St. Mary’ s Catholic Church Street Address: 7301 Annapolis Road, Landover Hills, MD Mailing Address: 7401 Buchanan Street, Landover Hills, MD 20784-2323 PARISH STAFF Rev. Richard K. Gancayco, Pastor Rev. Mathai Mannoorvadakkethil Yohannan, In Res. Deacon Stephen M. Robinson Mr. Constantine Efantis, Music Director Ms. Amy C. Kraft, Organist/Pianist Mrs. Barbara Moss, Parish Secretary e-mail: [email protected] Mrs. Judith S. Frank, Office Manager Mr. Miguel Hernandez, Facilities Manager SUNDAY LITURGY: (Quiet Room Available) Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday - 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. (Spanish) RECTORY 7401 Buchanan Street Landover Hills, MD 20784 (301) 577-8844 • Fax (301) 306-5543 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parents should contact the rectory prior to birth of child. Family must be registered in the Parish. SAINT MARY’S SCHOOL Mr. Christian Buchleitner, Principal 7207 Annapolis Road Landover Hills, MD 20784 (301) 577-0031 Acceptance of application and yearly reapplication for all families is determined by the consistent and regular use of the weekly Sacrificial Giving Envelopes (at least 40 envelopes per year). SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DRE: Mr. Alex Hernandez 7207 Annapolis Road Landover Hills, MD 20784 ST. MARY’S YOUTH MINISTRY Facebook: St. Mary’s Youth Connection Email: [email protected] WEEKDAY LITURGY: Monday – Saturday - 9:00 a.m. RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Also by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Prior to setting a date, the couple needs to meet with a priest or deacon not less than six months from the expected wedding date. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Please call the Rectory for scheduled dates. BURGUNDY ROOM 7301 Annapolis Rd. Landover Hills, MD 20784 (301) 459-5922 PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please call the rectory prior to surgery to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #10046 Grand Knight Andre Burwell ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH LANDOVER HILLS, MARYLAND Remembrances at Mass for Oct 20-26, 2014 Sat., Sun., - 5pm St. Mary Parish 9am Anne Hartnett Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Monday: Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40 ©Liturgical Publications Inc PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK, ESPECIALLY, Gilbert Blake, Therese Dubois, Rita Gianechini, Phyllis McVearry, Margaret Pollard, Primo Solomon, Ella Spence, Mary Szentes, Catherine Taylor-Core, Joseph Wheeler. Also keep in your prayers: Herb Bullock, Stephen Butler, Amalia Corado, Frank Coorsen, Frank Corazzi, John Dannett, Roxanne del Real, Betty Dolan, Germaine Donahue, Leroy Dorsey, Amy Efantis, Matthew Eichenlaub, Patricia Eichenlaub, Joyce Estrada, Louise Evans, Anne Marie Felix, Paul Hencke, Jeannye Hencke, Flora Kegwe, Jacqueline Larry, John Matais, Frances McGill, Michael Mecanko, Coleen Meli, T.C. Mwombela, Grace Novak, Mary Pilkerton, Ellen Rafferty, Barbara Ray, Rita Rhodes, Virginia Rozario, Wayne Rutschke, Marguritte Sullivan, Eileen Trimble, Patricia Whiteman, Margaret Wisley, Jorlando Young, Joseph Young, Joseph Young II, Mary Young. st Please notify the Rectory before the 1 of each month if you wish to remain on this extended prayer list. MINISTRY TO SICK OR HOMEBOUND If, for a period of time, you are unable to be with the community for Sunday Mass and would like to receive the Eucharist, call the rectory to arrange for a visit from a member of our pastoral team. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Coming from the Gospel mandate to assist those in need, the SVdP tries to be of service to those who find themselves in some temporary crisis. To contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society, call the rectory at 301-577-8844 and leave a message. DATES TO REMEMBER Mon., 10/20 - 7pm The 9am Choir-CH Tues., 10/21 - 7pm Bingo-BR (Men’s Club) Wed., 10/22 7pm Spanish Prayer Group-CH Thurs., 10/23 - 7pm St. Mary’s Choir-CH, 7:30pm Bible Study-PH Fri., 10/24 7pm Spanish Choir-CH, 7pm Youth GroupBR Sat., 10/25 9:30am SHARE-SCH Sunday, October 19, 10:15am Eng; 11:30am Span Sunday, October 26, 10:15 Eng; 11:30am Span Sunday, November 2, 10:15am Eng; 11:30am Span The Parish community welcomes this child who received the Sacrament of Baptism in September: Stephen Obinna Asoh, son of Chidi and Nneica. Congratulations to his parents and family. St. Mary's School Scholarship Fund Collection is next weekend, October 25-26, 2014. Please take a yellow envelope with you and consider supporting St. Mary's School Scholarship Fund. St. Mary’s Music Ministry 9am Choir-Monday rehearsals 7-9pm in the church Children’s Choir-Wed rehearsals 3:45-4:30pm in the gym St. Mary’s Choir-Thurs rehearsals 7-9pm in the church Please see Dino Efantis after Mass for more information. October Month of the Rosary The Rosary is prayed before the 9:00am Mass Monday-Saturday. All are welcome to participate. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 Próximos Bautismos 19 Octubre 2014 depues de la Misa RCIA classes: Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion for Adults presented by Bro. Clement Dickie, OP Adult Faith Formation Series: Fulfillment in Life, the Joy of Christian Living presented by Deacon Philip Neri, OP Please meet in the school of religion. Classes held 10:15-11:15am until the Easter Season (April 2015). Sunday TV Mass The Mass airs every Sunday at 10:30am: WDCW-50 Dish or Direct TV, Ch. 50 Comcast, Ch. 23 in Washington and Montgomery County; Ch. 3 in Prince George’s and Southern Maryland RCN, Ch. 15 Verizon, Ch. 3 Próxima Charla pre-Bautsmal 9 de Noviembre 12n en la escuela Por favor que se inscriban con el Padre Ricardo La Escuela de Religión Clases de religión para todos los niños que no asisten a una escuela Católica. 11:30-12:45pm en la escuela. Para mas información que se com Sr. Alex Martinez RICA (rito de iniciacion de cristianos adultos) para los adultos que necesitan Sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión Hay que inscribirse con el Padre Ricardo o el Señor Alex Hernandez en la escuela de religión. El Ministerio Hispano de Sta. Marìa Grupo de Oración Todos los Miercoles en la Iglesia 7:00pm rosario, misa, música, tema, convivio Tema Miercoles 15 Octubre 2014: El Imagen de Dios Grupo Juvenil 24 Octubre 2014: David y Solomon 31 Octubre 2014: TBA Para los jovenes de 13-17 añoa Misa de Quinceañera: La joven tiene que ser inscrita con su familia en la parroquia (por lo menos 6 meses) y haber recibido los sacramentos de Bautismo, Comuniòn y Confirmaciòn. Las jovenes deben asistir a las charlas para quinceañeras que se dan en la escuela de Educaiòn Religiosa. Próximo Convivio después de la Misa Domingo 26 de Octubre 2014 Tallers para Lectores: 11 de Noviembre 2014 Centro Pastoral del ADW, Eastern Ave. Sabados 9am-12n, costo $5, llame la oficina de liturgia del ADW (301) 853-5334 para inscribirse. Preparación matrimonial Para mas información diríjanse a la oficina de la escuela de religión los domingos a las 11:40am. PIZZA OVEN CHEVERLY CHIROPRACTIC CARE 301-459-1030 • Call Ahead With The Purchase Of A Large, 2 Topping Pizza, Receive a Free $2 Bill Competent and Compassionate Care for all Ages 12200 Annapolis Rd. 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 716 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (Rt. 450 #221) Not good with any other offer. Expires 1/30/15 Glenn Dale, MD Go to 301-464-5813 6029 66th Ave. 20737 Dr. Ella E. Pantazis This Space Available Law Offices of Emmanuel D. Akpan, J.D., PhD 301-563-4022 Immigration | Family Law | Personal Injury FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN CUISINE For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Sunday Brunch 11-3 5820 Landover Road Cheverly, MD 20784 301.209.9006 301.209.9007 Previous Award Winner 2010/2011 Daren Snider 1-800-888-4574 x 3347 or email: [email protected] “The Only One You’ll Ever Need” SAME DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED!* $25 OFF Any Plumbing Service $35 OFF Faucet or Toilet Replacement 301-658-7025 • (Not valid with any other offer or service fee) WSSC #70985 *Call for Details WINNERS INTERNATIONAL FOODS An African Caribbean Store with a Difference 6511 Annapolis Road, Hyattsville 303-773-7733 Open Monday to Saturday, 9:00am - 8:30pm & Sundays 10:30am - 7:00pm Across the road from Walmart on 450 Amy C. Kraft Piano & Music Theory Instruction Cover all 140 Parishes with one advertisement 301-277-5851 [email protected] Call Alan at 202-281-2424 or [email protected] CARTAS PODERES PARA EL SALVADOR El día y la hora que usted decida 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana JOYCE RENDEROS ABOGADA Y NOTARIA DE EL SALVADOR 240-486-5374 9306 Spring House Ln, B, Laurel, MD 20708 [email protected] Family Owned and Operated Offering Traditional Funerals Life Celebrations Memorial Services Direct Cremations Markers/Monuments JIM WINTERS 5815 Arbor St., Tuxedo, Maryland Washington: 301-322-9050 Fax: 301-322-3446 Sales – Rental – Service – Repairs Industrial and Construction Equipment Pet Cremations Caskets Vaults, Urns Flowers Pre-Planning 4739 Baltimore Ave. Hyattsville, MD 20781 301-927-6100 S&F S&F2012 Contact Daren Snider 1-800-888-4574 x 3347 or email: [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. OCTOBER 14, 2014 3:11 PM ST. MARY, LANDOVER HILLS, MD 04-0043
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