110¡¡¡ObamaCare CIERRA INSCRIPCIONES el 15 de Febrero!!!

15 de Febrero!!!
Contáctanos ¡Nosotros ofrecemos ayuda GRATIS!
¡Horarios Especiales en las Tardes y Fines de Semana!
¡No lo dejes para el último! Evita largas filas.
Mira lo que puedes ahorrar:
CAASTLC Main Office
2709 Woodson Road
Overland, MO 63114
Para información en español llamar al:
 Multas en tus impuestos por no
tener seguro médico en 2015.
 Muchos califican para pagar
mensualidades de casi $0 al
 Todos los planes incluyen
 Somos expertos certificados,
imparciales y gratuitos.
(314) 446-4460 – Gustavo Valdez
O escríbenos a:
[email protected]
Funding for this project was funded partially by the Missouri Foundation for Health. The Missouri Foundation for Health is a philanthropic organization whose vision
is to improve the lives of individuals in the community it serves.
This project/program is funded partially by federal funds received from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provided by the Missouri
Department of Social Services, Family Support Division.
The project described was funded by Funding Opportunity Number CA-NAV-14-002 from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicaid and
Medicare Services. The contents provided are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of HHS or any of its agencies.