St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Fifth Sunday of Lent • March 22, 2015 4268 Lime St ~ Riverside, CA 92501 Phone: (951) 686.4004 ~ FAX: (951) 686.3948 ~ Español: (951) 683.6204 After hours: (951) 276.0290 Served by the Consolata Missionaries (IMC) Fr. Louis Abdoo, Fr. Reno Aiardi SOCIAL MEDIA Parish website: Diocese of San Bernardino: Bishop Barnes: Twitter@BishopBarnes Consolata Missionaries (CA): MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Masses: 5:00pm (Sat. Vigil), 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:30am, 5:00pm (Español) Weekday Masses: Monday - Friday 6:30am; Tuesday & Friday 5:15pm; Saturday 8:00am First Friday: 7:00pm (Español) Holy Days: 5:15pm (Vigil); 6:30am, 8:00am 12:15pm, 5:15pm, 7:00pm (Español) OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm (closed 1:00-1:30pm for lunch) SACRAMENTS: Confessions: Tuesday & Friday 4:00-5:00pm; Saturday 3:45-4:45pm Baptisms: Every last Saturday each month at 10:00am (must call the Parish Office first) Pre-Baptism Class: Every last Friday each month at 6:30pm Marriages: By appointment only; at least SIX MONTHS advanced notice; must consult a Priest before setting a date. Ministry to the Homebound & Sick: Please call the Parish Office if someone needs a visitation or the Sacraments. Welcome New Parishioners: Please register by picking up a form from our Parish Office. St. Francis de Sales Catholic School: 4205 Mulberry St • Riverside, CA 92501 Telephone: (951)683.5083 • Day Care: (951)683.5006 • Principal: Ms. Kathy Kothlow Our Mission Statement: We, the Church of St. Francis de Sales, are a Community of Believers in Jesus Christ called to impact Family, Neighborhood and Society with the Gospel so that people’s lives are filled with Hope. ******** Nuestra Misión: La Iglesia de San Francisco de Sales, es una Comunidad de Creyentes en Cristo Jesús llamado a impactar la Familia, el Barrio y la Sociedad con el Evangelio para que personas están llenas de Esperanza. Bulletin Deadline: Monday 12:00pm A Letter from Father Page 2 March 22, 2015 During this Lenten Season, we have been sharing Fr. Robert Barron’s Catholicism. Maybe some of you have seen it on Sunday. Not too many people have stayed to watch the video, but it is an excellent presentation on the Catholic Faith. Our Queen Candidates for the 2015 Parish Festival have begun their work to raise money for the parish. You will see them outside the church on Sunday working for the parish. They may be selling food or doing some other activity for the church. Please pass by and say “Hi” and please help support them as much as you can. Speaking about the Parish Festival, we have begun to sell the raffle tickets. This year, we will not be sending the tickets by mail due to a new Diocesan policy prohibiting the mailing of raffle tickets by mail, but we still need you to purchase the tickets. Please help out by buying at least two booklets. If you wish to buy more or take some to sell, that would be wonderful! I would like to thank our Episcopal Visit Committee for doing an excellent job in preparing the parish community for our visit from Bishop Barnes. It was successful in that all the pieces came together with no major hitches, except maybe from the failure of the battery of the microphone during the Bishop’s homily. Bishop Barnes remarked that he was very pleased with his Episcopal Visit to our parish. I have an appointment with Bishop Barnes in two weeks. He will go over his evaluation of the parish with me and then I can share it with all of you. Let us continue to prepare ourselves for this coming Holy Week. It is a time of renewed faith and parish family commitment here in our church. Peace, Parish & Community Activities Page 3 March 22, 2015 Annual Bishop’s Award Dinner The 16th Annual Bishop’s Dinner will be held on Saturday, April 11, 2015, at the Renaissance Esmeralda Indian Wells Resort in Indian Wells. This year, Bishop Rutilio del Riego, Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters and the Sisters of Mercy will be given the Amar Es Entregarse Award. This year, as we celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life, Bishop Barnes chose these honorees who represent the religious communities. All proceeds of the Dinner will be directed to Bishop del Riego’s Seminarian Scholarship Endowment. If you would like to attend, make a donation or inquire for more information, please contact the parish office or the Office of Mission Advancement at (909) 475-5444 for further details. St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival Queen Candidates Hurray! We now have three (3) Festival Queen Candidates for our 2015 St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival. During the coming weeks, each candidate will be doing activities to help raise money toward their fundraising goals. They will be selling tickets, food and various other activities to win. Perhaps you’ll see one selling food in the courtyard this weekend! Let’s help support our Queen Candidates and they will help our Parish. The names of our candidates are: Samantha Rodriguez, Mariana Perez & Briana Manrique. SFDS Ministry Fair Did you ever wonder what it takes to be a Eucharistic Minister? Ever want to do the Readings at a Mass or sing in a choir? Did you know we have a Youth Group? Well, this is your chance to find out! In the parish hall on Sunday, March 22, there will be our annual St. Francis de Sales Ministry Fair. You can ask questions from the heads of ministries, such as Ushers, Altar Society, English Choir, Youth Ministry, Pastoral Care, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and many more! Stop by and find out how you can answer God’s call to serve Him through the various ministries at St. Francis de Sales! St. Francis de Sales Preschool - Riverside, CA Registration for our Fall 2015-2016 preschool class has begun. Our preschool offers both full-day and halfday programs for children that are 4 years old by September 1, 2015 (in accordance with the new state guidelines). We are a state licensed facility with experienced and credentialed teachers. Our curriculum focuses on social skills, introducing the Catholic Faith and kindergarten readiness skills. Space is limited to twenty students. Please call the preschool at (951) 683-5143, for more information. For K-8 registration information, please call the main school office at (951) 683-5083. Card Makers Ministry The Card Makers Club meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM, upstairs in Room 5. The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 19th. Please join us to make cards for fellow parish and community members. The funds help the Religious Education program. If you’d like to come, please call Toni Bastian at (951) 992-8815. OPERATION RICE BOWL We cordially encourage every parishioner to embrace the “Operation Rice Bowl Program” as a practical almsgiving in order to assist needy families in the Diocese of San Bernardino (25%) and around the world (75%). The boxes are at the exit of the church for your convenience. Please return the boxes with your offering on Holy Thursday or any time. Parish & Community Activities Page 4 March 22, 2015 Lenten Bible Study: A Journey of Faith Please come and join us for a faith sharing and Bible study meeting every Tuesday morning in English at 10:00am and on Thursday evening at 6:30 pm in Spanish in the multipurpose room. We will have Bible Study and discussions for anyone who is interested in learning about the Bible. All are welcome to attend. Todos invitamos! Clases de Catecismo en Español 2015 - 2016 El pre-registración para las clases de catecismo en español está abierto a partir del sábado, 14 de marzo, 2015 y se cierran el 30 de Abril 2015. Estas clases se ofrecen de Septiembre a Mayo, todos los sábados de 10:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. de Pre- kinder a octavo grado. Todos los sábados estaremos atendiéndoles, en la oficina de Educación Religiosa durante el tiempo de clase, pero si desea hacerlo en un día de la semana, por favor llámeme para hacer una cita con usted. No olvide traer cualquier certificado sacramental de su estudiante, si su hijo viene de otra iglesia y desea inscribirlo en nuestro programa, deberá traer una carta de transferencia que certifique el ultimo ano que su estudiante termino. Los nuevos estudiantes en esta parroquia, deberán traer su certificado de bautizo o una copia de este. Clases de Confirmación en Español Lunes: grados I, II y III en Español para estudiantes de high school de 5:15 a 7:15 p.m RCIA clases en Español para adultos de 18 anos o mas de 7:20 a 8:20 p.m Para mas información por favor llame a la Sra. Consuelo Grajeda @ (951) 924-8614 SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE COURSE/Curso de la Santidad de la Vida Humana St. John Paul II’s Encyclical Evangelium Vitae calls on every person to advance a Culture of Life. What does that mean for each of us? This Parish Ministers Formation Program Specialization Course is designed for volunteers and leaders working in Parish Respect Life Ministry and for Knights of Columbus Culture of Life Leaders. Particularly helpful for parishes launching or expanding a Respect Life Ministry. The course is also of value for all parish ministers and those interested in what our Catholic Faith teaches about Human Life & Dignity. Course covers Church teaching and practical implications of Bioethics, Euthanasia, Death Penalty, Abortion—alternatives & healing, Human Sexuality and Family Planning. Four day Course offered Saturdays 8:30am-4:30pm: March 28 and April 11 & 18 2015 at St. Mel in Norco. $80 per person. Breakfast & Lunch included. For more information & to register, please contact Marie Widmann @ 909.475.5351 or [email protected]. San Juan Pablo II hace un llamado en el Encíclico Evangelium Vitae que toda persona promueva una Cultura de la Vida. ¿Qué significa esto para cada uno de nosotros? El curso de Programa de Formación para Ministros esta diseñado para los voluntarios y líderes que trabajan en la parroquia en el Ministerio de Respeto a la Vida y para los líderes de la Cultura por la Vida con los Caballeros de Colon. Este curso es de valor para todos los ministros de la parroquia y todos interesados en nuestra Fe Católica, la Vida Humana y la Dignidad. Este curso cubre la enseñanza de la Iglesia y las aplicaciones practicas de la Bioética, Eutanasia, La Pena de Muerte, Aborto-Alternativos & Sanación, Sexualidad Humana y Planificación Familiar. Es un curso de cuatro días que se ofrecerá los sábados de 8:30am-4:30pm en la parroquia de Santa San Mel en Norco el 28 de marzo y el 11 y 18 de abril de 2015. El costo es de $80 por persona. Un desayuno ligero y almuerzo será incluido. Para obtener más información y para registrase favor de comunicarse con Jessica De La Torre al 909.475.5467 o [email protected] Calendar of Events and Mass Schedules Page 5 THIS WEEK Sunday, March 22 Serra Club Coffee & Doughnuts - Hall SFDS Ministry Fair: 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Hall English RE K-8 Classes: 10:15-11:25 AM Confirmation I, II, III Classes: 8:00-10:00 AM Legion of Mary Mass: 2:00 PM - Church * Legion of Mary Reception: Hall after Mass Monday, March 23 Spanish Confirmation/RCIA Classes: 5:15 PM Tuesday, March 24 English Bible Study: 10:00 AM OLPH Novena: 5:00 PM - Church SFDS School WCEA Meeting: 6:00 PM - Hall Women of Faith Bible Study: 6:30 PM - Library Spanish Choir Rehearsal: 6:30 PM - MR Grupo de Oracion: 7:00 PM - MPR Legion of Mary: 7:30 PM - Room 1 Wednesday, March 25 English Choir Rehearsal: 6:30 PM - MR Thursday, March 26 SFDS School Noon Dismissal - Accreditation English RCIA: 7:00 PM - Library Estudio de Biblia: 7:00 PM - MPR Friday, March 27 SFDS School Closed English Baptism Class: 6:30 PM - MPR Stations of the Cross - 7:00 PM - Church Saturday, March 28 English Baptisms: 10:00 AM - Church Spanish RE Classes: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM * Kitchen: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM A.A. Meeting: 6:00 PM - Room 1 Sunday, March 29 Women’s Ministry Coffee & Doughnuts - Hall No English RE K-8/Confirmation Classes - Spring Break Unhappy is death without the love of the Savior; unhappy is love without the death of the Savior. —St. Francis de Sales March 22, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday - March 21 5:00 PM Kathryn Graveson † For the Parishioners of SFDS Sunday - March 22 7:00 AM Joseph John Gilwood † 9:00 AM Nicole Koehler, Jenny Gilwood, Dolores & Robert Rodriguez - Happy Birthday! 11:30 AM Benny LoCoco † Gary Mohrmann † 5:00 PM Rod & Celia Parra - SI Monday - March 23 6:30 AM George Matus † Tuesday - March 24 6:30 AM George Matus † 5:15 PM Evelyn Forsythe † Wednesday - March 25 6:30 AM Gary Semonella † 8:00 AM Chris Robledo - SI Thursday - March 26 6:30 AM Dolores Avila † Friday - March 27 6:30 AM Sandy Avila - SI 5:15 PM Gary Semonella † Saturday - March 28 8:00 AM Pauline Paino - SI (Sunday Vigil Mass) 5:00 PM Estela Perez † Sunday - March 29 7:00 AM Joseph John Gilwood † For the Parishioners of SFDS 9:00 AM Evelyn Forsythe † 11:30 AM Kathryn Graveson † 5:00 PM Emilio Sanchez - SI Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 6 March 22, 2015 LA NUEVA ALIANZA Cuando el profeta Jeremías creó el término “nueva alianza” hacía algo muy radical. Para el pueblo judío, sólo había una alianza, la que el Señor Dios había hecho con Israel por medio de Moisés en el Monte Sinaí. Cuando Jeremías dice que de alguna manera Dios va a reemplazar la antigua alianza con una nueva, seguro que sus oyentes pensaban que era algo muy atrevido. De ese modo Jeremías es un predecesor de Jesús, quien, en el Evangelio de Juan se presenta siempre como alguien que reemplaza el pasado, estableciendo el Reino de Dios de una manera nueva. Y en el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy, Jesús, “la nueva alianza” habla con el lenguaje del “nuevo mandamiento” de amor cuando menciona el grano de trigo que muere y nuestra propia muerte al egoísmo para poder resucitar con Cristo. Al finalizar la Cuaresma y al prepararnos a entrar en la Semana Santa, el grano de trigo que muere es un símbolo excelente del tipo de muerte y autosacrificio al que los discípulos están llamados, un símbolo de esa nueva alianza escrita en lo más profundo de nuestro corazón. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. St. Francis de Sales Catholic School ALTAR SOCIETY SCHEDULE Esperanza Lopez, Maria Cordova, Roseana Duron & Adriana Perez will have Altar Duty on Saturday, March 28, at 8:30 AM. 4205 Mulberry St • Riverside, CA 92501 Principal: Kathy Kothlow Phone: (951) 683‐5083 ● Day Care: (951) 683‐5006 THE NEW COVENANT When the prophet Jeremiah coined the term “new covenant” he was actually doing something quite radical. For the Jewish people, there was only one covenant, the one made between the Lord God and Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai. For Jeremiah to suggest that God would somehow supersede the covenant with a new one would have sounded audacious to Jewish ears. But in this way he is a predecessor of Jesus who, in the Gospel of John, is continually portrayed as superseding the past, establishing the reign of God in a new way. And in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus the “new covenant” speaks the language of his “new commandment” of love when he tells of the dying grain of wheat, and of our own need to die to self in order to be raised with Christ. As Lent ends and we prepare to enter into Holy Week, the dying grain of wheat serves as an excellent symbol of the kind of dying and self‑sacrifice to which disciples are called, a symbol of that new covenant written deep within our hearts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Weekend of March 14-15, 2015 $6,832.77 Active Registered Families Families receiving envelopes % of families using envelopes Envelopes received 03/15/15 983 624 24% 154 Please remember to use your offering envelopes. Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you. Gracias por su generosidad. ¡Dios los bendiga! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:2130 Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:4556 Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39] MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS Liturgical Ministries Altar Servers Altar Society Choir (English) Coro (Español) Organist Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Ministers *English/Spanish Lectores *Español Lectors *English Ushers/Hospitality Mary Waterman Donna Pitell Mary Fall Josefina Oliva Prince Ward Fay Fletcher T. Waldschmitt 681-3048 688-0985 781-6772 892-8075 235-5220 682-9076 505-9814 Francisco Mendoza (909)754-8692 Lorraine Mooney 682-1659 Ray Serna 684-1607 Catechetical Ministries Adult Faith Formation Chris Gallardo (626)221-9469 *RCIA *RCIA Español Victor Grajeda 924-8614 Baptisms Parish Office 686-4004 Bible Study Fr. Louis 683-6204 *English/Español Youth Group C.R.Y. Christina Gutierrez/Bobby Huertero *Christ Reuniting Youth 686-5503 Quinceañeras Alba Dominguez 318-7511 Religious Education Toni Bastian 992-8815 Educación Religiosa Consuelo Grajeda 924-8614 R/E Office Monica Sandoval 786-7665 Parish Ministries Bereavement Ministry Card Makers Ministry Hulen House Liturgical Dance Parish Council Pastoral Care Visita Los Enfermos Spanish Ministries St. Anne’s Sewdality Weddings/Bodas *Español Women’s Ministry R. Pucciarelli-Davis 779-6958 Toni Bastian 992-8815 Miguel Caballero 288-0218 Amanda Cardenas 333-3476 Peter Bradley (909)910-5098 Maureen Riggs 321-9956 Roberto y Adriana Ramirez 807-5899 Alba Dominguez 318-7511 Angie Nudge 684-0570 Alba Dominguez 318-7511 R. Pucciarelli-Davis 779-6958 Catholic Ministries Catholic Charities Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Marriage Encounter Right to Life Riverside Life Services Serra Club St. Vincent de Paul Pregnancy Hotline Office Charline Gajdos Office 689-1803 205-5334 907-7871 653-7905 784-2725 784-2422 683-1672 684-7386 Martin & Gloria Ruiz 359-4719 Mike Brunner Robert & Denise Borruel Prayer Groups Grupo de Oración DEVOTIONS & EVANGELIZATION Mother of Perpetual Help Novena: Every Tuesday at 5:00 PM Legion of Mary: Every Tuesday at 7:30 PM - Room 1 Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 24 hours/ 7 days in the St. Bernard Chapel First Friday Mass: 7:00 PM (Español) ST. FRANCIS DE SALES FOOD PANTRY We are still in need of food every week. Any non-perishable items, such as canned soups, canned fruits, canned vegetables, peanut butter and jelly, rice, beans, dry cereal, energy bars, flour, sugar, cooking oil, pasta and spaghetti sauce are welcome. You can bring them to the Mass you attend and leave the items in the green bins at the main entrance of the church. PLEASE DO NOT DONATE ANY ITEMS WITH PAST EXPIRATION DATES! Your contributions are most needed and appreciated. Welcome to the Parish • Bienvenido a la Parroquia Fill out and place in collection basket • Llene esta forma y déjela en la canasta de la colecta Last Name: _________________________________________ Apellido First Name: _________________________________________ Primer Nombre Address: ____________________________________________ Domicilio City and Zip: ________________________________________ Ciudad y Codigo Postal I would like to receive parish envelopes Quiero recibir sobres de la Parroquia Yes/Si No *We will mail you a complete Parish Registration Form* * Le enviaremos una forma de registro completo de la parroquia * S T. F R A N C I S D E S A L E S C AT H . C H . W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R B U L L E T I N P O S S I B L E Professional Car Service Star Smog Check Brakes • Electrical • A/C Family Owned & Operated Since 1964 Free Consultation 1735 3rd St. • 784-1090 951.779.1880 Ella Notary M. 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