January 31, 2016 - St. John Neumann Catholic Church

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January 31, 2016
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 - 7:00 p.m.
“Is any among you sick? Let him call for the
presbyters of the Church, and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and
the prayer of faith will save the sick man,
and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed
sins, he will be forgiven”
(Jas 5:14-15) (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1526)
Lunes 8 de febrero de 2016 - 7:00 p.m.
“El que esté enfermo, que llame a los presbíteros de
la iglesia para que rueguen por él, ungiéndolo con
aceite en el nombre del Señor. La oración hecha con
fe salvará al enfermo; el Señor lo levantará y, si ha
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
Monday February 1
6:30 p.m. Resurrection Hall
Cigars- Churrasco Steak Dinner–
Mojito Bar-Dominos
$14.00 Memebers;
$18.00 Non-Members$20.00 Annual Membership
A Cordial Invitation to Knights
of Columbus Annual
Formal Gala Dinner Dance
Saturday, February 13, 7:30 p.m.
St. John Neumann Resurrection Hall
Catered Full-Course Gourmet Dinner
Dinner / Dance Music – Open bar
Donation $150 per couple – all inclusive
Limited seating – No tickets sold at door
For tickets contact either:
Gustavo Caballero 305-772-7766,
[email protected]
Robert Gonzalez 305-793-2330, [email protected]
A fund-raiser for charitable projects hosted by the
Knights of Columbus St. John Neumann Assembly
3155 Website: KofCAssembly3155.org
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January 31, 2016
Mon., Feb. 1- 7:00 a.m. +; 8:30 a.m. +Deaon Tommy
Aguilu by Loving Wife
Tues., Feb. 2 - 7:00 a.m. +; 8:30 a.m. +Spensley Family
by Loving Daughter
Wed., Feb. 3 - 7:00 a.m. Lopez Family Intentions;
8:30 a.m. +
Thurs. Feb 4 – 7:00 a.m. ; 8:30 a.m. +Michael Schmidt
by Loving Mother & Father
Fri. Feb. 5 - 7:00 a.m. +Viola Biadas by Loving
Daughter ; 8:30 a.m. +Joaquin Casajuana by Loving Wife
Sat., Feb. 6 - 8:30 a.m. Community Mass;
5:00 p.m. Intentions of the SJ N Par ish Family
Sun., Feb. 7 - 7:30 a.m. +Viola Biadas by Loving
Daughter; 9:00 a.m. +The Wallach-Baldyga Family by
Loving Family; 11:00 a.m. +Miguel Glades by Roberto
Estades; 1:00 p.m. +Aurora Rodriguez by Loving Family
Nicolas Carpenter; Rosemary Clark; Grace Rodriguez;
Violet Chang; Gina Fernandez; Chloe Settler; Teresa
Fernandez; Martha Harkins; Terry Harkins; Bob Johns;
Denyse Dawson; Claire Pare Smith; Graham Mozealous;
Tracy Gutierrez; Angela Ortiz; Evelyn Sandoval; Gerry
Vilas; Maria Teresa Mendez; Frankie Viturello; Stephen
Williams; Richard Schuler; Connie Palmer; Margarita
Acevedo; Norrine Sweeney; Susan Arrington; Lena
Callejas; Christine Michael; Stephan Michael; Jennifer
Hew; Myrna Gallagher; Susan Loretta; Marie Andrieux;
Luzzie Garcia; Elaine Blazys; Jacob Alvarez; Mercy
Rodriguez; Brandon Torres Iglesias; Mark Zimmer;
Maria Stevens; Olivia Kessler; Fred Metelnikow; Linda
Dalrymple; Elfie Nuñez;
Connie Zumbrum; Ever
Dominic; Sevylla Del Mazo; Sean Kelley; Jesus De
Armas; Robert Schmidt; Beatriz Contino; Efren Marquez;
Bill Beauregard; Pearl Rivero; Paul Picquet, Sr; Elsa
Maroon; Sebastian Jennot; Brian Broadwater; Christine
Wilcosky; Ricardo Vogel; Mike O’Connor; Robert
Morgan; Adria Kennedy; Carol Samuels. Miriam Suarez;
Jorge Quintana; Rick Gonzalez; Lorena Ponce; Steven
Gandolfo. Teresita Casajuana; Bill Segale; Angel Castillo.
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
Get the most out of Sunday Mass! Today’s Readings:
January 31 - 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1st Reading: Jeremiah 1:4-5,17-19; 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:31;13:13; Gospel: Luke 4:21-30. Next Week’s
Readings: February 7 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary
Time: 1st Reading: Isaiah 6:1-2,3-8; 2nd Reading: 1
Corinthians 15:1-11; Gospel: Luke 5:1-11.
Classes start Thursday, February 18, 7:30 p.m.
AE-Room 200. Free Preview Sunday, February 14,
10:15 a.m. in RH-Room F (Space is limited to 25
students/families). A 9-week course towards financial
freedom, including the following topics: Saving
strategies, Cash flow planning, Managing Credit, Mutual
Funds and Investments, College Planning, Insurance
Planning, Real Estate and Mortgages, Relating with
Money, Dumping Debt, Charitable Giving, Retirement
Planning, Estate Planning, Working in your Strengths.
$99.00 fee for materials which include, Dave Ramsey's
book, audio cds, class work book, cash flow envelopes
and budget materials. For more information, please contact Tracey Kealy, 305-968-3361 or
Cordially invite you, your family and friends to
celebrate World Marriage Day 2016, Sunday,
February 14, after 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Masses.
World Marriage Day is an annual event honoring
the vocation of Marriage and Family. This celebration
affirms the life-long Sacramental Commitment of
husbands and wives and gives witness to the positive
impact of their vocation on their families, communities,
the Church and our Nation! We thank you for your
participation on this beautiful event!! Cake & Coffee
will be served immediately after Mass .
NEW PARISHIONERS...ARE WELCOMED AT ST. JOHN’S. If you want to join our Parish
Family, please attend one of our orientation meetings which are held one Sunday a month at 9:30
a.m., Rooms E&F. For dates please call the Parish Office or speak to someone at the Information
Booth in the Loggia after Masses on Sundays. Everyone interested in joining is welcome to the
meeting! We have coffee, donuts and juice for the little ones - and you will be out in time for the
11:00 a.m. Mass. CURRENT PARISHIONERS, please inform us of any name, address or phone
changes; this will assist in keeping your records up to date. Thank You!!
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January 31, 2016
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
ABCD: Give and You Shall Receive
Dear Friends,
We only know partially. None of us has the big, much
less the complete, picture. God’s love described in
today’s second reading can free us from partial
understanding and the prisons of fear that keep us from
living our beliefs.
Responding to God with our stewardship also makes us
earful and uneasy. Only trusting the Lord’s Providence
and Mercy will free us from fear...so that we may be
able to imitate God’s munificence.
Be assured of my prayers for you and for your dear ones.
May the good Lord bless you with wisdom and peace.
Please pray for me.
In Christ,
Msgr. Pablo A. Navarro
7:29 P.M.
The Mercy of God and the Holy Year of Mercy
The Holy Father has proclaimed and promulgated this
year as a Holy Year of God’s Mercy. God’s mercy is
constantly poured on all His children. Why does the Holy
Father proclaim this “holy year”? What is the meaning of
Holy Year and the Indulgences granted during a
Holy Year?
Friday, February 5, 8:00 p.m. until
Saturday, February 6, 8:00 a.m.
“If you take part frequently in the Eucharistic
celebration, if you dedicate some of your time
to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the
source of love which is the Eucharist, you
will acquire that joyful determination to dedicate your
lives to following the gospel.” Pope Benedict XVI
Our church is a place to pray, to give thanks, to mourn and
to celebrate. A place for us all to unite—in need and
abundance—to have mercy, lift each other up and ease pain
and suffering. A place people turn to in their time of need.
We are all instruments of God’s mercy and peace. Our
church, our family uniting to help those in need.
Thank you to all who have already generously responded to
this year’s ABCD. Your support strengthens the ministries
that serve our Archdiocese and allow the Church to form
new disciples. As Scriptures remind us, Give and it shall be
given to you. Your neighbor needs you. You are the answer to someone’s prayers, and together, we are changing
If you have yet to respond to this year’s ABCD, please
take a moment to reflect upon the many blessings the Lord
has given you and how He is calling you to respond this
incredibly important annual campaign. To make a gift, you
can obtain a pledge envelope from the Parish Office or you
can make a gift online at www.isupportabcd.org. Let us all
unite through our support of this year’s ABCD so that we
can be One in Faith, One in Hope and One in Charity.
POPE FRANCIS invites us
to think about mercy anew as the
"act by which God comes to
meet us" but also mercy as the
"fundamental law that dwells in
the heart of every person who
looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on
the path of life". He invites us to live by this mercy in our
parishes and lives, to forgive others as well as to seek
reconciliation. He challenges us to understand mercy and
justice as "two dimensions of the same reality" on the way
of conversion of the sinner towards love. From BULL OF
Let’s gather to give thanks to God for all who
have said yes to the Lord’s call during this
year’s Stewardship in The Year of Mercy
2016 in the Chapel Tuesday, February 2
7:00—8:00 p.m.
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January 31, 2016
Q: When did you know you wanted to be a
A: I always knew I wanted to be a priest; we have some
vocations in my family, the cousin of my mother is a nun.
Q: How did your family and friends react to your
A: My father died when I was 15 years old so he was not
aware of my decision to become a priest. My mother had
reservations about me becoming a priest. My brother
who is three years older and my friends were neutral
about it.
Q: What is the greatest challenge you face as a priest?
A: The greatest challenge is to convince people, both the
laity, and the religious, that we need to invest in the
youth; they are the future of the church. We need to keep
the youth involved in the church by involving them in
ministry and different roles in the parish.
SJNCS School Notes
Congratulations to our 8th grade class who
placed 2nd at the FIU School of Engineering
Future City competition and also won a
special award for best transportation system on their
future city of Anthroterr.
The Future City Competition is a national program sponsored
by the engineering community to promote an interest in
technology and engineering for middle school students
through hands-on, real world applications. The team develops
a future city design using SimCity software. Each student
team writes an essay explaining their response to a specific
engineering challenge. This year’s challenge was to describe
their solution for waste management. Using the software design, the team builds a scale model of a section of their city.
The model must contain at least one moving part, such as
transportation. There is a $100 limit on the materials used in
the physical model; therefor the team used "found" items to
create their city. The physical model was judged at the Regional Competition. Our SJNCS student team gave a timed
presentation of their city to a panel of judges during the Regional Competition and then answered the judges’ questions
related to their city’s design.
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
Kathy Coffey in her book, Mary
“Women of Mercy”,
Mother of Mercy
says “Why learn the
Pray for the living and the
ancestral history of merDead
cy? Our culture cheers
the merciless whose knife
blade flashes swift and
Mercy as Mirth
sharp. Harsh headlines
Shelter for the Homeless
scream “No Mercy!”
Heroes obsessed with
Mary Magdalene
being “cool” deny mercy
Merciful Transformation
we require. Learning the
Bear wrongs patiently
ways of the lighthearted
seems counter cultural,
slightly subversive. Yet
Comfort the Sorrowful
who contributed more to
human happiness; the
tyrants who slaughtered or
the nurses who saved lives?”
Highlighted by the beautiful art of Brother Mickey
McGrath, join us as we explore these “slightly
subversive” women and how they invite us deeper into
lives of mercy.
Thursdays, February 4, 11, 18, and 25 at 7:30 p.m. in
Room F. For further information contact Kathy
Saunders at 305-255-6642 ext. 305
Our Sunday Visitor’s free 365 Days to Mercy APP
is designed to accompany you on a spiritual journey
during the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by
Pope Francis!
Are joining together to attend WEST SIDE
STORY at Actors’ Playhouse
Wednesday, February 10 at 8:00 p.m.
Advance ticket purchase at $45 required.
Tickets are limited so reserve your seat now, by calling
Wanda & Manny Vasquez, 305-205-2171; Clarissa
and Ruben Moreno, 305-255-6642; Beverly Loftus,
305-613-4964 or email [email protected].
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January 31, 2016
Patron: Those suffering from Throat Ailments.
Symbol: Crossed Candles, Iron Combs, A Cave with
Wild Animals
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
Though there are few details available of the life of Saint
Blaise, and he does not appear in martyrologies until the
ninth century, it is agreed that Saint Blaise was the Bishop
of Sebaste during the period of persecution of Licinius, the
early fourth century.
According to legend, Saint Blaise was a physician at
Sebaste before he became a priest and was raised to the
episcopal see. When the persecutions of Christians began,
Blaise took refuge in the hills. He was discovered living in a
cave, by men who had been sent to hunt him under order of
the governor. Legend states that when he was found, he was
surrounded by sick wild beasts whom he was curing.
While in prison awaiting trial and torture, Saint Blaise
performed a miraculous cure of a young boy who was choking to death on a fish bone. After suffering various forms of
Saint Blaise was a bishop in Armenia in the early fourth torture, (some illustrations show him being pierced with
century. Not much is known about him, but there are many iron combs) Saint Blaise was beheaded.
legends and stories that tell us what the times were like. It
was a time of persecution for the Catholic Church. The In the holy wars, his relics were dispersed over Europe and
Roman empire was trying to get rid of the Christians. Many his veneration was increased by many miraculous cures,
faithful were martyred because they would not give up their especially of sore or diseased throats. He is the principal
patron of Ragusa. Perhaps because of his great popularity or
love and faith in Jesus Christ.
because of the iron combs by which it was said to have been
Saint Blaise received a message from God to go into the tortured, this celebrated martyr is also the patron of wool
hills to escape the persecution. The Roman governor sent combers.
men to find him. While searching for Saint Blaise, the hunters discovered a cave that was full of sick wild animals. He is represented holding two candles in his hand (used
There was Saint Blaise in the middle, healing the animals! for the blessing of throats) or in a cave surrounded by wild
animals, as he was found by the governor's men.
They captured him and took him back to the governor.
Have you ever received a blessing? Maybe you get a blessing when your family receives Communion at Sunday Mass.
Sometimes fathers bless their families every night before
bed. There's special blessings for many different things. You
can get your car blessed, or your home blessed. Every time,
we are asking God to watch over us, protect us and give us
graces and strengths to follow Him. A special blessing takes
place on the feast day of Saint Blaise. On this day, people
can have their throats blessed.
On the way, Saint Blaise rescued a poor woman's pig from a
wolf. Other stories say that he cured a boy who had a fish
bone stuck in this throat and was choking to death. It is
because of this miraculous healing that he is considered to
be the patron of throat ailments. After suffering various
forms of torture, Saint Blaise was beheaded. Seven women
were martyred at the same time.
Prayer: Saint Blaise, pray for us that we
may not suffer from illnesses of the throat
and pray that all who are suffering be
healed by God's love.
40 Days for Life is a testimony to the power of prayer and what can happen when we’re consumed by a
magnificent obsession, namely that life is sacred.
If you’re growing weary over the increasing level of disrespect of the most innocent among us, I would urge
you to remember that situations are not always as they appear. God is on the move even amidst the darkness.”
40 Days for Life ar e pr ayer vigils in fr ont of abor tion sites in over 238 locations ar ound the wor ld, including the United States, Canada, Australia, England, Northern Ireland, and Denmark. The 2016 vigil will
take place February 10 - March 20, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. here in Miami it will be in front of an abortion
site in West Kendall called A Choice for Women at 6660 SW 117 Avenue. There is ample parking at the nearby shopping center where BJ’s Wholesale is located at Sunset and 117 Avenue. 40 Days for Life is a peaceful,
prayerful event. People gather in prayer “off the sidewalk” (not to obstruct passersby) on grassy area on either
side of 117 Avenue with or without signs. The 40 Days for Life site has guidelines participants are expected to
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January 31, 2016
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
Msgr. Bryan O. Walsh Columbiettes - Auxiliary
# 13369
Of the various Christian holy days that take place throughout the year, Candlemass (or Candelaria), on February 2nd,
may be one of the least well-known ceremonies in the
Christian world. Anglican, Roman Catholic, and Greek
Orthodox churches hold it in high esteem.
THURSDAY, February 4, 7:30 p.m.
The celebration of Candlemass originated in the late fifth
century as a tribute to the light of God's glory that was
manifested in Christ Jesus. The name was derived from
the Gospel of Luke 2:22-40, where Simeon’s prophecy
declared Jesus to be the Lord's salvation and "a light for
revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." In our liturgical celebrations candles are generally considered to represent the inner light of Christ, which he
brought to share with the world.
On Tuesday, February 2 at both the 7:00 and 8:30 am
Masses the candles used during the church year as well as
candles used at home will be blessed. Bring your candles
from home to be blessed at these masses. For the Church,
Candelaria remains a day of hope and light. It is a time to
honor the Lord as the Light of the World and to remind us
that we too have that light within us.
St John Neumann - Marriage Covenant
Retreat 2016
Friday, March 11, Saturday, March 12 and
Sunday, March 13
The Sacrament of your marriage deserves all the help you can
provide it. You must stay strong in the face of worldly influences that try so hard to work against “Christ-centered marriages”. The Saint John Neumann Marriage Covenant Retreat, in
English, comes once a year just before Easter. It will provide
you a relaxing, peaceful weekend away from all the pressures of
the world.
Spend the day with your spouse and other couples while exploring new opportunities to grow even closer to your spouse. You
will go home each night so you can reflect on the days’ activities. You will come back the next morning with a new excitement and joy in your relationship with your spouse and with
your Saint John Neumann community.
This retreat will provide you tools, activities, fun, and food. The
Covenant Team will share with you some of their personal life
challenges and some communications challenges. If you have
done this retreat in the past maybe it's time to do it again as a
refresher, your marriage deserves it! For information contact: Daniel Stanley, 305-308-3420, (anytime) or Leonor LeonStanley, 305-794-0325 (after 5p.m.).
We are a unified body of Catholic women who work
side-by-side with the Knights of Columbus Councils
of which we are affiliated. Enjoy the challenges and
satisfaction of making a difference. You can do more
for your church, family and your community as a
Columbiette. Discover activities that involve the
entire family, thereby building spirit from within. Set
the example through works of charity, devotion and
promotion of Catholic values. Strengthen the community from within. To our founders, we dedicate ourselves to do God’s work on earth, promoting Unity,
Christ’s Love for each of us, and zeal to serve God
through Faith, Hope and Charity.
1. Be More Organized…. Make Lists
2. Loose weight…………. Join gym
3. Be a better man……...Register for
The Archdiocese of Miami Catholic
Men’s Conference
Make becoming a better Catholic man your top
New Year's Resolution. Join us for Mass celebrated by our pastor-in-chief Archbishop Wenski and
for talks given by world renown Catholic speaker
and author Matthew Leonard and our very own Father Omar Huesca. Invite your father, your sons,
your brothers and the men of your parish to join
you for a day of fellowship and growth in our Catholic faith. Seating is limited. Sign up now!
When: Saturday, March 5
Where: Immaculate Conception Catholic
Church - 4497 W 1st Avenue, Hialeah, FL
33012. Cost(includes lunch):
General Admission $35.00,
Students $15.00, Seminarians free.
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Abdella Family, Barbara
Acevedo Family, Luis
Adessi Family, John
Adessi Family, Steven
Ahearn Family, Ron
Ahrens Family, George
Albano Family, Charles
Alentado Family, Ramon
Alexander Family,William
Alexander Family, Benny
Alfonso Family, Raul
Algeciras Family, Margrit
Alvarado Family, Miguel
Alvarado Family, Jose
Alvarez Family,Alexander
Alvarez Family, Daniel
Alvarez Family,Jacqueline
Alvarez Family, Leonella
Alvarez Family, Oscar
Alvarez Family, Aldo
Amat Family, Victor
Amengual Family, Daniel
Andrade Family, Carmen
Andrew Family, Douglas
Arellano Family, Abraham
Avallone Family, Stephen
Bacigalupo Family, Aldo
Baden Family, Halbert
Balboa Family, Anthony
Banaszak Family, Paul
Barber Family, Ike
Barreneche Family, Jose
Barthe Family, +Lucienne
Bascuas Family, Manuel
Beltran Family, John
Beltran Family, Herbert
Bendezu Family, Jose
Bergmann Family, Irene
Berry Family, Todd
Binder Family, Robert
Blanco Family, Alejandro
Blandon Family, Alvaro
Boidi Family, Carla
Borg Family, Janet
Bosi Family, Mario
Bossick Family, James
Botero Family, Maria
Bronkan Family, William
Brothers Family, Nellie
Bush Family, Patricia
Caballero Family, Gustavo
Calzadilla Family, Jose
Campaneria Family, V.
Canelas Family, George
Caride Family, Avelino
Carrigan Family, Thomas
Carrion Family, Hernan
Casajuana Family, Teresita
Casamayor Family, F.
Castan Family, Liliana
Castro Family, Armando
Castro Family, Pedro
Cerge Family, Joelle
Chaffins Family, John
Chakko Family, Simon
Chang Family, Winsome
Chang Family, Catherine
Chin Family, Basil
Cilli Family, Joseph
Cohen Family, Suzanne
Comerford Family, Thomas
Concepcion Family, E.
Cruz Family, Karla
Cuan Family, Juan
Cuello Famiyl, Mario
Dagdag Family, Rolando
Davio Family, Christopher
De Aguiar Family, Richard
De Aguiar Family, Ana
De Gale Family, Richard
De Hainaut Family, W.
De La Maza Family, Rafael
De La Torre Family, E.
De La Vega Family, Jorge
De Leon Family, Samuel
January 31, 2016
De Souza Family, Robin
De Zayas Family, Armando
DeChurch Family, E.
Degruttola Family, Ralph
Delgado Family, Jose
Delgado Family, Hector
Delgado Family, Hector
Diaz Family, Benjamin
Diaz Family, Manuel
Diaz-Montes Family, Elena
Dingler Family, Susan
Docobo Family, Richard
Drescher Family, Angie
Duarte Family, Rosa
Dyrdal Family, Janet
Enjamio Family, Juan
Erickson Family, Loretta
Escobar Family, Jorge
Espinal Family, Ramon
EspinoFamily. Alex
Fager Family, Aaron
Farwell Family, William
Fernandez Family, Ernesto
Fernandez Family, Juan
Fernandez Family, Jorge
Fernandez Family, Eduardo
Fernandez Family, Diego
Fernandez Family, Jose
Fernandez Family, Kristian
Fernandez Family, Luis
Flamini Family, Marialeana
Flick Family, Vincent
Forbes Family, Keith
Forque Family, Rosemarie
Gallagher Family, Myrna
Gannon Family, Edward
Garay Family, Alejandro
Garcia Family, Eloy
Garcia Family, Luis
Garcia Family, Michael
Garcia Casals Family, P.
Gasset Family, Gloria
Gatcliffe Family, Troy
Gazitua Family, John
Gehr Family, John
Germi Family, Ali
Gill Family, Clarinda
Gill Family, Daniel
Glaria Family, Pedro
Gomez Family, Javier
Gomez Family, Melba
Gomez Family, Armando
Goncalves Family, Joseph
Gonzalez Family, Richard
Gonzalez Family, Peter
Gonzalez Family, Silvio
Govia Family, Gregory
Grajewski Family, Shelly
Grassbaugh Family, Carol
Greaux Family,Anja
Griffiths Family, Eileen
Guerra Family, Miguel
Guillen Family, Jimmy
Guillen Family,Pedro
Hamel Family,Kenneth
Hanek Family,John
Harder Family,Maria
Harries Family,Stuart
Haurus Family,Philip
Heffernan Family, John
Henry Family, James
Herdocia Family, Carlos
Hernandez Family, Mario
Hernandez Family, Marcelo
Hernandez Family, Fresnel
Herrera Family, Jorge
Herrero Family, Alfonso
Hinds Family, Richard
Holzer Family, Aida
Horstmann Family, Enrique
Hunt Family, Maria
Hyman Family, Jo Anne
Inguanzo Family, Guido
Isenberg Family, David
Isusquiza Family, Miguel
Jammel Family, Mark
Jardines Family, Maximo
Jatczak Family, Gerald
Jilek Family, Dorothy
Jinesta Family, Manuel
Johns Family, Jacquelyn
Jurgensmier Family, D.
Kam Family, Cynthia
Kealy Family, Tracey
Kelly Family, Patrick
Kessler Family, Stella
Kientz Family, Giovanna
Kleponis Family, Paul
Kmieck Family, Peter
Komarmy Family, Joseph
Konapelsky Family, John
Kow Family, Kenneth
Kristjansson Family, V.
Kulikowski Family, C.
Kumpis Family, Ariana
LaGra Family, Jerry
Lancelotta Family, Gary
LaPuente Family, Arturo
Laroche Family, Paul
Lecusay Family, Armando
Leslie Family, Mirtha
Lochet Family, Dominique
Lockwood Family, Kevin
Loftus Family, Beverly
Lopez Family, Roberto
Lopez Family, Rita
Losa Family, Gonzalo
Love Family, Ted
Marinelli Family, Margaret
Marks Family, Marilyn
Martinez Family, Roberto
Martinez Family, Octavio
MartinezArteaga Family, R.
Mastromarino Family, R.
Matuszak Family, Charles
May Family, William
McAlister Family, Timothy
McAlister Family, Jack
McIntosh Family, Raymond
McKeegan Family, Rita
Mendez Family, Eduardo
Mendoza Family, Ramon
Merritt Family, Gail
Mesa Family, Michael
Milone Family, Gertrude
Molina Family, Jorge
Monte Family, Jose
Montesinos Family, Jose
Moo Sang Family, William
Morales Family, Jose
Morales Family, Bertha
Morales Family, Antonio
More Family, Maria Rosa
Morgan Family, Robert
Moro Family, Giorgio
Mote Family, Margaret
Moya Family, Osvaldo
Munoz Family, Luis
Murphy Family, Gregory
Murphy Family, Elizabeth
Narino Family, Jorge
Nateman Family, Joan
Navarro Family, Pablo
Navarro Family, Eduardo
Nguyen Family, Viet
O'Brien Family, Margaret
O'Connor Family, Timothy
O'Connor Family, Denise
Octaviano Family, Ray
Olaechea Family, Carlos
Olmeda Family, Gloria
O'Neil Family, Jerry
Orochena Family, Octavio
Orr Family,Rusela
Ortega Family, Emilio
Ortega Family, Emilio
Ortiz Family, Justo
Pacheco Family, Miguel
Palmer Family, Paul
Paredes Family,Carlos
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
Pasos Family, Luis
Payne Family, Thomas
Pecknold Family, Gerald
Pena Family, Herb
Pepper Family, Victoria
Pereira Family, Juan
Perez-Castro Family, Peter
Phelen Family, Sean
Picquet Family, Paul
Polo Family,Elgin & Elsa
Ponce Family, Alejandro
Pulgaron Family, Armando
Pumarejo Family, Alicia
Quevedo Family, Eloy
Quiroz Family, Jose
Redmond Family, Maureen
Reisinger Family, Ralph
Reymez Family, Roger
Rhodes Family, Regina
Rico Family, Martha
Rivero Family,Madeleine
Rivero Family, Jesus
Rizzotto Family, Peggy
Roche Family, John
Rodenzo Family, Roberto
Rodriguez Family, Ramon
Rodriguez Family, Alberto
Rodriguez Family, Jesus
Rogers Family, Marina
Rojas Family, Carlos
Rondon Family, Juan
Salkeld Family, Gladys
Samuel Family, Carol
Sanchez Family, Margarita
Sanjuan Family, Luis
Sante Family, Richard
Schleifer Family, David
Schmidt Family, Robert
Schon Family, Yolanda
Seiglie Family, David
Serrat Family, Jorge
Shepherd Family, Michael
Silva Family, Carlos
Simmons Family, Keith
Sinclair Family, Michelle
Singletary Family, Eileen
Sioli Family, Frank
Snipes Family, Maria
Springer Family, Edwin
Squires Family, Richard
Staines Family, Paul
Stanley Family, Daniel
Stark Family, Yamile
Stark Family, Marie
Stenback Family, Jeff
Stone Family, Jeanette
Suarez Family, Elena
Sueiras Family, Albert
Sullivan Family, Daniel
Sullivan Family, John
Tablante Family, Edgar
Tamburello Family Ron
Tano Family, Clara
Taveras Family, Norberto
Thomas Family, Gregory
Tierney Family, Patricia
Trapp Family,Louis
Travieso Family, Lee
Trembley Family, Phillip
Triche Family, Patricia
Trueba Family, David
Trujillo Family, Miguel
Tuttle Family, William
Uribe Family, Carlos
Vaca Family, Ernesto
Valderrama Family, Erick
Valle Family, Myrna
Van Der Biezen Family, E.
VanderWyden Family, W.
Vazquez Family, Manuel
Vazquez Family, Adrienne
Vazquez Family, Jose
Vexlund Family, Bjarne
Viera Family, Jose
Vila Family, Maria
Vilas Family, Gerardo
Visney Family, Thomas
Vital Family, Manuel
Walters Family, Gary
Webb Family, Frances
Weissinger Family, Karl
Wells Family, Aida
Whidden Family, Judy
Williams Family, Desmond
Willis Family, Dwayne
Wong Family, Alberto
Wong Family, Carol
Worrell Family, Thomas
Wrede Family, Kent
Wylde Family, Frances
Wynne Family, Vincent
Yen Family, Mario
Yoham Family, Mary Alice
Zamora Family, Gerardo
Zedan Family, Boris
Zilleruelo Family, Gaston
Zimmer Family, Mark
Zogaib Family, Olga
have completed
their ABCD
Pledge for 2015.
There is still
remaining on our
pledged amount.
If you still have not
completed your
pledge you still
may do so.
“If one part
(of the body)
suffers, all the
parts suffer with it;
if one part is
honored, all the
parts share its
1 Corinthians
Page 8
January 31, 2016
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
31 DE ENERO DEL 2016
un lugar para rezar, dar gracias, lamentarnos y celebrar. Un lugar
para que todos —tanto los necesitados como los que disfrutan de
abundancia—nos unamos en la misericordia, en sostenernos mutuamente y en aliviarnos el dolor y el sufrimiento. Un lugar al
que la gente acude en sus momentos de necesidad. Todos somos
instrumentos de la misericordia y la paz de Dios. Nuestra iglesia,
familia, unidas para ayudar a los necesitados.
Queridos Amigos,
Solo conocemos parte, nadie tiene conocimiento completo.
El amor de Dios, ilustrado en la segunda lectura de hoy
¡Gracias a todos los que ya han respondido generosamente
nos puede liberar de nuestro limitado entendimiento y de
al ABCD de este año! Su apoyo fortalece los ministerios que
la prisión temerosa que me impide vivir la fe.
sirven a nuestra Arquidiócesis y permiten a la Iglesia formar
nuevos discípulos. Como las Escrituras nos recuerdan, Den y
recibirán. Su prójimo necesita de usted. Usted es la respuesta a
las oraciones de alguien, y juntos, estamos transformando vidas.
Respondiendo a la llamada del Señor con nuestro tiempo,
talento, y tesoro nos atemoriza. Solo confiando en el Señor
y en Su Providencia y Misericordia nos podemos liberar
del temor...para poder imitar a Dios en Su munificencia.
Si aún no ha respondido al ABCD de este año, por favor, tómese
Pasen unos minutos en oración de silencio. Pídanle a Dios
que les demuestre formas de responder a Su Palabra y a
Su Plan divino. Por favor oren por mi. Asegúrense que
los tengo a ustedes y a sus seres queridos en mis oraciones
En Cristo,
un momento para reflexionar sobre las muchas bendiciones que
el Señor le ha dado, y sobre cómo Él le está llamando
a responder esta campaña anual, que es increíblemente importante. Para hacer un donativo, usted puede obtener un sobre de
compromiso en la oficina de la parroquia, o puede hacer su donación en línea, en www.isupportabcd.org. Unámonos todos a
través de nuestro apoyo al ABCD de este año para seguir Unidos
en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza, Unidos en la Caridad. Gracias
MATRIMONIAL invita a todas las parejas a nuestra
reunión Mensual. El tópico será “El Reino de Dios a
través de las buenas relaciones.” Esta charla será dada
El sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) se celebra por los esposos Ramón y Patricia Mendoza. Ellos están
encargados de los talleres de Esencia y Personalidad
los Sábados a las 4:00 p.m. EL SACRAMENTO NO
(Happier Me) de nuestr a par r oquia. Mar tes, 2 de feSE CELEBRA ANTES DE LA MISA.
brero, E & F- 7:45 p.m. Los esperamos! Para mas información, favor de llamar a Hector & Leslie Ramírez al
LECTURAS DOMINICALES: 31 DE ENERO 786-205-0032 o a través de este correo electrónico:
[email protected] *Pueden traer algo para comer
o beber para el compartir Les recordamos que las reunio12:31;13:13; LUCAS 4:21-30. 7 DE FEBRERO nes de Enriquecimiento Matrimonial son exclusivamente
para la pareja, y la presencia de menores no es permitida
ISAIAS 6:1-2,3-8; 1 CORINTIOS 15:1-11; LUCAS debido a los temas que se exponen... Gracias por su
cooperación. El Amor de Dios, Enriquece Nuestro
Mons. Pablo A. Navarro
RAQUEL" a realizarse el 5-6-7 de Febrero . Para todo
hombre y mujer que han pasado por el infortunio de un
aborto provocado o espontaneo. Totalmente privado y
confidencial. 305-3029436 [email protected].
ORACION CENTRANTE - Un consentir a la
Presencia y Acción Divina en nosotros. El método de la
Oración Centrante nos conduce más allá de la conversación
con Cristo hacia una comunión con El. Nos reunimos cada
jueves de 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM en el Salón de Matemáticas
del Colegio SJN.
DESARROLLO DEL ARZOBISPO (ABCD) Dramatizacion presentada el 18 de Febrero a las 8:00 p.m.
2016 Unidos en la Fe, unidos en la Esperanza, unidos en Resurrection Hall.
en la Caridad ABCD: Den y recibirán. Nuestra iglesia es
Page 9
January 31, 2016
Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann
 4:00 p.m. Confession
 5:00 p.m. Mass
Msgr. Navarro
1:00 p.m. EF
7:30 p.m. RH-D
 Divine Mercy 7:30 p.m. AE-
p.m. AE-201
 Lay Ministry 7:30 p.m. AE-103
 N/A Men's 7:30 p.m. AE200
 Viñedo de Raquel Core group
Eucharistic Ministers:
5:00 p.m. Julia & Carlos Herdocia
Maria Bello
Yamile Caldwell
Abraham & Blanca Arellano
John & Myrna O’Brien
Fran Wylde
Myriam DeHainaut
Dolores & Luis Navas
Catherine Chang
7:30 a.m. Greg & Sandra Schwarz
Irene Bergmann
Maria Rosa More
Janet Dyrdal
9:00 a.m. David & Annie Seiglie
Ernest Triche
Peter Glaria
Manny & Wanda Vazquez
Maria Ortiz
Carolyn Gatcliffe
Adriana R. & Alex Lopez
11:00 a.m. Jorge Rolo
Teresita & Paul Walkington
Gil & Maria Elena Lopez
Alejandro Losa
Susan DeCerce
Robert & Rosie Vasconcelos
Pablo Rivera
Oscar & Margarita Varona
Teresa & Jean Pierre Etcheverry
Beatirz J. Dominguez
Elena Suarez
Maria Teresa Saenz
1:00 p.m. Fresnel & Grace Hernandez
Cesar & Martha Roman
Luis Raul & Maritza Munoz
Naty La Puente
Marina Rogers
Juan & Wanda Pujol
Johnny & Rosi Gazitua
Aldo & Rochi Bacigalupo
Gaston & Jackie Zilleruelo
Alex Ahrens
Kathleen Ahrens
Jake Patience
11:00 a.m. Catherine Lamey
William Lamey
Vivian Caballero
Rayne Rodriguez Torres
Sophia Nader
1:00 p.m. Alejandro Uribe
Daniel Victoria
Luis Kannee
Katelynn Alvarez
Jose Tomas Galvez
7:30 a.m. Minerva Evans
5:00 p.m. Robert Linfors
Paul Bedard
7:30 a.m. Theresa Collier
David Heck
9:00 a.m. Robert Wilcosky
Minnie Lopez
11:00 a.m. Lizette O’Connor
Hector Ramirez
1:00 p.m. Arturo La Puente
Jose Romulton
7:30 p.m. AE-100
p.m. AE-100
 Evangelizacion
 C.S.G. 7:30 p.m. AE-101
 Separated & Divorced 7:30
7:00 p.m.,. AB
 Sp. Women’s Emmaus 7:30
 Scouts AE-102:Cub Scouts
p.m. RH
 Sp. Men’s Emmaus EF 7:30 p.m.
 Intercessory Prayer 7:30 p.m.
AE-103 7:30 p.m.
 Upper Room Prayer Grp.
Siguiendo los Pasos de
Jesus Core AE-200
7:30 p.m.
AGAPE Grupo de Oracion
7:30 p.m. RH Angeles de
Agape; Apostoles de
Agape ; Querubines;
7:30 p.m. EF
10:00 a.m. AE-100
 Lay Ministry 7:30 p.m.
 Enriquecimniento Matrimonial
 Men’s Club Latin Night 6:30
Class E
7:30 p.m. E
 Sp. Bible Study 8:00 p.m.
 Divina Misericordia 7:30 p.m.
 Divina Voluntad
7:30 p.m. AE_101
 Discipulado de Mujeres 7:30
p.m. AE-102
 LEAF 7:30 p.m. AE-100
7:30 p.m. E
 Spirit Day 8:30 a.m. RH
 Citizenship 9:00 a.m.
 7:30 a.m. Mass
Fr. Tomasz
 9:00 a.m. Mass
Fr. Tomasz
 11:00 a.m. Mass
Msgr. Navarro
 1:00 p.m. Mass
Msgr. Navarro
 Youth Group
 AA 8:00 p.m.
School Gr 8
 7:55 a.m. Rosary
 7:55 a.m. Rosary
 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass  8:30 a.m. Mass
 Marriage Covenant
Baptism Prep Class
 7:55 a.m. Rosary
 7:55 a.m. Rosary
 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass  7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass
 Women of Mercy F 7:30 p.m.
 7:30 a.m. Men’s Bible
 On the Road Again
 7:55 a.m. Rosary
 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass
 Good Samaritan Core
 7:55 a.m. Rosary
 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass
 Bible Study 7:30 p.m.
Monday 1
5:00 p.m. Danile Herdocia
Andres Blandino
Luis Sebastian Lopez
Sophia Marie Lopez
Vincent Sardinas
7:00 a.m. Nicholas Molina
Diego Guerrero
Jonathan Suarez
9:00 a.m. Gabriel Seiglie
Maired Gatcliffe
Ushers Team B
5:00 pm Flip Trembley/John Kane
Alex Sardinas/Vance Salter
James Salter
Mario Bosi/Joseph Goncalves
7:30 a.m. W. Sharkey Nussbaum
Ronald Samaroo plus volunteers
9:00 a.m. Nick Chang/Nelson Pay
John Sullivan/Julio Lopez
Tyrone Brown/Sue Farwell
Leo Francis/David Lannon
Anthony & Sarah Amofah
11:00 a.m. Ruben Garcia
H. Julian Sosa
Jorge Molina/Luis Guzman
Rene Lopez/Jose Bendezu
Hernando Sabogal/Kevin Kessler
Thomas & TommyVisney
1:00 p.m. Jose Lopez
Oscar Castro
Maria Taveras/Abdiel Ponce de Leon
Armando Martinez/Rosario Reyes
Carlos Anato/Graciela Vigo
Melba Gomez/Guillermina Gomez
Antonio & Liliam Morales
Maritza Taveras/Jose Lopez
Luis & Sandra Arroyo
Manuel & Gabriela Ixtlahuac
Carlos Anato/Joceline Sosa
Coffee & Donuts: Team 4
Marilu Smogar/Cecil Garcia
Betty & John Roche
Mafe Nussbaum/Margaret O’Brien
Maritza & Lauren Castano
9:00 a.m. Jacqueline De Souza/Danielle De
Claudia Fraga
Eduardo Vasquez Fraga
11:00 a.m. Diego (Lucas) Fernandez
Malvina, Jose & Paula Longoria
Lauren Moreno
1:00 p.m. Marcela y Roberto Rodriguez
Claudia y Frank Iparraguirre
Diana y Raul Pabón
Maricarmen Jardines
Luz Marina y Alfonso Dominguez
Carolina Martorella
Luis Manzo