Liturgical Schedule ST TERESA PARISH Sunday Dec. 20 8:00 am Community Mass Saturday December 19 4:00 pm PAGE 2 Sunday Dec. 20 10:00 am Domingo 20 Diciembre 12:00 St. Rose Altar Servers/ Monaguillos Trevor Wilson Leah Wilson Ian Lilienthal Collin Lilienthal JB Rojos Lars Menigoz Ricardo Valtierra Sarita Fernandez Ricardo Cruz Cassandra Valtierra Lectors/ Lectores Diane Sheehan Tricia Kohan Wendy Langlois Rogelio Benites Nancy Benites Communion Ministers/ Ministros de la Comunión Amy Anderson John Brill Janet Brill Ruth Styck *Tatia Godin *Mary Herman Laura Shellie Deb Adams Deacon *Beth Arocha *Jan Anesi Roxanne Storke Terri Doehring Deacon Maria Trinidad Garcia Mariana Parra Salvador Sacramento Antonio Elvir Esmeralda Tellez Dolores Pizano Celene Valtierra Greeters/ Ujieres Jackie Robinson Jack Dornburg Francis Fritz Ann Fritz Sid Masse Barb Masse Phyllis Bergeron Ted Bergeron Albryan Valladares Angela Mercado Anselmo Juarez Aracely Diaz ST. TERESA PARISH OUTREACH MINISTRIES Azzarelli Clinic: Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday Martes, Miercoles, Jueves Registered Nurse 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Clinic opens at 8:00am Monday/Lunes - Dec. 14 Clinic opens at 12:00 noon Doctor Day 2-4:00 pm Come no later than 12:30. No appointments, first come, first served. Wednesday/Miercoles - Dec. 16 Clinic opens at 8:00 am Certified Nurse Practitioner 9 -11:00 am Pharmacist 9 am—12 noon Friday/Viernes—Dec. 18 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry 9:00 am—12 noon The Third Sunday of Advent PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Jackson Smith Judi Buchholz Mary Warner Jose Gaytan Isidoro Fernandez Rosa Toledo Celia Gonzales Patty Lamie Elias and Silvina Cortes Ed Menigoz Bev Johnson Catherine VanVoorhis Francisca Saldivar Donna Vela MASSES INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Dec. 12, 2015 Community Mass at St. Rose † Rae Hernandez (Lori Ciaccio) Dec. 13, 2015 † David Miller (Helen & Bill Chigaros) 10:00 a.m. † Bob Hisel (Parish Family) 12:00 p.m. Narvid Gaytan (Parish Family) Monday Tuesday Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. Dec. 14, 2015—No Mass Dec. 15, 2015—No Mass Dec. 16, 2015 Mike & Michele Lane (Silvia Lane) 26th Wedding Anniversary Dec. 17, 2015 † David Miller (Helen & Bill Chigaros) Friday 8:00 a.m. Dec. 18, 2015 † Bob Hisel (Patricia Memenga) Saturday Dec. 19, 2015 Community Mass at St. Rose 4:00 p.m. † Bob Hisel (Diane & Jim Boudreau) Sunday 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Dec. 20, 2015 † Patricia Kohl (Ron & Joann Whitman) For All of the Parishioners of St. Teresa, St. Martin, and St. Rose churches Gloria Mendez (Parish Family) 12:00 p.m. ST TERESA PARISH JOYFUL, JOYFUL Gaudete Sunday! The pink candle of joy is lit, and the church rejoices for the coming of Christmas. More than ever, I recognize that the world needs joy. This year, the world has been filled with stories of terror and fear. The violence all around us seems to have escalated, and the temptation to despair is always looming over us. We live in a broken world, and we desperately need a savior and healer. Even for our three churches, I feel the need for joy. Over the past six months, we have been going through major transitions in our communities. Everyone has been affected by the change of mass schedules and the loss of two pastors here. There have been many instances of simply being mixed up, as everything is being tried and tested for the practices that work. Although I feel that there have been tremendous successes along the way, there have also been enough reasons to sigh and lose our cool. But we choose joy! We can choose joy! There are many reasons for joy! As a priest, I think of the everyday opportunities that God provides me to be an agent of joy to others, and I melt in gratitude. Last week, the children of the Faith Formation Program have received their first reconciliation. I could immediately see the joy in the children when they receive their absolution, maybe partly for the forgiveness of sins, and partly because it was all over and they do not have to be nervous anymore. (smile here.) But toward the end of the lines, one little Hispanic girl wanted to “go to confession”. Her name is Brie-Brie. She closed her eyes as she sat on the chair, this little girl who was probably barely three years old, and solemnly kept her hands together in prayer. She was so excited to pray and do what her brother just did – to receive God’s love and joy! And being there to witness all this together with her parents also brought so much joy to me. Church, there are many blessings that escape our attention every moment of every day. As we begin the year of mercy on December 8, let us also begin to make the most of the benefits of God’s mercy. This weekend, we have advent confessions. This is another opportunity for joy. I have started wrapping gifts, and I choose to do it joyfully, thinking of the people who will receive them. Our Savior is coming, and Christmas is near. Let us adorn our lives with joyfulness, because God is good, and His grace abounds in our world, more than ever before! In the mercy and joy of the Lord, Fr. Sunny Castillo PAGE 3 JUBILOSO, JUBILOSO ¡Domingo Gaudete! La vela rosada está prendida, y la iglesia está jubilosa por la Navidad que se acerca. Más que nunca, yo reconozco que el mundo necesita júbilo. Este año, el mundo abunda con historias de terrorísmo y temor. La violencia sigue aumentando, y la tentación a la desesperación necesita un Salvador y un curandero. Aun para nuestras tres iglesias, siento que necesitan alegría. En los seis meses pasados, nuestras comunidades han pasado grandes transiciones, Todos han sido afectados por los cambios del horario de misas y la pérdida de dos pastores. En muchas ocasiones nos hemos sentido confusos, según vamos calándo las prácticas que trabajan. Aunque siento que hemos pasado por grandes éxitos, hay también bastantes razones que nos hacen suspirar y perder el control. Pero escogémos el júbilo! Podemos escoger la alegría! Hay muchas razones que nos proporsionan la alegría! Como sacerdote, pienso en las oportunidades diarias que Dios me dá para ser agente de alegría para otros, y me desvanesco con gratitud. La semana pasada, los niños del Programa de Formación de Fe recibieron su primera reconciliación. Inmediatamente podía ver la alegría de los niños al recibir la absolución, quizá en parte por el perdón de los pecados, y en parte porque yá todo había terminado y yá no se sentían nerviosos. (sonrisa). Pero al fin de las lineas, una niña Hispana quería “ir a confesarse.” Su nombre es Brie-Brie. Al sentarse en la silla cerró sus ojos, esta niña probablemente tenía unos tres años, y solemnemente juntaba sus manos en oración. Estaba muy emocionada para rezar y hacer lo que su hermano acababa de hacer – para recibir el amor y la alegría de Dios! Y al estar allí junto con sus padres también me causó mucha alegría! Iglesia, hay muchas bendiciones cada momento del día que escapan nuestra atención. Así como hemos comensado el Año de Misericordia el 8 de diciembre, hay que comensar también en aprovechar la gran misericordia de Dios. Este fin de semana tenemos las confesiones del Adviento. Hay va otra oportunidad para alcanzar la alegría. He comensado a envolver regales, y escogo hacerlo con alegría, pensando en la gente que los vá a recibir. Nuestro Salvador ya viene, y la Navidad se acerca. Adornémos nuestras vidas con gran alegría, porque Dios és bueno, y Su gracia abunda en nuestro mundo, más que nunca! En la misericordia y alegría del Señor, Padre Sunny Castillo ST TERESA PARISH Welcome - Bienvenido 361 St. Joseph Ave • Kankakee IL 60901 Phone (815) 933-7683 Fax (815) 933-7692 EMERGENCY # (815) 216-6733 Parish Office Hours Mon. - Thurs. 9am-3pm Fri. 9-12noon Horario de la Oficina Hispana Martes a Jueves 9:30am-3pm Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday Community Mass at St. Rose 4:00 pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am Misa en Español Domingo 12:00 pm Weekday Wednesday-Friday 8:00 am Parish Staff Directory Pastor/Pastor Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo Associate Pastor /Pastor Asociadio Fr. Roy Jacob Deacons Ronald Whitman & David Marlowe Financial Director Lilia Belka ext 226 Ministry Coordinator Donna Worth ext 227 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ext 227 Ministerio Hispano Silvia Barajas ext 229 Sr. Elsie Gamez Secretaries Kathy Dummer & Sylvia Lane ext 221 Bulletin Information Please e-mail articles by Mon. @ 11am to [email protected] Youth Ministry Ken & Michelle Barrie 427-8130 Music Ministry Jane Veers 933-6058 Música Español Ema Segura 592-4175 St Vincent de Paul Society ext 212 Prayer Line Barb Jepson 937-9260 Rita Kanosky 939-0319 Parish Media Links Website Facebook Saint Teresa Church in Kankakee, IL Email [email protected] Lisieux Pastoral Center Director 815-939-2913 Kathy Wade [email protected] Azzarelli Outreach Clinic Parish Nurse & Director Helen Chigaros RN 815-928-6093 [email protected] Aquinas Catholic Academy/ Academia Católica de Aquino 366 E. Hickory, Kankakee School Principal 815-932-8124 Mrs. Dana Berg St. Patrick & Teresa Religious Education/ Educacion Religiosa y Doctrina 366 E. Hickory, Kankakee Coordinator of Religious Ed 815-216-7267 Marcia Brown-Medina PAGE 4 Time, Talent & Treasure Fostering Stewardship as a way of life In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us we gratefully acknowledge and salute Colette Raymond Weekly Collections Sunday Offering for Dec. 6, 2015 $ 7,822.54 Sunday Envelope Breakdown $300 & higher (5) • $200-$299 (2) $100-$199 (12) • $75-$99 (11) •$50-$74 (9) $25-$49 (36) • $11-$24 (37) • $10 & under (38) Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is $6, 650.00 Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es de $6, 650.00 Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of St. Teresa ¡Gracias por su Generosidad! Pope Francis’ Prayer for the Year of Mercy Lord Jesus Christ, You have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you, sees him. Sacrament Procedures Confessions at St. Rose Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm Baptism Classes Pre-baptism Class is required before your date will be set. Please register two to three months in advance! St. Teresa 1:15 pm 2nd Sunday of the month St. Martin 7:00pm 2nd Monday of the month Baptisms in English 2nd Sunday of Month 2:30 pm Weddings Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not make your reservations until you have met with the pastor Communion Visits Call the Parish Office Adoration at Night 9:30 pm - 5:00 am in Spanish First Saturdays Eucharist Adoration in English 1st Friday of month 8:30am Procedimiento para Sacramentos Confesiones en Santa Rosa Sábados 3:00-3:30 pm Platicas Pre-bautismales Platicas son requeridas antes de fijar su fecha. Favor de inscribirse de 2 a 3 meses de anticipación. Sta. Teresa - 10 am-12 pm 3er Domingo del Mes Sta. Rosa 4:00 pm 2 do Domingo de l Mes Bautizos Espanol 1er Domingo del Mes 12:00 Bodas Preparación Espiritual empieza mínimo SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para su celebración antes de reunirse con el párroco. Visitas de Comunión Llame a la oficina. Quince Años y Presentaciones Llame a la oficina. Adoración Nocturna 1er Sábado del mes 9:30 pm ST TERESA PARISH PAGE 5 AROUND OUR COMMUNITY JOY IN JANUARY All St. Teresa ladies are invited to attend a luncheon sponsored by the CCW Deanery Third Sunday of Advent The Gospel today is very clear! Everyone is asking John the Baptist: “What should we do?” (See Luke 3:10-18) That is the perfect question as we wait for Jesus Christ to come the second time. Let us be found doing the Corporal Works of Mercy: Feeding the Hungry, Giving Drink to the Thirsty, Sheltering the Homeless, Clothing the Naked, Visiting the Sick, Visiting the Prisoners, Burying the Dead, and Giving Alms to the Poor. Who needs my second coat, blanket, or boots? Who needs a tithe of my food budget, of my time, of my conversation? Who needs to hear good news? How can I proclaim it by word and by deed? Year of Mercy Prayer Service St. Martin of Tours Monday, Dec. 14 6:30-7:30 pm This is the first in a series of prayer and service events for the Year of Mercy. The evening will begin with a talk on the “Mercy of God” followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and the blessing and sending forth of our “Family Adoption” Christmas Baskets. IN THIS YEAR OF MERCY SHARE THE GIFT OF CHRISTMAS Kankakee Catholics from St. Martin, St. Rose and St. Teresa have joined together to share the joy of the Christmas season with others. This is the first of monthly opportunities to participate in the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Take a tag off of the GIVING TREE in any of the three churches. The remaining tags on the trees will go to support the Azzarelli Outreach Clinic and the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Thank You to everyone who brought items for our sponsored families, we will be distributing those items soon!! Encouraged by Pope Francis, we are invited to become “islands of mercy in a sea of indifference”. Jan. 2, 2016 11:30 am Cost: $25.00 Kankakee Country Club Call Sharon Jackson at 815-937-1556 before Dec. 18 to attend. Entertainment by Pat Skelly INTER-PARISH ADVENT SERIES Praying and Sharing Together in this Holy Season of Advent Participants will use the Advent issue of THE WORD AMONG US, which will be provided St. Anne Parish—Parish Hall 10:00 am—11:00 am, Tuesday, Dec. 15 St. Patrick Parish—St. Patrick Convent, 456 S. Indiana 7:00 pm—8:00 pm, Tuesday, Dec. 15 Maternity BVM Parish—Parish Library 10:00 am—11:00 am, Thursday, Dec. 17 Sessions will be facilitated by Srs. Theresa Galvan, CND & Helen Kavanaugh, CND COME JOIN US… In preparation for Christmas, you are invited to sing in the children’s choir. We will be singing at the 4:00pm Christmas Eve mass Ages 6 and up One Practice left: Dec. 19, 9:00—10:00 am “Regardless of our circumstances and whether people acknowledge it, nothing and no one can take away our God-given dignity.” USCCB 2015-16 Respect Life Program “Independientemente de nuestras circumstancias y de si las personas lo reconocen, nada ni nadie puede sacarnos la dinidad que Dios nos otorgó”. Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16, USCCB ST TERESA PARISH Citizen Sunny... Congratulations on becoming a US Citizen PAGE 6 Simbang Gabi Mass and Celebration Welcome Back Fr. Mario Nurse Notes: Dec. 13, 2015 Brighten the holidays by making your health and safety a priority and be ready to enjoy the holidays. Take steps to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy. 1. Wash hands often to help prevent the spread of germs. It’s flu season. Wash your hands with soap and clean running water for atleast 20 seconds. FREE SMOKE DECTECTORS RESIDENTS OF KANKAKEE COUNTY 10 year sealed lithium battery Kidde 9010 Call the Kankakee Fire Dept. for appt. 815-936-3629 DETECTORES DE HUMO GRATIS RESIDENTES DE LA CIUDAD DE KANKAKEE 10 Año sellada la bacteria de litio Kidde 9010 Llame al Dept de bomberos de Kankakee en 815-936-3629 Fr. Tony Update: The heart surgery went well however Fr. Tony is having vision problems. He requests our prayers. Prayers and well wishes may be sent to: Fr. Tony Taschetta c/o St. John Vianney Villa 1464 Green Trails Dr. Naperville, IL 60540-8372
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