Saint Michael Catholic Church Serving the Community of Paradise Hills, San Diego since 1957 2643 Homedale Street, San Diego, CA 92139 Phone: (619) 470-1977 · Fax: (619) 267-9397 · FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 15, 2015 Pastor Rev. Fr. Manuel Ediza Co- Pastor Rev. Fr. Bernard Ranoa In Residence Rev. Fr. John Smith Deacon Carl Shelton St. Michael Academy Mrs. Mary Johnson, Principal Mrs. Rowena Lewis, Office Secretary (619) 470-4880 St. Michael Preschool Ms. Lucy Zamorano, Director (619) 472-5437 School of Religion Buena Algoso (619) 470-2292 Confirmation / Youth and Young Adults Ms. Arla Sigarlaki, Coordinator (619) 470-2298 Funerals and Bereavement MASS SUNDAY: 7:00 AM 1:00 PM (Academy/Children’s Choir) 8:30 AM (Español) 4:30 PM (Youth and Young Adult Mass) 10:00 AM 6:00 PM (Filipino Mass on 1st Sunday) 11:30 AM 7:30 PM (Jazz Mass on 3rd Sunday) Saturday: 5:00 PM (for Sunday obligation) Monday to Saturday: 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM (on Tuesday & Friday) Holy Days: 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM CONFESSIONS 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM (Saturday); Fridays at 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM DEVOTIONS Tuesday, 7:00 PM - Mother of Perpetual Help Mass with Novena (preceded by Rosary at 6:30pm) Friday, 7:00 PM - Santo Niño (Holy Infant Jesus) Novena with Mass (except First Friday) First Thursday & Third Thursday, 6:00 PM - Divine Mercy Chaplet / Novena First Friday, 7:00 PM - Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass and Novena (Holy Hour) and All Night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Saturday - Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament (before the 8:00 AM Mass) Third Saturday - Our Lady of Peñafrancia Perpetual Novena (immediately following the 8:00 a.m. Mass) Ministry Team: Evelyn Buangan, Gloria Jose, Gloria Signo, Anita OngVaño, Luis Morales, Resfina Torrevillas (619) 472-2657 or (619) 470-1977 Weddings Mrs. Barbara Patton, Coordinator (619) 470-7492 Liturgy/Music Kim Conda San Pedro, Coordinator Bulletin Resfina Macoy-Torrevillas Parish Office Ms. Mae Salamat, Parish Secretary Mr. Nathan Montemayor, Receptionist (619) 470-1977 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. BAPTISM Please make arrangements at least three months in advance with the Ministry Staff. Pre-baptismal Seminar is required for parents and sponsors. In case of an emergency, or if you need to speak to a priest after office hours, please call (619) 472-2655 and leave a message. A priest will contact you as soon as possible. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 15, 2015 Mass Intentions Today’s Gospel Reflection 1st Reading: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23 * Psalm 137:1-6 * 2nd Reading: Eph 2:4-10 * Gospel: Jn 3:14-21 RAISED UP BY THE MESSIAH Last week, when Jesus referred to the destruction of the temple, the account from today’s first reading is what would have come to the minds of his listeners. But, as Jesus was speaking on a deeper level, so does today’s first reading. In the first paragraph we hear that Israel had, in effect, “fallen” already through its infidelity to the covenant. Lest we get too cozy, this account reminds us that God, though just, loving, and merciful, is capable of punishing sin when that sin is unrepentant. But we are also reminded that God, rich in mercy, anoints individuals to be vessels of salvation as well (in Hebrew, King Cyrus of Persia is called “messiah”). In the Gospel reading, we hear of another Messiah being “lifted up” for our salvation in one of the best‑known passages from the New Testament. As Lent concludes and we enter Holy Week, we need to keep our gaze steadfast upon the cross of Christ, the Son of God who came into the world to raise us who had fallen. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MARCH 2015 14 Sat 15 Sun 16 Mon 17 Tue 18 Wed 19 Thu 20 Fri 21 Sat 5:00pm 7:00am 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am 1:00pm 4:30pm Paula Young — healing † Lilia Nicolas † Emma Rosa Pantoja † Juanito Codinera Recio † Amelia Dayo Mila Mercado—birthday thanksgiving † Dominga L. Dimalanta—death anniversary 6:00pm 7:30pm 8:00am 8:00am † Alfredo Salvador—40th day of his death PRO-POPULO Steven Vitug & family—thanksgiving † Woo Bok Seng 7:00pm 7:00am 8:00am 8:00am 7:00pm 8:00am † Ponciano & † Zenaida Marcial Cruz † Cyrus Sison—death anniversary † Lloyd Ramirez † Alicia Pangilinan †Dominador & †Melania Marcial & †Loreta Gabat † Juliana Comia . “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” — John 3:17 LEVANTADOS POR EL MESÍAS La semana pasada, cuando Jesús se refería a la destrucción del Templo, el relato de la primera lectura de hoy es lo que les hubiera venido a la mente a sus oyentes. Pero, dado que Jesús estaba hablando en un sentido más profundo, así también debemos entender la primera lectura de hoy. Escuchamos en el primer párrafo que Israel en efecto ya había “caído” a causa de sus infidelidades contra la alianza. Para no ponernos demasiado cómodos, este relato nos recuerda que Dios, aunque justo, amoroso y misericordioso, es capaz de castigar el pecado cuando es un pecado no arrepentido. Pero también nos recuerda que Dios, rico en misericordia, unge a individuos para que sean a su vez instrumentos de salvación (en hebreo al Rey Ciro de Persia se le denomina “mesías”). En la lectura del Evangelio, escuchamos de otro Mesías que debe ser “levantado” por nuestra salvación, en uno de los pasajes más conocidos del Nuevo Testamento. Al terminar la Cuaresma y entrar en la Semana Santa, debemos mantener nuestra mirada fija en la cruz de Cristo, el Hijo de Dios que vino al mundo para levantarnos a todos los que habíamos caído. “Dios no envió a su Hijo para condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo se salvara por él.” — Juan 3:17 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Page 2 If you are unable to get Mass intentions because the Parish calendar is booked, you may purchase a candle at the “Divine Mercy” or “Our Lady of Guadalupe” shrines in our church. You may have a candle lit for 7 days, or 42 days. Your intentions will be posted on the wall and included in the Mass. Call the parish office for details. You may also write your prayer intensions in the “Book of Intentions” in the church. Let us keep in our prayers our parishioners, relatives and friends who are ill or homebound: Fr. Jaime Lares * Josefina Serquina * Claudio Leal * Irma Castro * Carmelita Devera * Mary Ann Acuario * Walter Pugeda * Felipa Strominger * Mariano Ridon * Jayanna Ancheta * Nerito Bayongan * Modesta Bayongan * Sonia Ferma Suela * Corazon Santos * Leona Gurbacki * Monalisa Lubanga * Fenina Callejo * Edna Torrevillas * Mario Tolentino * Anne Marie Forbus * Mae Forbus * Jimmy Toledo * Laling Castro * Danny Chargualaf * Terry Diego * Kathy Reyes * Carmelita James * Canor Gleason * Dolores Flores * Eric Yadao * Althea Guinto * Antonio Mendoza * Amelita Mendoza * Fernanda Rivas * Adriana Ferrell Mangus * Pedro Delacruz, Jr. * Dion Furtono * Ligaya Sy * Elmer Bernardo * Jerome Bernardo * Dian Fortuno * Aguida Serrano * Fe Ediza-Aseguro * Julia Rice * Ramon Navalta * Erlinda Abelon * Marcela N. Aguinaldo * Adorable M. Navarro * Enriqueta Garrido * Henry Abarentos * Lainy Baculi * Loida Martin Imperial * Nenita Arcedera * Julia Arellano * Corazon Roque * Julia Rice * Anthony Gonsalves * Joseph Lipa * Necitas Avila * Annalie Salazar * Kathy Wreschinsky * Violeta Daen * Evelyn Del Rosario * Margaret Young * Marc Organo * Jesus Lampa David * Antonina Kinghorn * Louise James * Annabelle Lagos * Norma Short * Mercedes Arellano * Lucy Tipton * Fr. Nemesio Sungcad * Maria Corbett * Frances Pariel * Yolly Yadao * Alfredo Flores * Andre Balista * Aileen Villamor OngVaño * Erlinda Gebo * Nieves Mamaril * Mercedita Mamaril * Jose Daep * Carmen Daep * Bebie Cahoon * John Avery * Lita Nerona * Marie Osias * Bing Bascos * Ricardo Tamoria, Sr. * Joe Trinidad This list is updated on a weekly basis. Please call the office to add a name. NAMES ON SICK LIST WILL BE DELETED AFTER 60 DAYS. ST. MICHAEL CHURCH PARADISE HILLS, SAN DIEGO Dear Parishioners and friends, Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent. For us, Catholics, Lent is a special time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. PASTORS’ MESSAGE Jesus teaches us to “Give alms… Pray to your Father… Fast without a gloomy face…” (Matthew 6:1-18). “Prayer with fasting is good. Almsgiving with righteousness is better than wealth with wickedness. It is better to give alms than to store up gold, for almsgiving saves from death, and purges all sin. Those who give alms will enjoy a full life.” (Tobit 12:8-9). With fasting and praying, giving alms (from the Greek word eleēmosýnē for sympathy, charity, mercy) is a special practice of piety. Almsgiving is a form of prayer and fasting. When we give alms, we actually give to God. Almsgiving is also a form of fasting because it demands sacrificial giving, not just giving something, but giving up something—giving until it hurts. Almsgiving is a response that we have come through prayer and fasting. It is a response to God’s mercy and generosity. It is an expression of our gratitude for all that God has given us. Almsgiving is “a witness to fraternal charity” and “a work of justice pleasing to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2462) At the beginning of the Lenten season, we launched the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA). By participating in ACA, we give alms by supporting the Diocese in the service of the poor and imprisoned, education for children in Catholic schools and training of catechists, formation of candidates for the priesthood, ministry to our youth and to young people on university campuses, preparation of couples for marriage, and support for parish development in Imperial Valley. The ACA is an on-going appeal. This year we are “called to be merciful”. respond? How do you Fr. Manny Ediza & Fr. Bernard Ranoa “It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” - Mother Teresa AMOUNT OF DONATION $____________ Page 3 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 15, 2015 Blessings from St. Michael Academy to the St. Michael Parish Community! I am very happy, and very proud, to report that 17 of our 7th and 8th grade students passed the initial screening process and were invited to participate in the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair! Judging will be later this month. Rest assured, when I know the results, I will let you know. The GSDSEF is a challenge for any student. Our entrants will be competing against hundreds of other students from across the county; junior high and high school. Having so many of our students invited to participate in the fair says a great deal about the quality and rigor of our academic program at St. Michael Academy. Enrollment/registration is an ongoing process at St. Michael Academy. We are a Kindergarten through 8th Grade school. Call the office and schedule a tour of the Academy. Give us an opportunity to show you how the cost of your child’s Catholic education can fit into your budget. Call 619-470-4880, or e-mail Mrs. Lewis @ [email protected]. Fr. Manny offers a $1000 discount to new families enrolling in the Academy. Yours in Christ, Mary Johnson, Principal St. Michael Preschool Lucy Zamorano, Director 619-472-5437 Religious Education Buena Algoso (619)470-2292 We are accepting CHILDREN AGES 2 TO 5 YEARS We are DRIVEN to teach Catholic-values based life. The preschool is a year round school which is open twelve months and closed only on Diocesan holidays. Our programs are tailored to meet your family budget with a variety of full-days, half-days, 2 days, 3 days and 5 days a week. Teachers are present from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. For more information, please contact our Director, Ms. Lucy at (619) 472-5437. Part of the St. Michael RCIA group that attended the Rite of Election at the Civic Center on Feb. 22, 2015. GOD’S WORD TODAY. Such rich fare is offered to us this day from the table of God’s word. The first reading chronicles both the punishment and the great mercy shown by Please come and pray the Rosary to God to the people who “added infidelity to infidelity.” Saint Paul promote a Culture of Life every calls this God one “who is rich in mercy.” The greatest merciful Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., in the Church. act shown by our God is beautifully proclaimed in today’s The Filipino Cursillo and the Filipino Community of Gospel: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” As the word of God is proclaimed today, let us be thankful to St. Michael lead the Rosary in March. God for the gift of the Lord Jesus, who came into this world not to condemn, but to save. CHRISTIAN LIFE SEMINAR – In response to the From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Church’s call to the New Evangelization, the Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life is LIVING GOD’S WORD. We don’t always “come toward the light” (John 3:20). Sometimes we prefer the darksponsoring a Christian Life Seminar every ness. We might fear being condemned if our deeds are Saturday. It started on March 7, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Faculty Room. This Lenten season, spend your Saturday brought to light or we may simply be unable to find afternoons having a renewed understanding of God, to deepen our way in the dark. We need the light of Christ to help us believe once more in God’s merciful love. our faith, believing in the Gospel message, and then go forth to Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. proclaim the Good news. It is a free seminar open to everyone— married or single. Participants need not become members of “Hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to Him. That is CFC. Refreshments and kids watch will be provided. all the doing you have to worry about.” - St. Jeanne De Chantal Culture of Life Page 4 ST. MICHAEL CHURCH PARADISE HILLS, SAN DIEGO Parish News and Announcements Comunidad Latina St. Michael Parish Youth Group Arla Sigarlaki: (619)470-2298 [email protected] EL GRUPO PASTORAL FAMILIAR los invita a sus reunions Attention all high schoolers! NEW YEAR! NEW todos los Viernes de 6:30pm—8:30pm en el salón parroquial. YOUTH GROUP! Youth Group meetings are Juntos aprenderemos a ser mejores Cristianos, mejores moving from Sundays to Fridays. Join us in the esposos, mejores padres de familia, mejores hijos y mejores Youth Room every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Friday to seres humanos. Vengan con toda la familia! Para mayores celebrate life, love, and our Lord. On the 1st informes comuniquese con los Señores Gonzales al (619) 479- Friday, we attend the 7pm Mass. Meet in the Youth Room at 7452. 6:30 pm. On the 2nd & 3rd Friday, we will meet from 5pm to 7pm. Get to know other youth within our parish and bring a friend! El grupo de Oración los invita a su reunión Everyone is welcome to Youth Group. For more information and los Jueves de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. en el to keep up-to date on our current events, join our Youth Group Salón de los Jóvenes frente a la capilla. Facebook page: St. Michael Parish Youth Group. (“Donde están dos o tres reunidos en mi Open Youth Room: Every Monday and Wednesday, the Youth nombre allí estoy yo” - Mateo 18:20) Room will be open from 3:00 – 5:30pm for anyone who wants to Nota: El ultimo Jueves del mes nos reunimos en Santa Rosa de stop by to do homework, play games, talk, or just hang out. Lima para la misa y hora santa de 6:30pm a 9:30pm y el primer Miércoles del mes nos reunimos en San Juan de la Cruz, Young Adults (18 years and up and out of high school) (8086 Broadway Ave, Lemon Grove) para la misa de Sanación de Arla Sigarlaki: (619)470-2298 [email protected] las 6:45pm a 9:00pm. Informes con Lucy Moncado al teléfono Young Adult Meetings are held on the (619) 656-9131. 4th Friday of the month. We attend the 7:00 p.m. Mass followed by our fellowship in the ULTREYA: El Movimiento de Cursillos de Youth Room. All Young Adults, 18-30s Cristiandad de la Diócesis de San Diego los are welcome. invita a su Ultreya mensual en el Salón Parrroquial de San Miguel a las 7:30 pm. Una SYNERGY YOUTH CHOIR & BAND. If you sing or play an invitación cordial a todas las personas que han vivido su cursillo instrument we want you! Be a part of the Youth Choir & Band for para convivir Christianamente y compartir como estamos Synergy Mass. For more information contact Mark Jacob 858caminando en nuestro Cuarto día. Nos reunimos cada Tercer 484-1070 ext 307 or [email protected]. Lunes del Mes. Los esperamos!!! ALTAR SERVERS—Schedule El Apostolado de Maria en La Iglesia Domestica les invita a recibir la imagen de los Dulces Corazones de Jesus y Maria en MARCH 22—FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT su casa para rezar el Santo Rosario. Para mas informacion por 5:00 pm Alvin Jarod Aguda, Lizabeth Sunico, Alvin Justin Apilado favor llamar al (619) 467-7085 or (619) 495-9593. The Knights of Columbus welcomes new member Aaron Tabiendo. Aaron completed his 1st Degree on February th 25 . K of C Madonna Council presented a check to St. Michael Parish in the amount of $2050.00 for the new refrigerator in the parish hall kitchen. The new refrigerator was needed just days before the Fall Festival when the old refrigerator failed. The main beneficiaries will be the Academy and other parish groups that routinely use the hall. There will be a San Diego 4th Degree at the Town and Country Convention Center on May 2nd. Any 3rd Degree members interested should contact Council officers for details. Filipino Community of St. Michael MARCH 23—FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT 7:00 am A.J. Caliguiran, Neala Mendoza, Nikki Mendoza 8:30 am Abraham Mendez, Yanitza Millan, Hans Millan 10:00 am Alexis Hernandez, Tristan Marcelo, Mickaela Segbefia 11:30 am Juzenne Cruz, Jeffrey Pantig, Jeremy Pantig 1:00 pm Joany Bayron, David Monsalud, Dyna Monsalud 4:30 pm Jan Bautista, Alexis Lagos, Gerard Lagos 6:00 pm Cameron Armas, Flores Jheren, Nathan Martino 7:30 pm Ryan Burila, Jenessa Edora, Jezelle Edora MANDATORY MEETING for all Altar Servers and parents on MARCH 21 at 11:00 a.m. St. Michael Cursillo Team • SMP Cursillo Team Reunion: Please join the SMP Team Reunion every Monday, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Collier Center. • If you are interested to host the Rosary devotion in your home, • Accepting applications for Class 111 and 112 for Men’s and please contact Fe Endaya at 619-507-7816 or Precy Portacio at 619-807-2872. Women’s Cursillo Retreats for 2015. Please contact Luz for more information at 619-228-3338. Page 5 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 15, 2015 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL (ACA) CAMPAIGN Funeral and Bereavement Team Ministry: Evelyn Buangan, Gloria Jose, Gloria Signo, Anita OngVaño, Luis Morales, Resfina Torrevillas (619) 472-2657 We encounter Christ in those we serve...the hungry, the homeless, the sick, and those We pray for and remember: imprisoned. Through the ACA, we are reminded that we Those who recently passed away: encounter God’s love when we serve others through stewardErvilla Gonzales & Primitiva Manalo ship, service, and sacrifice. Your participation, regardless of gift On the 40th day of their death: amount, makes a difference. ACA Update as of 03-01-15 Week $ Pledged Paid $ Goal # Pledges 3 $ $ 16,846 24.07 % $ 10,161 14.52 % $ 70,000 100 % 168 5.74 % Registered parishioners: 2,925 Pledges received on the weekend of 03-01-2015: Anonymous (3) * Jaime & Penafrancia Adriano * Peter & Andrea Agbulos * Adoracion Aguilar * Brenn & Shirley Alcazar * Raul Aquino * Nenita Arcedera * Alberto Balaguer * Santiago & Cleotilde Bautista * Rene & Josephine Bautista * Ambrose & Perla Boudreaux * Virgil & Maria Luisa Caragay * Eduardo Carangian * Renato & Isabelita Castro * Rogelio & Imelda Concepcion * Simon & Teresita Deguzman * Evangeline Fang * Neston & Julieta Ferrer * Margarito Hernandez * Edicer & Elaine Lim * Christopher Lopez * Jose & Elia Lugo * Adelbert Matanza * Grace Noceda * Gloria Paule * Josephine Paulino * Jose & Corazon Quinones * Virginia San Jose * Leslie Mae Saulog * Francisco Sibal * Rudy & Loreta Sigarlaki * Ferdinand Sim * Maria Flora Tamoria * Alberto & Severa Turla * Lourdes Untalan * Rosalina Vergara * R. Villagracia * Manuel & Leticia Villaraza * Simena Woo THANK YOU! GRACIAS! MARAMING SALAMAT PO! Nenita (Neth) Timbol & Regina (Nena) Rin, ACA Co-Coordinators Called to be Merciful Prayer Loving God, we thank you for calling us together. In you we are one. Help us to remember that united, we are called to be merciful and love one another through the generous sharing of our time, gifts, and resources. Please bless our efforts and help us to grow as a unified and vibrant community of faith. Give us the grace to generously support the Annual Catholic Appeal so that we may faithfully do the work of Your Church. Amen. Have you recently moved? If so, please call our office as soon as possible so that we may update our records. We want to be able to get important information to all parishioners in a timely manner. You may also fill out the slip below and place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the office. Sunday, March 15th— Josefina Docuyanan Wednesday, March 18th— Antonina Aidem Friday, March 20th— Eulogio Demonteverde On the anniversary of their death: Monday, March 16th— Jose Hernandez Senior Ministry Nora Villaroza: (619) 470-1977 EXERCISE CLASSES at the Collier Center Zumba – Monday from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Yoga – Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:50 p.m. GOD UPHOLDS ME I take for my sureties: The power of God to guide me, the might of God to uphold me, the wisdom of God to teach me, the eye of God to watch over me, the ear of God to hear me, the word of God to give me speech, the hand of God to protect me, the way of God to go before me, the shield of God to shelter me. —St. Patrick LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES: March 16, Monday, 7 p.m..—St. Charles, Imperial Beach March 17, Tuesday, 7 p.m.—St. Anthony, National City March 18, Wed., 7 p.m.—Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chula Vista March 19, Thurs., 7 pm—Most Precious Blood, Chula Vista March 23, Monday, 7 pm—St. Michael, Paradise Hills March 25, Wed., 4 pm & 7 pm—St. Rose of Lima, Chula Vista March 27, Friday, 7 p.m.—Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, San Ysidro March 30, Monday, 7 p.m.—St. Mary, National City The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility. For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from it. - St. Vincent De Paul Thanks to our advertisers who sponsor this bulletin. Support them with your business. Change of Address. If you moved to a new address, please Cut and Mail New Parishioners. NAME: _________________________________________ Welcome to St. Michael Church! Please register with the Parish Office if you live within the parish boundaries by completing the form below and sending it to us. Membership has its privileges. NEW ADDRESS:__________________________________ NAME: ________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________ complete form below and send it to us. PHONE NUMBER: (______)_________________________ ________________________________________________ If you will be changing your parish, please call the Parish Office at (619) PHONE NUMBER: (______)_________________________ 470-1977. Page 6 Upcoming Events / Schedule of Services 2015 MARCH 21 - MANDATORY MEETING for Altar Servers & their Parents (11:00 a.m.) MARCH 23 - PENANCE SERVICE (7:00 p.m.) All Fridays of Lent— Stations of the Cross at 6:00 p.m. Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes and the Holy Land. August 31—September 14, 2015 Walk with Fr. Bernard on the land where Jesus walked, and at other places visited by our Blessed Mother. See the astonishing unfinished “Sagrada Familia” church in Barcelona, and the spectacularly beautiful Monastery of the Benedictine monks in the mountain of Montserrat, Spain. Visit the tomb of St. James, Great Apostle, the first apostle to be martyred, patron of Pilgrims. Married couples joining this trip may renew their vows in Cana. For more information, call 619-470-1977 or 619-261-2544. Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Oración para el Año de la Vida Consagrada ADORATION CHAPEL (located adjacent to the parish office.) Open from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Closed on Sundays & holidays. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE April 2, Holy Thursday— No Mass at 8:00 am 7:00 p.m.—Mass of the Lord’s Supper April 3, Good Friday— No Mass at 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.— Stations of the Cross (Academy) 1:30 p.m.— Stations of the Cross (Trilingual) and The Seven Last Words 7:00 p.m. - The Lord’s Passion and Veneration of the Cross April 4, Holy Saturday—No Mass at 8:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.— Easter Vigil April 5, Easter Sunday—SALUBONG at 5:30 a.m. 16th Annual Novena to the Divine Mercy 2015 April 3 (Good Friday) 3:00 p.m. April 4 (Holy Saturday) 4:00 p.m. April 5 (Easter Sunday) 3:30 p.m. April 6 (Monday) 6:00 p.m. April 7 (Tuesday) 6:00 p.m. April 8 (Wednesday) 6:00 p.m. April 9 (Thursday) 6:00 p.m. April 10 (Friday) 6:00 p.m. April 11 (Saturday) 4:00 p.m. April 12—Divine Mercy Sunday, Mass at 1:00 p.m. Oh Dios, tú que a través de los tiempos has llamado a Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 8:30pm to 10:00 pm mujeres y hombres a fin de que vivan la caridad perfecta por medio de los consejos evangélicos de la pobreza, la castidad Saint Michael the Archangel, y la obediencia. Durante este Año de la Vida Consagrada te defend us in battle. Be our damos gracias por estos valientes testigos de la fe, que son protection against the wickedness and también modelos de inspiración. Con su empeño por lograr la snares of the devil. May God rebuke santidad ellos nos enseñan a ofrecerte nuestra vida de una him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, manera más perfecta. Te pedimos que continúes enriqueciO Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the endo a tu Iglesia con hijos e hijas que, habiendo encontrado la perla de gran valor, atesoran el Reino de los cielos por Divine Power of God - cast into hell, encima de todas las cosas. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. es Dios por los siglos de los siglos, Amén. ONLINE GIVING. We invite you to take the opportunity to benefit from Online Giving. To register, please visit and click on Online Giving link, or go directly to:
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