St. Mary Star of the Sea City Island, N.Y. 10464 And Served By: Pastor: Rev. Michael Challinor Parochial Vicar: Rev. Augustus Onwubiko Pastoral Associate: Sr. Bernadette Hannaway. O.S.U. Music Director: Kenneth A. Farnum Jr. (Home) 718-885-2480 (cell) 917-805-4699 Parish Cantor: George Leslie Wyman (Home) 914-923-8525 • (Cell) 914-434-2902 Parish Secretary: Rose Dietz Maintenance Technician: Francisco Torres St. Mary’s Music Page: Masses: Anticipated: Saturday, 5:15 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays: 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon Holydays: Feast: 7:00, 8:00 a.m., 12 Noon and 7:30 p.m. Baptisms: Sunday at 1:30 p.m. BY APPOINTMENT. Call the Rectory to arrange with a priest. Weekdays: Monday thru Friday: 7:00, 8:00 a.m., Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Call Rectory ANYTIME, Day or Night. Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturdays: After 8:00 a.m. Mass. Communion of the Sick or Homebound: Call Rectory and arrange with priest. New Parishioners: Please register by visiting one of the priests or call the Rectory. Weddings: Please make an appointment to see one of the priests at least 6 months in advance. Rectory 595 Minnieford Avenue • City Island, NY 10464 Phone: 718-885-1440 • Fax: 718-885-9498 Email: [email protected] Religious Education Program Director: Sr. Bernadette Hannaway, O.S.U. Phone: 718-885-1440 • Fax: 718-885-9498 The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, February 1, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK God’s Plan for Giving - Tithing Saturday, January 31st 5:15– Sr. Kristen Wenzel (6th Anniversary) Sunday, February 1st 8:00 - The Parishioners of St. Mary’s 10:00 –The Doreva family Last Week’s Collection: $ 3,330.00 Thank You for your generous contributions. God Bless You! Fr. Michael 12:00 –Keith W. Manfredonia Monday, February 2nd 7:00 - Gloria Naclario 8:00 - Kenneth Michaels Tuesday, February 3rd 7:00 –Deceased on Hart Island First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 8:00 –Trudy Mulfeld Moses explains to the people that a prophet will come from among them, and that they should listen to this prophet’s words, for God has told him of this prophet. God also tells Moses that anyone who pretends to speak in his words, or speaks in the name of other gods, shall die. Wednesday, February 4th 7:00 – Mary Ann Carr 8:00 - Rosa Pooler Thursday, February 5th 7:00– Maureen Davis 8:00-- Kenneth Michaels Second Reading: I Corinthians 7:32-35 Friday, February 6th Paul tells the Corinthians how an unmarried man or woman is able to devote themselves fully to God without concern for the needs of a spouse. Paul explains that God wants to help them promote good and devote themselves more fully to God. 7:00– Roland Laitres 8:00– The Evangelista & Lopez families Saturday, February 7th 8:00– Special Intention 5:15– Tony (Teardrop) Ciaurella Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 Sunday, February 8th As Jesus was teaching, a man with an unclean spirit came to the synagogue and asked if Jesus had come to destroy them. Jesus ordered the spirit out of the man, who shrieked violently as the spirit departed. The people were amazed at the authority he had over the spirit. 8:00-The Parishioners of St. Mary’s 10:00-In Honor of the Blessed Trinity & St. Theresa 12:00-Ralph Patrick Manfredonia (3rd Anniversary) & Keith W. Manfredonia February 7/8 Mass Lector Extraordinary Ministers Altar Servers 5:15 pm J. DiMaio 8:00 am D. Green R. Caruso, A. Mueller A. Lacina 10:00 am Scouts Sr. Catherine, T. Kurtz Scouts 12:00 noon M. Torres J. Phillips K. Ojo, T. Boga-Torres Second Collection John Heffernan Richard Lovett Dawn Lo Presti Teresa Maria Teto Sunjay Sabastian Salvatore Renda Nolan Quinn John Lissella Stella Narducci Maria LanzolloMadeline Pellettier Jan Kurtenback Angela Gannucci Morgan Darby Jennifer Gatcheo Rhoda Levine Rose Marie Gatcheo Annamarie DeFalco Charles Zanor Gene McKenna Evelyn Darby Albert Snyder Jimmy Lutz Benedette Avitabile Anthony Acosta Karen Valentino Anthony Valentino Robert Ulmer Sandra Mooney Ethel Thomas Mazie Salzarulo This week’s second collection was our Annual Fuel Collection. Thank you for your generous contributions. ____________________________________________________ Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers Needed To serve as Lector or Extraordinary Minister at Mass on Sunday is both a privilege and a contribution to the life of our parish. We are in need of Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers especially for the 8:00 & 10:00 o’clock Masses on Sunday. Please consider this important ministry and contact Sr. Bernadette if you are interested. Thank you. ____________________________________________________ The Archdiocesan Feeding our Neighbors Campaign The Archdiocesan Feeding our Neighbors Campaign is underway. Please place your canned or dry foods in the boxes in the vestibule of the Church. ____________________________________________________ First Friday Eucharistic Holy Hour Aidan Morgan Rudy Comerico This month’s Eucharistic Holy Hour will be held on Friday, February 6th, from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Come and spend an hour with Jesus. Michael T. Kelly Evelyn Morgan ____________________________________________________ Janice DeNave Rocco Nicoletti Coffee Hour Michael Darby John Bosch Bill Bathe Joan Attanasio Sean Grealey Bill Larkin Paula Attanasio Theodore Battist Ann Scaramuzzi Christine Sortino Gerald Giocco Joseph Goldman Keiko DiBella Joan Kemble Marie Pryor Rex Scaramuzzi Gordon C. Gladden Julia Persaud St. Mary’s will hold a coffee hour in the rectory next Sunday, February 8th, following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Come and enjoy light refreshments with your fellow parishioners. ____________________________________________________ Sunday Envelopes Mary Norah Philbin Bonnie Ramos A number of sets of envelopes have been returned to the Rectory because they are missing apartment numbers or the recipients moved. If your envelopes are missing your apartment number or if you have moved to another address, please notify the Rectory 718-885-1440, and we will update our records. Thank you. John Ulmer ____________________________________________________ Mary Ellen Grogan Vincent Volpe Margie Campanelli Carmella DiStatsio 50/50 Winner ChristopherMcGowan Manuel Mas Henry Kvetan Congratulations! To Mr. & Mrs. Hans Dannegger Michael Kelly Dean Pecoraro John Iscaro Marie Stabile the January 50/50 winner. St. Mary’s Religious Education Program Scout Sunday This year marks the 105th anniAs we begin a new semester, I urge all students to reversary of the Scouts Organizanew their efforts with regard to study, homework, and tion. The scouts will participate at class preparation. More importantly, I ask you to conthe 10:00 o’clock Mass next Sunsider how faithful you have been to your encounter day, February 8th, which is Nawih Jesus each week at Holy Mass. Participation in the Liturgy each Sunday is an integral part of our Re- tional Scout Sunday 2015. All are invited to attend. ligious Education Program. ___________________________________________ There will be an important meeting of all parents of FEAST OF ST. BLAISE children preparing to receive the sacraments of RecTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD onciliation and Holy Eucharist on Tuesday evening, Born: Armenia February 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s School gym. All parents of these children are urged to attend. Regular classes-Wednesday, February 4, 2015. _____________________________________ Patron of: Animals, builders, choking, veterinarians, throats, infants, stonecutters, carvers, wool workers Parish Information • St. Mary’s Thrift Shop The Thrift Shop will be open on Thursday, February 5th and Saturday, February 7th. Thanks to volunteers Marie H, Betty C, and Mary C. • Sober on the Sea AA Group Sober on the Sea (SOS) meets every Tuesday evening at 8:00 PM in the basement of St. Mary’s Rectory. • Narcotics Anonymous The group meets on Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. in the basement of St. Mary’s Rectory. It is not known precisely when or where St. Blaise lived, but according to tradition he was a bishop of Sebaste, Armenia, in the early part of the fourth century, and suffered martyrdom under the Roman emperor Licinius, who had commanded the governor of the province, one Agricolaus, to prevent the spread of Christianity in his territory. After this edict had been promulgated, Blaise fled to the mountains and lived in a cave frequented by wild beasts. He used his skill to heal the animals that he found wounded or sick, and when the emperor's hunters, bent on collecting wild animals for the royal games, discovered him in this cave, they carried him off to Agricolaus as a special prize. Prayer Requests On the way, the story goes, they met a poor woman whose pig had been seized by a wolf. At the command of Blaise, To add or remove a name from the sick list, please the wolf restored the pig to its owner, alive and unhurt. call the rectory. During the course of this journey he also miraculously cured a child who was choking to death on a fishbone. For • Mass Requests this reason St. Blaise is often invoked by persons suffering To request a Mass, please come to the rectory. from throat trouble. When he had reached the capital and was in prison awaiting execution, the old woman whose • New Parishioners pig he had saved came to see him, bringing two fine wax Please register by visiting or calling the rectory. Famicandles to dispel the gloom of his dark cell. When he was lies who are moving out of the parish are asked to no- finally killed, he is supposed to have been tortured with an tify the rectory. Thank you. iron comb or rake, and afterwards beheaded. In the West there was no cult honoring St. Blaise prior to the eighth century. • One of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, his emblems are an iron comb and a wax taper. Taken from EWTN 436 Considering a Catholic Elementary School? Touring Tuesdays February 3rd From 9-11 AM or by Appointment Bronx -44 Locations Manhattan-23 Locations Staten Island-22 Locations Westchester/Putnam-30 Locations Rockland-5 Locations Dutchess– 8 Locations Ulster/Sullivan/Orange-11 Locations Build Bold Futures With a Catholic Education TOURING TUESDAYS are universal open houses at Catholic elementary schools. We invite you to experience Catholic schools in action by visiting one or more schools at these events. See our elementary schools, Pre-K (ages 3-4) and Free Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) programs for yourself. UPCOMING DATES MARCH 10* APRIL 28* JUNE 2 CALL 646-794-2885 ________________________________________________________________________________________ An Archdiocesan-Wide drive to Replenish dwindling Food pantries Sunday, January 25, 2015 through Sunday, February 1, 2015 For more information: contact [email protected] or 646-794 2010 James E. McQuade Proprietor Serving the Community for 40 years 3535 East Tremont Avenue • Bronx, NY 10465 (718) 792-0270 City Island Auto Body Licensed & Fully Insured Residential & Commercial No Job too Large or Small INC. Kurt W. Ebinger “Where The Job Gets Done Right” We Deal With All Major Insurance Companies! Quality Work is our “KEE” to Success (718) 885-0824 Emergency (914) 760-1106 George T. Davis Funeral Home Established in 1864 Vincent Fasano, Manager 14 Lecount Place New Rochelle, New York 10801 914-632-0324 Pre arrangements• Monuments • Inscriptions Pick-up & Delivery Available 24/7 EMERGENCY ON-CALL TOWING We Now Have All-Car Rentals Available on Premise 138 City Island Ave. Bronx, NY 10464 FAX: 718-885-1572 (718) 885-1856 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. 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ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 436 St. Mary Star of the Sea, City Island, Bronx, NY (FX) Private Events & Tournaments • Weddings, Birthdays, Showers & Fundraisers 870 Shore Road, Bronx, NY 718-885-1258 x224 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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