and we wish you the many blessings of Advent and Christmas seasons!!! Schedule of Masses PENANCE SERVICE Liturgia de Reconciliación St. Joseph Monday, December 14 7:00PM POSADAS 12/15/2015—12/23/2015 6:00 PM SIMBANG GABI MASSES 12/15/15—12/23/15 7:00 PM CHRISTMAS EVE MASS Misa Vigilia de Natividad Thursday, December 24 St. Joseph 3:30 PM, 5:30 PM and 12:00 Midnight St. Vincent de Paul 5:30 PM CHRISTMAS DAY MASS Misa de Natividad Friday, December 25 St. Joseph 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM St. Joseph (Español) 12 del Medio Dia St. Vincent de Paul 10:00 AM Saint Joseph Parish/Saint Vincent de Paul ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II DATA ENTRY-WEBSITE SERVICE St. Joseph Parish in Elk Grove has an immediate full time opening for an Administrative Assistant II for Data Entry and Website services. This position’s primary responsibility is to provide the pastor and parish administration with prompt and accurate parishioner information using the Parish SOFT (a Microsoft Access-Based Program), Family Directory and Religious Education databases. Via and Google Apps, he or she will also be responsible for maintaining and updating our website and calendars. Records Management responsibilities include maintenance/development of our current records management system to adequate archiving. Skills: Three years computer experience in: database, website and records keeping maintenance. Knowledgeable in data base entry with Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Access and Publisher. Familiar with Mail Merge and Sort functions. Proficiency in Spanish is a big plus. Full understanding of Google Apps and Google sites is a desired advantage. Experience in basic computer networking is also a plus. Typing speed at 45 words a minute, 10-key adding machine operation. Interested applicants submit a cover letter and their resume to Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre, [email protected] Early Bulletin Article Submissions Due to the up coming holidays, please email all requests for articles to be in the bulletin by the following dates: Wednesday Dec.16th - for the Jan. 3rd bulletin If you have any questions please contact Veronica by email at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support it is greatly appreciated. Returning To ST. Joseph’s in January Our adult faith study group will return this coming January beginning with "Encountering God". We will have more information soon, so keep reading the bulletin for further information regarding registration and other details. We are looking forward to getting together again. St. Vincent de Paul Society News Such a generous parish! Through your response to the St. Vincent de Paul Giving Tree and Adopt a Family programs, hundreds of children. senior and disabled people will receive a gift and know that God loves them. You are the hands of God. If you or someone you know needs help with food, clothing, utilities, or anything else, please call our confidential hot line at 916-667-2779. One of our volunteers will return your call to schedule a home visit to discuss your needs. May God bless you. Noticias de la Sociedad de S.V. de Paúl Somos una parroquia muy generosa, por su ayuda al Arbolito Navideño y los programas de Adoptar a Familias, cientos de niños, personas de edad avanzada e incapacitados, recibirán regalos y sentirán el amor de Dios. Ustedes son las manos de Dios. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce necesita ayuda de comida, ropa, muebles o renta, por favor llame a nuestra línea confidencial, al 916-667-2779 y deje mensaje. Cuando le regresemos su llamada, platicaremos sus necesidades en su casa. Que Dios los bendiga. Dine Out to Donate Go out and have a meal on Wednesday, December 16th in between 10am and 9pm at Cilantro’s Mexican Grill at 9320 Elk Grove Blvd. Cilantro’s will donate 20% of your check to our World Youth day pilgrims. Vamos a Cenar para Donar Por favor apoyenos en nuestra cena de recaudación de fondos para la Jornada Mundial Juvenil! El miércoles 16 de diciembre, 2015 10am a 9pm en Cilantros y el 20% de lo que consumas será otorgado a nuestro grupo juvenil para ayudar con los costos de nuestro viaje a Polonia. Esperamos verte ahi! To celebrate the Sacraments of Marriage and Baptism, please visit or call the parish office. Or visit our parish website: Saint Joseph Parish Youth Ministry News ¡Noticias Del Ministerio Juvenil! EDGE meets again on Monday, December 14th from 6:30-8pm in the church for the Communal Penance Service. Parents are asked to a end with their children to prepare for the season of Christmas. High School Youth Ministry will meet on Sunday December 13th from 6-8pm for our Christmas Party! Please bring a wrapped unisex gi ($10 minimum) for White Elephant. We will meet in the youth room. Bring an appe zer or dessert to share among friends! 1:8 Program Confirma on Dates Year 2 Confirma on will meet on Sunday December 13th from 2:30-4pm in the Social Hall. We will be discussing Courageous Witness: For tude, Piety, Fear of the Lord, and the Saints. Thank you, Salamat Po, Gracias, Merci beaucoup, cảm ơn! Thank you to all of the youth and parents who participated as volunteers, those who donated gift baskets, baked goods and food, or came to celebrate our 2nd Annual Christmas Around the World! Frozen Pie Sale The Knights of Columbus, Council 7274 will be holding a Frozen Pie Sale for December (13-14 and 19- 20) after ALL masses in the Renwald Room. The sales benefit the Knight of Columbus Charities. Please, come by and purchase your holiday pies to help the Knights of Columbus support parish and community charities. Contact Jackson Campbell through the parish office if you have any questions. El programa de EDGE se reunirá el 14 de diciembre en la Iglesia de 6:30pm-8pm. Esta noche celebraremos el Sacramento de Reconciliación como una comunidad. Invitamos a los padres y sus hijos para que se preparen a recibir al niño Jesús en esta Navidad. Confirmación Año 2 se reunirá el domingo 13 de diciembre de 2:30 a las 4pm en el Salón Social. El tema será Tes monio Valiente: Fortaleza, Piedad, Temor del Señor y los Santos” Grupo Juvenil- El domingo 13 de diciembre los jovenes de nuestra parroquia se reuniran y festejaran la Navidad. Invitamos a los jóvenes a que traigan un regalo unisex envuelto, con un valor de $10 para intercambiar. Nos reuniremos en el salon de jovenes, por favor traigan un aperi vo o postre para compar r. Thank You, Gracias, Salamat Po, Merci Beaucoup! Gracias a todos los jóvenes y padres de familia que participaron como voluntarios, a las personas q ue donaron comida, repostería, adornos y canastas para las rifas y a todos los que nos acompañaron a celebrar nuestra Navidad Alrededor del Mundo 2015 Crab and Shrimp Dinner RM Kiwanis/KofC Crab Feed Tickets will be on sale this weekend for the 2nd Annual RM Kiwanis/KofC Crab Feed on Februar 6, 2016. Anyone interested in sponsorship opportunities (and the benefits it entails), or donating raffle/auction items should contact Joe Mazzoni, Sr. at 354-0197. Proceeds benefit the Rancho Murieta Community and Special Olympics. Christmas Giving Tree Project The Christmas “Giving Tree” is now up in our vestibule. Again this year our gifts will go to the children of the Moral Values Program in Sacramento. Please take a tag or two and you can be assured that you will be making Christmas brighter for a less fortunate child. Please tape the tag to your wrapped gift and return it to the church vestibule by December 20th. If you have any questions please contact Lana Mason at 354-3855. A New Ministry At St. Vincent de Paul Please Note Corrected Phone Number The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a World Wide Ministry that helps people in times of need. Our members utilize their talents to crochet, knit, sew or quilt beautiful blankets, shawls, hats or scarves and give them away to anyone that is enduring a difficult time. We start our creations with a prayer and continue this prayer throughout the making of the garment. The finished product is then blessed by the Priest and given (not sold) to a person that is need of a warm, hug from God. This simple, charitable, Works of Mercy brightens the lives of the many people that are sick, lonely, or depressed, covers them with love, lifts their spirits ,and brightens their painful days or nights. The recipients have stated that it gives them hope for a better tomorrow. It is a comfort knowing that someone cares and is praying for them. They are wrapped in our love and the love of God. If you enjoy needlework and would like to give the gift of love to help someone in need; please call Shirley Rath at 916-354-1075 (Correct Number). Poinse as’ Please consider donating Poinsettias' to adorn our Alter and Church for Christmas. We will be accepting donation thru December 20, 2015. Bulle n Deadline No ce For the Month of December, the deadline has passed for the bulletins on 12/20 and 12/27. The deadline for the 1/3/16 bulletin is 12/11. Beginning in January bulletin submissions must be to Bill by noon the Wednesday a week prior to its’ run date. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the bulletin! Knights of Columbus Council #7241 will hold its Crab and Shrimp Dinner, Raffle on Saturday, January 23 with a no-host bar starting at 5:30pm and dinner at 6:30pm in the Msgr. O’Connor Social Hall her e at St. J oseph. Tickets ar e $45 per person and go on sale after Mass on December 19 through January 17 or until sold out. No tickets will be sold at the door. Percentage of profits support Council #7241 Charities: Project Ride, Horses Healing Heroes, Christo Rey H.S, The American Wheelchair Mission, St. Joseph Youth Group, Challenge Girls, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and St. Joseph Church. To donate raffle prizes, please call Tony Romano at 916-714-1035 or bring them to the hall the night of the dinner. For tickets, call Bill Montoya at 916-684-4082. WalkForLife2016 The 12th annual San Francisco Walk for Life is on Saturday January 23rd 2016. A bus will be provided leaving St. Joseph. Cost for adult $25 and children under 16 $15. Scholarship will be available. Also shirts will be available for $10. Registration forms ARE AVAILABLE IN THE VESTIBULE AND ON-LINE ST. JOSEPH’S WEBPAGE. DEADLINE JANUARY 5TH. Any questions, please contact Dee and Joe Madruga for St. Joseph’s church at 685-5679 and SVdP Church contacts are Karen Mauro at 608-1647 or Lynn King at 687-6442. Elk Grove Winter Sanctuary Elk Grove Winter Shelter for the Homeless makes it's Third Annual appearance at St. Joseph's from December 27, 2015 - January 10, 2016. This is a Four Month Program put on under the umbrella of EG HART (used to be PATH) and sponsored ecumenically in our city, by city churches, for homeless in Elk Grove. We are in real need of Night Monitors. We like 3 people a night. The shift is 8:30pm - 6:30am, although you ar e welcome to come early to eat and socialize with our guests. Cots are provided for you in a separate room, but you must bring your own pillow and sleeping bag or blankets. Our Night Captain, Ed Sanchez, will orient you and show you what needs to be done. Mostly it's just staying awake to make sure our guests are secure. If you would like a way to extend your giving beyond Christmas Day this would be a financially inexpensive way to do it. If your heart is leading you, please call Mr. Ed Sanchez at 916-690-2531. Thank you and God Bless.
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