18115 Sherman Way Reseda, CA 91335 Tel.: (818) 343-2110 Fax (818) 343-1018 www.catherineofsienaparish.org February 7, 2016 (YEAR C) Administrator Pro Tem Deacon Phil Luevanos Associate Pastors Fr. Roland Lozano Fr. Bernard Shaw Santiago Permanent Deacon Deacon Pedro Lira MASSES (ENGLISH) SATURDAY (SUNDAY VIGIL) 5:00 PM English 7:00 PM Tagalog (4th Saturday) SUNDAY 8:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM (YOUTH) MONDAY - SATURDAY 8:30 AM English ; Wednesday 6:30 (Bilingual) MISAS (ESPAÑOL) DOMINGO 9:30 AM, 1:30 PM, 7:00 PM LUNES Á VIERNES) 6:30 PM Español MIERCOLES 6:30 (BILINGUAL) CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES THURSDAY/ JUEVES 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM SATURDAY / SÁBADO 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM -7:00PM –8:30PM DEVOTIONS: ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week CANDLELIGHT ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursdays / Jueves 7:00 pm—10:00 pm OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Wednesdays Novena 6:00PM; MASS 6:30 p.m. JESUS CHRIST, THE BLACK NAZARENE (FIRST FRIDAY) Novena 7:00 pm; ADORACION NOCTURNA SEGUNDO SABADO DEL MES sabado 8:30 pm a domingo 6:15 am 2 St. Catherine of Siena Church Clergy Deacon Phil Luevanos, Administrator Rev. Roland Lozano, Associate Pastor Rev. Bernard Shaw Santiago, Associate Pastor Deacon Pedro Lira, Permanent Deacon RECTORY / NOTARÍA PARROQUIAL 818.343.2110 Monday - Friday / Lunes y Viernes 9:00 am—12:00 pm ; 1:00 pm—6:00 pm Saturday & Sunday / Sábado y Domingo 9:00 am - 12:00 pm RECTORY / RECTORIA Deacon Phil Luevanos, Administrator Pro Tem ext. 111 BOOKKEEPER Theresa Jeensalute ext. 114 LITURGY & MUSIC Clarissa Martinez ext. 115 SECRETARY/Quinceañeras Monica Enriquez, Edna Cedillos ext 0 BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS Ext. 0 WEDDING / BODAS Myriam P. Wagner, Coordinator ext 120 PERMANENT DEACON Deacon Pedro Lira ext 113 Tuesday/martes: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm; Wednesday & Friday / miercoles y viernes: 10:00 am—3:00 pm SCHOOL/ESCUELA Tel. 818.343.9880 Fax 818.343.6851 18125 Sherman Way, Reseda, CA 91335 Ms. Desiree Tedesco, Principal www.catherineofsiena.org/school/ PRE-SCHOOL/ESCUELA 818.343.1073 Mrs. Gennievie Ada-Atilon, Director RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (S.C.O.R.E.) DOCTRINA 818.996.4588 Tony Del Rio, Director Martha Mercado, Assistant Director Agustin Vasquez , Office Secretary YOUTH MINISTRY/ MINISTERIO DE JOVENES Alejandro Velasquez [email protected] HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! “Holy, holy, holy!” Ancient languages, like the Hebrew used in the scriptures, did not always have a way to express superlatives in one word. Isaiah could not say God was “holiest,” so he used the threefold repetition of the same word. This bit of scriptural minutiae about these “three little words” that we sing at every Mass serves as a reminder that answering God’s call has to be grounded in awareness of God’s holiness. In Isaiah and in the Gospel passage today, we hear accounts of the revelation of God’s power and might: the seraphim in the temple and the miraculous catch of fish. These are not wondrous revelations for their own sakes. They lead to a response in mission, Isaiah’s “Here I am, send me!” and the disciples’ leaving everything to follow Jesus. And so must our own “Holy, Holy, Holy!” lead us to Christ in the Eucharist every Sunday, and to a life following him day by day. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ¡SANTO, SANTO, SANTO! “¡Santo, Santo, Santo!”. Los idiomas antiguos, como el hebreo empleado en la Sagrada Escritura, no siempre tenían la manera de expresar superlativos en una sola palabra. Isaías no tenía una palabra similar a “santísimo”, así que usó la triple repetición de la misma palabra. Este detalle de minucia bíblica sobre estas “tres pequeñas palabras” que cantamos en Misa cada domingo sirve para recordarnos que responder al llamado de Dios tiene que basarse en estar consciente de la santidad de Dios. En Isaías y el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy, escuchamos relatos que revelan el poder y la fuerza de Dios: los serafines en el templo y la pesca milagrosa. Estas no son revelaciones maravillosas sin razón. Dan lugar a una respuesta misionera, la de “Aquí estoy, ¡envíame!” de Isaías y la de los discípulos que lo dejan todo para seguir a Jesús. De igual manera nuestro “¡Santo, Santo, Santo!” nos lleva a Cristo en la Eucaristía de cada domingo, y a una vida de seguirlo día tras día. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Ps 132:6-7, 8-10; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Ps 84:3-5, 10-11; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Sunday: Dt 26:4-10; Ps 91:1-2, 10-15; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Re 8:1-7, 9-13; Sal 132 (131):6-7, 8-10; Mc 6:53-56 Martes: 1 Re 8:22-23, 27-30; Sal 84 (83):3-5, 10-11; Mc 7:1-13 Miércoles: Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Jueves: Dt 30:15-20; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 9:22-25 Viernes: Is 58:1-9a; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Sábado: Is 58:9b-14; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Lc 5:27-32 Domingo: Dt 26:4-10; Sal 91 (90):1-2, 10-15; Rom 10:8-13; Lc 4:1-13 7 de febrero de 2016 | Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario PUT OUT INTO DEEP WATER All of us, at some point of time in our life, go through some sorts of tiredness, frustration, disappointment, stress, emptiness, anxiety and depression in our personal, family and spiritual life. Sometimes we come to the point of not moving further in our life. At times we find tears rolling down in our cheeks for known and unknown reasons. For example: Financial constraints, profitless job, relationship and marital issues, suffering with chronic diseases, impatience with the sickly and elderly, shallowness and weaknesses in our spiritual life, total inability and helplessness in correcting irresponsible life partner and an alcoholic and drug addicted children, lack of cooperation from the family members and colleagues in work place. There are students working hard day and night but still not getting through the exam. The kids look for job desperately but still loitering around here and there aimlessly. When we find our own kids and grandkids suffering in their life even after our sacrifice, money, time, energy and resources for them, we find life really hard. All these life situations make us tired physically, emotionally and spiritually and we start saying what the disciple Peter said in today’s gospel “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing”. St. Peter felt tired, disappointed and frustrated. During the trying moments of his life, Jesus lifted him up saying,” put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch”. Despite the frustration of the nightlong toil, St. Peter listened to Jesus’ command and witnessed the miraculous catch of the fish. It was an amazing experience for St. Peter to witness Jesus’ mighty power which made him realize his own unworthiness and sinfulness. In spite of hurdles in our personal, family and spiritual life, we have to move forward with the help of prayer life without getting exhausted in any way because the Lord is in control of our life. What can we learn from St. Peter? He was not an intellectual but an uneducated fisherman but now he has been rewarded with an eternal life, martyrdom, veneration and imitation by the whole church because of his humility, self-surrender and absolute fidelity to Christ. Rewarding his faith and fidelity, Jesus gave him wisdom to lead the church as the first pope. The fisherman Peter is the teacher of the church, catching us in the net of catholic faith and bringing us to the shore of eternal life. Time to put out into the deep and lower our nets: The church has been weakened from within and is under attack from without. We cannot abandon the church to enemies who look for the ruining of the catholic souls. The contemporary culture has thrown off almost every remnant of Christian influence by promoting atheism, Paganism, excess freedom and human trafficking. Hundreds of Christian churches are mushrooming every day and we are helplessly losing our traditional Catholics who shelter in other denominations. So we need to reevangelize the evangelized (Catholics) and de-Christianize our culture by cultivating a missionary spirit. We need conversion at every level. We need to necessitate solid catechesis for all Christian families because many catholic Christians don’t know the Christian doctrine and the social teachings of the church. The “so called traditional Christian countries” have very little evidence of their religious faith right now. It is time to wake up from our deep slumber. The Church is the boat, presided over by the Lord. As the Lord of the harvest, He is calling us for the works of new evangelization. He is sending us out on fishing mission for his church. Let us be reminded of our baptismal vocation, completely given over to the work of the Lord, in the heart of the Church, for the sake of the world. He will work His saving and redemptive mission in and through us, precisely because we are members of His Mystical Body, the Church and therefore let us like St. Peter, follow our Lord everyday by living our baptismal call and commitment. God Bless you. Fraternally yours in Christ Fr. Bernard 3 NAVEGAR MAR ADENTRO Todos nosotros, en algún momento de nuestra vida, pasamos por el cansancio, la frustración, la decepción, el estrés, el vacío, la ansiedad y la depresión en nuestra vida personal, familiar y en la vida espiritual. A veces llegamos al punto de no ir más allá de nuestra vida. A veces nos encontramos con lágrimas rodando por nuestras mejillas por razones conocidas y desconocidas. Por ejemplo: limitaciones financieras, trabajo sin ganancias, relaciones y problemas conyugales, sufriendo de enfermedades crónicas, siendo impaciente con los enfermos y los ancianos, superficialidades y debilidades en nuestra vida espiritual, incapacidad total y débiles en la corrección del compañero de vida irresponsable, alcohólico, jóvenes adictos a las drogas, falta de cooperación por parte de los miembros de la familia y colegas en el lugar de trabajo. Hay estudiantes que trabajan duro día y noche, pero todavía no consiguen pasar el examen. Muchachos buscando trabajo desesperadamente, pero todavía pierden el tiempo por aquí y allá sin rumbo. Cuando nos encontramos con nuestros propios hijos y nietos que están sufriendo en la vida, incluso después de nuestro sacrificio, dinero, tiempo, energía y recursos por ellos, nos encontramos con la vida muy difícil. Todas estas situaciones de la vida nos cansan física, emocional y espiritualmente entonces empezamos a decir lo que dijo el discípulo Pedro en el Evangelio de hoy: "Maestro, hemos trabajado toda la noche pero no hemos pescado nada". San Pedro se sentía cansado, decepcionado y frustrado. Durante los momentos difíciles de su vida, Jesús lo levantó diciendo: " “Lleva la barca mar adentro y echen sus redes para pescar”". A pesar de la frustración de la fatiga nocturna, San Pedro escuchó la orden de Jesús y fue testigo de la pesca milagrosa. Fue una experiencia increíble para San Pedro presenciar el gran poder de Jesús que le hizo darse cuenta de su propia indignidad y pecaminosidad. A pesar de los obstáculos en nuestra vida personal, familiar y en la vida espiritual, tenemos que seguir adelante con la ayuda de la vida de oración sin agotarnos de ninguna manera porque el Señor está en control de nuestra vida. ¿Qué podemos aprender de San Pedro? No era un intelectual, sino un pescador sin educación pero ha sido recompensado con la vida eterna, y el martirio, la veneración e imitación de toda la iglesia por su humildad, entrega en sí mismo y fidelidad absoluta a Cristo. En recompensa a su fe y fidelidad, Jesús le dio sabiduría para dirigir la iglesia como el primer Papa. El pescador Pedro es el maestro de la iglesia, capturándonos en la red de la fe católica y trayéndonos a la orilla de la vida eterna. Es hora de ir mar adentro y tirar nuestras redes: La iglesia se ha debilitado desde adentro y es atacada desde el exterior. No podemos abandonar la iglesia a los enemigos que buscan la ruina de las almas católicas. La cultura contemporánea nos ha despojado de casi todos los remanente de la influencia cristiana, promoviendo el ateísmo, el paganismo, el exceso de la libertad y la trata de personas. Cientos de iglesias protestantes se multiplican todos los días y están perdiendo sin remedio a nuestros católicos tradicionales que se refugian en otras denominaciones. Así que tenemos que volver a evangelizar a los evangelizados (católicos) y -cristianizar nuestra cultura mediante el cultivo de un espíritu misionero. Necesitamos conversión en todos los niveles. Debemos hacer necesaria la catequesis sólida para todas las familias cristianas, porque muchos cristianos católicos no conocen la doctrina cristiana y la doctrina social de la iglesia. Los llamados "países cristianos tradicionales" tienen muy poca evidencia de su fe religiosa en este momento. Es hora de despertar de nuestro sueño profundo. La Iglesia es el barco, presidido por el Señor. El Señor de la cosecha, nos está llamando a las obras de nueva evangelización. Él nos envía a la misión de la pesca para su iglesia. Vamos a recordarnos de nuestra vocación bautismal, plenamente dedicada a la obra del Señor, en el corazón de la Iglesia, por el bien del mundo. El trabajara su misión misionera y redentora a través de nosotros, porque precisamente, nosotros, somos miembros de su Cuerpo místico la Iglesia, por lo tanto, vamos como San Pedro, a seguir a nuestro Señor todos los días, viviendo nuestro compromiso y llamado bautismal. Dios les Bendiga. Fraternalmente suyo en Cristo Padre Bernard. 4 St. Catherine of Siena Church SUNDAY (Domingo) - February 7 8:00— Altar & Rosary Society Josie Mayer † 9:30—- Cesar Esparza † Herminia Garcia † 11:30— Cipriano Ubalde † 1:30— Oscar Andres Diaz Giraldo † San Antonio y La Virgen de Guadalupe Crisabel Romero † 5:00— Community of St. Catherine’s 7:00— Comunidad de Santa Catalina MONDAY (Lunes) - February 8 8:30— Thai Nguyen Family (thanksgiving) Maura Torres † Carolina F. Torres 6:30— Jose Maticorena † Raquel Rivera † Chalaem Narkmanee † TUESDAY (Martes) - February 9 8:30— Turtle Village (living and deceased) Jose Calamba † Salvador Cumanan † 6:30— Fernando Ibañez Larrain † Miguel Angel Manjival Brian Alexis Teo Torres † WEDNESDAY(Miércoles)-February 10 8:30— Debbie Hall † Frances Meyer † 7:00— Pope Francis, Bishops, Clergy THURSDAY (Jueves) - February 11 8:30— Rolando Leedong 6:30— Cesar Esparza † FRIDAY (Viernes) - February 12 8:30— Leonila Francisco Marero † Paul Panetta, Sr. & Conchetta Panetta † † 6:30— Emma Elias Ramos † Florentina Arreola Cerras † Anthony de Jesus Herrera † SATURDAY (Sábado) - February 13 8:30— Eltje Veen † 5:00— Roberto Manio † De Guzman and Basa Families † † Universal: Care for Creation That we may take good care of creation–a gift freely given–cultivating and protecting it for future generations. Evangelization: Asia That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. Universal: Cuidado de la Creación Que podamos tener buen cuidado de la creación, un don de cultivar y proteger para las generaciones futuras libremente. Evangelización: Asia Que las oportunidades pueden aumentar para el diálogo y el encuentro entre la fe cristiana y los pueblos de Asia. The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena is looking to hire a part-time custodian to help maintain the Church, Parish Hall, and School Grounds. Experience must include: plumbing, electrical fixtures, basic carpentry, painting and various maintenance and janitorial work that is typically found in parish and school environments. The School Janitor/Custodian performs all duties and responsibilities in alignment with the mission, vision and values of the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Two years of experience working in a custodial setting or environment preferred. Applicants must submit their resumé by email to: [email protected]. Please see our parish website for more information. Regular Collection $ 8,093.84 Second Collection (Building Fund) $ 1,478 Sick Relatives and Friends Theresa Cappetto Tom Cappetto Donald Borrelli Victor A. Nuñez Teresa Nuñez Lida Giacomini January 31, 2016 Rest in Peace Jose Luis Reyes † Paul & June Seitz † Abner de Leon † Aristeo de Haro † Angel Lozano† Cecil Karunaratne † February 7 ,2016 | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 ABSTINECE AND FASTING —Abstinence from eating meat is to be observed on all Fridays during Lent. This applies to all persons 14 and older. The observance of fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday applies to all persons ages 18 to 59. Fasting means that one full meatless meal per day may be eaten. Two other meatless meals may be taken sufficient to maintain strength, but together they should not equal a full meal. Liquids, including milk and fruit juice, may be taken between meals. If health or ability to work are affected, fasting does not oblige. Private, self-imposed observance of fasting on Lenten weekdays is strongly recommended. Parents should ensure that children who are not bound by the laws of fast and abstinence are taught an authentic sense of penance, conversion and reconciliation. LENTEN OBSERVANCE —Catholics are encouraged to participate in the Eucharistic liturgy and in the sacrament of penance during Lent. Likewise encouraged are devotions such as Stations of the Cross, vigils and prayer services (with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, if opportune). Traditional practices—including increased prayer, Scripture and spiritual reading, alms, personal self-denial in food and drink, increased care and service to the sick and needy—are also suggested. St. Catherine of Siena Parish will be offering these devotions and prayer services throughout the observance of Lent, including Stations of the Cross on all Fridays of Lent in English at 5:45 p.m. and in Spanish at 7:00 p.m. EASTER DUTY: HOLY COMMUNION —All initiated Catholics are bound by the obligations of receiving Communion at least once a year. This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter duty season, which is from the first Sunday of Lent until Trinity Sunday, unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at some other time of the year. PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION —In this penitential season of Lent, the Christian faithful are obliged, and encouraged, to confess sacramentally all serious sins not previously acknowledged in individual confession. Communal celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered at St. Catherine of Siena on Thursday, March 3 at 7:15 p.m. This emphasizes the social and ecclesial aspects of sin and reconciliation. Individual confessions will be available in English and Spanish. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT During the Lenten Season flowers and plants are not acceptable as decorations in the sanctuary. Please help us to maintain the decor as it is. ANUNCIO ESPECIAL Durante la Cuaresma no se permite el uso de plantas o flores en el Santuario. Por favor, ayúdennos a mantener el ambiente apropiado. DEANERY 5—LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE SCHEDULE St. Bridget of Sweden, Van Nuys Wednesday, March 2nd 7:00pm rd St. Catherine of Siena, Reseda Thursday, March 3 7:15pm St. John Baptist, Granada Hills Monday, March 7th 7:00pm th St. John Eudes, Chatsworth Wednesday, March 9 7:30pm th Our Lady of Lourdes, Northridge Wednesday, March 16 7:30pm St. Mel , Woodland Hills Wednesday, March 16th 7:00pm th Our Lady of the Valley, Canoga Park Thursday, March 17 7:30pm St. Joseph the Worker, Winnetka Wednesday, February 24th 7:00pm 6 The Knights of Columbus Valentine Dinner Dance The Knights of Columbus Canoga Council is sponsoring a Valentine’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, February 13 for the Benefit of their Annual Track Meet that Saint Catherine of Siena School is a participant of. For tickets and information, please contact Leo Nevada at 818.633.3926 St. Catherine of Siena Church Legion of Mary Say YES to Legion of Mary, an organization of apostolic lay people in the Catholic Church whose intent is to render service to every person who is the image of Christ, with the spirit and the solicitude of Mary. We invite you to visit our meeting. Please come as a guest to see the Legion in action. For more information, please call Aida Santos (818)2639121 or Michael Reed (818)300-8419. ACCW—Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women Calling all Catholic Women! Next meeting— February 22nd at St. Bridget of Sweden Parish. The speaker for the day is Bishop Gerald Wilkerson. Registration begins at 9am with Mass and Luncheon (prepaid $15). Please call Lauren 818.514.6572 for more information and reservation. WEDNESDAY February 10 HOLY MASS (MISAS) 6:30 a.m. Bilingual 8:30 a.m. English 12:15 p.m. Bilingual 7:00 p.m. Bilingual 8:30 p.m. Español ASH SERVICES (SERVICIOS) *30-minute service with distribution of ashes *30 minutes de oración y unción de cenizas 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Español Español Español DE CENIZA 10 de febrero FRIDAYS OF LENT 5:45 p.m. VIERNES DE CUARESMA 7:00 p.m. Join us for Sopa, a Lenten tradition of fasting with a light meal of soup at the Plaza at 6:30 p.m. Todos los viernes de cuaresma después del Via Crucis hay Sopa a las 7:30 p.m. en la plaza. Todos están invitados a participar.
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