St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church August 16th “20th Sunday in Ordinary Time” Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: St Catherine Of Alexandria Catholic Church 41875 “C” Street, Temecula, CA 92592 First Annual Parish Festival Save the Date August 28th through August 30th Western Hoe-Down Keeping with the 100 Year Tradition of Family Togetherness Opportunity Drawing - New Vehicle Amusement Rides Kiddie Krafts Face Painting Delectable Food Booths with Barbecue, Corn on the Cob, Home made bake goods, etc. Silent & Live Auction Live Entertainment & Dancing If you would like to donate items for the Silent/ Live auction or volunteer, Please contact the DDF Co-Chairs: J. Gonzales (951) 471-2692. M. Tenorio (951) 522-7173 or J. Irwin (951) 506-9330 Sponsored by the DDF Committee 2015 Parish Information Pastoral Associate Sacramental Life Ministries Deacon Pat Necerato [email protected] 676-4403 Director of Liturgy Yolanda Ortiz 676-4403 [email protected] Pastoral Council Don Hitzeman 676-4403 Finance CouncilJeff Irwin676-4403 Business Manager Emmy Lontoc 695-6658 [email protected] Office Manager Sharla Ortiz 676-4403 Bulletin Editor Parish Librarian John Lawson Terry Antuzzi 870-9990 676-7318 [email protected] Infant Baptism Julie Sprengelmeyer 970-8050 Confirmation/Adults Anthony Karganilla 506-6653 Confirmation/Youth Mary Hitzeman 693-2146 Holy Communion/Sick Frank Dagonese 514-6872 Resurrection Ministry Rita Hernandez 676-5655 Wedding / Convalidation Mia Barth 693-2144 Retrouvaille Program Dcn. Bob & Fran 695-6653 Vocation Director Frank Dagonese 514-6872 Marriage Encounter John & Raquel 699-6750 FuneralsMia Barth693-2144 Ministerios En Espanol Directora De Edu. Maria Barth [email protected] Eucharestia Eduardo Baltonado 699-2801 BautizosMaria Barth587-0023 LectoresAmado Garcia696-2706 Movimiento Fam. Fernando Martinez 760-8726 Caritas Casesoramiento 909-763-4970 #449 Uncion De Los Enfermos Maria Barth 587-0023 Grupo De Jovenes Maria Barth 587-0023 Grupo Juvenil Tony Carbajal 961-9312 Grupo de Oracion Maria Espinoza 234-2037 Faith Formation Little Church Grades K-5 Coord. Allison Willits Letha Heylmun 714-244-6315 695-6656 Director Religious Ed. Diane Axline 694-8614 Sacramental Prep. Mary Hitzeman R.C.I.C Nicole Nolan [email protected] 693-2146 240-319-9519 [email protected] [email protected] Deacons 587-0023 Adult Faith Formation R.C.I.ASusan Cline295-5971 Remembering Church Dcn. Pat 676-4403 Journey of Faith Frank Dagonese 514-6872 Liturgical / Worship Ministries Altar Servers Sharla Ortiz 676-4403 Holy Communion Rene Micallef 302-8557 GreetersMary Kleinvachter551-4813 LectorsErnie Cruz972-4336 Ushers676-4403 Environment & Art Armando Servin 201-8348 Music 7:25 am Daily 8:00 am Sun. (Eng) Nancy Marshall 285-5233 5:00 & 7:00 pm Sat. & 2:00 pm Sun. Rudy Vergara, Jr. 775-1969 10:00 am Sun. & 6:00 pm Sun.(Eng)Lori Ascani 698-3288 12:00 Noon (Eng) Andy & JR Santos 677-3075 Bob Phillips695-6653 Dennis Malkowski302-3140 Efren Ramirez225-6240 Jim Kincaid265-1517 Christian Life Ministries Filipino Ministry Healing Ministry Knights of Columbus Christian Life Ministries Bereavement Support Women’s Guild Dance ministry Zumba Events Coordinator Regina Applegate George Montano Jim Purpura Paul Watkins Rita & Bea Gisela Bueno Bettina Alcantara Jill Gonzales [email protected] 587-0982 522-9072 587-0862 302-5326 676-5655 972-4322 719-6863 471-2692 Outreach Programs Birth Choice Crisis Pregnancy 699-9808 St. Vincent De Paul Help/Food Pantry 587-6752 Catholic Charities924-9964 If your group or ministry has an announcement to be placed in our bulletin, please submit it to Sharla Ortiz 3 weeks prior to publication for approval. If you would like the event to be announced at Mass, the same 3 week policy holds. Thank you. Sharla Ortiz [email protected] ___________________________________ This month the Lectors will be recognized on August 22nd & 23rd at all masses. Mark Your Calendar We are no longer on Summer office hours. We are now back to 8am-4pm New Parishioner Orientation, Tuesday August 18th Please see page 6 Reconciliation Services Wednesday, September 2nd 7:00 pm Saturday, September 5th 8:00 am First Annual Parish Festival, Friday August 28th - 30th ¿TIENEN UN SER QUERIDO CON UNA ENFERMEDAD MENTAL? Jesse Romero a lay minister, dynamic catho¡HAY ESPERANZA! lic speaker and defender of the faith will be A partir del viernes 11 de septiembre, la Alianza preaching at Our Lady of the Valley on Saturday Nacional sobre las Enfermedades Mentales (NAMI) patrocinará el Programa de Educación De Familia a September 19, 2015. Buy tickets now seating is Familia para los familiares de personas que padecen limited. They are available at the parish office o han recibido el diagnóstico de un trastorno mental or you can call 951-929-6131 or 951-306-9770. crónico. Look him up on Yu-Tube and Google. There Este curso GRATUITO de 12 sesiones será impartido will be two sessions: 3:30 PM in Spanish and por familiares de NAMI que han sido capacitados 7:00 PM in English Ticket price: $7.00 before intensamente. La participación y todas las Sept 19th / $ the door / $20 for group/family discusiones son estrictamente confidenciales. Este curso GRATUITO cubre los siguientes tópicos: of four or six ·Esquizofrenia ·Trastornos afectivos (Trastorno Bipolar, Jesse Romero un ministro laico, dinámico Maniaco-Depresivo, Trastorno Depresivo orador católico y defensor de la fe estará predSevero) icando en la iglesia de nuestra Señora del val·Trastorno de Pánico le en Hemet el sábado, 19 de septiembre de ·Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo 2015. Comprar boletos con tiempo porque los ·Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático ·Como enfrentar crisis y recaídas asientos son limitados. Están disponibles en la ·Medicamentos oficina o usted puede llamar al 951-929-6131 ·Técnicas para escuchar y comunicarse o al 951-306-9770. Si gusta saber más, puede ·Destrezas para resolver problemas ver a Jesse Romero en YouTube. Habrán dos ·Recuperación y rehabilitación sesiones: 3:30 PM en castellano y 7:00 PM en in·Cuidado de sí mismo cuando hay excesiva glés. Precio de boleto: $7.00 antes del 19 de Sept preocupación y estrés Para información llame a Silvia U. 909-286-7174 O a Ignacio M. 909-286-7171 / $8.00 en la puerta / $20 para grupos / familia de cuatro a seis. 2015 DDF Assessments: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA 1st SUNDAY COLLECTION August 1st and 2nd 2015 MASS TIME # of ENV. PLATE 5PM 120 $425.00 7PM 52 $407.00 8AM 125 $632.00 10AM 136 $900.00 12PM 121 $745.00 2PM 103 $700.00 6PM 80 $965.00 Office TOTALS 737 $4,774.00 ENV. $2,650.00 $563.00 $2,616.00 $2,278.00 $2,049.00 $932.00 $1,383.00 TOTAL $3,075.00 $970.00 $3,248.00 $3,178.00 $2,794.00 $1,632.00 $2,348.00 $12,471.00 $17,245.00 Comparison from 3rd Sunday in May 2014 Diocese Goal: 109,300 Parish Goal: 200,000 Total Goals 309,300 $5,042.00 $14,506.00$19,548.00 Previous Year Increase/(decrease) ($268.00) ($2,034.00) Received to Date: 95,900 Percent to Date: 31.01% ($2,302.00) Diocese Over-goal Cash to Parish Pledge to Date: 101,686 # OF DONORS 862 Youth Ministry We have some exciting changes for next year including: Our high School Program will lead into our revamped 6PM Youth Mass! Our Middle and Elementary programs will move to Wednesday with both a Youth Ministry program for Middle School and ongoing Elementary formation offered at the same time for your convenience! We will offer formation opportunities for our parents during all classes in a variety of formats from speakers to Bible study to family communication classes! Opportunities for our Young adults to get connected and involved here at St Catherine. Family social, service and gathering days will be offered monthly beginning with our First annual Family Reunion Mission on September 23-26! WE WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS TO OUR PARISH FAMILY NEW PARISHIONER ORIENTATION Please Pray for the ill and hospitalized members of our Parish, their families & caregivers. “Please remember our Elderly and Homebound as well” Please email to [email protected] If you would like a prepetual prayer request please contact Irene Roney at 304-2474 Isabell Vargas Gabriella Stumetz Jim McCarthy Elias Sabbara If you are interested in joining Saint Catherine of Patricia Pedersen Natalie Shaba Alexandria Catholic Church please make plans to join Emmanuel Lopez Francisca Soto us at our next New Parishioner Orientation scheduled Marc Wright Mary McClintock for the following date and times: August 18th, 2015 Stacy Gibbons Herbert Hermreck at 6:15 PM Spanish, Parish Social Hall August 18th, 2015 at 7:00 PM English Parish Social Hall This is an information meeting lasting about 30 minutes and we are committed to serving the needs of all those who show interest in joining our Parish. In order for people to understand the mission of the parish, we invite all prospective members to this gathering. We will explain the mission and focus of our parish and tell you how we meet our goal of loving Jesus and growing together in His love. Our Pastor, Fr. Anthony Dao, Fr. Sergio Renteria (Parochial Vicar), deacons and staff are committed to our parishioners. We will also share with you the expectations of the new parishioners who will participate in the active life of the parish. At the New Parishioner Orientation, literature and registration forms are given La Iglesia Catolica out and you can complete them on site if you wish. The ¿Quienes Somos? priests, deacons, and staff are available to assist new parishioners through every step of their journey and Nuestra casa es tu casa Nuestra invitación no es de simif you would like additional information, we can be ple cortesía. Te la hacemos de corazón. reached through the Pastoral Office at Nace de la convicción sincera de que tú eres parte de 951-676-4403. We look forward to meeting you. nuestra familia. Necesitamos oír tu voz que nos hable de valores únicos, culturales y religiosos, No queremos que Blessings, Dcn. Pat Necerato, Pastoral Associate te pierdas en el anonimato dentro de una comunidad católica que sigue su camino sin tenerte en cuenta. Nuestro deseo más sincero es que seas parte de este hermoso mosaico de colores que formamos todos los miembros de la Iglesia Católica. Sus colores y su forma especial es única e indispensable para llegar a formar ese cuerpo completo que es la iglesia. Al invitarte a nuestra casa, que es la tuya lo hacemos con una esperanza e ilusión Porque contamos con las grandes bendiciones que los hispanos aportan a nuestra Iglesia. Nos haces falta. Tú eres una pieza importante nadie te puede sustituir porque eres parte del Cuerpo de Cristo. Mass Intentions Date August 17th Gerie M. Servistepek / Doreles M. Alfaro August 18th Aquilina Ybañez / Mary Kay Stegner August 19th Ricardo & Marcela Salcedo Hour Monday 7:25 am Tuesday 7:25 am Wednesday 7:25 am August 20th Matthew Brodak / Jovencio Edilloran August 21st Letecia Rudeo / Richard Joseph O’Brien August 22nd Dick Settlmayer Thursday 7:25 am Friday 7:25 am Saturday 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Intentions of Parishioners Antonio & Raquel Suarez August 23rd Emma Ybañez Mohammed Rabbani Elias Sabbara Manuel & Teresa Salcedo Sean Nelson Sunday 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm Deployed Military A1C Kyle Banogon USAF Korea RDML Allile Coetzee USN Afghanistan LtCol Kodie L Dean USMC Afghanistan PO2 Johnathan D. Buckles USMC Iraq Major Damian Bess US Army Afghanistan PFC Andrew Soria US Army Afghanistan 1st. Sgt Edward Gonzales USMC Iraq Sgt. Juan C. Ramos-Torrelio USMC Afghanistan Sgt. Anthony Zabala USMC Afghanistan LCTL David S. Parrett USMC Iraq AFC Miguel Echavarri USAF UAE LCPL Dane Davis USMC Afghanistan SSGT Shane Lipetzky USMC Afghanistan LCPL Richard M. Charron USMC Afghanistan SGT Damian Michael Root USMC Afghanistan CPL Paul A Borrero USMC Afghanistan SGT Erik Ortiz USMC Afghanistan AFC Mary Rose Banogon USAF Korea SGT Antonio Aranda USMC Afghanistan ASI Constantino Ramos USN Afghanistan CPL Dominique M Lamelin USMC Kuwait CPL Jake Parrett USMC Afghanistan Tech Sgt Paul M. Lamelin USAF Pusan Korea Sunny Days and Warm Nights of REGISTRATION Spanish and English FAITH FORMATION Come join us for cookies and coffee Kinder through Twelfth grade Confirmation, Sacraments We will be here: $80. Reg. Fee Weekdays August 31st, Sept. 1st, Sept. 2nd, Sept 3rd -12:00 pm to 8:00 pm The current Faith Formation program fee is $80.00 per child, 4th child and on are free. We can now take Debit, Credit Cards, check, and cash. We can work with you for financial arrangements. Any walk in registrations or registrations received after Thursday, September 4th will be $100.00 per child. Please bring the following: • • Baptism certificate if child is not baptized bring Birth Certificate Parish ID # we can look this up for you. Revitalized Involvement You h Celebrate Mass Saint Fellowship Faith LEADERSHIP Catherine A C C BEGINNING th September 13 Sundays • 6pm C St. YouthMinistry ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA “Dear Young People, Do not bury your talents, the gifts that GOD has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of GREAT THINGS!” ~ POPE FRANCIS TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Forsake foolishness that you may live; advance in the way of understanding (Proverbs 9:1-6). Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 34). Second Reading — Live as wise persons trying to understand what is the will of the Lord, filled with the Spirit and giving thanks always (Ephesians 5:15-20). Gospel — Jesus says, “I am the living bread . . . whoever eats this bread (my flesh) will live forever” (John 6:51-58). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5; Mt 23:1-12 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21; Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. John Eudes St. Bernard St. Pius X The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — La sabiduría nos dice: Dejen su ignorancia y vivirán; avancen por el camino de la prudencia (Proverbios 9:1-6). Salmo — Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor (Salmo 34 [33]). Segunda lectura — Vivan como personas de sabiduría tratando de entender qué es la voluntad del Señor, llenos del Espíritu y dando gracias siempre (Efesios 5:15-20). Evangelio — Jesús dice, “Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo; el que coma de este pan vivirá para siempre” (Juan 6:51-58). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Jue 2:11-19; Sal 106 (105):34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Jue 6:11-24a; Sal 85 (84):9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Jue 9:6-15; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Jue 11:29-39a; Sal 40 (39):5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Sal 146 (145):5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Sal 128 (127):1b-5; Mt 23:1-12 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 16-21; Ef 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario San Juan Eudes San Bernardo San Pio X Santa María Virgen, Reina ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES Confirmation is the sacrament though which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way to bind us more closely to the Church, make us more Christ-like, and strengthen us to conserve, defend, live up to, and share our faith as witnesses and apostles of Christ. Any adult parishioner wishing to complete the initiation process in the Catholic Church by celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation is invited to attend the Adult Confirmation Classes beginning on September 1, 2015 and every Tuesday thereafter, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in Room 102, until June 2016. Class registration will be held in Room 102 on August 18, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Please bring a recently issued Baptismal Certificate to register. If married, marriage must be considered “valid” in the Catholic Church at the time of registration. For more information please call: Anthony V. Karganilla- Coordinator Adult Confirmation Program (951) 506-6653 What does Comprehensive Youth Ministry look like at St Catherine? From the USCCB’s document, Renewing the Vision: We believe that family life is sacred because family relationships confirm and deepen family members’ union with God and allow God’s Spirit to work through them. The profound and ordinary moments of daily life are the threads from which families can weave a pattern of holiness. In Follow the Way of Love, we called families “to create a community of love, to help each other to grow, and to serve those in need”. We identified this work as a “participation in the work of the Lord, a sharing in the mission of the Church.” Adolescents need to experience the Catholic faith at home and participate in the Lord’s mission with their families. Please consider joining us this September for our Family Mission honoring Pope Francis World Meeting with Families in Philadelphia September 23-26. Activities will include: September 23 from 5-8:30-Hotdogs, ice cream, Games and activities. Father Dao invites all of our families to hear him address the exciting new opportunities for families this year (those enrolled in catechesis are required to attend). Plus a simulcast of Pope Francis’ speech for the day! September 24 from 5-8-Philly cheese steaks, a Youth Band concert, Pope Francis trivia and of course the simulcast of Pope Francis’ speech for the day! September 25-from 5-8-Bingo, music, a cultural potluck and simulcast of Pope Francis’ closing speech! September 26-from noon to after the 5PM Mass-picnic, games, dj, raffle, family-style activities and speakers and dinner and a show after Mass! MORE DETAILS WILL FOLLOW!!! Diane Axline Director of Youth and Family Evangelization St Catherine of Alexandria Reflecting on God’s Word As a boy, I was often sent to Kauder’s Bakery on the corner of Preston and Ensor Streets in Baltimore. There was nothing like the variety of breads today, but whether it was white, rye, or Vienna, the smell of fresh-baked bread and especially the crunch of the crust stays with me more than sixty years later. Kauder’s came to mind after reading today’s Gospel. Biblical scholars point out that the crowds would have been appalled at Jesus’ words: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you” (John 6:53). The word used for “eat” is a very physical word, the equivalent of munching or chewing. To hear “eat my flesh” would have been repulsive. An invitation to cannibalism! The same with “drink my blood.” Jewish law was very clear that no blood should remain in any animal slaughtered for eating. Blood was the “seat of life” and life belonged only to God. But this is precisely the point. Behind this “sign” is God’s wondrous life-giving plan: to bring us into intimate communion when we partake of the very life of the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. We are not to get drunk on the wine of this world but on the divinized drink of everlasting life. Not mundane manna but the bread that mediates an encounter with the Lord of our salvation. This is truly Wisdom’s house, where we eat both the bread of God’s word and the bread that is the Lamb of God. Rev. Anthony Dao, Pastor Rev. Sergio Rentería, Parochial Vicar Assistant Clergy: Rev. Anthony DiLeo, Pastor Emeritus Rev. John Wagner Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Don Webber Deacons: Jim Kincaid - Robert Phillips Dennis Malkowski - Efren Ramirez Deacon Pat Necerato Pastoral Associate [email protected] —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. General Mass Schedule Day of the Week Mass Times Monday Thru Friday 7:25AM (Eng) Saturday Vigil 5:00PM (Eng) 7:00PM (Span) Sunday 8:00AM (Eng) 10:00AM (Eng) 12:00 NOON (Eng) 2:00PM (Span) 6:00PM (Eng) Reconciliation Services Wednesday, September 2nd 7:00 pm Saturday, September 5th 8:00 am Saturday, October 3rd 8:00 am Wednesday, October 7th 7:00 pm Parish Information Church Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday - Friday Tel. (951) 676-4403 Fax. (951) 695-6659 41875 “C” Street, Temecula, CA 92592 Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: St Catherine Of Alexandria Catholic Church
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