ST. LEO THE GREAT CHURCH FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA October 25, 2015 Saint Leo the Great Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotion Dear Friends, I had originally planned to write some more in this week’s bullen concerning the Church’s teaching on principles which need to guide our individual prudenal judgments in maers pertaining to social jusce and economic policy. I will hold off on that for a while because of ever increasing concern expressed by a number of parishioners regarding the ongoing Synod on the Family taking place in Rome. There have been many reports in both the secular and religious media which both reassure and disturb those who seek to understand the Church’s teaching concerning marriage and family life and seek support and guidance from the Church in living out the truth somemes in the face of not only uncertainty but outright hoslity. As events unfold I would encourage all of us to pray very hard for our Holy Father and for all parcipants in the Synod. We face many significant challenges to the faith and are at the same me presented with many opportunies to express the unchanging teaching of Jesus Christ faithfully transmied by the Church through the centuries in new and even unexpected ways. Reading many blogs and websites I personally sense that there is a lot of heat being generated but lile light. To all, I suggest these following links as sources for good (not perfect) informaon – , ,, and Let us connue to pray for one another and in a special way for all families! ++++++ As a small child, while Christmas, Lent and Easter were always my favorite mes of the year, Halloween was prey cool too. If any “trick or treaters” happen to be out and about St. Leo next Saturday evening I invite them to stop by the rectory. We will be ready for you! In Christ, Rev. David A. Whitestone, Pastor Saint Leo the Great Catholic Church will celebrate the Feast of Saint Leo with The Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotion beginning with Vespers at 7:00 pm on Sunday, November 8th, and continuing through 7:00 pm Mass on Tuesday, November 10th. Father Jean-Luc Zadroga, OSB, will lead our Forty Hours Devotion this year. Please sign up on the sheet in the Church Vestibule to spend some time in prayer with the Lord. In honor of our patron saint, we remind all parishioners of the PLENARY INDULGENCE which the Church grants us on our patronal feast day, so long as we visit the Church on the feast day, and also, pray for the intentions of the Pope, and receive the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion within several days (about 20) before or after the feast day. Please join in honoring our patron, St. Leo the Great, during our Forty Hours Devotions, and on his Feast Day, Tuesday, Nov. 10. Singer Michael John Poirier Returns to St. Leo Nationally acclaimed Catholic singer/songwriter, Michael John Poirier, returns to St. Leo for a third visit on Sunday, November 1. He will lead a prayer concert, “Songs and Stories from The Camino” at 7:00pm. Don’t miss this truly unique prayer opportunity! All are welcome. There is no entrance fee, though a free-will offering will be collected in support of this family ministry. LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The second collection next weekend, Oct. 31—Nov. 1, will benefit the Little Sisters and their work with the elderly poor. The Little Sisters conduct Saint Joseph’s Home for the Aged in Richmond. For over 130 years, these Sisters have cared for the aged who have limited resources. In order to maintain their home, the Sisters go out daily to solicit gifts of money and food for their Residents. Any help you may be able to give them will be greatly appreciated. Please be generous. There is no special envelope in your envelope packet for this collection. THIRTIETH-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME —Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially: Florence Yoo, aunt of Nancy Rosenkranz; Patrick Laing, husband of Alice Laing; John Brahaney, husband of Shirley Brahaney. Monday Rom 8:12-17; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday Rom 8:18-25; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 Thursday Rom 8:31b-39; Lk 13:31-35 Friday Rom 9:1-5; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a —We ask you to remember those in need of our daily prayers, especially: Sara Long, Brennan Fowler. BLESSING OF PARENTS NEXT SUNDAY, November 1 On the 1st Sunday of each month, Saint Leo parish offers a blessing for Expectant and Adopting Parents in support of life & family. The blessing will take place after the 9am Mass in the church. Parents in any stage of pregnancy or the adoption process are invited. THE 11 AM MASS NEXT SUNDAY, November 1st, will be celebrated for the souls of those parishioners, family members and friends who have died during the last month. If you would like to have someone remembered in the Prayers of the Faithful at this Mass, please call 703273-5369. The Extraordinary Form Traditional Latin Low Mass according to the 1962 Missal of Pope St. John XXIII will be celebrated at Saint Leo on Thursday, Oct. 29 at 7:00 pm. The Sung Mass in Latin (Missa Cantata) will be celebrated Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. Please join us. THE SCHOLA that sings the Latin chants for the monthly Extraordinary Form Missa Cantata is seeking new members. No experience necessary. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7-8:30 pm in the Rectory Conference Room. Please join us. St. Leo Adult Bible Study will begin its 2015-2016 study on Thursday, Oct. 29 at 7:30 pm in the St. Matthew Room. Our study topic will be The Biblical Basis of the Sacraments. Have you ever wondered why the Church has seven sacraments, and where they come from? Has anyone ever told you that sacraments aren't "Biblical?" If so, you'll enjoy learning about the ancient roots and Scriptural connections of these practices, which the catechism calls "the masterworks of God." You will need a Catholic edition of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Come, join us! Questions? Call Norma Jo Shore at 703-978-3361, or [email protected]. MASS INTENTIONS October 26 through November 1 Mon.: 6:15 9:00 Joseph and Rose Cesarini Mary Rodriguez Tues.: 6:15 9:00 Special Intention Samuel Jones Wed.: 6:15 9:00 Charles Tychsen Ken Whitehead Thurs.: 6:15 9:00 Ad Brault Dr. Rafael F. Madan (anniv.) Fri.: 6:15 9:00 Basilio A. Reyes Esther Ziemba Sat.: 9:00 5:00 Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez Bernott Family Sun.: 7:30 9:00 11:00 1:00 5:00 For The Parish Hugh Bob Farrell deceased of the parish Carlota Elisa Quintero Special Intention In addition to the regular schedule of Masses, Mass has been offered for the following intentions: Special Intention, John Brosnan, Special Intention, Margie Diamond, Special Intention, Special Intention. BAPTISM CLASS IS MANDATORY at Saint Leo. The next class is Tuesday, November 10th at 7:30 pm in the St. Mark room. Please call the rectory office (703-273-5369) to register. Low Gluten Hosts are available for those who need them. Please inform the sacristan before Mass begins. The second collection next weekend will benefit the Little Sisters of the Poor. Please be generous. ST. LEO THE GREAT CHURCH FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA October 25, 2015 A VOCATION VIEW ADULT FAITH FORMATION “What do you want Me to do you for you?” Could your answer be the grace of a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life? Call Father J.D. Jaffe at 703-841-2514, or write: [email protected]. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process for bringing into the Catholic Church All Saints Play and Party Sunday, November 1, 2-4 pm in the Guadalupe Room. Come celebrate All Saints Day with a play performed by children of the parish, “Late Night with the Saints,” where Jay Betterman will interview several great saints. There will also be saint themed games and activities. For more information and to RSVP please contact Kathleen Leffas: [email protected] The Ladies’ Auxiliary for the Father Diamond Council Knights of Columbus 6292, is hosting a Craft Fair at Saint Leo in the school gym TODAY Sunday October 25, from 8 am until 1 pm. both those who have never been baptized & those who were baptized in a non-Catholic church. RCIA is also the way for adult Catholics who have never been confirmed to prepare for the final Sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation. Every September, a new RCIA process begins at St. Leo. We invite any adult who would like to join the Catholic Church, be confirmed, or who is simply interested in learning about the teachings and customs of Catholic Christianity to come and join us. While classes are part of the process, RCIA is more than a class; it is a gradual introduction to the customs, beliefs, practices, and devotions of Catholicism. There is no obligation, only an opportunity to learn! RCIA meets on Tuesdays, from 7:30-9 pm in the Guadalupe Room. Adult Confirmation Adults who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation need to attend the RCIA classes on Tuesday evenings. Classes have begun and will continue through March, 2016. Adult Confirmation will take place at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington, on May 14 & 15, 2016. For more information about any of the above, please contact Carolyn at [email protected] or 703-273-5369. FRASSATI FAIRFAX Under the patronage of Bl. Giorgio Frassati, we are a community of young adults (20's-30's, singles & couples) striving to deepen our faith, serve the community, & evangelize the culture, while enjoying coffee & outdoors-y activities. Every Monday: Running Group! Meet in front of the Church at 7 pm. Come for a fun run & prayer around Fairfax City. All skill levels welcome! We meet every Monday. Every Wednesday: Whiskey and Wisdom at Auld Shebeen, 6-7:00 pm. Every other week of W&W we will discuss the wisdom in the book of "Letters to a Young Catholic," led by Mike Horvath. Next discussion Oct. 21. UPCOMING EVENTS: Friday, October 30: Confession, Adoration, Bonfire. Confessions at 7 pm, Adoration at 8 pm with bonfire following. Bring a friend and something to share around the fire. (Fire pit located to the right of the church) If you would like to receive our newsletter with upcoming events, or be added to our Google Community Group, send an email to: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: @FrassatiFairfax Fall into a new book! The Saint Leo School Book Fair will be held in the school library beginning Sunday, Oct. 25 (10 am—12:30 pm) through Thursday, Oct. 29 (weekday hours 8:15 -3:00). Please stop by and support the library! Saint Leo the Great Catholic School invites interested parents to visit the school and learn what makes us a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Applications for the current school year are available in the school office. You may stop by to pick one up during school hours, 8:00 am-3:00 pm or access forms on our website at: Applications for the 2015-2016 school year are available. Call the school office to make an appointment for a tour 703-273-1211. Financial Aid packets available upon request. PLEASE NOTE: Saint Leo parishioners receive preferential status in Pre-School through eighth grade applications. In-parish families must be registered. THIRTIETH-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Religious Education News Parents of Fall 2015 Confirmation candidates: Confirmation robes will be distributed on Monday, November 2 from 7:00-8:00 pm at the Religious Education Office. Parents must pick up the robes. Parents of St. Leo the Great School students may pick up robes earlier in the day if prior arrangements have been made. There will be a First Communion Parents Meeting for all parents who have children who will receive First Communion in the spring of 2016. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 28 at 7:00 pm in the school gym. We will be giving you important information about your child’s preparation for First Communion. Religious Education Office: 703-273-4868 Scouting for Food is coming to our parish November 14. A vital special work to help serve the needs in our community providing food for the holiday programs, and carries the pantry through the slow donation months of January and February. Twelve dedicated Scout troops will be collecting food and bringing to our parish. We need more adult volunteers during the afternoon slot of 1-4 pm to help weigh/sort and stock/clean up. Volunteer kitchen help needed in the morning. Please call 703-352-3509 today. Sacristans Needed: There is an immediate need for sacristans and substitutes for Saturday 5 PM and Sunday Masses. Training will be provided. If you can help in this important ministry, please contact Linda Leightley at 703-273-2089. Father Diamond Council Events & Calendar Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 8:00 PM Providence Hall 10/23 10/25 10/27 10/31 11/28 12/5 Fraternalism Night – 7:00 Providence Hall 1:00 Redskins/Buccaneers game Providence Hall Meeting and 2nd Degree – 7:00 Rosary, 8:00 Mtg 4th Degree Exemplification @ Westfields Crèche Lighting and Spaghetti Dinner Christmas Dinner & Dance ————————————————————————— Giant, Shoppers Food Warehouse & Safeway Food Cards for sale – at KofC Hall every weekday at 3:00 PM or call Larry Novak - 703-978-6137 ————————————————————————— Join the Knights – Contact Joe Gesker – 703-435-4811 HIGH SCHOOL: Girls CLC is this week, Monday, October 26, from 7:30-9pm. Each week we break open the Gospels and reflect on scripture. Having tea pares and eang cupcakes are part of the weekly fun! Interested? Contact Laura Benne at [email protected] Boys CLC is this week! Join us Wednesday, October 28, from 7:30-9 pm. Each week we break open the Gospels and reflect on scripture. Playing ulmate frisbee, board games, or jamming out are part of the weekly fun! Interested? Contact Mike Paquee at [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NIGHT TONIGHT. Join us on Sunday, October 25 for the next part in Salvaon History: "Broke." We will meet for Mass at 5:00 pm, followed by a great dinner, fellowship, fun & faith. Evening concludes at 8:00 pm. Open to all 9th-12th grade students. Bring a friend! This semester we will talk about Salvation History, "the story." Middle School Thursday Takeovers con7nue this Thursday, October 29. We meet weekly 3:30-5:00 pm for snacks, games, and prayer! Mark your calendar for our next ON FIRE: November 21! #BlessedAreTheMeek. We will meet for 5:00 pm Mass, followed by dinner, games, at talk a Bonfire and S'mores! We will be having a sock and coat drive for those who need warm clothes this winter. Please consider bringing a new package of socks and/or gently worn coat to donate. This year's theme is #BLESSED. Volunteer! Do you have a heart for youth ministry? We are looking for YOU! We are in need of adult volunteers with hearts on fire for Christ! Must be at least 21 years of age, and must be fully compliant with the requirements of the Diocesan Office for the Protection of Children/Young People. We need volunteers for both our High School & Middle School Youth Ministry Programs. Questions? Email Melissa at [email protected] For more information, calendars and registration forms, check out our website: Paul VI Catholic High School Annual Open House Sunday, Nov. 1, 1-4 pm. Group presentations at 1:15 & 2:15 in Father Heet Auditorium. This is the perfect opportunity for 6th, 7th and 8th graders & families to explore the benefits of Catholic high school education. Visit or email [email protected] for info about PVI. Current 8th graders are encouraged to set up a Panther for a Day experience by emailing [email protected] ST. LEO THE GREAT CHURCH FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA “FINDING JOY IN ADVENT” a day featuring Fr. Andrew Fisher, pastor of St. Ambrose Church in Annandale, and Elizabeth Foss, Arlington Catholic Herald columnist and author, will be held on Saturday, November 7, at St. Mark Parish in Vienna. Also offered are how-to workshops and vendors, who present ideas and resources to more fully celebrate Advent as you prepare for the Christmas Season. Co-sponsored by Living Advent and the Arlington Diocese Council of Catholic Women. Register now at Space is limited. EnCourage is a Catholic support community for parents, family, and friends who want to reach out in truth and compassion to loved ones experiencing same-sex attractions. Standing by the true teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, EnCourage members support one another and their loved ones through discussion, prayer, and fellowship. EnCourage meets the first Monday of each month at St. Veronica Parish in the school building, room P205, at 7:30 pm. St. Veronica is located at 3460 Centreville Rd, Chantilly. For information, or to reach a priest who works with EnCourage, please email: [email protected]. Even if you are not comfortable with the idea of group meeting, priests working in this ministry will help you! Horarios e Información Santas Misas: Español: Inglés: domingos a la 1:00 pm sábados–5 pm (Vigilia), domingos–7:30, 9, 11:00, 5pm Confesiones en español: Los domingos desde las 12:00pm a 12:50pm. Bautizos: Preparación- llamar a Carlos Cea: 703-8362139. RCIA Para Adultos: Domingos 11:00am-12:15pm, Salón Juan en el Centro Parroquial. Para información, llamar al Diácono José López, 703-222-7704. Matrimonio: Todo Católico que desee contraer matrimonio debe contactar la parroquia por lo menos seis meses antes del evento. Para mayor información comunicarse con Diacono Jose Lopez 703-222-7704. Catequesis Para Niños y Jóvenes: domingos 11– 12:30. Llamar a: 703-273-4868. Sacramentos para Estudiantes de Secundaria: llamar a la Oficina de Jovenes al teléfono 703-591-6089, ó email a [email protected] . Legion de Maria: sabado 5:00—6:30 pm ó domingo 11 am—12:30 pm. Información: Virginia Pierson —[email protected] Para información, llamar al Diacono José López 703-222-7704. October 25, 2015 “¿Qué quieres que haga por ti?” ¿Podría ser tu respuesta a la gracia de una vocación al sacerdocio o la vida consagrada? Llama al Padre J.D. Jaffe al (703) 841-2514 o escríbele a: j.jaffe@arlingtondiocese Programa de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) Este programa es para todos los adultos (18 años para arriba) que les falte uno de los sacramentos de iniciación (bautizo, comunión, o confirmación). Las clases comenzarán el domingo, 27 de septiembre, a las 10:30 am en el salón San Juan del centro Parroquial. Para mayor información, llamar a Gustavo y Sandra Solares, 703-3460409. Voluntarios para el Programa de RICA: Si desea participar en el RICA como voluntario, por favor ponerse en contacto con Gustavo y Sandra Solares al 703-346-0409. Estudio Bíblico: La Gran Aventura - Concordancia de la Biblia Este estudio es para conocer la historia de la Salvación. Estudiaremos 14 libros de la Biblia que nos mostrarán la historia completa del cristianismo. Clases serán los viernes, 7:15-8:45 pm en el salon San Juan del Centro Parroquial de San Leo. Costo es de $25 para cubrir el material. Para información, llamar a Gustavo y Sandra Solares, 703-346-0409. Clases de inglés disponibles en San Leo Caridades Católicas -Hogar Immigrant Services ofrece clases de inglés los sábados 10 am-12 pm. La inscripción para las clases será el 12 de septiembre de 10 am-12 pm. Ofrecemos varios niveles de clase. El precio de las clases es $50.00 por el semestre e incluye el libro. Grupo Divina Misericordia y Compasión ¿Conoce a alguien que se encuentre solo y enfermo? ¿Sabe de alguien que necesite de la palabra de Dios y de la compañía de miembros de su iglesia? Un grupo de personas de nuestra parroquia visita a los miembros de la comunidad que se encuentran enfermos en los hospitales ó en sus casas. Se brinda oraciones y compañía a todas aquellas personas delicadas de salud. Tambien un ministro le puede traer comunión ó puede pedir que un sacerdote le visite para recibir los sacramentos. Por favor llamen a Gilma Orozco al 571-238-6634. Hora Santa: Jesus nos dijo ¿No puedes acompañarme por una hora? El grupo de oración de la parroquia los invita a una Hora de Adoración delante del Santísimo normalmente todos lo últimos sábados del més. La próxima será el 31 octubre. Grupo de Oración Sábados 6-8:30pm, Salon de Nuestra Sra de La Guadalupe. Información: Jose Ferrufino: 703-250-1343. THIRTIETH-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. LEO THE GREAT CHURCH FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA October 25, 2015
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