Mary, Mother of God Church Parish Office 157SouthTriangleRoad,HillsboroughNJ08844 Rev. Sean Broderick, C.S.Sp.; Administrator Phone: 908‐874‐8220 Rev. Peter Ssekajugo, IMC; Spanish Ministry Fax: 908‐874‐4183 Deacon Christopher Conroy Web Site: Deacon James “Jake” McCormick E‐Mail: [email protected] Deacon Salvatore Bonfiglio Office Hours: Mon‐Fri 9:15AM‐12:30PM & 1:00PM‐4:15PM; Mon. Eve. 7PM‐9PM Religious Education Office Deacon Chris Conroy, 908‐874‐8604, [email protected] Pre‐School/Kindergarten Enrichment 908‐874‐8489 Director of Music Mr. Steve Kirbos, 908‐874‐8220, [email protected] Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Mass Schedule Weekends Saturday: 5:00PM, 6:30PM (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00 Noon Children’s Liturgy at the 10:30AM Mass, Sept‐June High School Youth Mass: As announced, Sept‐June Weekdays Monday: 7:30PM (with Miraculous Medal Novena) Tuesday through Saturday: 8:30AM Holy Days Ms. Betty Buettner, 908‐359‐0144, [email protected] Eve 7:00PM, 7:00AM, 12:10PM, 7:00PM Prayer Line Friday 9:00AM through Sunday 10:00AM Ms. Helen Izzo, 908‐874‐0597 Mrs. Maria Stadtmueller, 908‐281‐5203 Parish Registration Please come in to the Parish Office during regular office hours. Communion Calls & Anointing for the Sick Please contact the office when someone is sick or shut‐in, even for a few weeks; Holy Communion will be brought to them in their home. Adoration Penance Saturday 4:00PM or call the Rectory. Baptisms Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 1:30PM, or during the Noon Mass by special arrangement. Please call the Parish Office at least three weeks in advance to schedule Baptisms. Marriages Diocesan Policy requires that arrangements be made at least one year in advance. JANUARY 24, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 7:30 PM NICHOLAS PHAN TRAN r/o The Phan Family TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2016 8:30 AM MAGGIE O’DEE r/o George & Dorothy Lukazik, Sr. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2016 8:30 AM PATRICK MC ANDREWS r/o William F. Cunningham, M.D. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2016 8:30 AM EMIL GURAL, SR. r/o Barbara Gural FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2016 8:30 AM LEAH SHETTLER r/o Steve Shimshock SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2016 8:30 AM JOHN WILLIAM SHAUGHNESSY, SR. r/o Tony & Nancy Fusco 5:00 PM FOR THE PEOPLE 6:30 PM POR EL ALMA DE JOSE BASTIDAS r/o Melya Boza SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 2016 Jer 1: 4-5, 17-19 1 Cor 12: 31—13: 13 Lk 4: 21-30 (72) 7:30 AM MARY KISHNER r/o Mary Ann Vandermeer 9:00 AM BRUNETTA EDWARDS r/o Karen & Barry Pelletteri 10:30 AM EDWARD PHILLIPS r/o The Powell Family 12:00 NOON CAROL KOLB r/o Mick & Judy Persico …IN YOUR PRAYERS… Please keep all those listed above in your prayers, as well as all the deceased of the parish. MMG St. Patrick's Day Dinner Dance Save the Date - March 12th Details to follow THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CANDLES THE CANDLE IN THE MAIN CHURCH WILL BE LIT THIS WEEK IN MEMORY OF FRANK CAPRIA AT THE REQUEST OF PATRICIA PERRINE. THE CANDLE IN THE CHAPEL WILL BE LIT FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH. PLEASE REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS: ROSE KERESZTES CAROL BUSHER ANNA BRAND JUDITH BRENNER JANICE ONDERKO MARJORIE MC AVOY ISABELLE PEREZ DAWN VITAGLIANO ROCCO ANTHONY PACIFICO SUSAN MONAHAN PATRICIA TRAENKLE VIRGINIA HUTSON MARGARET DUFFY EVE M. MOLLOY BEVERLY SINGH CHARLES WARSHEFSKI JOHN PAUL "JP" MACHALA BOB CONQUEST BARBARA A. MOLLOY KEVIN BIZZONE THERESA O'BRIEN EDWARD SCHADLE CONNIE GACEK GERTRUDE O'REILLY JEAN SIOCK DICK INGRAHAM DONALD HUTSON JOHN BAGNASCO RALPH LOMBARDI PATRICIA LORENZETTI CLARE MASTRONARDI DAVID ECCLES EDWARD DAVIS EILEEN COHEN PETER DONATO RICHARD HANN LUCILLE KRAUSE JENNIFER LAWTON NICHOLAS KALESCKY PAT BANCROFT MAUREEN GRABOWSKI BERTA C. CHIANG BETTY KIERNAN MARCY DILLON BARBARA GURAL FERNANDO FONSECA MARIELLE C. MOORE ALEX ESOLDA TARA POWERS JAMES FITZPATRICK AMANDA WENDT BARBARA SCHEERER PAIGE ROMANO SHELBY SAKELAKOS ELIZABETH MARINO CHRISTINE ESPOSITO MARTIN HENDERSON MARION LEE LORETTA PREUSTER GARY PIECH RUSSELL WARDLOW IRENE WALSH MARTI & GUY SPENCER MARILYN SOLIMINE ALYSSA RIBIERO BRODY KASNOWSKI BILL GEORGE CATHERINE ZAPF THERESA PIZZANO DANNY GAUDREAU DANIEL GUGUSKI JANICE BUTLER SAMANTHA POWERS RALPH JOSEPH NOVI COURTNEY FREEMAN ALEXANDRA & MARYJO STRICKET ANTHONY AND FRANCES PALOMBO PATTY AND TYLER BAVOSI MARGARET AND MICHAEL ADAMS MMOG PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN ENRICHMENT OPEN HOUSE MONDAY – JANUARY 25, 2016 7:00 PM PRESCHOOL (PARISH CENTER) ENROLL FOR 2016 – 2017 SCHOOL YEAR MORNING AND AFTERNOON SESSIONS 2 DAY CLASSES FOR 3 YEAR OLDS 3 DAY CLASSES FOR 4 YEAR OLDS 2, 3, 5 DAY ENRICHMENT CLASSES 5 DAY EXTENDED ENRICHMENT CLASSES THANK YOU! The totals of last week's collections were $8,732.00 for the Ordinary Sunday Collection, $1,620.00 for the Catholic Education Campaign Collection, and $4,050.00 for the Building Fund. Thank you very much for your continued support of our Parish family! If you are interested in OnLine Giving, please visit our Parish website. PLEASE NOTE … Parishioners that are on the envelope system will not find an envelope in the 2016 boxes for next Sunday’s (January 31st) Building Fund Collection. Please utilize a blank envelope with your name and box number on it for the second collection. Thank you. SAVE THE DATE: ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY EVENTS: FEB.9: ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKE DINNER FROM 5-7PM IN SCHELLBERG HALL An Evening Laughter Tickets on Sale NOW The Rosary Altar Society's annual An Evening of Laughter will be held on Saturday, April 2 in the Parish Center Gymnasium. The comedians for the evening are: Richie Minervini, Pete Michaels and Jeff Norris. DJ Redline will be supplying musical entertainment and sound for the evening. Doors open at 6pm, Italian Buffet Dinner starting at 6:30pm. $30 per person (21 an older please): includes Italian Buffet Dinner, dessert, beer, wine, soft drinks. Please make checks payable to: Rosary Altar Society and mail them to: Ginni Conquest 4 Warner Drive Hillsborough NJ 08844. If you have a group that wants to sit together, please make a notation of that with your check. All tickets will be mailed out to you. No tickets will be sold at church. If you have any questions, please call Ginni at 908-623-6793. Amazing raffle tables, Super 50/50 and door prizes too. All proceeds will go towards our renovation fund for Schelberg Hall's kitchen. Thank you in advance for supporting our organization and goal to giving our Parish a beautiful new kitchen. First Friday Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction February 5th Please Join Us In His Presence For An Hour of Adoration with The Holy Rosary, Prayers and Hymns Mary, Mother of God Church First Friday Evenings 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Interfaith Hospitality Network In July, we will be hosting families in conjunction with the Interfaith Hospitality Network. Familes will be staying in St. Francis Hall the evenings of Sunday, July 10th througho Sunday morning, July 17th. Volunteers will be needed to cook meals, visit with the families, etc. More info to follow. DIAPER DRIVE / BABY BOWL MMOG will have its annual Diaper Drive Baby Bowl on Super Bowl weekend, February 6/7th. We will be collecting diapers, wipes and baby care items (lotion, bath, shampoo, ointments ) to benefit Pregnancy Aid Center in Raritan and the Hillsborough Food Pantry. Please leave your donations by the DIAPER DRIVE / BABY BOWL sign in the Schellberg Hall. Please consider this: ~ 1 in 3 mothers struggle to afford diapers for their child ~ Babies go through 5-12 diapers / day depending on their age ~ A healthy change of diapers can cost $100 a month Who will win this year's Bowl? Pampers or Huggies? Your donatiions will decide! Adopt-a-Senior Meeting for New Volunteers Sunday, January 31st 1:00 pm - SH If you signed-up at our Ministry Fair in November, please attend this meeting. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP SESSIONS Journey Through Grief. You Are Not Alone. “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted” Suffering over the death of someone you loved during the past year? Mary Mother of God Parish, Hillsborough is offering 8 weekly Support Group Sessions: Tuesday evenings January 19th-March. 8th, 78:30pm, in the Parish Teen Center. No Fee Required. Registration Appreciated. Bereavement Support Facilitators: Philomena Cellilli (908) 2856053), Trudy Madden (908) 874-6288 Mary, Mother Of God Women's Group Meeting Monday, January 25th 7:30 -9:00 pm in St. Francis Hall DEACON SAL BONFIGLIO, O.F.S, PRESENTER POPE FRANCIS, "THE EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY" Please Refer to the Mary Mother of God website, for details. AVISOS PARROQUIALES A los nuevos feligreses por favor registrarse visitando la Secretaria durante horas de oficina y/o asistir a la proxima reunion de Registracion Parroquial ofrecida en Español los ultimos sabados del mes, despues de misa PROXIMO REGISTRO 30 DE ENERO INTENCIONES PARA LA MISA HISPANA Todo aquel que desea ofrecer una Misa, registrarse con MARYANN,en la secretaria Parroquial, o llamar al 908-874.8220 o durante el Registro Parroquial con RAFAEL BAUTISMO Tercer DOMINGO de cada mes a las 1:30 pm Requisitos: Registrarse en la Parroquia Inscribirse para el Bautismo antes del primer domingo del mes. Participar de una charla pre-bautismal (SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL MES DESPUES DE MISA) MAS INFORMES CON el SACERDOTE O EN LA SECRETARIA PARROQUIAL CONFESIONES Todos los sabados al final de la Misa Hispana o llamar a la Rectoria para una cita EDUCACION RELIGIOSA (CATECISMO) PARA NIÑOS – PRIMERA COMUNION/CONFESION Para mas informes Deacon Chris a [email protected] or (908) 874-8604 dejar mensaje si no contesta MMOG LITURGIA PARA NIÑOS de 4 a 9 Años EN EL CUARTO UBICADO DEBAJO DE LA CAPILLA Sabados 6:30 durante la Misa Hispana REGISTRARASE AL INICIO DE MISA Mas informes [email protected] CATECISMO PARA ADULTOS / RCIA EN ESPAÑOL TODA PERSONA ADULTA QUE ESTE INTERESADA EN RECIBIR LOS SACRAMENTOS DE BAUTISMO, PRIMERA COMUNION Y/O. CONFIRMACION SE OFRECEN CLASES MAS INFORMES CON LUIS GIL 908-642-4481 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Es un fin de semana designado para darle las parejas casadas la oportunidad de examinar sus vidas y ayudarles a comunicarse mejor. INFO ZAIRA Y OSCAR 908-642.6644 GRUPO CARISMATICO DE ORACION “MARIA TE INVITA A CONOCER A JESUS” TODOS LOS MARTES A LAS 7:00 PM EN LA CAPILLA DE LA IGLESIA GRUPO DE ORACION” LAS MIL AVE MARIA” PRIMER SABADO DE CADA MES DESDE LAS 8:30 AM EN EL SALON ABAJO DE LA CAPILLA DE LA IGLESIA LES ESPERAMOS!!! VISITAS DOMICILIARIAS A ENFERMOS Y ANCIANOS PARA RECIBIR EUCARISTIA Toda persona anciana o enferma que desee recibir la Eucaristia en sus hogares Sabados apartir de las 6:45 pm o los Domingos apartir de las 10:45 am Por favor contactar con la Sra Altagracia 908-939.1547 A FAMILIAS NECESITADAS PARA RECIBIR ASISTENCIA ESPIRITUAL Por favor contactar con la Sra. Rocio Velazco 908-392.2756 LA VIRGEN MARIA VISITA LOS HOGARES Durante todas las misas hispanas tendremos la imagen de la Virgen dispuesta a visitar los hogares latinos por una semana, acompañando su presencia con el rezo diario del Santo Rosario. Si esta interesado en llevar a la Virgen a su Casa por favor registrar el nombre de su familia al final de cada misa con Walter Jimemez.908-421-4853 GRACIAS!!! EL TOTAL DE LA COLECTA ORDINARIA DEL SABADO PASADO FUE DE $267.00 Y DEL FONDO P/ CONSTRUCCION PARROQUIAL FUE DE $290.00. MUCHAS GRACIAS POR SU CONTINUA AYUDA A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD PARROQUIAL SOBRES DE CONTRIBUCION PARROQUIAL 2016 DISPONIBLES EN EL SCHELLBERG HALL Si Ud no recibio sus sobres pero le gustaria recibirlos, o si retiro los del 2015, pero le gustaria hacerlo a travez de nuestro programa On-line, Por Favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia. 908-874.8220 . Gracias TENER EN CUENTA TODA PERSONA QUE QUIERA PARTICIPAR EN EL VIA CRUSIS VIVIENTE DE SEMANA SANTA POR FAVOR ASISTIR A LA PRIMERA REUNION DE ORGANIZACION EL 31 DE ENERO A LAS 6 PM EN EL SHELLBERG HALL OPEN HOUSE MMOG PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN ENRICHMENT LUNES 25 DE ENERO 7 PM SESIONES DE MAÑANA Y TARDE 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM o 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM 2 DIAS DE CLASES PARA 3 AÑOS DE EDAD 3 DIAS DE CLASES PARA 3 AÑOS DE EDAD TAMBIEN 2, 3, Y 5 DIAS DE CLASES DE ENRIQUESIMIENTO 5 DIAS EXTENDIDO DE CLASES DE ENRIQUESIMIENTO ESPACIOS LIMITADOS /LLAMAR PARA CITAS A LAS OFICINAS DE LA ESCUELA 908-874-8489 RESERVA LAS FECHAS MIERCOLES DE CENIZAS 10 DE FEB Misa en Ingles con Lecturas y Oraciones en Español 7 pm CENA DIA DE LOS ENAMORADOS 13 de Febrero despues de Misa Hispana Mas informes con Francisco Marin CURSO BASICO DE BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL ABIERTO A TODO PUBLICO INICIO PRIMER LUNES EN MARZO POR 5 SEMANAS 7 PM MAS INFORMES PROXIMAMENTE CENA DE SAN PATRICIO Sabado 12 de Marzo Mas informes proximamente PARA MAS INFORMES DE LA PARROQUIA EN ESPAÑOL POR FAVOR VISITAR NUESTRO SITIO EN LA WED
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